unknown .360
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 26, 2020
50 van 50
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

the story is already great but the actors/casts brought the characters to life! The drama is unlike any other, it doesn’t depicts petty things and the sacrifices made in the story are hardcore. Most dramas that I’ve watched are somewhat predictable because it only gives a one path to follow, but while watching the untamed drama, it got me curious and exited at every scene, it got many turn of events or plot twist that makes it so hard to predict the next happenings.

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1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 16, 2020
50 van 50
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

Very captivating series!

The first time I watched the series makes me addicted to it. It gives you all kinds of emotions by watching it. The movie has a wonderful story and one thing I learned from it was that no matter how good you are or how much you helped towards others, there are still people who will judge, betray, and envy you. Just like Wei Wuxian, he's a carefree lad that's ready to help whenever he sees one, but most people misunderstood him and some even take advantage of his ability but luckily there are people who truly believe in him.
I could totally recommend this series because it's totally worth watching. I've watched the series over a hundred times and I won't get sick of it because I really love how the story goes. The music was great as a perfect match for the series.
I was amazed at how the actors portray well in their character especially Xiao Zhan! He's one of a kind actor, a very talented one.

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1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 9, 2023
50 van 50
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.5

L'indompté, histoire de la gloire et de la charge d'un tel surnom.

Comment résumer une histoire aussi foisonnante ? Alors il y a deux héros, Wei Xiang et Lan Zhan, il y a les clans, avec leurs chefs et leurs disciples, il y a les passions humaines (ambition, avidité, orgueil, frustration, mais aussi fidélité, amitié, honneur, générosité) et tout cela dans un univers de magie, parfois de sorcellerie… Lan Zhan appartient au clan Lan, celui du Creux des Nuages, et Wei Xian au clan Jiang, celui de la Jetée du Lotus… Il y a le clan Jin, et le clan Nie, et d’autres, et surtout le clan Wen dont le chef Wen Ruowan veut les réunir tous pour tous les dominer (ça éveille un souvenir ? c’est que le fond de l’histoire en revient toujours à la lutte fondamentale du Bien et du Mal… ) Mais quel est le bien ? Où est le mal ? Pourquoi défendre des personnes innocentes menacées(c’est le Bien) pourrait entraîner une catastrophe pour le clan de celui qui s’y aventure et la mort d’autres innocents(et voilà le Mal) ? Une société ne peut-elle fonctionner que si personne ne sort des clous ? (je rappelle que le drama est chinois, curieux, non ?) Celui qui voudra vivre selon ses propres choix devra-t-il mourir, et revenir pour souffrir encore du même ostracisme ? (Oui, dans cet univers magique, on peut mourir et revenir, et c’est quand même bien pratique ! ) Et pire que tout, devra-t-il assumer que c’est parce qu’il est l’Indompté que la mort et la guerre le suivent ? L’individualité doit-elle forcément détruire le bien de la communauté ? (là on pourrait être au Japon ! ) Celui par qui le scandale arrive… Le scandale, c’est de choisir de sauver un ami au détriment du clan, de reconnaître une dette et la respecter même envers une personne du clan ennemi, en gros c’est de troubler les eaux calmes de l’ordre établi ! Cet homme-là, s’il a la chance de ne pas être lynché, finira seul sur sa route, en compagnie de son âne… Seul ? Non, je je ne veux pas le croire, car peut-être… Mais ceci est une autre histoire !
Tout ce discours sur l’indompté solitaire, c’est bien sûr centré sur Wei Xian, magnifiquement incarné par Xiao Zhan, qui donne à la fois la gaîté, l’espièglerie, ou la gravité, l’intelligence et l’émotion à un personnage complexe et remarquablement bien écrit.
Mais à tout Yin(toujours en noir), il faut un Yang(toujours en blanc, et jamais une salissure, ça c’est beau !! ), et là arrive Lan Zhan, Impassible la plupart du temps (il doit sourire trois fois)mais son regard sait en dire beaucoup. Wang Yi Bo l’incarne parfaitement, et même s’il n’a pas dû se torturer à apprendre son texte, sa rare parole est toujours très signifiante, la voix du doubleur parfaite dans son registre grave (et ce que je regrette que ce ne soient pas les leurs, de voix !) Sa présence auprès de Wei Xiang est un écho parfait et les parties où ils sont ensemble sont certainement les plus belles, non, plutôt les plus émouvantes, car, bien sûr, le sentiment jamais formulé mais constamment ressenti entre ces deux-là est l’armature étincelante de cette histoire improbable de sorts, malédictions, Essence d’Or et autres vertus spirituelles cultivées. Oui, ils peuvent voler sur leurs épées ou faire sortir un fouet de lumière d’un bracelet, mais ce qui tient tout ça debout, c’est le chagrin d’un fils renié par son père qui l’entraînera dans les chemins les plus sombres, c’est la douleur d’un enfant élevé sans sa mère, c’est la peine d’un frère que son aîné rejette parce qu’il ne le comprend pas ! Dans cette histoire, on peut voir que parfois une trop grande générosité peut-être insupportable à celui qui en a bénéficié (magnifique scène ente Wei Xiang et Jing Cheng)ou comment la volonté de comprendre même le pire peut-être manipulée et bafouée quand l’âme a été détruite par l’injustice(l’échange entre Lan Xichen et Jin GuangHyao).
Devrait-on parler de chef d’œuvre ? Non ! Il est clair que le souci de la ligne temporelle narrative n’a pas beaucoup gêné les scénaristes ! J’avoue qu’au niveau de l’épisode 25 j’ai revu le 1 et le 2 parce que j’avais oublié des évènements et des personnages…Mais peut-être que de jeunes mémoires… ^_^ Parfois ça traîne un peu puis on tombe dans une ellipse abyssale et pourtant l’ensemble est trop long… je me souviens d’une scène où un personnage disparu revient, le héros lui dit « reste là, attends-moi je reviens… » puis est pris par d’autres occupations et on ne saura jamais comment l’autre est sorti de ses chaînes… Mais à d’autres moment, au détour de l’intrigue, on découvre un pan de l’histoire qu’on croyait seulement oublié dans un coin, et ça donne une scène de révélation sublime d’émotion, et d’humanité à la fois simple et complexe, car il peut être très difficile de dire merci ! (Jiang Cheng et Wen Wing)
Les combats ne sont pas les meilleurs que j’aie vus, et il y a des effets spéciaux un peu… médiocres, disons pour rester gentilles ! Mais il y a l’idée superbe d’utiliser le son de la flûte, ou les accords d’une cithare aussi bien pour maîtriser des esprits mauvais que pour servir d’arme, d’où la musique superbe du drama !
Mais pour je ne sais quelle raison, ce drama dégage une atmosphère particulièrement prenante, addictive, on entre en empathie avec tous les personnages, même les méchants, car leur méchanceté n’est pas gratuite, mais due comme souvent à un grand sentiment de frustration et d’injustice. Enfin, il y a aussi un méchant rien que méchant, bien noir, mais sans lui, pas d’histoire ! ^_^
Je sais que c’est inspiré d’un roman BL, et je vois tout à fait où se place l’histoire d’amour ! C’est peut-être la retenue imposée à ce sentiment jamais clairement exprimé qui donne à ce drama cette fascinante attractivité. C’est peut-être aussi la force des passions humaines bonnes ou mauvaises, et cette belle musique qui soutient très bien les scènes épiques, ou poétiques. Il y a aussi des paysages grandioses, sublimes et des costumes d’une élégante sobriété, accentuée par les longues chevelures, donnant aux personnages une allure princière, et ajoutant aux combats des envols de jupes extrêmement esthétiques !

