6 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mrt 3, 2022
10 van 10
Voltooid 1
Geheel 6.5
Verhaal 5.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 3.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

Fantastic. Beautiful, but... This is not a LGBT+ show or a gay romance.

Absolutely beautiful. Almost perfect story.
Fantastic cinematography. Everything was almost perfect, but...
This was a perfect example of a BL for women. I can see why it scores so high with that demographic.

One word for this show, manipulative. I was looking forward to the last 3 episodes... But then Tian reverts to a child that cannot make his own decisions.

1. This was bromance, not romance. Slight innuendos and minor flirting does not make this a love story.

2. The writing made Tian's entire character a plot device. Tian's own feelings and acts were underplayed. It was Torfun's acts that was constantly talked about and praised, making HER the protagonist and not Tian.

3. Major problem with the 'Tian lied' storyline. Yes he did not tell them about the heart transplant, but it was Pupha and the rest of the officers that decided not to tell the villagers about her death. Being mad at him was very hypocritical, especially considering:

4. The revelation that Tian's father asked Pupha to look after Tian. Nothing about this made sense. It felt like a plot device just added to provide conflict. If this was true Pupha would have known about the heart transplant from the beginning.

5. The chemistry between the leads were never really explored. Instead we got multiple shots of a shirtless Earth.
A lot of reviewers are praising the almost total lack of intimacy between Tian and Pupha, citing their character's traits.
Sorry, no. That is not how relationships work. It really got frustrating and at the end, insulting.

Again, beautiful show, but it might as well have been made with male and female leads. (It almost felt like it was with the constant Torfun flashbacks.)

It could have been perfect.

Edited to add, after reading other 10/10 reviews, I'm changing the rating because of the manipulation by the director.

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7 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 5, 2021
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
I am living with my expectations on this series! 2 episodes are done and I can say, KUDOS! TO ALL THE TEAM! This Series deserves to be more famous all around the world. ?????

Cinematography is at its 100% perfection! Plot is also perfect. OST is the best! The actors/actresses are great! #EarthMix is the newest love team that we deserve. They deserve the fame also. ???

There are spoilers in social medias but I don't watch it. I prefer to be hungry and more excited every week! ???? I commend Mix as a new artist of GMM for giving us his acting skills. He has a very angelic face for a guy. And I can't help myself staring at him whenever the camera is focusing on him. Waahhhhhhhhhhh! Ofcourse Earthe, 1 of my favorite actors. When he pull off his shirt, OH EM GEE!!! What the!!!!! He is very sexyyyyy! Shiaaa! With that bite chuchu. ???? Furthermore, I am very happy that GMM is giving us a very well-done series! I commend GMM this time too! ??

From Sotus, Sotus S, Theory of Love, Dark Blue Kiss, 2gether and now A Tale of Thousand Stars. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
8 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
apr 8, 2021
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 2.0
Verhaal 2.0
Acting/Cast 1.5
Muziek 6.5
Rewatch Waarde 1.0

Gutted a d dissatisfied

. I went in with soo much expectations as I was one of those that has been waiting for this show since the first trailer. It’s a big let down for me, in fact you can skip a lot of episodes without missing anything, the pacing is soo weird, I feel like I wasted my time. The soundtrack is nice, that’s the only thing I like. I feel gutted and disappointed. And why does earth keep sighting, that was really annoying. This could have been a movie, since nothing was really going on in most of the episodes.
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
2 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
apr 13, 2021
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 9.5


The story is really articulated. At any moment you have no idea on how the story might develop, which keeps the interest up. I also appreciated the fact the love story isn't too sappy or irrealistic. Actually they don't even show too much affection in an obvious way. They don't need to show anything to know that they're in love and this is really interesting and clever, because it makes their relationship look genuine, deep and intimate.

The actors were just perfect. Mix in particular was always able to efficiently portray the emotions of his character. There were a lot of sad and emotional scenes (like A LOT), but despite this I never felt like his acting was exaggerated.

What I didn't like was Sakda's subplot. It didn't add much to the story and they didn't even finish it. They just implied the police was tracking them down, but there was no actual development. I really don't understand the point of that subplot, but because it was so minor, I'm not going to complain too much either. At the end of the day the show isn't impacted by it.

