2 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 17, 2022
45 van 45
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0

Drôle et relevé : un drama qui avance à 100 à l'heure!

.....Ce n'était pas gagné d'avance. Mis à part "descendants of the sun" qui m'avait obligé, oui, oui, obligé de re-visionner encore et encore les passage où apparaissait Song Joong Gi, cela faisait belle lurette que je n’avais pas autant apprécié une série d'action. Mais un drama impliquant des soldats? comme dit plus haut, seul "Descendants of the sun" avait soulevé mon intérêt au niveau 3* (la question se poserait si Song Joong Gi n'avait pas joué dans ce drama...). J'ai pourtant grandi avec "La grande évasion" et "Sous le pont de la rivière Kwai". Ce souffle épique et d'aventure que ces soldats, pétris de bravoure et de folie, ont su me transmettre, je ne l'ai plus souvent retrouvé.
Ni avec "Stalingrad" ou " Private soldat Ryan".
Ni avec "Dunkerque", et surtout pas "Pearl Harbor".
Alors, pour être honnête, ces films n'ont surement pas eu le temps de développer une intrigue mêlée d'action, de bravoure et de dialogue savoureuse. Mais je mentirais. Après tout, j'ai adoré "Northern Limit Line" , "The Battle of Jangsari " ou encore " The Long Way Home".
C'est donc sur cette idée que je me suis lancée sur celui-ci. Après les quelques critiques glanées de-ci, de-là, c'était vendu.
45 épisodes après, Chéri, fils et neveu de militaire, a validé avec enthousiasme "Glory of Special Forces", ce qui est pour moi un gage d'une qualité surprenante.

Le scénario : Sans casser 3 pattes à un canard, l'histoire est plutôt bien ficelée. Nous emmenant à travers le parcours d'un soldat chinois dont le génie n'a d'égale que son arrogance, nous vivons à travers ses déboires ce que l'armée chinoise se veut être : forte mais égale, stricte mais sincère, invincible mais emphatique (dans l'idéal).
Ma grande hésitation au départ était donc cette vision que l'armée chinoise aller véhiculer. Nous avons tous plus ou moins déjà vu des films, des séries avec une vision plus ou moins chauvine et patriotique. Vous savez ces histoires qui glorifient un pays, une armée au détriment des autres. Une propagande déguisée mais que l’on sent venir avec ses gros sabots.
La surprise a été non seulement agréable mais inattendue. Ici, bien que l'emphase soit tout de même mise sur les qualités de l'armée chinoise, l'écueil redouté du chauvinisme (pas du patriotisme, mais après tout, il n’y a pas de mal à l’être) a été évité. Ne craignez donc pas ces relents de propagande que l'on pourrait vous susurrer.
L'intrigue est avant tout le chemin parcouru par Yan Po Yu à travers l'armée. Du jeune homme arrogant et imbu de lui même, nous grandissons avec lui et le voyons souffrir, se remettre en question, affronter ses peurs, murir et enfin devenir un soldat dont l'exemple en sera bien évidemment glorifié. Alors oui, on nous souffle discrètement la conduite idéal d'un soldat chinois. Cela peut faire ricaner, mais au final n'est-ce pas sympa de voir l'insouciance et l'arrogance de la jeunesse tempérer ses ardeur, apprendre de ses erreurs?

L’action : L’épisode d’ouverture donne le ton! Une action minutieusement orchestrée et superbement interprétée. J’ai été époustouflée par les gestes « réalistes » des soldats (bien que je ne sois, et de loin, une spécialiste de l’armée), de la rapidité de leur exécution ainsi que de la parfaite maîtrise de leur corps. Il n’y a pas à se leurrer, les acteurs ici n’ont pas chômé. Nous faire croire à de réels soldats, pari tenu! J’ai d’ailleurs ouï dire que ceux qui s’y connaissaient ont eu la sincérité de reconnaitre un certain réalisme de l’armée (chinoise); si ce n’est pas d’une perfection documentarisée, cela s’en rapproche pourtant fortement.
L’action est donc ici rondement menée de main de maître donnant au spectateur son lot d’adrénaline sans pour autant piétiner sur l’humain et les émotions….

…..oui car, c’est bien joli de l’action, mais tout seul, cela reviendrait à sauter le plat de résistance et de se contenter du dessert.

