So, I recommend Shin Don only because it has common historic characters with Faith. You'd watch it if you have educational purposes (want to learn more about the period).
All the gods will be leaving before the last rain of doomsday. However, an ordinary human girl unexpectedly puts a dent in their plans to retreat thus causing the world to move towards the unknown. Based on the animistic mythology of the Amis tribe, the gods are no longer willing to bless the land that is plagued with environmental issues. One by one, the gods depart the world they once loved. A human girl discovers that the opportunity to reverse her destiny lies within herself and her guardian. Before the final day of judgment, a love story between human and god unfolds.
If you take away the supernatural time-traveling theme with the main girl, it revolves around King Gongmin, Princess Nagook and General Choi Young who seem to play a bit role in the background of the Six Flying Dragons. It's definitely a good drama to watch either before or at the same time as Six Flying Dragons to get a good background picture as to why Goryeo is looking the way it does in Six Flying Dragons.