0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 15, 2021
58 van 58
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 9.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

Assolutamente romantico

Eternal love o Three lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossom è stata l’ennesima sorpresa del genere xianxia.
Ne avevo sentito parlare in ogni dove ma non essendo interessata al genere ho sempre guardato oltre.
E ho fatto male, per le romanticone come me è una vera perla.
Il percorso e l’amore dei protagonisti tiene attaccati allo schermo senza mai annoiare, nonostante i ben 58 episodi.
Consiglio: se i primi 12 episodi vi fanno desistere dal continuare, non mollate, le cose si fanno più interessanti e chiare a partire dal 13esimo episodio.
Provare per credere!

All’inizio può risultare tutto un po’ confuso, non si capisce bene chi è chi e dove si voglia andare a parare, ma superati i primi dieci episodi si inizia la vera storia.
Una delle cose che più ho gradito è la separazione della vicenda in più blocchi: le varie vite che i protagonisti vivono con dinamiche e ambientazioni del tutto diverse.
Questo rende il tutto davvero più intricato e ricco di suspense perché fino alla fine non viene concesso il legame roseo e coccoloso dei protagonisti.
E in realtà il lieto fine non è nemmeno così scontato, risulta una speranza del pubblico dopo le innumerevole situazioni che si vengono a creare tra i due amanti.
Ammetto che molte di queste situazioni non siano proprio di estrema originalità, ma messe insieme nei tempi e spazi giusti rendino la vicenda ingarbugliata ma avvincente.
Senza dubbio poi qui si parla di amore con la A maiuscola, come ben promette il titolo.
Finalmente ho ritrovato l’intensità di un legame che rispecchia le sofferenze e la necessità dei protagonisti.
Oltretutto fino alla fine i colpi di scena non mancano, regalando quell’attesa di sapere che cosa accadrà anche negli ultimi capitoli conclusivi – cosa che non accade così spesso visto che di solito si parla di matrimoni, figli e compagnia bella.

Avevo letto alcune recensioni in cui si contestava la poca avvenenza del protagonista, elemento che, per carità, non incide sulla sua bravura come attore, ma che volente o nolente può incidere sul coinvolgimento di storie d’amore.
Questo è uno di quei casi in cui giudicare un libro dalla sua copertina risulta controproducente.
Mark Chao, pur non avendo lineamenti che spaccano lo schermo (de gustibus…), ha quel carisma sulla scena che ti coinvolge anche nelle piccole cose.
Quindi, anche se di primo acchito non vi attira, vi ritroverete a rimanerne affascinata e a fare il tifo per lui fino alla fine.
Mano a mano che andavo avanti con la storia ho iniziato anche ad apprezzare quella iniziale freddezza del suo personaggio, perché la sua comunicazione non verbale faceva tutto il resto: i suoi sguardi, le sua azioni, i suoi sorrisi, per non parlare dei suoi scatti inaspettati di gelosia, esprimono meravigliosamente le sue emozioni senza tanti discorsi superflui.
Yang Mi, l’attrice protagonista, non è da meno. L’evoluzione del suo personaggio è incredibile e soprattutto non risulta inverosimile, passando da troppa ingenuità e spensieratezza a una maturità troppo marcata.
Le altre coppie sinceramente non le ho notate, troppo concentrata sulla loro vicenda.

Complicità protagonisti
Che dire, evidente.
Pur non essendoci chissà che scene, i loro incontri sono sempre sul pezzo, sanno davvero emozionare con poco.
La seconda coppia personalmente non mi ha coinvolto allo stesso modo.
Skinship: come ho già detto i due protagonisti veicolano una buona intensità, non mancano i momenti in cui entrambi manifestano la necessità che hanno l’uno dell’altro.
Di certo ha aiutato il fatto che (finalmente) gli attori non sono ragazzi appena usciti dall’adolescenza.

Come negare che questa storia, con tutti i suoi alti e bassi, possa emozionare.
Farfalle nello stomaco assicurate.

Riconoscibili anche dopo molto tempo. Mi è capitato spesso di ritrovarle nelle playlist mentre ascoltavo altre colonne sonore di altre serie e riconoscerle all’istante, segno che risultano orecchiabili e coinvolgenti.

Love triangle
Presente all’inizio, ma il tutto si è perso strada facendo. Il senso della trama è appunto un amore viscerale, quindi un terzo in comodo avrebbe solo macchiato questo percorso.

