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Jirisan, montagne sacrée de la Corée, pleine de mystère.
Ce que j’en ai pensé :Ce n’est pas innocent que les scénaristes aient choisi la montagne de Jirisan pour y planter leur histoire, car Jirisan est par excellence et par essence le cœur de la Corée, la montagne magique où les esprits se promènent, où on pratique encore le chamanisme, et des rituels réguliers.
Extraits d’un article de Géo magazine :
« C’est par ailleurs l’un des endroits du pays les plus riches en qi [l’énergie positive] et en spiritualité », analyse l’anthropologue "Benjamin Joinau, professeur de civilisation à l’université Hongik de Séoul.
« Nulle part ailleurs dans le pays, la symbiose entre le peuple et la montagne n’est aussi forte, insiste David Mason, professeur à "l’université de Sejong et spécialiste du sujet. C’est un haut lieu de syncrétisme entre bouddhisme, chamanisme et animisme. »
"En Corée, on naît, on vit et on meurt dans la montagne », assure un adage. Une exagération sans doute. Mais le trekking reste "quand même, et de loin, le loisir préféré de la population, malgré un temps disponible restreint – entre cinq et onze jours de "congés annuels. D’après une étude de 2016, 30 % des 51 millions d’habitants seraient d’ailleurs des randonneurs chevronnés. « Nous avons des vies très stressantes, il faut toujours être performant : c’est pour cela que nous aimons tant côtoyer les "sommets ! » rigole Kim Euy Gon, 50 ans, croisé sur l’un des innombrables sentiers du massif sacré.
Une fois qu’on a bien tout ça en tête, le drama prend un tout autre sens, car Jirisan est partie prenante autant que les gardes forestiers de l’histoire. Le réalisateur s’en est donné à cœur joie en vues époustouflantes des sommets, des forêts, des incendies, ou des inondations, nous faisant bien sentir que l’homme n’est que toléré parmi cette nature sauvage et grandiose. D’ailleurs on peut lui reprocher d’en avoir fait parfois un peu trop en cadrage bizarre et en allongement un peu excessifs de certaines prises de vues… Mais j’étais si heureuse de retrouver un lieu qui m’avait enchantée que je ne m’en suis pas plainte !
Le garde forestier Kang Hyun Jo a vécu un drame personnel dans la montagne, et depuis il ressent une communication particulière avec Jirisan…
Le réalisateur a privilégié les changements de temps , on passe très souvent du présent à un passé récent, ou plus ancien, ou encore plus ancien, et cela demande un peu d’entraînement au début. Je pense que le récit aurait gagné en clarté à être un peu moins haché et un peu plus linéaire, sans cependant abandonner complètement les changements d’époques qui sont indispensables vus les changements d’état des héros principaux.
L’histoire est très prenante, les soupçons se portent sur divers suspects, qui, peu à peu éliminés, nous mènent au final à la découverte du coupable. C’est une part du scénario que j’ai beaucoup aimée, car tout au long de l’histoire le fantastique et la réalité triviale ont été mêlés avec habileté, et la résolution de l’énigme nous ramène à ce qui a toujours justifié le crime : l’argent, la vengeance, terriblement humaine, jusqu’au moment où c’est la montagne elle-même qui va conclure le destin du coupable !
Donc en conclusion, je devrais dire que j’ai beaucoup aimé ce drama… sauf que les 10 dernières minutes ont tout fichu par terre ! ça ne m’étonne pas du réalisateur de Descendants of the sun » ou « Mr Sunshine », mais la (le ?) scénariste de Kingdom et de Signal aurait pu nous épargner cette fin ridicule !
Attention SPOILER :
Que Hyun Jeo se mette à respirer seul au moment où on le débranche, on peut passer, mais qu’on nous laisse croire tout un épisode qu’il est mort alors que … Oh ! mais qui est là ? Contemplant le lever de soleil ? mais c’est lui ! Bien vivant (hop un petit flash-back de 10 s montrant l’infirmière expliquant le retour à la vie ), cette vieille ficelle de faire croire à la mort de quelqu’un pour le montrer bien vivant ça a été usé et archi usé ! Mais le pire c’est Yi Kang, paraplégique depuis des mois, sans jamais parler de la moindre rééducation, ni d’un quelconque espoir de remarcher, hop !! la voilà debout, bien costaud ! Comment ??? Pourquoi ??? Ben on n’en saura jamais rien !
Et à côté de ça on accumule des flashbacks inutiles au lieu de donner un minimum d’explication à ces « miracles » !
En plus du ridicule achevé de ce happy end forcé, toute l’atmosphère du drama, de la puissance de la montagne qui peut faire du mal, du lien très spécial que s’est créé entre les personnages et cette entité magnifique qu’ils servent jusqu’au péril de leur vie, tout disparaît dans cette fin de romance à l’eau de rose !
