Histoire classique mais traitée de main de maître !
J'ai fini hier soir "BTIMFL" et je peux dire tout de suite que j'ai vraiment beaucoup aimé ce drama !Le gros plus à mes yeux c'est l'opposition constante entre un jugement sans concession sur la société traditionnelle coréenne axé essentiellement sur le mariage, et le désir de trouver malgré tout sa place dans cette société, avec les concessions que cela demande.
Nous avons trois couples bien différents et pourtant très proches par l'amitié indéfectible qui unit les trois femmes, et deux des hommes et à travers eux nous allons aborder des problématiques aussi diverses que le harcèlement sexuel, le pouvoir de la belle-famille (changer sa bru en esclave ), le patriarcat, le désir de sortir justement de ces archétypes , et surtout un questionnement permanent sur : qu'est-ce que le mariage en Corée ? (il y a des aspects universels mais quand même l'enracinement coréen est dominant, ce qui est normal ! )
La force du drama vient de la maîtrise parfaite des dialogues, excellents et des idées fortes et justes qu'ils véhiculent (un exemple : "le seul fait d'avoir vécu hier ne signifie pas que vous savez tout sur aujourd'hui". "On ne prend pas, on ne vole pas un cœur, il vient, c'est tout") toujours bien en situation.
Mais il ne faut pas croire que c'est un drama prêchi-prêcha ennuyeux et moralisateur ! Que nenni ! Il y a beaucoup d'humour, de la tendresse et de l'émotion en pagaille, et c'est soutenu par un scénario archi-classique mais bien construit qui donne un support solide aux dialogues en restant suffisamment en retrait. Pas besoin d'une intrigue palpitante, ce n'est pas l'essentiel du propos et le cliché qui arrive est désamorcé aussitôt, comme par exemple l'entrée en scène de l'ex qui ne correspond pas, mais pas du tout à l'ex vile morue classique !
Un gros plus : les femmes ! Ce sont elles qui mènent la danse, prennent des initiatives, font le premier pas, s'avouent leurs sentiments, et même carrément le désir physique, sont lucides, savent ce qu'elles veulent, ne cassent pas leurs talons tous les 10 m en poussant des petits cris d'oiselles effarouchées, d'ailleurs elles ont de "vraies" chaussures, un détail peut-être, mais qui en dit long ! Ce sont les hommes qui ne savent pas, ne comprennent pas, se trompent (mon Dieu la rigolade quand PDG Ma se trompe sur la signification de la chambre 19 !! j'en ris encore ! ).
Autre gros plus : les interprètes filles et garçons, vraiment excellents, premiers et seconds rôles, et là aussi l'originalité est de mise, avec surtout PDG Ma, si ouvert, si clair dans ses sentiments, et son désir d'apprivoiser coûte que coûte Soo Ji mais avec légèreté et gravité à la fois et toujours l'humour sous-jacent. Bien sûr Sae Hae est particulier, mais des ténébreux mystérieux qu'il faut déverrouiller, ,ça c'est déjà vu, bien que celui-là soit particulièrement gratiné ! Mais tout de suite on découvre son honnêteté fondamentale, son sens aigu de la justice, son souci permanent des autres même si ce n'est pas toujours évident car la façon dont il s'y prend le ferait plutôt passer pour un vrai sociopathe !
Le troisième, eh bien il est sous l'emprise de celle qu'il adore, un femme-enfant capricieuse et charmante qui le fait passer par des trous de souris depuis 7 ans ! date fatidique à laquelle les couples commencent souvent à s'interroger !
L'héroïne principale est vraiment du genre que j'adore, la tête sur les épaules, mais du rêve quand même, lucide (ce mot m'est souvent venu en tête en regardant le drama ) sur le monde et ses sentiments, et j'ai aimé la façon dont elle met à l'épreuve son couple, bien que le coup
Le classique "je t'aime mais je te quitte" on aurait pu s'en dispenser, mais pas de la rigolade avec la Mongolie et la rue Insa-dong !!! Heureusement que l'épisode 16 rattrape bien le coup !
J'ai aimé la fin même pour le troisième couple, parce qu'après tout accepter la vie qui rendra heureuse la femme qu'on aime parce qu'on ne peut pas vivre sans elle, ça se défend et c'est aussi un choix de vie, je trouve, même si la vie que veut Ho rang c'est justement rentrer dans le jeu social traditionnel et se sentir "en appartenance" (magnifique explication étologique de Sae hae, en passant ! ) Les deux autres couple me font espérer que peut-être les jeunes Coréens commencent à secouer le joug confucianiste du poids des anciens, même si ce n'est que dans un drama, mais je crois que ceux-ci sont le reflet de la société qui les produit !
