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Antes de mais nada quero explicar uma coisa sobre a avaliação. Queria muito que tivesse a opção de postar minhas impressões sobre os episódios iniciais sem qualquer pontuação, mas como não existe essa possibilidade, fui obrigada a fazer uma classificação prematura a contragosto. Coisa que detesto fazer em qualquer circunstância antes de completar o drama.
Então peço que não levem essa nota em consideração. Para ser justa a respeito disso, vale dizer que meu ponto de vista a respeito de classificação é o seguinte: todos os dramas recebem uma nota 10 quando começam, no entanto, não são todos que conseguem manter essa pontuação a medida que a história avança e por isso acabam perdendo alguns pontos quando certas coisas desagradáveis acontecem ...
Tinha tanto tempo que isso não acontecia que nem lembrava como era a sensação de escolher lançamento certo para acompanhar.
Acredite se quiser, mas a última vez que as minhas primeiras impressões de um drama novo foi positiva ao ponto de gerar panfletagem foi em Agosto de 2020, época em que estreou a 2ª temporada do meu tão amado drama: Stranger.
Sim, me aventurei a assistir vários dramas em lançamento depois disso, mas lamentavelmente muitos deles foram largados logo no início por não conseguirem me convencer a continuar. Alguns continuei pelo simples tédio de não querer procurar algo diferente para ver naquele momento.
Esse azar parecia estar grudado em mim de alguma forma, porque absolutamente todos os dramas que escolhi para escrever FI de: Novembro de 2020 até Fevereiro de 2021, acabaram se provando grandes fiascos. Pelo menos essa foi a impressão que me passaram nos episódios inciais (Sorry mas não posso fazer nada a respeito).
Então hoje escrevo esse blog com um imenso sorriso no rosto por finalmente poder dizer que quebrei esse terrível ciclo de decepções ao esbarrar em NAVILLERA lá no catálogo da Netflix.
Fecho essa introdução com aquele sentimento de gratidão pelo simples fato desse Kdrama existir, e pela ótima decisão que tomei ao dar o play ao primeiro episódio dessa maravilha.
Ahhhhh o amor é lindo....
Aquele incrível amor que sentimos ao assistir algo que efetivamente gostamos. Minhas segundas e terças, estão tão encantadoras que quero esquecer que logo chegaremos ao fim dessa linda jornada doramática.
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Sempre tive o costume de me ater a cada detalhe que os episódios iniciais de um drama apresenta.
Se eles me transmitem boas sensações me comprometo a continuar essa jornada até o último episódio. Quando não gosto do que vejo, ou tenho pressentimentos ruins a respeito do desenrolar da trama, prefiro abandonar o barco o mais rápido possível e partir pra outra.
E o que aconteceu aqui, felizmente, foi o primeiro caso. Eu diria que fui conquistada logo nos primeiros minutos do primeiro episódio.
Suspeito que o meu interesse por essa temática de dança tenha contribuído muito nisso. Mas não posso negar que exite uma certa influência de vários fatores, como por exemplo: as sensações e percepções.
Por serem muito subjetivas, as sensações são difíceis de explicar. As vezes só precisamos de algo sutil, o que igualmente não pode ser descrito em palavras.
E foi uma simples troca de cena enquanto os personagens eram apresentados que me convenceu que Navillera era o drama certo pra ocasião.
Não faço a menor ideia se vocês reparam na abertura dos dramas que assistem, mas achei a desse aqui, muito bem bolada: da música instrumental, às curtas cenas minimalistas, tudo isso conseguiu transmitir essa sensibilidade e simplicidade que parece ser o carro-chefe do drama.
O drama começa com uma reunião familiar e já dá pra perceber logo de cara que a família do Sr. Shim Deok Chul, não veria com bons olhos o interesse que ele tem pelo balé.
Se os homens jovens já são malvistos pela sociedade por escolher dançar balé, que dirá um senhor de 70 anos de idade com esposa e 3 filhos pra lá de crescidos.
Falando em filhos acho que cabe fazer uma breve relato a respeito das impressões que me passaram e o que espero deles nos episódios seguintes:
O que tive a oportunidade de conhecer de Shim Seong San, o filho mais velho, com certeza me diz que ele terá uma resistência muito grande em apoiar o sonho do pai. E se isso vier a acontecer será na reta final da trama.
