What I liked:- One of the drama that makes me cry in every episodes (I would surely not watch it in public next time).
- The story of the deceased and the main cast are both heartwarming and heart-wrenching. It teaches us to not jump into conclusion without knowing their backstory.
- I am so amazed by Tang Jun Sang acting. I first watched him act in Racket Boys and his character there is totally different than in Move to Heaven. It also raise awareness of Asperger's syndrome.
- I like how it's only 10 episodes, so its not dragging at all.
What I don't like:
- Probably about the ending. It kinda left us hanging.
- But other than that, it's perfect. I can totally rewatch it anytime soon.
So, if you are contemplating whether to watch this or not, just watch it. You will not regret it.
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Emotional but some good action too
Just catched up with this drama. I avoided it at first because I thought it would be a tearjerker only. Well it was at times but it also has some good sub plots with some good action. Despite the know it all side of the ML (Yes Han Geu Roo is the ML) which is annoying at times, he is still genuine and his abilities help a lot. SML Cho Sang Gu is a loser but he has a proper character development and his story is interesting. Yoon Na Mu is not only the fifth wheel of the carriage. She was funny and useful at times.Binged watched the whole serie within a week-end. Quite an emotional and well crafted serie which denounces fairly some bad aspects of SK's society/history.
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I don't believe in heaven but I believe in this drama ?
Ok.. so as someone who is pretty much just now branching off of the BL genre, this is the first review I've done on just a regular K-drama. Normally when I watch a drama that isn't BL, it has to be related to something I enjoy. For example, Horror/Thrillers. That's why I really enjoyed Strangers from Hell and Sweet home. But this is pretty much the first time that I ignored all those things and went for something I wasn't even sure I was gonna like lol. Tbh, when I first read the synopsis it made me really confused how this is ranked #1 on the top dramas list. I thought it sounded quite boring. How could a drama about moving peoples things be good? Damn.. I was WRONG. To me, this drama was anything but boring. Not only is pretty much every single character likeable but its exactly what it says it is, a freaking tearjerker. I cried in almost every episode. It was cool to see the lives and stories of the dead. Especially when typically people just end up forgetting them. It definitely also had lots of comedy, happiness, suspense, action... just everything. I wasnt sure how I felt about the uncle at first just cause he seemed to be really petty but he grew on me super hard and ended up becoming one of my favorite characters. His slowly developed relationship with Geu-ru was so perfectly executed. Geu-ru is also an extremely likeable character. Hes so smart, talented, and very high functioning. I know that one of the symptoms of Asperger syndrome is that people with it seem to lack emotional expression and yes, maybe Geu-ru didnt physically show his emotions much but he definitely expressed his emotions through his actions and words. The things he would go out of his way to do for people was insane. I seriously cant get over how good this series was. I will be rewatching it again soon lol. Im grateful for everyone involved in this drama.Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
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Amazing story and acting
I have to admit that Geu Roo is so adorable. It was sad that he lost his father. Geu is a smart guy who was able to continue the business. Those crime scenes he was cleaning would freak me out. Who does not get freak out being around that? I admire how the actor playing Geu Roo handle it so well. I would just scearm and be like this is not a job for me. The story is amazing and a must watch series. BTW there is episode that has BL scenes. If you have not watch it. You have to see it for yourself.Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
A very heart-touching drama with a unique plot-line.