Alors le moins pour moi, c'est comme toujours : les chansons !!! Il y en a plein, elles passent tout le temps, et malheureusement V... affiche les paroles qui s'intercalent sans arrêt dans les dialogues, et ça c'est pénible, d'autant que c'est juste le genre de chansons que je supporte difficilement ! Mais bon, c'est minime, quand même au vu de l'excellence du reste !
Je conseille donc fortement, même s'il a déjà été bien vu ici !
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Where should I start? Everything was so perfect in my opinion. The chemistry between the leads was by far one of the best I've seen in dramaland, it was cute, heartwarming and it felt so real. The stories of the rest of the characters were also very interesting ; I enjoyed watching the 2 other couples so the episodes never felt too long or boring. I think this drama was not as cliche as other rom-com I've seen, the lead couple acted very maturely, the ex was not annoying at all, there were no misunderstandings and no fights for no reason. This drama has also one of my favorite OST (Moonmoon <3). I usually never rewatch dramas, but I might rewatch this one because I already miss it!
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Great lead actors with tons of chemistry, amazing supporting cast, wonderful OST.
It's funny, romantic and deep all at once. It definitively became one of my favourites.
Last but not least, I found refreshing that more and more K-dramas are finally including believable physical interactions, even when they're not actually shown. Apparently, producers are slowly realizing they can have their characters talk about and have sex without being too hypocritical about it or turning the show into a porn. This is one of those (recent) cases and I'm genuinely surprised.
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The acting was spot on. You put a great actress and actor together that just know what they're doing and they do it well. You have people that all around clicked and just entertaining families in general and it was great. ALSO THOUGH SHOUT OUT TO MY GURL BO MI. She out here, to my fellow pink pandas. Lmao.
The OST was nice, very fitting, loved it.
Would I rewatch it? I would on a rainy day. Like today was for me. On a day where I just have time and I need something that is easy going. It was long but flew by. I didn't feel the need to forward through draggy parts and all that. It never crossed my mind honestly.
So to those who stated this show was a hidden gem. They were not incorrect. This show was definitely a gem.
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There wasn't a moment in the entire 16 episodes when i got bored, the story was simple but yet so well written, this show taught me some of the best quotes to remember and the dialogue delivery by both jung so min and lee min ki was amazing, especially the narration parts by jung so min were so beautiful, there is just something so soothing about her voice that it grasps your attention AND makes you feel nice!
The entire show was so realistic in describing human emotions, feelings and relationships that one couldn't help but feel connected to the story.
Each episode was eye opening and made me introspect about my own life.
The side stories of their friends were so cute as well! and they showed different types of relationships different people have.
And the last few episodes made me bawl my eyes out but the emotional ride was worth it because the ending was just perfect, it honestly couldn't have been better, i know some would disagree but if you watch the drama carefully you will understand why she did that.
If someone actually read my entire review and reached the end...THANKS!!! <3
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I did NOT plan to get that invested...
Have you ever randomly clicked on a show just to have something playing in the background as you do something else? This was one of those shows for me, only when I clicked it, I fully intended to just let it play as I went about my work buuuuut... from the moment it started - there was no cutting it off. Even my family stopped what they were doing to start watching this show.My ONLY warning to you if you see this show and want to watch it, clear your schedule because you are about to miss a lot of sleep to finish this show.
I ended up loving every single one of the characters.... and I do mean Every. Single. One. Those from the start that you just hate with a passion and want to hit with a car.... loved. Lol. Hats off to the writer of this show because it is really hard to take a hated character and make them loved. Least for me it is. Because when I hate someone, there is no changing it. Lol. It goes to show that the growth of all of the characters are powerful.
The twists man. Oh gosh!! This is the PERFECT example of the quote "that's what you get for assuming." *hides in shame* I was so ready to hate so many of these characters only to have it shoved in my face that what I *thought* was actually HELLA FREAKING WRONG!!!
