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Ótima produção, porém enredo e execução duvidosos.
Quando assisti fiquei admirada com a qualidade visual da série, que é extremamente melhor do que a anterior, porém nessa série o jogo KING foi um pouco forçado.A atuação também foi ótima, do elenco todo, principalmente dos personagens secundários e o Pun, que não deixaram nada a desejar!
A história estava indo muito bem até o episódio 8, onde o diretor começou a fazer uma bagunça e não soube como resolver no final, o que deixou o final aberto e ficou parecendo que o diretor não quis desapontar nenhum dos shipps e acabou com todos de uma vez.
Adorei a personagem lésbica, porém queria que ela tivesse sido mais desenvolvida, e achei confuso isso só ser relevante no final, uma pena na verdade.
O protagonista é muito fofo, mas fiquei triste de não ter tido um casal canônico, ele merecia mais. Ótima atuação por parte dele por sinal, passou muito bem as emoções do personagem.
Achei a série meio problemática em alguns pontos, mas o que mais me incomodou foi a retratação de pedofilia abertamente romantizada, onde o casal "principal" é entre um adolescente de 15 ou 16 anos, e um adulto com no mínimo 23 anos (mas que parece ter uns 25). Tecnicamente não é ilegal mas fiquei desconfortável assistindo essa parte. Acho que para resolver isso, poderiam ter colocado o Pun no último ano de escola e não deixado o Sib como veterano, e sim no 1 ou 2 ano de faculdade, acabaria com toda a problemática.
No geral a série não me decepcionou, apenas não gostei do final aberto e da diferença de idade entre os protagonistas. Não assistiria novamente, mas não foi um tempo perdido. A série no geral foi agradável de assistir, boa para se divertir, sem esperar algo extremamente clichê.
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I see all the high ratings and the rave reviews this season as well as season one has and I'm honestly confused by it all. Sure, it had such potential, but this show went off the rails since season one. The acting is stiff, the characters has no chemistry and nothing really worked.
Sometimes you need to burn the house down and start again with a fresh foundation.
This was one of those moments - they needed to do what 2Moons did - recast the entire damn thing, hire new writers and start fresh - but instead, they built a new house on the same shaky foundation.
I'm not entirely sure what I expected. I strongly disliked the first season and couldn't believe they'd spend money on making a second season. I am not sure why I even watched this. I supposed I was hoping it would be better. Or maybe I wanted to see what fresh hell they were unleashing on their fans this time - I don't know.
Either way I watched.
First of all, these grown folks are using a card came to steer their lives. Okay, fine, its a game and there are rules, but a bunch of people in this so call game was taking it WAY to seriously. They legit use this game to tell them what path to take or to have someone else do something they probably don't feel right about.
Secondly, every single character in this show are horrible human beings. Every single one of them deserve to be miserable.
I can't...I honestly can't.
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Just wanna share my insights... I AM YOUR KING!!! SECOND SEASON IS ROCKIN... Don't bash me for this
This series is quite intriguing. When I saw online that there will be a 2nd season of I am Your King, I was very excited because on the first season, the love story between the main characters was not finished. I was a bit frustrated to know that the 2nd season is a new story with a new characters focused on. But as I am watching the 2nd season, I am getting some ideas that might relate the two seasons. I am having a hunch that Pound from season 1 is Pun's brother and I have my theory for that.First, the fact that Pun is living alone in a condominium is a proof that his family is away. He mentioned in the fourth and fifth episode that he lives in a condominium near the cafe where he applied as a part-time barista. Second, on those episode, Pun said to P'Sib and Em that his mom went to China for business and his brother followed to study there and that he is the only one who doesn't want to go there. I support this second part of the theory by the Last episode of the first season. Pound's mom is going back to China and she is taking Pound with him to study there. Pound told his friend, New, that he will be studying there for a long time. (That episode really made cry a lot). Third part (and maybe the last one), Pun said that his father is already deceased and on the first season, he has the same situation as Pound. Both of them have no fathers and they live with their mom.
They both have no fathers, have a mom going to China for business, and one is left when the other went to study there. This is just a hunch and I am not yet fully confident with it myself. But I am certainly sure that they have some relations though.
But, I am certainly looking forward to the development of the second season and I hope it gets connected to the first season as I watch it till the end.
Thank You for reading this!
I am Jesse from Philippines, 18 years old and a proud BL addict.... May you have a great day
Chan rak Khun, bye bye
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Le retour du jeu du roi
J'ai bien apprécié la série au départ mais par la suite, elle m'a laissé un sentiment plus mitigé, je m'explique.les personnages ont une bonne alchimie ensemble et dès le début, on voit plusieurs petits scénarios qui s'imbriquent les uns dans les autres est sont intéressants à suivre, et, cerise sur le pompon, on a droit à des baisers autrement plus chauds que comme d'autres productions où se frôler du bout des lèvres est le summum de la dépravation.
Le personnage de Pun est relativement bien campé, un peu (trop) larmoyant parfois mais comme son background n'est presque pas développé, on peut s'imaginer qu'il a dû vivre des moments difficiles liés à son homosexualité et qu'il en a gros sur la patate,ce qui expliquerait ses différents "craquage".
La petite-amie de Sib, Pan est l'archétype de la fille bien énervante et homophobe à souhait et on développera difficilement de l'empathie pour elle. Quant à Sib et Tar, on voit dès le début qu'ils cachent nombre de choses.
je voudrai m'attarder d'avantage sur le personnage de Em qui a été mon préféré de la série. Déjà, j'ai trouvé que le jeu d'acteur de Boat a été époustouflant, d'un seul regard il réussit à même terroriser le spectateur ! il est tout d'abord présenté comme quelqu'un de violent, voire instable mais quand on le découvre par la suite, il a toute une personnalité, toute une palette d'émotions que l'on découvre à son propos que j'ai trouvé absolument passionnantes. C'est d'après moi le personnage le plus abouti et qui a une évolution de dingue de toute la série.
Enfin, j'ai bien aimé le petit clin d'œil à la première saison en dehors du fait que Pun soit le frère de Pond, l'aurez-vous remarqué ?
Je vais maintenant aborder les choses qui m'ont le plus déplu : le gros problème c'est surtout la relation entre Sib et Pun c'est du "fuis-moi, je te suis / suis-moi, je te fuis". Et ça ne s'arrête jamais ! Tout en blessant tout le monde au passage, bien sur ! Y'a vraiment des paires de claques qui se perdent, je vous jure !
Que Sib ait du mal à accepter son homosexualité, je peux le comprendre mais des scènes où
il reste silencieux quand ses potes lui demandent, presque choqués : "c'est toi sur la photo ?" avec deux mecs qui s'embrassent, alors qu'au dernier jeu du roi ils se faisaient goulûment des french kiss de 30 secondes,
faut pas pousser non plus !
Pour finir, ce qui m'a plus plus dérangé, c'est bien la fin, je pense que la série aurait nettement gagné en supprimant la scène finale
qui se passe 3 ans plus tard
On resterait sur une fin différente,
certes, beaucoup plus triste aussi, mais je ne suis pas contre les sad-endings
Mais je dois dire que cette scène apporte beaucoup trop de questions sans réponses et du coup ça la rend bien moins intéressante à l'aune de la série toute entière.
Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.
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