Move To Heaven একটা প্রফেশনাল ট্রামা ক্লিনিং অরগানাইজেশান। ‘ট্রামা ক্লিনিং’ টার্মটা কিভাবে বোঝাই……… খুব বিচ্ছিরি একটা উদাহরণ দিয়ে বোঝাতে হচ্ছে! আমাদের দেশে করোনা সংক্রমণের শুরুর দিকে একদল স্বার্থপর মানুষের দেখা মিলেছিলো- তাদের বৃদ্ধ মা-বাবা কিংবা আত্মীয় স্বজন কেউ মারা গেলে তারা লাশ রেখে পালিয়ে যেত, লাশ ধরতে অস্বীকৃতি জানাতো। তখন আবার আরেকদল স্বেচ্ছাসেবক দলের দেখাও মিলেছিলো যারা নিজ উদ্যোগে এসব লাশ যথাযোগ্য মর্যাদায় দাফন করতে আসতো। Move To Heaven নামের প্রতিষ্ঠানটাকে আমরা এসব স্বেচ্ছাসেবক দলের সাথে তুলনা করতে পারি, কিন্তু তারা কাজটা প্রফেশনালি করে। তবে পার্থক্য হচ্ছে তারা মৃতদেহ সৎকার করে না, মৃতজনের ব্যবহৃত জিনিসপত্রাদি যা তাদের প্রিয়জনদের প্রয়োজন নেই বা যেসব জিনিসপত্র থেকে গেলে সেগুলোর স্মৃতি মনে করে প্রিয়জনরা কষ্ট পেতে পারে তারা সেগুলোর সৎকার করে। সহজ ভাষায় বলতে গেলে, পৃথিবীর বুক থেকে মৃতজনের সর্বশেষ স্মৃতিটুকু সরিয়ে নেয়ার কাজটাই Move To Heaven করে থাকে, যাতে জীবিতরা সব ভুলে আবার নতুন করে বাঁচতে পারে। এটাই ট্রামা ক্লিনিং।আমাদের গল্পের নায়ক Han Geu Ru আর তার বাবা Han Jung Woo মিলে এই Move To Heaven নামক প্রতিষ্ঠান চালায়। তাদের কাজ ট্রামা ক্লিনিং হলেও তারা সবসময় চেষ্টা করে মৃতজনের অন্তিম চাওয়াটা পূরণ করতে। এটা মৃত জনের প্রতি তাদের সম্মান প্রদর্শনের নিদর্শন। এভাবেই চলছিলো সব ঠিকঠাক। কিন্তু একদিন সব এলোমেলো হয়ে গেলো।
নায়ক Han Geu Ru ২০ বছরের তরুণ হলেও সে কিছুটা মেন্টালি চ্যালেঞ্জড, মানে অটিস্টিক আরকি। বাবাই ছিল তার দুনিয়া। কিন্তু একদিন তার বাবা হুট করেই মারা গেলো। অথৈ সাগরে পড়ল Geu Ru। এমন সময় দরজায় কড়া নাড়ল জেল ফেরত এক আগুন্তক, So Sang Gu। সম্পর্কে সে Geu Ru-এর সৎ চাচা, যার কথা Geu Ru জীবনেও কোনদিন শুনে নি। কিন্তু তার আর কোন আত্মীয় স্বজন না থাকায় সে-ই এখন তার লিগ্যাল গার্ডিয়ান।
পুরো পরিস্থিতিটা নিয়ে মোটেও খুশি নয় Yoon Na Mu, সে Geu Ru-র প্রতিবেশি, চাইন্ডহুড ফ্রেন্ড এবং তার প্রতি খানিকটা ক্রাশিতও! Sang Gu কে মোটেও পছন্দ হলো না তার। চেহারায় কেমন যেন গুন্ডা গুন্ডা ভাব, সারাদিন শুধু সিগারেট খায়। Gue Ru-র গার্ডিয়ানশিপ এমন একটা লোকের কাছে যাওয়ায় মোটেও খুশি হতে পারলো না Na Mu। তাই সে সিদ্ধান্ত নিল এখন থেকে সেও Move To Heaven এ কাজ শুরু করবে। আর গোপনে Sang Gu-র প্রতি নজর রাখবে যাতে সে কোন ভাবেই যেন Geu Ru-র কোন ক্ষতি করতে না পারে।
আর Geu Ru-র গার্ডিয়ানশিপ নেয়ার ব্যাপারে চাচা Sang Gu-র উদ্দেশ্যও খুব একটা ভালো ছিলো না। তার সৎ ভাই মানে Geu Ru-র বাবার প্রতি তার অনেক ক্ষোভ ছিলো। তাই সে এখানে গার্ডিয়ান হিসাবে আসলেও তার মূল উদ্দেশ্য হচ্ছে Geu Ru-র সব সম্পত্তি বাগিয়ে নেয়া। কিন্তু উইলের শর্তানুযায়ী গার্ডিয়ানশিপ পাওয়ার জন্য তাকে তিন মাস Geu Ru-র সাথে Move To Heaven এর কার্যক্রম চালাতে হবে। এরপরেই সে স্থায়ীভাবে গার্ডিয়ান হিসাবে মনোনীত হবে।
এভাবেই এই তিন জনকে নিয়ে শুরু হলো Move To Heaven এর নতুন যাত্রা। এই যাত্রা কখনো আপনাকে হাসাবে, কখনো কাঁদাবে আর কখনো বা আবেগে ভাসাবে। কিন্তু এক মূহুর্তের জন্যেও বিরক্ত হতে দেবে না।
৪৫ মিনিট করে প্রতি এপিসোড, ১০ এপিসোডের নেটফ্লিক্স অরিজিনাল মিনি সিরিজ। প্রচন্ড ইমোশনাল একটা ড্রামা। হ্যাপি আর স্যাড এন্ডিং বলে এখানে কিছু নেই, ঘটনার নিত্য প্রবাহ আছে। প্রতিদিনই নতুন কোন গল্পের জন্ম, পুরোনো কোনো গল্পের শেষ। যারা ফ্যামিলি বা লাইফ জনরা পছন্দ করেন তাদের জন্য মাস্ট ওয়াচ এই সিরিজ।
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It's ok to be different
Move to Heaven drama is the kind of thing you need when you are desperately seeking the meaning of your life. The most important purpose of this drama is to change our perspectives about "grieving" to someone's demise. Every other episode has it's beautiful message to deliver. This drama portrays important issues while celebrating people's life and showing both respect and shade to "death". It is so very wholesome and will truly evoke your emotions. So, if you're a worshiper of "slice of life" dramas,this drama is for YOU.The drama starts with someone's misery hinting a tragic journey but the entire journey is just beautiful. Saying that it will make you cry tears of happiness will be an understatement because this is one of those heart-warming Kdramas out there.