Beaucoup d’humour….les répliques sont drôles et sensées. Que cela soit les réparties du leader du kitchen squad (oui, je trouve que cela sonne mieux que l’unité de cuistot, d’où l’anglais que je garde ici) ou des dialogues savoureux entre les frères d’arme de l’unité d’élite, voire des unités concurrentes, tout est ici dosé pour nous faire rire, sans jamais tomber dans l’humour facile et usé. Ah que de fou rire lors de la compétition entre l’armée classique et les « Cheetah », un exemple parmi tant d’autre. Vous rirez, j’en suis persuadée.

Beaucoup d’émotion….Les relations entre ces soldats sont touchantes, passant de l’indifférence à la fraternité la plus sincère. Nous connaissons tous ce genre de ficelle, vu et revu dans des dramas ou des mangas, ces liens qui commencent mal et qui petit à petit se lient à la force des épreuves, des rires, des larmes. Vous savez cette force qui unit tout un groupe à la vie, à la mort. Oui, cliché me direz-vous. Mais encore une fois, si bien écrite, si bien interprétée qu’on s’adonne avec joie aux applaudissements amplement mérités. Je vais regretter pendant longtemps les « Cheetah » qui ont su m’apporter un sacré rayon de soleil dans un monde bien gris.

Les personnages/acteurs : J’avoue. Je ne suis pas une grande fan de Yang Yang bien qu’ayant adoré « King’s avatar » ou « Love 020 », je ne me suis pas non plus jetée comme une affamée sur ses autres oeuvres. Je ne vais pas le nier. Sa prestation ici est très bonne, son jeu s’est beaucoup amélioré et nous n’avons aucun mal à nous immerger dans son monde. Je pense que c'est plutôt le type de personnage qui m'a bien moins scotché. Question de goût personnel. L’arrogance dont faisait preuve Yan Po Yue avait un peu le don de m’irriter. Juste un peu. Mais ce petit peu a un petit peu gâché l’affection que j’aurais pu avoir pour ce personnage. Il reste malgré tout que Yan Po Yue mûrit, lentement certes (ce qui est assez frustrant parfois) afin de devenir (ENFIN!) un homme réfléchit prenant en compte le paramètre humain et les dommages collatéraux. Et il faut avouer que les compétences de Yan Po Yue, si cela ne nous le fait pas aimer, avait le don de rendre les actions du drama excitantes. J’ai adoré le voir donner une raclée quand il fallait, démontrer à ses opposants l’étendu de sa force et de son intelligence.

C’est plutôt rare, mais ma préférence est allée aux personnages secondaires. Ma préférée? Gu Xiao Xiao… Des femmes fortes et bad ass, c’est la mode. Le politiquement correct et l’égalité des sexes ont vu émerger cette génération de femme indépendante et dont les compétences seraient égales à l’homme. Alors au risque de m’attirer les foudres des bien pensants, cela avait plutôt le don de me faire fuir. J’aime l’équilibre, et pas l’équilibre qui est à la sauce tambouille : l’homme et la femme savent faire aussi bien l’un que l’autre. Je préfère l’équilibre du jour et de la nuit. L’un apporte à l’autre ce qu’il n’a pas. Et ici, Gu Xiao Xiao est cette femme forte que j’adore sans demi mesure! Tout comme Shi Yi dans « One and Only » ou alors ma préférée Niao Niao dans « Love Like The Galaxy », la femme apporte cet équilibre non pas en surpassant l’homme mais en le complétant, ou que l’homme complète (peu importe qui complète qui d’ailleurs).
Alors oui Xiao Xiao est LA sniper du drama (ce sont presque essentiellement des femmes dans cette catégorie dans ce drama), mais bien qu’étant la douée du groupe, la génie de la gâchette, j’ai adoré cette version de la femme : Forte mais cachant une énorme faiblesse, une énorme douleur, non pas pour se surpasser sur l’autre ou pour devenir la meilleure. Cette souffrance Xiao Xiao nous la fait partager et nous fait donc comprendre; c’est par amour de l’autre, par refus de voir encore et encore des êtres chers prendre ce risque, ce sacrifice qu’elle n’accepte plus. La dimension est donc différente. Il faut comprendre que chaque personnage a sa part de souffrance, d’épreuves qui nous les rendent attachants, plus près de nous.
Par ailleurs, Xiao Xiao permet cette touche de féminisme dans cet univers masculin où elle apporte une oreille compatissante. A noter que pas une seule fois, dans cet univers de testostérone, la femme n’a été humiliée ou rabaissée. Taquinée parfois. Mais pas une seule blague graveleuse ou malsaine (et il faut reconnaitre que c’est tellement différent de ce que j’ai pu voir auparavant…), les clichés de la femme venant d’ailleurs d’une autre femme, ce qui est assez ironique.
Je repense à Xiao Xiao lorsqu’elle montre ses talents de tir pour la première fois : bien que sceptique, les soldats n’ont pas hésité à l’acclamer, reconnaissant sans aucune arrière pensée ses compétences. Elle sera à chaque fois reconnu par ses pairs. Sans avoir à le prouver encore et encore. N’est ce pas ce que nous recherchons toutes? En tout cas, moi oui. Et puis, il faut avouer que les femmes ont la part belle dans ce drama. Alors ne boudons pas notre plaisir.
Xiao Xiao n’est pas la seule à m’avoir donné des étoiles au fond de mon salon : Jun Jie, l’ami fidèle et indéfectible, Le drôle et enfantin Xio Tian, les émouvants Bai Long et Cao Ben, le stricte mais ô combien humain Li Xiang, Yu Kong ou encore l’intriguant Xaio Fei…Toute une flopée de personnages hauts en couleur, fondamentalement loyaux et sincère, interprétés avec un sans faute par des acteurs qui ont su rendre vivants leur personnage, nous les rendants bien souvent attachants un peu comme des amis qu’on aurait du mal à quitter…