Because This Is My First Life is one of those shows that you need to watch every single scene though because you'll be lost for a while if you don't. Not that I minded; it was like crack. Lol When I finally did need sleep - I had to actually force myself to shut it off. Which... did last long, mind you. Like I said, it's crack. Hahaha
I want to say this is probably the first drama I have watched where I haven't completely ripped into something or someone. X_X Though don't get me wrong, there was one character I love/hated. He was such a amazing person in the end but he reminded me of someone that makes my skin crawl. So it was always mixed feelings with him.
"Sounds like a personal problem to me." Lol - it is, bro. It is.
So do yourself a favor, check the show out. You know you wanna.
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Acting/Cast - 10/10: Incredible chemistry between all of them. The way they interact with each other doesn't feel fake in any way. There are so many moments that made my heart melt.
Music - 10/10: The OSTs are incredible. I didn't pay attention to the music much in the drama but I feel like it indirectly influenced my emotions as well.
Rewatch Value - 10/10: Writing this review actually makes me want to rewatch the drama even though I'm currently watching a different one right now. I don't usually like to rewatch dramas so giving this such a high rating really means something.
I truly think that anybody can enjoy this drama, but especially romcom genre lovers. There are so many sweet moments in this. I was actually hesitant on watching this in the beginning but now, I am so glad that I did not skip it. It definitely became one of my favorites. I definitely recommend it!
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but bok nam, the beautiful little potato, i fall in love with every single time i see him, and he isn't given half of enough credit. he should have an entire mini series to himself, oof. he was my overall favorite character, and came first to the badass woman's boyfriend (i'm sorry i just finished watching and can't remember his name) who i'd rank second as my favorite character because of his idiocy but he's just adorable.
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Que roteiro maravilhoso!
Não consigo parar de pensar nesse kdrama!! Simplesmente me conquistou jáno primeiro episódio quando o personagem do ator Lee Min Ki fala:
"Tempo é somente o momento atual."
Não tem 1 ano que sai de uma crise de maturidade exatamente sobre o tempo,
de como o tempo é relativo e que o presente é vida!
Então continuando assistindo pq é maravilhoso completamente, tem muitas referências literárias,
fiquei sedenta por mais. Os dois leem um livro juntos que se chama: 'Embora nada mude se vc chorar.'
E ele lendo meu chamou a atenção esse trecho:
"Palavras nascem da boca da pessoa e morrem no ouvido da pessoa.
Mas algumas palavras não morrem. E entra no coração da pessoa
e continua vivendo."
Não sei se o livro é real, mais realmente fiquei muito curiosa pra ler o livro todo! Ai que vontade de
ler em coreano, que delícia de seriado, vi em 4 dias e passou voando!! É surpreendente a evolução do
personagem Nam See Hee e como me encanta a interpretação do ator Lee Min Ki! Me conquistou!!
Vou carregar esse kdrama dentro do meu coração pro resto da vida!!
Nota 10 em tudo!! Amei, que história adulta e feminina!!
Tem tantas resenhas legais aqui, mas decidi que não tinha como ficar calada e não compartilhar
minhas palavras de satisfação em ver um kdrama tão bom assim!!
Because this is my first life! Because i loved!
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My favourite drama ever probably
I love this drama. I love the setting, the characters, the story and just everything really. I do get the complaints about Ji-ho in the last few eps, I really get it, I didn't like it either. However, I love the rest so much that I can just ignore it and forget it ever happened lol. The couple from this show is probably my favourite drama couple ever, I loved how they talked and interacted with each other, ugh I just loved everything about this drama. The secondary characters were also solid and entertaining and I really liked them. Everything was just perfect to me. 10/10.Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
realistic and refreshing
The premis is new, but it's so relatable especially for people in 25+ age group. This drama shows you how different people in their age group has concerns about love and marriage. What I like the most about the story is that the main leads have unique way of thinking about that issue. This drama doesn't suggest you the "right" answer to the concern, but rather give you the assurance that you can find your own way or the best method to overcome that issues. The actors are incredible, the setting is unique, the story is refreshing and satisfying. Worth to watch! I already watched it multiple times :DVond je deze recentie nuttig?
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Just ok
The concept and direction of the relationships were at times very realistic. It's so true that love and marriage are not the same thing.However, the timing of the conflicts at the end (episode 15!?) gave so little time for viewers to really process the resolution.
The stalker storyline was bad and added pretty much nothing to the story. The main woman Jiho had a dull personality, not crazy like the other characters claimed she was. I had zero rooting interest for her. She isn't bad, but I honestly didn't care of she had a happy or sad ending. The other characters had me rooting for them.
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