Simply, the drama consists several different stories that worked likes dots and connecting them made the drama complete. Ofc, it has its basic steady plot too which is appealing (you can read it in the synopsis).
This drama also emphasizes on how a dead can communicate with the living from what they've left behind. This particular thing have touched the core of my heart and I'm sure it's been mesmerizing for everyone too.
The write has done very well in touching different forms if life in the guise of societal issues which will definitely fuel up the positive stances and enroute acceptance in people's midsets. The direction abd screenplay is simply like adding feather to a cap. Good job in cinematography too. The crew has done a commendable job here.
Then comes the cast. I swear to my happiness, the production has done a very good job in casting, be it the major characters or the guest characters, I would say they are the appropriate choice. I was so happy seeing soooo many guest characters.
Lee Jee Hoon, definitely one of the best Korean actors has once again won our hearts with his acting, played his character really well. Tang Joon Sang, being a newbie, I am sure this drama and his acting, will bring him enormous opportunity. He's so cute and was really good in playing someone with Asperger's syndrome. I like Hong Seung Hee in Navillera (another slice of life heart-warming drama) though her screen timing was limited and here she did good too.
Let's talk about the ending. Let me say you that I am not okay with it. It has an open ending hinting for a new season but is that necessary? They could have closed the drama with the scene before the last scene too but they decided to extend it with a big twist. Idk what's in the writer's mind but I am looking forward to it. I was actually wishing there'd be more episodes given that it's soooo good, but am not happy because in most of the cases the dramas with extended seasons ended up getting messed. I really really hope it won't happen with MOVE TO
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so much beauty in here
In just a few words i will say that this drama is simply beautiful. The plot itself was bound to be good but the performance from everyone is what elevated it.I was a little scared at the end of the first episode because i didn't expected it and his uncle wasn't exactly seems the nicest guy. But everything change and we see our ML Geu Roo trying to comes to terms with lost and changes.
My favorites scenes will be when Cho Sang Gu gets to learn what actually happens with his brother, that he was never abandoned and he opens that closet with all the sneakers and breaks crying. It was such an emotional one and Lee Je Hoon was amazing in it (I will stop saying this about him, i made my point already, sorry lol)
And the other scene is when Geu Roo keeps asking Cho that please told him if he was going to die, because his father never tell him and he did and Sang Gu answer is "Your father never told you because he loved you very much, i don't love you that much" lol it was a fun one. also Geu Roo answer like he doesn't care if he don't love him just don't die is a cute one.
I don't know, this show was catartic for me, i laugh, cried and enjoyed it a lot.
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The message conveyed in the drama is very beautiful. I wish more dramas of this kind are made. Importance of every life is showed very wisely. I would recommend everyone to watch this drama. It is emotional and You wont regret watching it. This drama relaxes your mind and soul. Not a romantic drama but a meaningful one. Overall a very good drama.
