Bagaimana kisah cintamu? beginilah kisah cinta Third.
Theory of Love atau disingkat TOL ini adalah BL asal thailand yang terkenal akan ceritanya yang bisa membuat kita ikut bersedih ketika menontonnya. Mengisahkan seorang anak kuliahan bernama Third yang menyukai temannya bernama Khai. Third menyukai Kai namun tidak pernah menyatakan perasaannya secara langsung, Third selalu membantu Kai dan memperlakukannya sebagai seorang yang spesial atau yang selalu dia prioritaskan bahkan Third sampai terkadang melupakan dirinya sendiri hanya untuk melakukan segalanya demi Khai. Namun, sangat disayangkan Khai adalah seorang pria playboy yang mempunyai banyak pacar wanita dan sering putus nyambung di dalam hubungannya. Selain itu, Khai mempunyai kepribadian yang acuh, kurang peka, dan lain sebagainya. Akankah Third dapat menyatakan perasaannya pada Khai? apakah kisah cinta mereka berakhir bahagia? Saksikan sendiri series BL ini, sangat rekomendasi bagi orang-orang yang menyukai series dengan skenario sedih, dan weak main role.Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
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If you are a hopeless romantic this is for you
Or, if you like romantic comedies in general :PThe plot is simple, friends who fall in love, but beautifully executed. Most people can relate to that, friends can become lovers and some of us know it bc we had a crush for or even dated our best friend (me, in High School). ALSO, I'm a sucker for romance movies from de 90/early00's because they shaped my life, my adolescence and my views about love! Noticing the references in this drama was so much fun, I wasn't expecting that! They were so carefully used, the scenes the Third played were great. So this series is definitely made for the hopelessly romantic.
I really loved Third, he is honest and the best friend a person can have. He is also romantic, dramatic and he lives too much in his head. I was really happy he decided to stand for himself and not accept Kai's behaviour at some point, because he must've been mentally exhausted. He was so brave to confess. He was such a kind soul to still be friends with Kai after his stupid behaviour. I wanted to give him a hug and in the end to tell him to follow his heart.
Kai was everything a lame young adult is, overbearing, egoistical, selfish and inconsiderate of others. I hated his guts in the first half, so to see him suffer and change was a good ride. When he started to fall for Third I ended up forgiving him because he suffered a lot to redeem himself. To be in a position where the person you love changes with you, ignores you or leaves you is very sad and that made my heart ache together with Kai's and reminisce my own experiences. When we see ourselves in the characters and have this connection is so good, kudos to the acting and directing.
The end is a bit draggy, but great. They seem like those couples who would always remember each other, either ending up together eventually or being stars-crossed longing for each other.
Overall, good acting, many feelings of love in different intensities, a lot of crying, good nostalgia and a warm fuzzy feeling inside when it's over. Lovely series.
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Dor e sofrimento (felicidade? talvez)
Se você tem costume de se estressar não recomendo assistir!!!, pois a historia é arrastada e o casal principal só sabe sofrer no caso o Third (Gun) sofre horrores por não ser correspondido no inicio pelo galinha do Khai (Off) que praticamente pega o campus inteiro.Sobre os casais secundários o Two teve um amor platônico pela Lynn até se dar conta que gostava do Un e o Bone se apaixona pela sua professora e no final ele ainda ajuda ela a se casar com outro (conformado).
Sai traumatizada por uma cena no banheiro que teve entre o third e o khai (cuidado!! estão indo assistir avisados).
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I yelled "WHY CAN’T YOU BOTH JUST BE HAPPY???!” at my screen many times
There are some warm and fuzzy BLs that make you laugh and giggle at your laptop for hours on end. This is not one of them. Theory of Love is a heart-wrenching excursion into unrequited same-sex love and what happens when you fall for your straight(??) best friend.Gun really shines in Theory Of Love, showing how far he has come as an actor by capturing the nuances in a range of expressions. Gun is able to communicate an emotional intensity that can get quite overwhelming, so it’s totally understandable why a series like this might be tough to rewatch.
Disclaimer right here that I absolutely love Off and Gun. In Theory of Love, they show tremendous improvement from their performance in the Puppy Honey series, which I found to be slightly awkward.