Isso porque, sua personalidade é tão egoísta e controladora que lhe impede de enxergar qualquer coisa que não sejam suas próprias necessidades.
Se pensa que o mundo gira ao seu redor é como se todos estivessem dispostos a agir com o único objetivo de lhe prejudicar, humilhar ou atingir de alguma forma, quando a verdade está bem longe disso.
Espero ver alguma mudança nesse personagem ao longo dos episódios.
A desafortunada filha do meio: Shim Seong Suk, não teve muito sucesso na vida de modo geral. Ao que parece ela ainda depende financeiramente dos pais, mesmo sendo uma mulher casada, o que diga-se de passagem é bem estranho.
Justamente por isso, mesmo que ela se oponha no início, por aquela clássica: "Síndrome de Maria vai com as outras" que os irmãos do meio geralmente tem, imagino que não demorará muito tempo para ceder.
O filho mais novo Shim Seong Gwan parece ter uma relação bem melhor com o pai do que os outros dois. E se já teve coragem de jogar sua profissão como médico para o ar para perseguir novos interesses, é evidente que sequer pensaria em se opor ao que o pai tanto deseja fazer.
Seu jeito desleixado e despreocupado com tudo, de alguma forma acabou me conquistando logo de cara. Realmente espero que ele tenha sucesso nesses novos objetivos de vida.
O que dizer sobre o incrível Sr. Shim Deok Chul?
Acho que desde o primeiro momento, tive sentimentos opostos em relação a ele: tristeza, alegria e admiração. Mas vamos por partes!
Me sinto triste por ele ter demorado tanto tempo a se permitir realizar o sonho de dançar balé. Se tivesse recebido algum apoio nisso antes, imagino que começar a aprender não seria tão difícil quanto está sendo para ele agora que envelheceu tanto.
Em contrapartida, é inspirador vê-lo perseguir esse sonho em idade tão avançada. Me sinto feliz ao vê-lo reunir tanta coragem.
Talvez esse personagem esteja ai pra te dar um puxão de orelha e lhe ensinar que nunca é tarde demais para se viver novas experiências e perseguir novos objetivos.
Por toda a construção que a história já teve até agora e pelo que ainda teremos a oportunidade de ver nos próximos episódios, acredito que Navillera tem tudo que precisa para se tornar um daqueles dramas necessários. O tipo de drama que você realmente sente que todos deveriam assistir, nem que seja para usá-lo como um belo convite a reflexão da vida, assim como Dear My Friends acabou fazendo.
O texto já está enorme, mas já que você permaneceu comigo até aqui, me permita encerrar essa FI falando um pouco sobre: Lee Chae Rok, o nosso bailarino da vez.
Talvez o balé tenha sido a válvula de escape que Lee Chae Rok encontrou para lidar com certos acontecimentos de seu complicado passado com o pai.
Anos depois, quando esse pai cumpre sua pena e finalmente vai sair da prisão, Chae Rok se sente novamente perdido ao ponto de perder uma audição importante.
É justamente nesse momento que o Sr. Shim Deok Chul acaba entrando em cena para virar a vida desse jovem de ponta cabeça.
Acredito que esse encontro tenha sido o ponto alto da trama. A dinâmica entre esses dois se desenvolve de maneira bem interessante e engraçada.
E ao que tudo indica essa amizade proporcionará um belo crescimento para ambos. O jovem Chae Rok encontrará um novo ânimo para se tornar um bailarino brilhante que almeja, ao mesmo tempo em que permitirá ao Sr. Shim aprender o balé que tanto sonhou.
Ainda temos muito chão a percorrer, enquanto acompanhamos a história desses dois, mas acredito que estamos prestes a percorrer uma verdadeira jornada emocional em Navillera.
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Ufa, parece que a panfletagem nossa de cada dia finalmente chegou ao fim. Espero ter conseguido te convencer a largar tudo e ir correndo lá na Netflix para assistir esse drama.Bom, acho que já deu para perceber que minhas impressões de Navillera foram maravilhosas e que não há dúvidas que continuarei assistindo até o fim.
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A ray of hope, a dream in itself, deserves more and more recognition!