Bref, pour résumer, je l’ai adoré, je le recommence, là, tout de suite, et je vous le conseille fortement !!
Edit : une fois vu, je conseille l’article de Wikipedia sur le drama, très éclairant surtout sur l’usage et la déterminations des différents noms des personnages !

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 20, 2022
50 van 50
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

i love this shit man

I was quite sceptical at first, to be honest. I have been avoiding this drama for like months just cause it was set in the dynasty era. It was my preference lmao BUT when I started watching, man I LOVED IT.

I found out there were many other adaptations of this drama (some that were produced before this drama and some after) but I've never watched any of it, hence I was new to the whole storyline. I do agree, it was confusing at first. But, that's just how it is when you start watching a new series, it takes time for ya to understand what's going on. It is safe to say though, I have a minor PTSD whenever a flashback comes on any other series' lmao.

Jokes aside, the acting is so good, especially Wang Yibo not having many lines compared to the other actors, he is so good at expressing his emotions and Xiao Zhan's playful yet serious acting got me binge-watching the series. All other actors including Wang Zhuocheng, Xuan Lu (omg I love her scenes), Yu Bin, Zhu Zanjin and SO MANY OTHERS, literally it's the best drama ever. The bromance is to die for, although it is not intimate, I love it this way, the unsubtly subtle romance between Lan Zhan and Wei Ying is so cute.