Their onscreen chemistry has only improved with their real-life friendship: OffGun is back and they got better.
Read my full review here:
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Wow drama ,excellent and brilliant story
Guys,I'm saying this never miss the drama its really good and wow drama i fell in love with this series, you never gonna has friendship value and true friends stories and then one sided love story, main lead dominance over other main lead and finally be a puppy to him lol, and sad ,love confusion and hard love to over come everything its totally a pacakage with 0happy ending...great actors with great chemistry and story is awesome i can see in every scene how the feelings developed between leads.....that is what i need to see more than the bed scenes jumped by 2nd episode wow wow wow drama .........How can they be a perfect drama like this ever again? This is my 3rd time watching this drama not bze of offgun fan or fond of series but there is no such dramas coming in 2022 why? What happened to thai themes dramas now a days I'm missing the chemistry plot between leads can't the directors see this series like how the leads developed their story and every move we could understand their feeling sorry to say this to thai directors and screen writers please do drama like these series or old bl dramas you are losing the thai theme 😥 this drama really made my day wow claps to the team i literally like offgun and this story a lot made me fall into bl again after so many shitty stories in 2022 🤮 theory of love yayyyy well done to author director and actors brilliant series love from india and pls pls pls pls do like these kind of seriss more than showing too much over intimacy or lacking story and chemistry pls pls pls i miss thai seriss now
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Další z thajských seriálů je rovněž nadprůměrný a hrají v něm Off a Gun, kteří ve skutečnosti nyní tvoří pár i ve skutečném životě. Dalším osvěžením je Earth. Projekt se zdá být tuctový z thajské velkovýrobny, ale když se nad tím zamyslím, tak není. Není totiž tak pohádkový, je uvěřitelnější, i když řežisér nepustil hlavní dvojici do většího fyzična či jak to nazvat, hrají jen to, co tvůrci dovolí. Stále více podezírám Thajce, že se světu snaží naroubovat nový druh sexuální orientace, totiž že kamarád to má taky rád, ale tím nemyslím to, že se kluci picnou a pak si to v noci rozdají v posteli, doufám, že ti, kteří už "zbaštili" tuny těchto seriálů chápou, co tím míním. V tom přímočařejším podání se mi zdají mnohé srovantelné "produkty" např. z Taiwanu či Jižní Koreji, Japonska lepší, civilnější, lidštější...
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ho pianto tutta me stessa ma ugualmente da vedere
Ricordo ancora quando decisi di guardarlo per la prima volta, una mia amica a distanza me lo consigliò, facendomi conoscere Off e Gun, due eccezionali attori, sono fantastici.Sinceramente non avevo programmato di fare un rewatch ma ultimamente mi erano usciti tanti edit su tik tok che mi hanno fatto venire voglia di riguardarlo.
Così l'ho iniziato a guardare, all'inizio pensavo fosse una scelta un po' sbagliata in quanto ricordavo fosse un bl molto triste ma alla fine veramente mi ha fatto piacere poter riguardare questa serie.
Devo dire che la storia non la ricordavo molto bene, infatti molte cose non le ricordavo bene, per esempio la storia di Two e Un, ma alla fine tutto ok.
Prima di parlare di Third e Khai devo appuntare una cosa: quando guardo una serie TV la cosa che odio di più è quando i protagonisti si fidanzano all'ultimo episodio… eppure devo dire che in questa serie nonostante loro si fidanzino ufficialmente all'ultimo episodio, questa cosa non mi ha pesato. Ceh non mi ha dato veramente fastidio e non me l'ha fatto neanche pesare, per esempio quando ho guardato Cupid’s last wish o A tale of thousand stars ero arrabbiata del fatto che i protagonisti si fossero fidanzati all'ultimo episodio e non ce la facevo più ad aspettare che loro si fidanzassero, invece qui è tutto diverso, la cosa non mi è pesata in quanto tra parentesi c'è una situazione molto difficile fra i protagonisti cosa che non manca in Cupid last wish o A tale of thousand stars però veramente non mi è pesata.
Ovviamente queste serie nominate sono solo per fare degli esempi in quanto bl visti recentemente.