Tutti i pezzi si incastrano sul finale, col sollievo di noi pubblico che volevamo ovviamente un lieto fine dopo 58 episodi di intrighi, separazioni, amnesie ecc.
Spoilero quindi per rassicurare, happy ending aka tutto è bene quel che finisce bene.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
apr 11, 2022
58 van 58
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

My favorite drama

One of the best Chinese fantasy dramas I have watched. No wonder it’s still one of the most watched. Superb cinematography, acting (especially Mark Chao), and beautiful OSTs (50+ pieces of music). Heartwarming love story balanced with funny moments, especially when little Ah-Li are on screen, he’s just so cute and smart! Mark Chao made Ye Hua character so amazing and give us all the feels.

When watching this drama, don’t be discouraged by the pace of episodes 1-10. If you bail before episode 10, then who would have missed the best godly male character in the whole cdramas, Ye Hua.

This drama really is the Ye Hua show, one who is fiercely dedicated to the one and only girl he ever loves. The only drama where ML doesn’t ever fall for the scheming of the other ladies wanting his affection. The only drama where the ML is truly dedicated to his love and shows it whenever he can. The only drama where the ML shows his vulnerabilities more than FL when it comes to his feelings. Oh, no shortages of skinship here. Mark Chao is also the best kisser in the cdramaland, in the best way. All other Chinese actors should take note.

I don’t care at all for the 2nd couple, Feng Jiu and Dong Hua, feel free to skip and it doesn’t ruin the enjoyment of watching this drama.

I love all other characters, Mo Yuan, Zhe Yan, 4th brother, Mi Gu and Ah-Li! They are just so endearing. This drama also has the best hair, compared to the other costume dramas. ?

I really enjoyed this drama, highly recommended.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 16, 2024
58 van 58
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

What a rollercoaster! (lot of spoilers, avoid reading if you don't want major spoilers)

This was one of the dramas that I put off watching for a while. Mainly because it has too many female antagonists trying to ensure the female lead's life is full of sufferings.
1. Xuan Nü: She fell in the love with Li Jing, a guy the FL was dating at the time. So, she put in some efforts to split them apart. However, the guy was really no angel. He claimed to love the FL but was easily seduced by the Xuan Nu. He found ways to justify being with her and didn't really put in any effort to stay with FL, resulting in the breakup and him getting married to Xuan Nu.
2. Su Jin: She had such a good beginning with Ye Hua. They could have been friends who shared each other troubles. Instead, she tried to force her attentions on him. When that didn't work, she did everything possible to make sure he didn't have happy life with anyone else, even when he clearly stated many times that he didn't care for her. But her schemes were the reason that the ML had to treat the FL like utter crap, and he also had his share of blame to take for that part. Anyways talking about Su Jin , she just didn't know when to admit defeat and made everyone miserable.
3. Miao Qing: Another person who liked the crown prince Ye Hua. She was easily manipulated by Su Jin into trying to seduce Ye Hua, who saw through it often enough.
4. Le Xu: Ye Hua's mother. I had expected her to treat Su Su fairly when she was in nine heavens, but her neglect was the worse. She was biased towards Su Jin and made sure to show it every time, not really seeing that she didn't have her son's best interest in heart. Even when everything was out in the open, she still kept Bai Qian from visiting her Ye Hua's body, showing that she really was so heartless.

One of the worst and repulsive characters was Hao De [Heavenly Lord]. I remember one thing he said to Ye Hua, "You can have as many concubines as you want but don't get tangled with a woman who'll lead you astray" He said so many misogynistic things that his character was hardly tolerable. He also was one of the people who allowed Su Jin to torment poor Su Su.

Now about the male lead (Ye Hua), there are times when you think he is adorable and then you just want to outright murder him for hurting Su Su so much.
The period when I hated him:
In the beginning when he tried to be indifferent to to her to protect her, I was thinking, okay i can roll with this punch. But then things took a drastic turn. When Su Jin framed Su Su, he leapt to his feet, picking up Su Jin and leaving a confused and a bit hearbroken Su Su behind, who was questioning her sanity at this point. He did this knowing that Su Jin framed Su Su, but he had to pretend that he didn't care much about Su Su. And if that wasn't enough, he took Su Su's eyes and gave it to Su Jin, quite unforgiveable in my books. But since I knew this show had a happy ending, I wanted to see how Ye Hua would redeem himself, that is if he could at all.
The period when he redeemed himself:
When Su Su jumped off the Zhu Xian Terrace, he dived in after her when he could have clearly stopped himself in time. Later, when he met her as Bai Qian, he went out of his way to be good to her. Even when he thought that Bai Qian might love Mo Yuan, he was okay with it as long as she had a little affection for him as well. Not only that, he also went through many challenges to bring Mo Yuan back to life for Bai Qian, knowing that she might choose Mo Yuan. Also, the Male lead has never been unfaithful. He hated Su Jin and didn't every look at any other women.