Donc si vous regardez « Jirisan » arrêtez-vous 1/4 d’heure avant la fin !
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Drama for thriller lover
This is a beautiful story about mountains, nature, disaster, beauty.Where a group of responsible members risked their lives to save this huge beautiful mountain and the nature that surrounds it.
Travelers there always ensure the safety of the people.
I like these aspects very much. Besides, the cinematography of the drama was awesome in one word.
And the acting was very enjoyable and the story was full of mystery & very enjoyable.
A must watch drama for the lovers of thriller.
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Mountain, mystery, suspense
Excellent cast, acting and writing. A crime drama with a stunning setting, Mountain Rangers as the central characters and even a bit of the supernatural thrown in. The latter actually has a sad feel to it.I loved both Jun Ji Hyun and Joo Ji Hoon in this; her character was strong, capable and assertive, if a little headstrong. It was so enjoyable to see JJH playing a softer character, whose more placid, thoughtful and probing nature, balanced hers.
Oh Jung Se was on fine form as usual, too.
The story twists and turns, moving with the seasons on the mountain, as it is revealed there's a killer on the loose.
The culprit isn't unveiled until the final episodes and so many fit the bill at some point, that guessing was impossible!
I loved the production, location, filming and a soundtrack that suited it so well.
I actually found the ending quite emotional.
What let it down a little were the sudden jumps (from the outset), in the timeline. I didn't get what was going on initially, but once I realised, it was fine; the story is told before and after the events of the deaths, leading up to the capture of the killer.
There were also a couple of characters whose stories and reactions were a bit OTT, but in a drama that had so many good ones, they were bearable.
A couple of episodes were a little slow, but overall this was a great watch.
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A murder mystery with mystical elements
I have to recommend this drama - it's intriguing, beautifully shot, and located in a beautiful landscape with its own character and force. the music is beautiful too. Acting outstanding and great characters for all the supporting cast - none are simply there to perform a function and then evaporate - each is a defined person, which is lovely. All the cast, really, were stars - "supporting actor"? ... who - no, they were all substantial roles and some of them, heartbreaking.The landscape itself has a crucial role, and cannot have been easy to put onto film - kudos to all involved in capturing a sense of this mountain - though I suspect it is a pale shadow of the real thing.
Well produced, obviously, and well written, though the plotting depends a little too much on concealing information for a later reveal and on time-slips, which could also be confusing.
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Tbh...I started watching this drama because of BTS JIN'S OST YOURS..However, I found out that this KDrama has amazing plot and storyline that keeps you hooked!
Very well drafted and nice OST by Jin! (Yours)
I liked every wasn't like the other kdramas, no unnecessary drama, every scene had a meaningful essence! I like it a lot!
Thanks to BTS Jin for introducing me to this KDrama..
Jun Ji Hyun's acting also amazed me.. I wish to see BTS Jin someday in a Kdrama like this...
Very well scripted.. I'm happy with the outcome!
Give a listen to Jin's ost Yours please!
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Mysteru drama with backforth plot, not confusing,, but curiousing
Mystery drama with a back and forth plot, but not confusing, just make you curious, from the beginning the drama makes us wonder why this is like this , why is like that, is he the mastermind or is he the mastermind?, Even though the plot goes back and forth now and in 2018,2017,1991,1995, but the story is pretty clear, just curious,,not twisting brain,,, and actually i already guessed who the killer from the storylineWhen I saw them climbing the mountain, all I thought was "aren't they tired?" ,, but they did not disappoint their tiredness, the editing was also quite good, everything should be displayed is shown,, only LYS ..... Where is she?
And the soundtrack Even it's not much, it really gets the point of the feeling,,, mystery ost, and the last eps gugyeong ost
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Give it some time!!
I mean wow!! Just Wow!! I have just finished 'Jirisan' and the drama is like mind-blowing. They took it slow and it didn't feel rushed. I was a little reluctant at first after seeing all the articles on bad editing which I think editing could still have been better, but i started anyway and was like 'Yeah! good'. I took it slow and first 5 episodes seemed like a bit of drag but the later episodes was like who's next. It kept me on my toes and the subtle love line was really adorable. Also, the last episode really had a swirl of emotions. So, to sum it up the drama was real good and can be added to the re-watch list.Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
9/10 would reccomend.
Story :I really like the story. It shows 2 mountain rangers of Jirisan and a killer in the mountain. I really like the multiple 'present' trope . Did I ever get bored? Maybe, not really. Hyunjo as a ghost roaming the mountain was a really good idea. The scene were Hyunjo was trying to grab the microphone and speak to Yigang was so emotional tears were pouring out of my eyes. Also I don't know why everyone's complaining and saying Signal was so much better. We got robbed bla bla bla. I haven't seen Signal but I don't know why y'all are upset. Probably because of thr multiple present bit, but it won't be good if they pulled that on this storyline. Because just no...