C’est donc un drama qui a une réalisation plus qu’honorable, mêlant habilement une action musclée à de l’humour frais et léger sans pour autant oublier la dimension émotionnelle que certains personnages dégagent. Le thème de l’armée et plus spécialement d’une unité d’élite n’est pas baveux de patriotisme, mais plutôt axé sur les aspirations de chacun et le dépassement de soi. C'est donc sans une once d'hésitation que je vous le conseille. Ne serait-ce que pour rire.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 7, 2022
45 van 45
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 10

One of the best millitary drama ever!

Cdrama actually not realy my cupoftea, i accidentally played the series on youtube and surprisingly it was great drama. So this is the first cdrama I've watched and I have high hopes for cdrama from now on.

It's a really good drama, with great character development and friendship stories, the action scenes are stunning. Sempet ngeliat video BTSnya, respect dan tepuk tangan meriah untuk seluruh staff, dan pemain drama ini. i guess all scene take without stunts?

I'd likely looking forward to a second season of this series!
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mei 17, 2022
45 van 45
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 10
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten


This drama deserved more recognition. It's close to perfection. In my opinion, this is Yang Yang's best drama so far. He has always been a good actor but in this drama, he was no longer a mere 'good actor' but he became 'an extraordinary actor'. He carried his role as the main lead so amazingly. Not only him, but all the other casts were also did a great job.

Yan Po Yue, he is actually one of the most stubborn male lead I've ever seen in a drama. No matter what happened or what kind of opinion other people had on him, he firmly held onto his principle and beliefs. He is arrogant and self-centered. In fact, none of his superiors had a favorable impression towards him despite him being one of the most hardworking and strong soldier in the training.

''Yan Po Yue is too obsessed with individual heroism. He might be the strongest among his teammates but he is not suitable to be called as the best soldier yet because for him, his comrades are not more than just a tool to complete the missions'' - That's how the captain of Cheetah Commando, Qin Feng described Yan Po Yue.

If I remember correctly, it's not until episodes 35-38 that Yan Po Yue completely realized that the belief that he strongly had before was the biggest flaw in his life. Due to him being over-confident with his skills, his friend cum his old comrade, Xuo Tian from Kitchen Squad (the first unit that he was assigned for), sacrificed himself to protect Yan Po Yue. The death of Xuo Tian was the turning point in Yan Po Yue's life. From then on, he reflected on himself and thus, a 'new' Yan Po Yue was reborn. Well, he's still the same Yan Po Yue as before as in his appearance, his strength and intelligence but with a lot more humble personality. His superiors could finally felt relieved that Yan Po Yue had finally changed his mindset.