The music is just chef's kiss. I love the theme song, listening to it tears me up until now, I'm a sucker for classical music so the music in this series is just so good, I love them. But yeah, honestly, in conclusion, 50 episodes seemed A LOT but I NEED MORE TvT

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
apr 1, 2020
50 van 50
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 9.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten
I’ve seen a lot of wuxia and almost xianxia movies and drama in cdrama world but this one doesn’t contain so much of cringey scenes, not at all, however as a bl fan I can say that’s really appropriate for the scenes and the story since they only took those I can say worthy to be adapted live. Without those explicit romance I still cannot say that they wasn’t not love between the characters because the actors did pretty well in conveying their message with chemistry. I could say that the Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan, just by watching this, do have feelings for one another. If I haven’t read the novel nor watch the animated version, I’d still say the same. Most bl genre shows explicit romance so most bl fans would expect the same but not me, I really praise the writer and the rest behind the scenes who made this live action drama possible, they made it wonderfully and casted perfectly even without proper works prior to this—I’m talking about the supporting roles, particularly Jiang Cheng and Wen Ning’s actors! They totally amazed me. As for the music, it is amazing. It expresses the emotion that they cannot convey directly through conversation so those songs not only brought life but also story behind the character and their actions.

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daavka ch
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
sep 1, 2021
50 van 50
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
Хятад кинонд дуртай болсон шалтгаан. Эхнээс нь анги алгасалгүй 4-5 удаа үзсэн. Анх трайлер болон киноны тухайг хараад өрөгтэй гол дүрүүдтэй кино байхаар ямар ч романс байхгүй гэж бодоод үзэх нээх сонирхол төрөөгүй ч дараа нь үзсэндээ их сэтгэл хангалуун байсан. Гол дүрийн жүжигчидээ алдар нэрд авчирсан сайхан бүтээл, кино зохиолч мөн их таалагдсан. Өмнө нь Yibo-г мэддэг байсан ч энэ киноноос хойш бүр илүү дуртай болсон. Yibo, Xiao Zhan 2-ланд нь үнэхээр их дуртай болсоон. Цаашид дахин хамтарвал их сайхан байна. Гэхдээ бусад бүх уран бүтээлүүдийг нь ч мөн шимтэн үзэх болно.

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1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 29, 2020
50 van 50
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10


I have watched countless dramas from different genres and from different countries, and I can confidently say that I have never watched a drama as amazing as this. It has been months since I finished the drama and this has become my favorite drama of ALL-TIME. Most people would first doubt if they should watch this because during the production process of this drama, the general public had mixed reviews. Regardless, once the drama came out, the show was well-received despite having no veteran actors join the cast.

The plotline was slightly confusing at first, especially to those who have not read the novel or manhua, or watched the donghua, but please do not let this discourage you and give this drama a chance. It gets so much better as the episodes progress, especially on the episodes around 20-35. It has a complicated and unique storyline that will make you never forget about this drama.

The acting exceeded my expectations. I never really had high expectations as the actors were mostly new, but they truly outdid themselves. Not only did the 2 main leads have such amazing chemistry, despite removing the BL element to pass China's censorship, but the supporting actors were just as good. I personally loved Wen Ning's character, Paul Yu really did an amazing job of portraying the character.

The OST was really well done and I love how the actors had a song dedicated to each of their characters. The duet of Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan for the theme song is just pure perfection. I also love how they used a lot of traditional instruments for the OSTs.

I salute the production crew behind this drama for outdoing themselves and creating a masterpiece despite the struggles they had to face during production from investors pulling out and receiving hate from anti-BL people and MDZS readers. I also salute Wang Yibo for keeping a professional mindset and still pushed to play the role of LWJ despite several fans leaving him after hearing that he playing the main role in a BL novel adaptation, I can't imagine anyone else playing the role of LWJ and doing an amazing job as he did. Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo truly deserve the awards and new fans that they gained from this drama.

I sacrificed sleep because I was so into this drama. This drama made me feel all kinds of emotions that no other drama has ever put me through. After finishing the entire drama, I couldn't watch any new dramas for a month and spent all my time watching the special edition of this drama, the live concerts, fan-made videos, interviews, behind-the-scenes, and read the manhua version. I just couldn't let go of all the characters of the drama because I grew so attached to them.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 17, 2022
50 van 50
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 9.0
First off, I love this drama so much. I've watched this drama so many times, I also watched the donghua. If you want to watch 'The Untamed' but find it too long for you, I recommend watching the special edition or you can watch the donghua which consists of 35 episodes with the span of maybe 20-25 minutes per episode. The donghua is a lot more fast-paced btw.