Acting :
So good could never get a better fitting cast than them.
Comeon u know the answer Yours by Jin and the other songs were so good I'm an army btw.
Rewatch value :
I don't rewatch mystery because yeah I just don't but I really would on this one the plot isn't all tied up agaisnt the mystery so you'll totally see me rewatching it.
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A trama tem uma pegada mística, então acabou tendo até um fantasma, levei susto com ele na primeira vez que apareceu depois eu comecei com as teorias de quem seria ele (e não é que acertei?). E pasmem meu povo, mais pra frente eu simplesmente estava com pena dele e tentando entender o porque dele ter ido parar ali (o bichinho era todo solitário🤧 mas foi de suma importância pra história)
Só teve uma coisa que aconteceu com a protagonista no último episódio que eu não entendi nada, foi milagre dos céus?? Porque explicação não teve, se teve perdi essa parte 😂
Não posso deixar de falar da fotografia que está de tirar o fôlego e da ost também, porque ela é simplesmente incrível, minhas preferidas são: Destiny (Kim Feel), Yours (Jin) e Falling (Kim Jong Wan).
Mas enfim..."Jirisan" foi um drama que me deixou bem curiosa e até emocionada em muitos momentos.
É um drama cheio de flashback, me perdi um pouquinho mas logo tudo fazia sentido.
E como toda dorameira bem iludida, eu shippei sim a Seo Yi Kang e o Kang Hyun Jo apesar de não ter romance nenhum, mas pra mim tinha química 🤭
É um drama que vale a pena ser assistido, e se você gostar de mistério e não ligar com coisas sobrenaturais esse é o recomendado.
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Une très bonne découverte !
Un très très bon drama. Je l'attendais depuis les premières annonces et je n'ai pas été déçu. Le casting, que je ne connaissais que très peu en dehors de Oh Jung Su et Go Min Si ont très bien rempli leurs rôles. Je m'attendais à un simple "tranche de vie" de gardes forestiers mais la partie enquête ne m'a pas dérangé, au contraire. On a un bon entre-deux niveau policier et quotidien des rangers. Chaque personnage avait son importance en plus des rôles principaux, c'était agréable. Le seul bémol, je dirais que c'est les timelines. Les bandes noires marquaient la différence entre passé et présent mais c'était un peu confus par moment. Mention spéciale à l'OST qui se fond bien avec le drama ! (Surtout celle de Kim Feel qui colle parfait avec le ton de Jirisan !)Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
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Well written piece on rangers and poorly executed thriller mystery.
The drama did a lot of things well, but failed in a similar number. The plots surrounding the daily work and the challenges of rangers, the team bonding - all done in an excellent manner that made me care about these characters and their struggles. On the other hand, the whole supernatural murder mystery was so mediocre and poorly written, I am surprised it came from the same author as Signal.What was the problem with the mystery? Starting from the bad pacing - sometimes we had a whole episode focusing on the case, sometimes it was completely overshadowed by other issues and not addressed at all. It never felt like a big part of the overall plot, never made me curious what the truth is behind the past events, nor who the killer is. By the end, when the story was finally explained, all I could think was: ok. It’s not like with the revelation of the murderer everything in the plot clicked into the right place, all hints made a complete picture. We were told close to nothing during the show, so the end fell flat.
What I enjoyed about the drama were the characters. Seo Yi Kang is for sure one of the more exciting characters to watch. Her determination and skill set made me want to root for her. Not to mention her amazing chemistry with Kang Hyun Jo. Being on the subject of the characters, Hyun Jo was such a waste of Joo Ji Hoon’s talent. He barely felt like a supporting character.
That said, the show was carried on the backs of the supporting cast. For me, the fun part has been to watch the rangers just do their work, bicker and interact with each other as they perform their duties. What I find curious - with the majority of the rangers being male, the writer decided to kill the few female rangers we were able to see.
The performance that stood out the most to me was Oh Jung Se’s portrayal of Jung Goo Young. The only storyline that truly made me feel sad, the only character I wanted to see happy, the only part of the plot that I was able to connect to on a deeper level. Yes, I had fun watching others too, but the depth of emotions they were able to evoke in me never got even close to Oh Jung Se.
Production value was obviously high. The shots of the mountain were breathtaking and a true feast for the eyes. Some initial CGI and green screen were questionable, but the use of special effects was better executed later on. Is the show being beautiful enough, though? Technically speaking, I can search for YouTube videos of the mountains and get a similar experience.
Overall, I feel like Jirisan ended on a disappointing note. It did not mix well the realistic approach of the rangers’ experience with a serial killer on the loose supernatural plot. I don’t even want to think about Disney ending with everyone being cured of whatever problem they had.
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