Xiao Yun Jie. He is the 2nd most noticeable character in this drama after Yan Po Yue. He is Yan Po Yue's best friend. They've known each other since their school days. No one understands Yan Po Yue better than him. He and Yan Po Yue were known by the entire military camp as 1+1. Whenever these two were together, they would always make trouble. A real troublemaker duo. I really like his character. He spoke up for Yan Po Yue every time Yan Po Yue got caught into some troubles. In fact, Xiao Yun Jie was willing to sacrifice himself for Yan Po Yue's sake. Whenever Yan Po Yue's life was in danger, he might be the first person to step forward and demand to exchange Yan Po Yue's life with his. It's the same with Yan Po Yue too. He was ready to do anything for Xiao Yun Jie's sake. When Xiao Yun Jie got badly injured by a mortar shot by the enemy, he went incredibly angry and ran straight up towards the enemy's mortar base. With amazing speed and skills, he single-handedly destroyed that mortar base thus, alerting the enemy that there was a 'crazy and wild soldier' out there who's on his way to kill them.

Guo Xiao Xiao, a sniper. Originally used to work alone but after joining Cheetah Commando, she slowly started to accept her comrades. Yan Po Yue and Guo Xiao Xiao were especially had the best chemistry with each other. When Yan Po Yue bravely took actions upfront, Guo Xiao Xiao would cover his back. She was an exceptional sniper and Yan Po Yue was an exceptional fighter so that's why I said their chemistry is the best in this drama. They worked so well together. There were multiple times that when Yan Po Yue thought that he was so hopeless and he might die, but Guo Xiao Xiao always managed to appear before him and saved him.

There are many other characters too that were equally important in this drama such as Staff Officer Ai, a female officer who cared a lot about Yan Po Yue. She was the first person that Yan Po Yue opened up to about his past and thus, making her as one of the people who Yan Po Yue could depend on emotionally. Then, we have Yan Po Yue's comrades in Cheetah Commando. Bai Long, Cao Ben, Xiao Yun Jie, Guo Xiao Xiao, Xu Yang, and Yue Kong. They went through so many things together. They're like Yan Po Yue's family. My eyes were brimming with tears when one of them died during the mission. Next, we have Qin Feng, Li Xiang, Lu Tu, Fan Jin, and Zhang Yin Ting. They were Yan Po Yue's superiors. Qin Feng was Cheetah Commado's captain. He was the one contributed the most to Yan Po Yue's growth as a soldier. Li Xiang was the commander of Yan Po Yue's original company when he first enlisted. He always gave a cold shoulder to Yan Po Yue but deep inside, he wanted him to grow up and learn how to become the best soldier. Lu Tu was instructor and vice-captain of Cheetah Commando. He saw Yan Po Yue's potential and he always gave his best in teaching him. He would also speak up for Yan Po Yue because he did not want him to fall behind. Fan Jin was the squad leader of Kitchen Squad. He was Yan Po Yue's first ever mentor aside from his father. He took Yan Po Yue as his student because he knew that Yan Po Yue's dream to become the strongest soldier. In fact, everyone knew that Fan Jin was the first person who managed to tame Yan Po Yue's stubbornness. Zhang Yi Ting was the squad leader for Special Service Unit, the unit that Yan Po Yue was in after Kitchen Squad. His leadership won Yan Po Yue's trust and Yan Po Yue put a lot of trust in him. Last but not least, we have Luo Xiao Tian, a soldier from Kitchen Squad and also a part of the troublemaker trio (with Yan Po Yue and Xiao Yun Jie). Like I've said before, his death was the turning point in Yan Po Yue's life. It create a Yan Po Yue that was a lot stronger physically and mentally.

I wrote such a long essay about Yan Po Yue and people around him because I am very impressed with all characters. Every single one of them are memorable including the villains. Overall, I am very satisfied with this drama and I appreciate the efforts of all the casts and the production teams in creating this masterpiece.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Viviane Sousa
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 13, 2022
45 van 45
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 6.0
Para quem gosta desse estilo de drama esse sem dúvida é um prato cheio.
Boas atuações e uma produção e tanto. A China é excelente em mostrar sua força em dramas focados em profissões.
Nesse aqui vemos a dedicação e força tanto física como mental para estar no exercito especial, uma equipe altamente treinada para combater terrorismo, tráfego e afins. Fiquei impressionada com todas as cenas de treinamento. Yang Yang está incrível como sempre e encaixou muito bem no papel de um soldado iniciante muito individualista que foi crescendo com o tempo.
A única coisa que tenho para "reclamar" é que achei muito longo, chegou um momento que cansei um pouco pois parecia mais do mesmo mas ainda assim ficava impressionada com o cenário de guerra.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 8, 2022
45 van 45
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 9.5

I’m a huge fan of Yang Yang

I may be biased since I’m such a fan of Yang Yang!! I feel like this is one of the best dramas he’s been in. His character made my cry out of frustration and joy!! The character development is a 1000/10. I am an avid cdrama watcher. This is definitely one of the better military/special forces drama as of today. Such a heartwarming and realistic drama with an amazing cast and plot!! Definitely would rewatch this again!! I cried and laughed along with all the characters and I just made hold my breath with awe throughout the 45 episodes!! Cannot wait to see how the cast’s career grow!!