Anyway, I recommend this 100%. According to my personal taste, there are better shows, but I can't deny this is absolutely top tier in its category. I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it to anyone who loves the genre. Just beware: many people nicknamed this "A tale of thousand tears" and to be honest this is really accurate. The emotional involvement is extreme (this might be a good thing or a bad thing, depends on your personal taste).

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
4 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
apr 2, 2021
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0

Ca bouge enfin du côté des BL Thaï

La Thaïlande semble enfin prête à nous fournir des BL plus adultes qui s'écartent des traditionnelles histoires universitaires. Après Manner of Death, qui mélange action et polar, et Lovely Writer qui s'amuse avec les codes du boy's love, on nous offre une romance rurale plutôt sympathique, inspirée elle aussi d'un bouquin. Bref résumé de l'histoire : étudiant richissime et pourri gâté, Tian reçoit une greffe de cœur en urgence. Après avoir trouvé le journal de Torfun (sa donneuse décédée la même nuit, qui était enseignante bénévole dans un petit village perdu dans la montage), il décide de changer de vie, prendre sa place et poursuivre son œuvre. Ce faisant, il va progressivement tomber amoureux de Pha, le chef de la garnison chargée de protéger ce secteur frontalier.

L'intrigue en elle-même n'a rien de très exceptionnel, elle est d'ailleurs plutôt lente, mais elle est néanmoins riche et bien exploitée. Les décors montagneux sont magnifiques, le village et ses habitants bien rendus, le contexte fouillé, et malgré quelques longueurs on ne s'ennuie pas vraiment. Bien que certains épisodes nous offrent un peu d'action, ce n'est pas le principal. On suit essentiellement l'adaptation de Tian à cette nouvelle vie très éloignée de ses habitudes ainsi qu'à son nouveau rôle d'enseignant volontaire, ses tentatives plus ou moins fructueuses de gagner l'affection des habitants et surtout, l'évolution de sa romance avec Pha, compliquée par le fait qu'il vit grâce au cœur d'une femme que les villageois ont connue et appréciée, d'autant que la plupart ignorent son décès. A part quelques moments plus soutenus, pas de grosses tensions ou de grande passion donc, mais l'originalité du scénario, son rythme paisible et son cadre rendent l'histoire agréable.

Une fois n'est pas coutume dans un BL Thaï, ici le jeu d'acteur est en général assez bon. Je dis "en général", parce que j'ai toujours eu du mal avec le comédien Earth Pirapat Watthanasetsiri, qui interprète Pha. Je ne le trouvais déjà pas très inspiré dans Water Boyy et les 2-3 autres dramas dans lesquels je l'ai vu, et ce n'est certes pas A Tale of Thousand Stars qui va changer mon opinion à son sujet. J'ai beau me forcer, je ne lui trouve décidément aucun charisme. Il jouerait dans n'importe quel drama d'action, ok je ne dis pas, sans doute aurait-il sa place. Mais là on parle d'une romance, le minimum serait qu'il dégage un peu quelque chose, à défaut d'une réelle alchimie entre les acteurs. Le pire c'est que j'ai l'impression qu'il ne sait pas trop comment jouer les émotions autrement qu'en soupirant. Il soupire quand il est agacé, il soupire quand il est triste, il soupire quand il hésite, il soupire quand il est timide... Bref, à la fin je n'entendais plus que ses soupirs, au point qu'ils ont fini par m'obséder comme le feraient les crissements des ongles sur un tableau. Bon, pour être tout à fait honnête avec lui et parce que je suis une gentille fille, j'étais à l'affût de tous les points positifs que je pouvais lui trouver, et c'est vrai qu'il s'améliore dans les deux derniers épisodes où il devient un peu plus touchant et crédible dans ses émotions, la preuve je ne l'ai entendu soupirer que 3 fois. Quant à Mix Sahaphap Wongratch qui interprète Tian, je n'irais pas jusqu'à affirmer que c'est un excellent acteur, sa palette d'émotions est plutôt réduite elle aussi (il faut admettre que son personnage n'est pas censé danser de joie), mais contrairement à son partenaire, il est charismatique et émouvant, donc on va dire que ça rattrape le truc surtout que cela semble être son premier vrai rôle . Enfin, j'ai eu l'agréable surprise de découvrir un réel talent et là encore un certain charisme, chez l'acteur Khaotung Thanawat Ratanakitpaisan qui joue ici un rôle secondaire. En bref, tout le contraire de sa présence désastreuse dans le très oubliable "TonhonChonlatee", où il interprétait la 2ème moitié dudit titre. Espérons qu'après A Tale of Thousand Stars, on lui offrira plus de boulots à sa mesure. Quant au reste du casting (villageois, militaires, etc.) ils s'en sortent relativement bien, en tout cas je les ai trouvés plutôt naturels, même les gamins. Et cerise sur le gâteau pour les habitués des BL, on peut reconnaître le fameux Noh de Love Sick qui joue le meilleur ami du héros, et à la toute fin l'evil bitch de TonhonChonlatee, tous deux également dans des rôles secondaires.