Mo Yuan (The one we all thought was the male lead): From the get go, it was easy to notice that Mo Yuan treated Si Jin (Bai Qian disguised as man) differently, with affection. But with the way Si Jin treated Mo Yuan, it was hard to guess if the devotion was one of purely of disciple towards that of a master or anything romantic. Had Ye Hua not existed, may be there would have been something between the two. When Mo Yuan came back to life, it was easy to see how bothered he was that Bai Qian loved Ye Hua. It was plain to see in his eyes. However, by the end of the show we could see that he had accepted it.

Let's talk about the female lead (Si Jin/Su Su/Bai Qian )
Its hard not to love Si Jin and her shenanigans. It was nice to her grow into someone who could lead an army alongside her brothers from Kunlun Mountain. Her loyalty to her master remains unchallenged. After she left the mountain with Mo Yuan's body, she continued to grow into her identity of Bai Qian, the great lady.
As Su Su, she was kind but had the worst fates. The words "this world can be so cruel to the kind," remind me of her. All of the people in the nine heavens messed her up. The only person who grieved her passing was Ye hua, for others she was just a passing mortal. She was so messed up that she left her child behind, something that I'm conflicted about. I don't like her for abandoning her child, but at the same time she was too messed up to care for one. Even when she regained her memories as Bai Qian, she made the decision to forget not just her worries but also her baby.

Coming to the story, when it comes to Bai Qian's identity as the monarch of Qingqiu, there were times when she didn't pull her weight. I felt the same way about the Mo Yuan, the god of war, especially when he came back to life. All the Xianxia dramas I have watched have so much corruption in the heavenly realm, starting with the emperor himself. So, there are a lot of characters we end up wanting to punch.

I have been binge watching continuously without even taking time to leave reviews, but this one made me want to take the time and write everything down! That's how much I was invested in it. Although the ML eventually grew on me, once in a while I let out that silly giggle because he kept reminding me of Professor Snape.

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Lopend 50/58
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 28, 2020
50 van 58
Lopend 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 10


I really like how mark chao portrayed his character ye hua. You'll see how on point he express his emotions through his eyes. I had my piles of cdramas but most of them would give off cringy yet cliche vibes. Those predictable plot with draggy episodes can be so discouraging to watch. But, Eternal love exceeded my expectations. I couldnt predict what happened next and that is why I really appreciate the work and creative writing they(productions)had manage to create.Im at ep 50 and I already don't want to finish the drama because I dont want it to end. It hurts to let go of such fine drama and since this is my first time reviewing a drama, the only thing I could say to you is watch Eternal Love!!! because its worth your the time and I hope my simple yet honest review can encourage you to watch the drama. You'll love it.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 12, 2017
58 van 58
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
This is one of my favorite dramas of all time. The story was well written, and the characters were easy to fall in love with. The side stories are amazing, and the OST is constantly on repeat in my car! I wish they would continue the story, as in the books, so that we can see the side stories have closure. Even so, this drama can stand on its own two feet. Worth watching, impossible to binge watch.. trust me. Haha!
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 3, 2018
58 van 58
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 10
first of all this is an amzing drama that everyone should watch.If that isnt enough the characters are such a badass that you will feel happy and satiesfied as the just doesnt let anyone off the hook and be such a forgiving leads like the other drama.the plot itself is amzing as it doesnt have any dragging whis is really rare in chinese historical drama.i also like the fact that both of the leads is powerful by their own.The emotion is this drama is just overwhelming as i cried laugh and get mad so much.All in all please do not fell hesitate bout watching this drama as it really worth everything

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 8, 2018
58 van 58
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
To all who have plans to watch this .,i strongly recommend it .If you have a little patience i suggest you starr in episode 11 coz that is where the story start to build up ,once youre hooked already up to you to go back to epi 1..but i bet if you watch this youll be hooked just like the rest of us..ive been rewatching this ovef 20 timds and still didnt get bored. I think ive fallen greatly with this drama.
Chemistry of the leads are so powrrful,costume were so nice..Ost is so enchanting that once youve heard it play you will long to watch the drana again. Episode 11 to 58 were all highlights of the drama.,oh my God all that episode are great nothing to skip.
After finishing this drama so hard for you to look for another drama that will ntice you.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 30, 2021
58 van 58
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 5.0

Amazing but Nothing Exceptional

THE Eternal Love. I've tried to watch it before but dropped it multiple times because of how SLOW the start is. The first 10 episodes were a pain to get through. There's a lot of details to understand and people to meet. The relationships between the people might confuse you. After the 10th or 11th episode, everything started to make sense, but the romance was lacking. Then Bai Qian (Yang Mi) is forced to be a mortal, and the story really picks up. Just hold on till then.