Watching this show felt like a dream come true in itself! A Must Watch!Special? No this show is super special. The sweetness of the entire drama will keep you captivated till the end. It will make you smile, make you tense, and make you cry like a baby. The perfection of the storyline, the concept, the performances, the aesthetic, and everything about it makes it an extraordinary watch. It isn’t our regular romance drama but a drama about achieving your dreams irrespective of anything because if you want it, and if it makes you happy you should do it for yourself.
The characters are also so well built, each one of them will make you fall in love. Ah I miss this drama so much. I wish I could lose my memory of it and watch it again but whenever I feel like it, I revisit my favourite moments from it. Moreover, this drama is like hope. A hope for anyone who wants to soar like an eagle, and fly freely like a butterfly, and I bet everyone’s wants to do it at least once in their lifetime.
I love Navillera, this drama is a breath of fresh air, sweet, and scented. Please go and watch it, it is definitely quite underrated, but I truly wish in coming time more and more people come across it and love it. 🦋💕✨
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Heart warming drama
I watched this drama because of Song Kang after seeing him in My Demon and Nevertheless. I got hooked on him. I really liked his acting in this drama, and it made me cry. If you're looking for a drama that will touch your heart, watch this! Honestly, after watching it, I feel inspired to pursue dancing because it showed me that you can still follow your dreams even if you're older. Nothing is impossible—just believe in yourself!Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten
Bottom line...WATCH IT!
Oh my! What a beautiful story! This is one of those rare dramas that made me forego life in order to watch the whole thing in one day. I cared about each person, wanted to know more about them, and join them on their journey. The struggles, the accomplishments, etc. At the outset, I was worried that this was going to be full of family members that I hate, but we got to see why they were the way they were, as well as their growth. It was heartwarming and heart breaking, and I was sorry when it ended.The acting was spot on, as far as I was concerned. Park In Hwan as Deok Chul - the 70-year-old that wants to learn ballet was an absolute joy to watch. First, I want him to be my grandpa. Warm, caring, supportive of his family. What a beautiful smile! I don't want to give too much away, but his facial expressions were perfect as you get further into the drama. The changes that come over him. We often tend to ignore and denigrate our elders. Deok Chul changed everyone he encountered for the better, he had such an impact on everyone he came into contact with.
Song Kang as Chae Rok - tall, slim, yet muscular, befitting of a ballerino. He did a great job of portraying an individual that was selfish and driven. I really sensed that he was going through the motions with dance until he met Deok Chul. There was a stillness about him, this may sound strange, but it made me think of a flower just before it begins to bloom. The interactions between Chae Rok and Deok Chul were wonderful. I loved watching the maturation of Chae Rok, becoming less selfish and caring so much about someone else.
Kim Kwon as Yang Hoe Beom - I don't like bullies, so, as intended, I hated this character at the beginning. I don't know if it was just the blond hair, but I couldn't look away when he was on screen. I loved that they developed this character, that he was changed by Deok Chul as well. This actor was able to convey so much emotion with just his eyes. I'm going to go and see what else he's been in.
Then there was the surprise cameo of Seo In Guk. We also got to see Cha Sung Je in episode 11. He was the cute North Korean thief/beggar child from Crash Landing on You, a couple of years older here. Still so cute.
I also loved that they didn't turn the granddaughter and Chae Rok into a romance. I'm a romance junkie, so for me to say that is saying a lot. This drama didn't need it.
I have so many thoughts running around in my head, vying for attention, to explain how I felt about this drama. At the end of the day, what I say doesn't matter. I may never fully understand all the reasons I loved this show, I'll just have to say, it is definitely more than worth your time.
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A Heartfelt Drama on Family and Dreams
It's a sad story, but it's well-made. The acting in this drama is very good. The actors make their characters seem real and they show their feelings in a way that makes you understand and feel for them. This makes the drama very touching and powerful.I didn't want to watch Navillera at first because I knew it would make me sad, and it did. The drama shows how much parents give up for their kids. It talks about how parents always try to do their best for their children, even if it's hard. The story is about dreams and hopes, not just for young people but for older people too. It's a very moving drama that shows the love and hard work of parents. Navillera is a good drama to watch if you want to see a story that is emotional and talks about family and following your dreams.