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mei 28, 2023
45 van 45
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 9.5

Yang Yang Special drama

What a great drama. I love every part of it. The first time 45 episodes feel so less.
It manages to impact your emotions.
What do I like about these ?... I like everything, including acting, story, and music, ...
what I want to highlight is yang-yang acting ... superb.. that's why I called this drama yang-yang special one.
If you are a yang-yang fan then don't miss this one.
If you love action drama go for it.
Very engaging drama.
Without fan service, Without romance, It makes a wonderful impact.
What in this drama makes it so special ... I say the military aspect, How they develop each character.


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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Lopend 13/45
17 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
apr 15, 2022
13 van 45
Lopend 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10


Yan Po Yue is a true inspiration. I love his character. Yang yang indeed goes through a lot taking this project. If you love the military setup and some action spiced drama this one is your choice. Believe me, this one has good humor too. And the best part is their brotherhood and friendship in that drama. I really loved the yang yang and Jiang long duo ever since The king's avatar. Their hard work is really breathtaking. Hope this drama achieves a lot of success. thanks to the team for bringing an awesome and mind-blowing drama.
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 29, 2023
45 van 45
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0

Really cool

The action scenes were great and so was the story but I'll have to mention that the patriotism is noticeable.
Nothing to be upset about but sometimes it made me cringe a little.
I loved the female characters and how they easily kept up with the guys and how the dynamic was.
The casting seemed fitting even though I don't know any of the actors.
The only aspect that really bothers me is the length. It's too long for my taste. It isn't stretched or boring or something like that but I'm personally not the biggest fan of long dramas.
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mrt 16, 2024
45 van 45
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

When Military drama is at it's peak... A TRUE MASTERPIECE

Finally I was able to see what a true MASTERPIECE is like....

If anyone has a dilemma in choosing this to watch or not, for god sake don't miss this, just close your eyes and go for it and I swear you won't regret.

Just by watching the entire series I can feel how painful it is to shoot this entire series but still the crew has given us a perfect Series. The Hard work they had put in is truly admirable. I was literally awestruck by the cinematography and was amazed of how much effort they have put in to give us a legendary work. I thank the entire crew of "GLORY OF SPECIAL FORCES" for this flawless, memorable series. Thank you for the hard work..

The Actors:
Woah.. How can they even act like this. In the whole series I have never felt that it was an acting, it was so real every one of them became a Military personnel, they lived as a soldiers. Yang Yang and Jiang Lu Xia have unleashed their potential to the fullest. Yang Yang has expressed his role in a way it has to be , just flawless. He is the only one who can do this role in a perfect way. Jiang Lu Xia just slayed in every screen time of hers, let that be as a sniper as a fighter, as a comrade in hand both of the main leads chemistry on field is exemplary. Not only the main lead but also the support roles, for example Miya, Xing ting (The Villains), the chemistry were on par with the main leads, I loved their attitude coz it was on point, If there is a villain in real life it would be just like them. The arrogance and the confidence they expressed in drug smuggling arena and while they shoot the targets was an eye treat for sure....

The story started from a cellar where both hero and villain was kidnapped by drug smugglers(they both don't know each other)and one took the path of being soldier and one being a drug smuggler. The series kept me occupied for the whole time and I never felt bored, seriously not even for a second. In fact as eps moves up it became more and more interesting and it kept me Busy all the time with the back to back missions, The gunfights, The bombings, The strategy and what not. The character development of Yan Po Yue from being an Insane soldier who wants to become the strongest Individual to The Smartest, The calmest, The perfect comrade who considers everyone's life as his own have taught me so many things that I have to follow. The PTSDs that he has to overcome after all the pain motivated me. In the process Yang Yang showed how someone should work hard , I mean very hard to be what we wanted to be and to be the strongest.
Secondly, Guo Xiao Xiao the "LONE WOLF" being a only female in Cheetah Squad 9 was unimaginable in her accuracy both in acting and in the role of a sniper. All the fight scenes in battle was well executed. I personally loved her character coz in many aspect I can relate her to mine. From being a LONE WOLF to being a supportive comrade with best accuracy in analysing the battlefield and reading enemy, her role was well written. All the missions and competition in mountain region was well captured.

