Dear Friends follows a high-school student named Rina, who believes that friends are not necessary and that they can only be used in times of need. Thus, she is unable to maintain a decent relationship with her friends and classmates. Kitagawa Keiko & Kikawada Masaya stars in this movie with great chemistry & a must watch worth watching movie. They already 3 times pairing in a movie & dramas.
Dear Friends follows a high-school student named Rina, who believes that friends are not necessary and that they can only be used in times of need. Thus, she is unable to maintain a decent relationship with her friends and classmates. Kitagawa Keiko & Kikawada Masaya stars in this movie with great chemistry & a must watch worth watching movie. They already 3 times pairing in a movie & dramas.
Dear Friends follows a high-school student named Rina, who believes that friends are not necessary and that they can only be used in times of need. Thus, she is unable to maintain a decent relationship with her friends and classmates. Kitagawa Keiko & Kikawada Masaya stars in this movie with great chemistry & a must watch worth watching movie. They already 3 times pairing in a movie & dramas.
Dear Friends follows a high-school student named Rina, who believes that friends are not necessary and that they can only be used in times of need. Thus, she is unable to maintain a decent relationship with her friends and classmates. Kitagawa Keiko & Kikawada Masaya stars in this movie with great chemistry & a must watch worth watching movie. They already 3 times pairing in a movie & dramas.