Parlando di Third devo dire che all'inizio mi rattristava molto il fatto che lui piangesse per Khai ogni episodio, da lui ho imparato il piangere sotto la doccia che è veramente qualcosa di utile infatti quando sei triste, hai bisogno comunque di qualcuno che ti tiri su di morale però non hai una persona che possa farlo (in quanto Third non può parlare del suo amore segreto per Khai agli altri) allora in queste situazioni buttandoti sotto la doccia sfoghi la tua rabbia e la tua tristezza con l'acqua che ti scorre addosso e l'acqua è come se ti stesse abbracciando, dandoti un po' più di forza e aiuta molto effettivamente; l'ho provata aiuta molto.
Comunque all’inizio ero schierata dalla sua parte in quanto Khai era veramente un idiota, non sapeva trattarlo decentemente neanche come amico, inutile dire che ho odiato quando l’ha trattato bene solo per vedere se Third fosse innamorato di lui…è stata una delle cose per cui sono stata dalla parte di Third al 100%
Il problema è venuto quando Third ha superato la questione, in quel periodo lo abbiamo visto molto distaccato dal gruppo di amici e soprattutto da Khai, cosa che capisco benissimo in quanto non puoi cercare di dimenticare una persona se poi gli stai ogni giorno vicino, infatti poi dopo il problema è venuto dopo questo, quando Kai ha capito i suoi sentimenti per Third.
In quest'altro periodo ho visto Third molto cattivo, duro con Khai cosa che mi ci ha fatto rimanere un po', Khai nonostante tutto non si meritava questa rabbia infatti aveva appena capito i suoi sentimenti per Third e che doveva cambiare in quanto non era una buona persona e stava migliorando, trattava bene Third quindi non si meritava quel tipo di comportamento da parte di Third stesso.
Alla fine l’ho odiato un po', soprattutto dopo che si era ammorbidito e aveva accettato il fatto che Khai lo amasse, infatti lì l'ho visto più morbido con Khai però continuava a rifiutare il fidanzamento, cosa che capisco benissimo in quanto ormai non c'era più la fiducia di prima da parte di Third però allo stesso tempo dopo tutte quelle volte in cui gli ha detto di no aveva visto che Khai stava provando a fare di tutto cioè letteralmente pareva che Khai fosse un suo servo o robe del genere infatti in quel momento era anche troppo buono con Third per quanto mi riguarda, menomale che alla fine comunque ce la fanno.
Khai è quel tipo di personaggio che alla fine non è cattivo, deve solo trovare la persona che riesce a far uscire la sua parte migliore.
All'inizio lo abbiamo visto playboy con molta fiducia in sé, che usciva solo con le ragazze trattandole come degli oggetti alla tipo una sveltina e via, andava a letto con molte ragazze cosa che faceva rattristare Third e lo faceva stare molto male.
Poi dopo aver capito i suoi sentimenti e l'amore stesso è diventato una persona migliore, il suo problema era non aver ancora trovato una persona che gli facesse capire cos'era l'amore, com'era amare qualcuno e poi si accorse che era Third, semplicemente.
La loro storia alla fine è stato un insieme di alti e bassi soprattutto bassi ma mi è piaciuto molto quando si sono proprio fidanzati all'ultimo episodio con la scena del palco infatti ho pianto, mi sono emozionata veramente tanto, finalmente Khai era riuscito a far capire bene quello che poteva offrire e quello che provava per Third, il suo più sincero amore.
Parlando invece di Two e Un per me è stato un casino in quanto non ricordavo bene la loro storia infatti ricordavo che tipo Two andasse a finire con Lynn o roba del genere e ricordavo magari che Un fosse innamorato di Third, cosa assolutamente non vera.
Poi vabbè guardando gli episodi mi sono ricordata man mano cosa succedeva e alla fine devo dire che la loro storia è stata abbastanza complicata in quanto Two era innamorato di Lynn e Un veniva shippato con chiunque ma alla fine aveva una cotta segreta per Two, fantastico. Sono contenta che le cose siano andate a finire bene per loro.