When Bai Qian turns mortal, her name becomes Susu. Ye Hua (Mark Chao) falls in love with her. Ye Hua and Susu was an amazing, show-stopping, swoon-worthy couple. I was so invested in them. They were the cutest. However, when Susu went to heaven with Ye Hua, she was bullied. Susu was a pure soul, and she really did not deserve to be treated like that. All I could think about was, "if you love me, let me go". She really does leave after becoming blind and giving birth alone. It was really heart-breaking. Ye Hua and Susu have an ill-fated ending, and that was their second lifetime.

Then Susu becomes immortal again and becomes High Goddes Bai Qian, who I did not like as much. She was supposed to be stronger and wiser. Except she wasn't. At the start, she came off as such a boss bitch. She was a queen and put everyone in their place. Her love story with Ye Hua was slow but sizzling. Ye Hua was the best character in this lifetime. Bai Qian was a good character, but I personally felt like she acted stupid in the end. The ending frustrated me, although it was a happy ending. The story felt so dragged, and I was disappointed because the misunderstanding could've easily been solved through proper communication. But alas, it's over, and it was a good plot.

I wished that Ye Hua had more personality, but I still loved his character. Bai Qian got on my nerves at the end, but again I loved Yang Mi. She played the role really well. I ABSOLUTELY ADORED THE SIDE STORIES. I'm elated about the spin-off. Dong Hua and Fengjiu deserve it. THE ACTING AND CHEMISTRY WAS IMPECCABLE FOR THE MAIN AND SIDE COUPLE.

The evil characters were just sub-plots. All of them stood in the way of our main couple and were dumb. No bigger plot drove the story except the romance. This is very unusual writing, especially in a c-drama. There was no major conflict, and it made me go insane because it felt anti-climatic at some points. There were mini-climaxes. I was waiting for the significant climax, which I thought involved Mo Yuan, but he was just another boulder for Ye Huan and Bai Qian. AGAIN, the Mo Yuan plot didn't drive the story. ALSO, most of the Gods and Goddesses were pretty fooking useless. Only Mo Yuan, Dong Hua, Yi Zhen and Ye Hua did stuff. Others just watched. A lot of them were pretty endearing, but I hated the rest. I'm looking at you, the whole of Ye Hua's family. The boy deserved better.

The music matched every scene and brought out all the emotions. The CGI... we don't talk about it. Just pretend it was good. I can't help you with that.

Anyhow, there were some faults with it which is why I believe Eternal Love is not exceptional but it is worth watching.

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Ley Zu
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
apr 13, 2021
58 van 58
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 6.0

I'm really irritated that this is plagiarized because it's actually good; here's the tea

It's pretty much common knowledge in China that TangQi, the "author" of the book this drama was based on, plagiarized another novel practically word for word. They just changed the characters' names and some location names. The book they plagiarized from was originally a book about a homosexual couple, which is looked down upon in China, so when outrage and legal drama ensued, guess who had the upper hand? TangQi made a fake account and pretended to be the original author to further lower the original author's reputation by harassing people online. She then taunted the original author by saying she's the one who got her book made into a drama, not her. They're both women btw. Anyways I'm pissed at the studio because they bought the rights to the drama even while the plagiarism scandal was ongoing.
Later, TangQi was nominated for the White Lotus Award, an award for plagiarists. Here's the link: https://supchina.com/2017/11/01/literary-award-plagiarists-chinas-latest-society-culture-news/amp/
White Lotus is slang for scheming, backstabbing bitch that acts innocent.

Basically the drama is good, but the book it's based on is 99% the hard work of someone else.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 3, 2017
58 van 58
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
very good drama. totally epic indeed, and the CGI is better than most dramas. The episodes are short and condensed. Suggestion: start at or try it out at episode 14th til the end and then come back to watch from ep 1 onwards.

Everyone acting is good in this one, but the actor playing Zhe Yan is my favourite. People would skip the second leads pair parts but I watched it all. It can get boring if you dont like Di Jun and Feng Jiu pair. If you think the story needs more progressing then you can skip their parts.
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 8, 2020
58 van 58
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 10


I loved this series, the cast and story line were brilliant and it kept you intrigued. There were some parts were i really wanted to scream, especially at the little fox for being so desperate and at times silly, but her love and determination was amazing, also her aunt at times for being so dumb and not seeing what was right in front of her. I could have done with a different ending though.

For me the best scene was the kid, he was so amazing and so cute, the things he would come up with.
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 21, 2021
58 van 58
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 6.0

there's just something about this one

it's been a few years since I've watched this and I stand by my initial impressions and rating: this kind of role is perfect for yang mi, who admittedly has a limited acting range (though I do enjoy what she does put out). but zhao youting really carried every interaction. the OST is really quite beautiful, as is the overall atmosphere and mood. the story could have been condensed, but overall everything worked well together and it's still a drama where if I hear the opening OST, I'll get chills from the emotions it brings back.
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Eternal Love (2017) poster



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