The Untamed is a masterpiece, the storyline, the acting, the music, the costumes are also really good. However, the CGI, the camera angles, the set, the editing is not so much of a masterpiece. From the very first episode, you can see that the nevernight set looks really cheap. And during the Sunshot campaign when Wen Ruohan uses the Yin Iron to control some cultivators, the costumes look quite unpleasing to the eye. I have no idea if this drama is a low-budget drama or not btw. And also if you watched the donghua, the scene where Wei Ying comes back as a demonic cultivator was so epic. The scene in the drama was um not so epic. The 30+ episode flashback was also kinda unnecessary. I kinda wished they would've shown Wei Ying's past the way they did it in the donghua.

The acting is really good. I mean like RLY GOOD. Wyb manages to portray Lan Zhan so perfectly. In practically every shot, you can see his character's emotion just by looking into his eyes. Xz's portrayal of Wei Ying was omg so good. Especially after Wei Ying switched to demonic cultivation. You could see the drastic change in his personality. Also, I have no idea why but how on earth is Xz so capable of portraying Wei Ying's pain?!

Overall, I recommend this drama BUT only after u watched the donghua.

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1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mrt 19, 2021
50 van 50
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 9.0

Initially confusing but later on too good!

I don't know how people who have been watching Chinese historical dramas feel about this, but as my first Chinese drama, I enjoyed this a lot! Even now after watching so many other historicals, untamed has a special place in my heart. Even rewatched it many times. I watched this before reading the novel btw. and the novel is even more better. I think the cast for Wei wuxian is very well done. Became a wangxian lover for life. Go for it if u love a playful MC who turns dark. Are the supposedly bad people really bad?
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 4, 2021
50 van 50
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 9.0

The untamed is a story with charms.

I just finished watching the untamed. Really a nice drama. I have no words to tell. Really soothing and mesmerizing music it has.? ?? The acting is superb.The plot line is well knitted with a lot of curiosity.The wardrobe and the make up is amazing. The cinematography of the series is excellent with the using of maximum technology nowadays. This is A masterpiece really !! ❤️❤️❤️ Actually I am not in to chinese dramas. But after watching this I really understand why people luv and go crazy after watching this.It is said that this drama was adopted from a chinese novel about #BL #bromance and the director has removed the BL content from the drama as China bans LGBTQ content from television and films. Anyway this is really nice than watching Boy -girl drama.?However this is really really fascinating drama with charms!!! I was recommended to watch this by one of my friends and I am motivated to watch this drama by reading reviews in the MDL Thank you all for who let me know that such a nice drama is existing !!! !❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I recommend this for all who love wuxia with fantasy and mystery !!!
#TheUntamed #WeiWuxian #lanxhan #wuxia #historical #fantasy #romance #brotherhood #friendship #mistery

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 10, 2020
50 van 50
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
This hits #1 on my favorites list for Asian movies/series. Why? Because this one at the end of it all left me with a feeling I could not describe or even put in to words, which is saying a lot because I write poetry. I watch a lot of Netflix which is where I began to fall in love with Asian movies/series. I turned Netflix on one Saturday Night and this one was on the top running a trailer. I was intrigued so I watched a couple episodes, but since I was tired I had to get some sleep in. When I woke up Sunday I went right back to watching this series. I was so engrossed in it that I called in sick Monday because I had not gotten any sleep and I wanted to finish it. I read one review that talked about the novel this series was adapted from had confessions and some steamy scenes in it. I did not need the confession or the steamy scenes to understand that their was more than just friendship developing between Wei and Lan. But to truly understand this development, you have to watch the series. I am afraid to watch it again, because I am afraid the feeling it gave me the first time would disappear. But, when I am ready, I will watch it again.
Let me just say, if you have read the book before this series came out, you will be at least a little disappointed. Why? Because it will never be how you pictured every character and scene within your own mind. Which is why I do not watch movies or series adapted from a novel I have already read.

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Heidy Gabriela
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 26, 2020
50 van 50
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
This drama is just such an interesting one, there's a extraordinary way yo envolve you in the history, just beautiful. It's just a 10/10 i really enjoy the drama and it makes me.read the book, wich is just as awesome as the drama. I don't regret anything about seeing this drama, i realky recommend all to.see this one, it's so interesting and sureky you're going to.enjoy if you like this theme. Already see this one at least three times, it's so enjoyable absolutly haha. The history of wei wuxian and lan wangji it's so deep blue, for both of them, and i really had a bad time seeing both of them suffering for diferent subjects

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The Untamed (2019) poster



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  • Gerangschikt: #57
  • populariteit: #55
  • Kijkers: 103,341

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