Parlando invece di Bone devo dire che si meritava un po' di più, so che non è il meglio innamorarsi della propria professoressa cosa che all'inizio lui non sapeva e ha scoperto solo in seguito quando la sua cotta si era ben sviluppata, il problema poi è iniziato sapendo che la professoressa era fidanzata e addirittura si doveva sposare, Bone deve aver sofferto molto.
Però nonostante tutta questa situazione devo dire che abbiamo visto il grande cuore di Bone, nonostante la sua cotta si dovesse sposare ha accettato di fare il video e addirittura ha risolto le questioni fra di loro prima che si sposassero, è stata una cosa alquanto triste. Fortunatamente alla fine hanno dato a Bone una fine decente facendolo fidanzare con una ragazza anche se è stato un po' tutto di fretta ma vabbè quello era giusto per aggiustare un po' tutto quello che era successo negli episodi prima.
Ho scritto già molte cose quindi come ultima cosa dico che questa serie nonostante tutte le difficoltà rimane una serie veramente molto bella, assolutamente da guardare. Devo fare i miei complimenti a Off e Gun per la loro fantastica recitazione e anche ovviamente a tutti gli altri attori; per quanto mi riguarda non ci sono nessun tipo di carenze, è stato dato il giusto spazio a tutte le coppie e a tutte le situazioni e le vicende e abbiamo visto anche la bellissima amicizia di lavoro quattro uniti per la passione e il sogno di realizzare una casa discografica insieme.
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Review from the rewatching version after a couple of years
I rewatched this show again after a couple of years and I think you'll get it more whenever you get more mature. I truly can't believe that the first time I watched this show I didn't love it, here I am in 2022 while waiting for not me episodes decided to rewatch it just for fun, and I immediately regret how I felt about this show in the past, the way the story is telling each character story is just unbelievable, as I truly cried for each character in different scenes, let's talk about Khai (Off) and how amazing he portered the character, I truly hated him at first I was like he is an asshole that doesn't deserve anything but after seeing that he never truly knew what love is because of how his parents never truly took care of him or made him knew what true love , he just couldn't understand that it was real until he fell in love he become just another person or we can say he is true self that was not shown to anyone except Third (Gun), I cried for Khai on ep 11, and ep 12. Next character is Third, first I would like to thanks Gun for making so god damn emotional for multiple episodes, his acting skills are no joke like dude could just look at me and ill cry immediately for him, his story is very realistic about how people become blind by love till they get really hurt by it and stop believing in it I was shocked about how his character changed but also was happy for him to grow and learn more. The main couple are just depressed realistic story that does happened to people in real life not this dramatic but with same era. Two (White) is just the best best friend anyone could ask for, but also the way he struggled with his sexuality being Bi is amazing cause that what happened to a lot of people and that's how they find, I truly liked how he took care of Third and how he was an amazing protector for him even till the end, and how he put his friends feeling above his, I liked the way him and Un (Earth) fell in love , Un character was complicated like I really though that he liked Third but all of this he liked Two from the begging like dude please I got confused by you . Bone (Mike) story is truly all over the place, it was not my favorite story but ill say I think it happens in real life, and the way he handle it shows how of a good man he is also putting your friend above yourself is amazing he was good even thought what he did to Third in the begging was fucked up, but I am happy that he ended with agood one and had a happy ending he truly deserves it. My favorite scenes were the Café scene ep 5 where Third and Khai fought and how Bone hit him I was truly happy. Another one is the Train scene ep 11 I cried like a baby in this Scene dude. Another one is the Accident scene ep 8 and how it was the reconnect of Khai and Third friendship in a way and how in ep 9 after this scene they showed how is Khai's parents treat him ( they are not bad parents but they lack love towards him). Lastly, the last favorite scene is the whole ep 12, I liked the train and beach scenes of the friend group, and UN and Two confess scene like ahhh333 I thought I am going to die before Two finally confess by using Un favorite film like how romantic this is I was just shy laughing because of this and then Un just says I am not going anymore because I love you like I am all over heels for you mister, also the 7 things Third hate about Khai that Two gave it to Khai is just amazing, the Khai scene about what is love for him to Third this scene made me so emotional Khai's confess to Third by" for me, you're not a a movie, you are real" is just perfection, my last favorite scene in ep 12 is the iconic ending scene where Khai and Third turns to OffGun and become all lovey dovey. I am truly happy that I rewatched this series after this many ears for me not have grown a little more to understand and connect to it more, I truly wish to have a group of friends like this in the future if I ever can. I hoped you like my review and I hope you learned What Love Is For U from "Theory Of Love".Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
An easy watch, but drags and becomes uninteresting at points
I can say that for the most part, this is an enjoyable watch. It’s generally easy, and I binged it in a day when I had time to kill.The acting was really good, especially from Gun, he really stood out in his scenes. I felt really connected to his character and his emotions throughout.