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This one deserves the hype
I would say this isnt a typical Kdrama its clear that its netflix made. But the acting and story are so great I didnt really notice.I would recommend this to non Kdrama fans as it is just a great show.
As always Le Je Hoon is amazing, he is like a chameleon in all of his roles, completely nailed this character.
Unlike the garbage fire which is 'It's Okay not to be Okay' the portrayal of Aspergers here is handled with sensitivity, allowing the character to have depth and be more than just someone with Aspergers.
Even though each episode usually handles a death it doesnt feel melodramatic, it is interesting and touching. There are many bittersweet moments but there are also a lot of funny and lighthearted moments.
Basically a great show!
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I cried every episode...
This series is an emotional rollercoaster with a incredible story, cast and message.The Plot:
The drama surrounds a boy, Han Geu Ru, with autism. After his father dies, he has to take over their company "Move to Heaven" with deals with estate regulation after a person dies. His neighbour and best friend Yoon Na Mu gives him a helping hand. However, due to his illness, Han Geu Ru gets a new legal guardian, which was chosen by his father before he died. It is his uncle Cho Sang Gu who just got released from prison after almost killing somebody in a fight.
The Obstacles:
All the characters need to overcome past and present barriers to get along with each other. Geu Ru has to work on his strictness, Sang Gu needs to learn to release past anger and guilt, and Na Mu needs to find out what she really wants in life.
But when they grow together, a beautiful family emerges.
There were a lot of side stories, which helped the characters growing. It always brought tears to my eyes how caring they dealt with the estate of the dead people, how they introduced themselves to them and how they did not give up to find the person they can give the important stuff to.
The Cast:
Tan Jung Sang aka. Geu Ru did an brilliant job in portraying a character with a disease. He perfectly portrayed the smart, introverted and caring character and transferred me to another world.
I've recently seen Hong Seung Hee in Navillera, and she was the completely opposite of her character there. She seemed way younger, bubbly and fast-forward. Her character had the function to always speak out loud what the audience things. Otherwise, she was a caregiver and the person who always took the chance and operated to make everyone's life better. She was very fun to watch.
Lee Je Hoon had a huge change here. I only knew him from romantic comedies, but he depicted the ex-prisoner and violent poor boy from the streets very well. I think he definitely liked diving into that role. He played amazingly with his emotions, the sadness, anger and also warmth.
All of them were truly mesmerizing, and I am looking forward to seeing many of their new projects in the future.
Thanks to all the people who worked hard on this series. Amazing screenwriting, directing and acting, etc.
The ending opens some questions, so it might be possible that there will be another season.
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A drama about listening
As I was writing the title to this review (this is my first time reviewing so I was rather lost) I was reminded of one of the repeating lines “even the deceased can speak” and generally that was what this drama showed.Every episode showed a different story and brought light to the stories that normally would have disappeared. They touched upon disability, elderly people in society, the lgbtq community, overseas adoption, domestic abuse, suicide, industrial mismanagement and exploitation, prison, and more, I probably have forgotten some of the societal issues shown as there were so many. In showing the stories of these characters they showed the humans behind these issues, their individual stories, the consequences, and those left behind. In every episode, they not only told the untold stories of those dead but the stories of those who would not be heard even alive.
It was sad but happy at the same time. Some were more tragic than others cause you couldn’t help but think how different things could be so easily, but all of them felt heard and that was a kind of bittersweet happiness through the series.
The cast really brought to life every character within this, even outside of the main cast the level of acting was consistent which really gave depth to each story told. While I do not feel informed enough to give an assessment of how accurate the representation of autism is in this (and am aware that many people would prefer an autistic character to be played by an autistic actor), as someone likely on the autistic spectrum (undiagnosed) I thought it was reasonably well done.
Finally, the ending felt cathartic and right. It was neither happy nor sad and that really fit. It felt like the entire series had been leading to that final move to heaven which gave the entire drama a nice direction and wrapped up point to stop. We ended where we started and heard the story we started with end. Though there was a hint at a season 2 which I fully can see working and would support (with the girl at the end, and the fighting ring owner escaping arrest).
Overall, while I don’t believe this is one I would rewatch because the impact was truly in the piecing together of the story, and the finding what the dead wanted to say (I do not tend to rewatch things in any case as I remember the story enough after the first watch that I get bored). This is a must watch because this drama shows the stories of the dead (fictional of course but easily applicable with how grounded in reality the series is), but also what the alive unheard by society say.
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