Comme d'hab, on a aussi droit à des scènes ridicules de placement de produits, où la caméra s'attarde bien trop longtemps sur l'étiquette de divers(e)s chips / boissons / savons (barrez les mentions inutiles) dont nos personnages font usage, mais par chance ça arrive un peu moins souvent que dans d'autres BL Thaï, franchement on a vu pire et ça reste supportable. Peut-être parce que cette série et son cadre s'adressent à un public plus large et moins influençable que les adolescentes que l'on cible d'ordinaire ? Ou bien parce qu'il est difficile de placer des scènes visant à promouvoir du mascara quand les villageoises n'ont même pas l'eau courante ? Mystère...

En tout cas, je ne regrette pas d'avoir découvert ce drama. L'intrigue plus grave et plus adulte nous change des niaiseries habituelles, sans compter qu'on nous offre de très beaux paysages. Quant à l'acteur principal, il est quand même convaincant et parvient à nous attendrir malgré son jeu plutôt réduit (mais comme je l'ai dit, je pense que c'est son rôle qui veut ça) et je serais vraiment emballée de le voir dans d'autres productions. L'intrigue est suffisamment sympathique pour nous faire oublier ses quelques longueurs, le contexte général est bien développé, et aucun personnage n'adopte de comportement problématique du genre à diviser l'opinion. Bref, une belle histoire qui vaut la peine d'être visionnée, ne serait-ce que pour encourager la nouvelle direction prise par les productions BL thaïlandaises, en espérant qu'ils poursuivront dans leur volonté de diversifier leur offre.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
4 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
apr 7, 2021
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Muziek 8.5
Rewatch Waarde 8.5

The new standard of BLs! One of the best BLs in the past 5 years!

I was done with school based BLs and BLs where the leads are rowdy teenagers in school/college. This BL was a breath of fresh air and frankly one of the GMMTV's best BL series. There were proper adults in the drama playing adult roles and it was lovely to experience the leads' journey towards love for each other.

Reasons to watch this series
1. Simple yet amazing story, quality production and beautiful cinematography
2. Solid acting by the leads and supporting cast
3. No unnecessary scenes - there were no unnecessary sexual scenes between the leads, yet their chemistry was worth watching
4. Music and OST - the title track itself is very good

8.5/10 because at times the plot was very slow and some scenes could have been acted well.

With this series and Manner of Death, I am glad that there is some refreshing change. Do not miss this - A must watch!!

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
5 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 4, 2021
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 7.0

Felt Manipulated and Empty

I am perhaps in a minority here. While I liked the series, I do not think it is great nor a masterpiece of any sorts. Sure, it is well-acted but the story itself was so convoluted and contrived. This series simply tried too hard to get us to like it. It certainly tugged at our heartstrings. It had all the right elements - children, poverty, bad-guys, redemption, guilt, and a stab at romance. And many, many people certainly liked this series. But it all felt so empty to me, and I felt manipulated. I know that is what stories are supposed to do but I wanted and needed to feel something - a strong connection, something relatable, an emotional link. I simply just did not get it. What bothered me the most was yet again a BL story refusing to consummate its relationship with any kind of romantic gesture (i.e. kiss). Dear God, when is this going to stop. If you love one (or even like someone a lot), a simple kiss on the lips is not a commitment to enteral love or even marriage, Kissing one's forehead is an insult to everyone who is in a real relationship.