The story is simple and solid enough, and the development of it and the characters is great.
However, I feel like at points the story dragged and I started to become disinterested and bored. I found myself wanting to take breaks because I didn’t really care, but also just wanting to get the series over with. I found it particularly uninteresting when it came to the Bone/Pan story, and I ended up skipping through because I genuinely didn’t care and felt like it dragged it on longer than necessary. The same goes for Two/Lynn, I just didn’t care; although, I did enjoy the Un/Two scenes, and wish there was more.
I liked the characters, though, and find their development to be really well done.
Overall, I think it’s a very good series and mostly deserves the hype, although I don’t think it lives up to expectations.
I would recommend it if you want something nice to watch to kill time. I enjoyed it, but don’t see myself ever rewatching it again, at least in the near future
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the beginning literally had me, the ending....I don't feel satisfied.
First 2 episodes of this drama reminded me of “Until we meet again”, because they made me cry like a banshee as well as these ones. I got overwhelmed emotionally, I couldn’t watch Third crying and being humiliated by Khai’s unconscious acts. Maybe, he thought that Third was a friend and he would be okay with him bringing girls home, asking him to leave because Fahsai would feel uncomfortable and etc, inasmuch as he didn’t know about Thirds feelings, but I couldn’t handle it. It doesn’t strike me as a result of a poor storyline, but I think my CNS was somehow damaged. At the end of the third episode I prayed the Lord to make Third leave Khai’s condo, because I was livid already…I had to put myself together, otherwise I would ditch the drama. Consequently, you have to be emotionally prepared to watch this.
The 4th episode cost me a mental breakdown. Seeing Third happy and, as he mentioned, “getting what a secret admirer would ask for”, and then him crying silently again just shattered my heart to pieces.The thing is, I cant put a blame on Khai, as he is young and extremely handsome, pretty charismatic, so he does whatever floats his boat, enjoys his life as best as he can…But toying with someone’s feelings, even assuming that there are none, is not a right thing to do. Furthermore, I can understand him changing girls like socks, but he is a terrible friend. If he thought that his friend was kind enough to leave him alone with his bitch, why didn’t he tell him the truth about catching a movie with a girl? He could at least do that, it wouldn’t hurt the same. In addition to this, I hate Khai for exploiting Third.
At times I have to stop an episode, because either its tedious or I need to cope with my anguish/irritation. I have this insane craving to beat Khai up. Doesn’t he feel that not only Third, but all his friends aren’t happy to see his new girlfriends every day, and they shouldn’t tag along when he has to work/have lunch with his friends. And the kiss…Shit, I barely held myself back from crashing down my laptop screen…And I can’t believe I want to go on watching this, because it’s not bad, it just depicts reality so precisely, that it hurts.
I used to think that watching Khai go through the same torments as Third went through, would satisfy me, but man, it didn’t…I can’t figure out what kind of feelings I have for this drama, but certainly they aren’t bad..I’m deluded. Is it really hard to watch because of the emotional tension, or is it just me who finds it complicated?
I felt so sorry for Khai, when he was dumped by his friends and had to wait for them at the station all day long…Khai and Third’s meeting there was so emotional, I broke down crying.
After so much spoilers, I would like to shout out to Gun…In my point of view, he is the best when it comes to crying and expressing emotions. He puts his soul in his acting and that’s why I love Gun so much. I also like that the plot is not concentrated only on the main couple, and we can see side couples developing as well. I’m watching this after “Not me” and there Gun and Off seem to be more comfortable together. Two’s feelings for Un were rushed…As far as I’m concerned they needed more screentime, and they could get it if some meaningless and irrelevant scenes were cut out.