The most favourite part of this series for me is the final showdown between Cheetah forces Vs Red Scorpion. I don't know how did they shoot those scenes but it was the best among all. It was the most interesting Mission where the cheetah forces will demolish the Drug smugglers through their Brilliant strategy. Yan Po Yue Vs Xing Ting , GXX vs Miya and alai had so many challenges both in drama and in real life acting but each one of them just nailed it.

All in all the emotions the casts expressed hit me really hard since it was so real. I will cherish this series in my heart for the rest of my life. I think this Series will be the one and only of its type and can never be replaced by other even in future. Even if there are 100+ eps and 100+ Mission I will never get bored of this series. They are something which will linger in my heart for so long and even if it fades I'll rewatch it again and again coz I Don't want to miss this excellent Drama.

Once again I wanted to thank the crew for giving this treasure . A salute to the cast especially Yang yang and Jiang Lu Xia and all the support roles who successfully passed the emotions and lessons they wanted to pass through. you guys have worked hard and it paid off and it's worth doing it. All the pain you endured to shoot this have been recognised. Thank you for the hard work.

I love you "GLORY OF SPECIAL FORCES" Crew...

Woah this is the longest review I have ever typed till now but it's worth it....

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 18, 2024
45 van 45
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Muziek 8.5
Rewatch Waarde 8.5

Welcome to army

__*Glory of Special Forces (2022)*__ - 8,5/10 -cdrama

not mine type of drama, but I guess if you really want pure military themed drama without big romance. This drama is must to watch.

Acting is great and evidently this drama got quite big budget.

Most of drama story is about training, military drills and all kinds of PTSD plus time from time some real action.

Of course its cdrama expect alot patriotism. But I guess all military themed movies/dramas got a lot of it we just tend to ignore it from USA movies.

__*plot*__ - Story of ambitious young man from military family wanting to go in steps of his father and join most elite chinese spec ops. As young guy trained from small age and always better than others he is arrogant and self-conceited with lack of teamwork sense. These attributes hits hard againts military code and need be weathered off by his supperiors, before he can become true soldier.

__*genre*__ - military, action

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Gestopt 14/45
3 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 14, 2022
14 van 45
Gestopt 1
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 4.0
Rewatch Waarde 4.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

Was good until it became repetitive and thus, dry

I must say that I enjoyed the first ten episodes of this drama and had every intention to complete all the episodes. The first ten episodes were generally fast-paced, exciting and engaging. I was looking forward to a good showing but … after the ten episodes, things started to get repetitive.

The male lead did grow and change and develop but… he was just rigidly stubborn and did not have the best of judgment and senses at times IMO.

I’d say that this is a good drama but I could not continue with it because there was just so much green - army show after all. Everything was all ‘camou’ and army green.

Yang Yang as the male lead was cool but it was rather tough watching a ‘stubborn a** head’ trying to grow up. I gave up eventually… maybe you have what it takes to press on till the very end.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 6, 2024
45 van 45
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 10


This show changed the way that I judged military dramas.

Acting: 10/10
The acting in this drama was amazing. Yang yang once again proves what a powerhouse he can be.

Storyline: 10/10
While this show has quite a bit of propaganda, most military/special forces dramas have some level of "we are the greatest, most powerful, smartest country in the whole wide world" mentality. I would urge you not to drop or skip this show just because of that.
The storyline follows a young man that is desperate with a capital D to prove himself the strongest after a traumatising experience as a child and his father's very ineffective way of handling it (IMO).
One thing that I LOVED about this drama is that Yang Yang doesn't get to just coast through as the top dog. He's talented (extremely so), but he doesn't overpower everyone automatically. He struggles to appreciate the value of other people's contributions, setting himself above everyone else. He learns the hard way that, in order to succeed, he'll need to rely on those around him.

10/10 recommend.

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  • Score: 8.6 (gescoord door 2,087 gebruikers)
  • Gerangschikt: #384
  • populariteit: #2033
  • Kijkers: 8,775

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