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BL addict
3 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 9, 2023
10 van 10
Voltooid 4
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 9.0

the best thai BL I've ever watch

Story: I can confidently say that this is the most heartwarming and relatable thai drama ever. Tian, being a teacher after a car crash that almost costs his life, meets phupha, a forest ranger, and fell in love. I love how they write Tian's character development, from a men who doesn't believe in anything, to someone who inspires others. i think this is very nice.
Acting: despite being new to acting, mix portrayed tian with so much feeling. his expression is very good and not awkward at all. the chemistry between mix and earth was so nice. earth as usual, did a very great job. he deserved more popularity.
music: as a traditional music fan, i really liked it when they used traditional thai music instrument incorporated in the song.
rewatch value: since the final episode was released, i already rewatched this for idk how many times but I remember I watch this everyday in a week after the finale.
overall, it was a great BL with unnecessary drama-llama and has a really warm story that could make you cry the entire series.

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Zii3 Flower Award1
3 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 5, 2023
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.5
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 8.5
Rewatch Waarde 3.0

Good For One Watch, Slow Burn, Mix Is Captivating.

Good for one watch if you don't mind it dissolving into unnecessary, predictable, and angsty melodrama for a while. Overall I'm glad I saw it (mainly because Mix is a fantastic actor and I really enjoy watching him in his characters), but I won't watch it again.

Ten 60-75min episodes. Great (8.5 or 9 out of 10) then Ep 7 started to slide into some clichés and frustrating character choices. Then Ep 8 & 9 were full of clichéd plot lines, all so predictable in their character stupidity. People said things or didn't say things in unrealistic ways to force the contrived plot points aimed at emotional angst to work. The screenplay became so melodramatic. I started watching at 2x the speed, rolling my eyes frequently, and so annoyed that I stopped caring about the story and stopped feeling for the characters. I just wanted to get it over with.

In Ep 10 the stupidity died down a little and it became watchable again and Mix's acting managed to get me re-invested in his character. The second half of Ep 10 was great and satisfying. One of the best airport scenes ever! I usually find them cringworthy but this one was understated, heartfelt, and perfect, even with other character's reactions.

Earth is not my favorite actor but he was surprisingly more nuanced in this than in Moonlight Chicken.
All of the secondary and tertiary characters did great.

This is one long, major slow-burn! It stays pretty PG, but the hearfelt way Ep 10 was done made it satisfying nonetheless.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
3 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 9, 2023
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10


I waited a long time to watch this drama because I had a feeling I wouldn't like it. I finally decided to watch it thanks to the recommendation in the We Watch Challenge. It turned out that the drama captivated me from the very beginning. I like it when misunderstandings in dramas are cleared up quickly and you don't have to endure the characters' pain for several episodes. A Tale of Thousand Stars is a drama that makes you feel all kinds of emotions. It's funny but it also makes you cry. The chemistry between the characters was amazing. This is probably the best bl drama I've ever watched.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 2, 2021
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

l was in tears

l have just completed watching from start to finish it was epic must have been about 12 hours
l just couldn't stop watching
main character Mix Sahaphap Wongratch is just so beautiful to watch and acting spot on .
film brought me to tears?????????? on so many occasions a must watch film
the story from start to finish is just so emotional

500 character's is too much for me to write so emoji to show how much l loved it

10 out of 10 all the way xx

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
3 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 1, 2023
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10


If you are a BL lover, this series has a unique story, great drama, excellent cinematography, endearing slow-burn romance, and superb acting.

Highly recommend this show if you are looking for the following:
• Unusual story and setting of a BL.
• An introspective drama of a man that has an emotional life-changing journey of self-discovery and forgiveness.
• Excellent acting of the cast (and children).
• Amazing chemistry of the main leads.
• A story and struggle of a rural village community.
• Outstanding world-building that takes place in a rural village.
• Realistic portrayal of an inexperienced volunteer teacher in a remote area.
• Showcases gorgeous scenery and portraying different cultures.
• Right amount of comedy that doesn't overpower the overall feels of the show.
• Simple but beautiful OST.

I have to commend Mix Sahaphap's for doing an outstanding job in his debut role as Tian. Portraying a complex character is not easy for a seasoned actor, let alone to a newbie. I would also say that this is one of Earth Pirapat's best works. His performance as a stern and authoritative figure really fits him, but at the same time you can see his kindness and compassion towards other people.

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A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) poster



  • Score: 8.5 (gescoord door 32,070 gebruikers)
  • Gerangschikt: #529
  • populariteit: #211
  • Kijkers: 53,598

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