I am not disappointed, plot execution is not questionable, but I have to admit, that I pampered higher expectations.
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Teoria do amor e as dores, incertezas e dúvidas de um final feliz
Esta é uma visão um pouco mais realista do amor.Third é um estudante do 3 ano de cinema, apaixonado pelo seu amigo Khai desde o primeiro ano. O grande problema é que o cara não namora amigos e ele não quer perder amizade do Khai, então ele decide que o melhor a fazer é reprimir tudo e sofrer em silêncio.
Estaria tudo bem se o Khai não fosse o típico cara galinha que pega todo mundo por aí e não resolve a própria bagunça, deixando tudo nas costas do Third, coitado! É aquele tipo de amizade que fica abaixo do relacionamento e que só serve quando a pessoa precisa de você para algo. Seria mentira se eu dissesse que não fui completamente antikhai do episódio 1 ao 6, mas por incrível que pareça essa era a intenção.
Todos os personagens aqui são muito humanos, nenhum deles é isento de erros. Se uma frase pudesse definir a série definitivamente seria: "Aceitamos o amor que achamos que merecemos."
Um dos meus filmes de comédia romântica favoritos: He's Just Not That Into You (Ele Não Está Tão A Fim de Você), ganha uma referência em um episódio bem triste. Eu citei ele aqui porque nesse mesmo filme temos um personagem chamado Alex, que tem uma visão bem mais racional (e talvez um pouco cética) do amor. Em alguns momentos dessa trama, eu acabei incorporando um lado desse personagem, na esperança de que Third não aceitasse qualquer migalha oferecida pelo Khai, mas não tem jeito em algumas partes dessa história, você vai acabar se transformando em um pombo.
Quanto a Two e Bone, posso apenas exalta-los como os ótimos amigos que são para os dois protagonistas. A história do Two me surpreendeu um pouco, de início eu achava que ia seguir aquele cliché hétero de sempre, mas a lição que fica é que nem sempre o primeiro amor é o verdadeiro amor de uma pessoa.
Fiquei triste pelo Bone, mas às vezes mesmo que aquele amor não correspondido, te machuque, o melhor que você pode fazer é desejar toda a felicidade do mundo para aquela pessoa e sempre respeitá-la.
O que eu mais gostei nessa história é que ela não é uma das histórias que enganam. O propósito dela é claramente definido e nenhum personagem te faz de idiota. Não é como algumas histórias que eu já encontrei por aí, onde alguns personagens começam como pessoas ditas boas e do absoluto nada cometem uma porção de atitudes questionáveis e até mesmo criminosas, vendidas como algo super normal ou para lá de romantizadas.
São personagens cinzentos, humanos, definidos claramente desde o início.
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I love the shift in perspective from Third to Khai as the series progressed. I think that was a very smart storytelling decision to make the friends-to-lovers execution believable. Third's unrequited love arc was heart-wrenching and relatable. Usually, when characters make dumb decisions in dramas, like trusting untrustworthy characters, it's executed in such a cookie-cutter and naive way. But in TOL, Third really internalizes how often he expects more from Khai, only to be disappointed every single time. But Khai is very charming and always seems genuine, so I never really got annoyed with Third's decisions.
Even though the show never dragged for me, I think that objectively, it should have trimmed some fat. It could have easily been 8 to 10 episodes instead of 12. Or, at the very least, we should have gotten a different story arc for the last 3-4 episodes. All 12 episodes should not have been dedicated to the romantic pursuit. The subplots probably could have used more substance too. Two's subplot was fine, I just didn't think that he had that much chemistry with Un. And honestly, I never really knew where or when his feelings for Un started to develop. I actually had no idea that there was even a romance between them until halfway through the show. Whether it was intentional or not, it was poorly executed. Bone's storyline had a great resolution, imo, but the overall plot was meatless. His entire storyline could have easily been told in three episodes. I also didn't care for the cliched last-minute girlfriend. *Because there's no such thing as a happy ending without an unnecessary and shoehorned romance*
My gripes with the side plots aren't dealbreakers. I never actively disliked much at all about the show while watching it. I think Theory of Love is a strong contender for noteworthy BLs and criminally overlooked in the discourse of Thai BLs.
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