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if you want a review, this is not it. Rather i'm writing this simply from my heart. I hadn't watched this drama for the longest time, you know i saw previews but i thought ahh it's probably boring since its about an older man and a young man learning ballet. Initially i thought it's probably the old man making the younger man a better dancer and from there, their relationship grows. But oh my, was i wrong about that or what. The storyline caught me off guard but in such a good way, rather the young man played by Song Kang teaches the older man played by Park In Hwan ballet. But that's not it, there's so much more to this drama than just one concept its about family, love, dreams, acceptance and above all passion.The relationship between the two main leads was so cute and funny i was laughing throughout. The innocence and cuteness of the grandpa won me over. Often elderly people are overlooked, but this drama defied all of that. The way this drama connected everything together so seamlessly i haven't seen so often in other dramas. The screenplay, writing , cast, production and acting all of it was spot on. Not just that but the drama addresses the importance of finding ones passion, relationships between parents and their children, the sacrifices parents make for their children that are overlooked as they age and the fact that everyone needs love and warmth. It also address forgiveness, that bitterness is never the answer but this is all learnt from the main lead, the grandpa. It's amazing how much we can learn from one another depict our differences and age, that is what Shim Deok Chul (main older lead) taught us throughout. This made me cry, laugh, feel warm, positive and also gave me a lot of hope. I'm writing this right after have finished the drama and i'm still feeling so wholesome. A truly brilliant and inspiring show. Don't make the mistake i did by not giving this drama a chance. You won't be disappointed.
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Speechless, it was sensational
Navillera is one of those dramas that comes across only once in a generation, a drama so magical that makes you lost for words. It is something so perfect that it will be right there in your heart for the rest of your life. When you need comfort, when you need motivation, when you think you are not enough, Navillera will be there in your heart. Navillera will be there to guide you through the sometimes heavenly and sometimes harsh road known as life. A sometimes tear-jerker but always wholesome production. Everything was sensational: story, acting, characters, OST, production value. Literally everything and every person in this or who was a part of this production needs to be praised for a lifetime. I cannot find any fault with this drama whatsoever.Think you're too old to start your passion? Never. You are never too old. We only have one life, so we need to live it, no matter our age. If you want to go for it, go for it!
A timeless classic in the years to come, and a new dynamic to my heart and feelings for the rest of my life.
Please watch Navillera.
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Leaves a lasting impression
I just remembered how much I enjoyed this drama and that I wanted that feel good vibe again after watching it.This is not a detailed review on the story as it us a fairly simple family classic. The relationship between ML and the grandfather and subsequently the whole family he meets leaves a lasting impression of heartfelt warmth.
I enjoyed watching the ballet themed episodes and rehearsals and the struggle to achieve their goals in life.
I am definitely reccomending this drama to anyone who wants to chill and enjoy being part of a joyous get together of characters and their achievements.
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It's not the end until is the end!
Magnifico! as they would say in ballet. :)I took my time with this one. It was very close to home so it made it hard. Zewa should award me customer fidelity and a box of tissues. It wasn't an easy watch, especially for someone that still has dreams but feels silly about them. We should never put age limits on dreams, right? But when reality checks hit you in the face day after day it's really hard. So, yeah...I'm someone that needed Navillera. I guess i am not done after all. :)
I should be reviewing the series. What is a review? A critical appraisal... I got nothing to criticize here. :)))
Don't watch something cause someone said so, and don't skip cause someone couldn't relate to it. Different strokes for different folks. What today didn't fit the bill, tomorrow might. I mean I am not sure how I'd see this if i were only 20-25 years old. I hope regardless of age people watch it and appreciate for what it is. A warning. :)) Time goes by with you or without you.
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I can really recommend it to everyone!!!
The story is mainly focused in the old man who wants to learn Ballet and his young teacher, but it is not only it. All characters and sub plots works really well and the acting brought me to tears several times.Do yourself a favor and start watching Navillera!
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Beautiful Drama
This drama is as beautiful as its title. From this drama I came to know the perspective of a father. The father who stopped chasing his dreams for the sake of his family's dreams. Grandpa's acting is really great, so is Grandma's acting. There were times when I was bothered by Song Kang's acting, but it didn't really bother the storyline.This drama is beautiful, that's all that can describe it. While watching this I was reminded of the drama The Light In Your Eyes. At the end of the episode I cried because the story was so beautiful and touching.
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So damn cute
This drama i could not watch without my parents, cause the family love that this drama brings to us is amazing!!How Deok-Chul was smoothly catching Chae-rok's heart 🥺
This is proved when Deok-Chul lost his memories in the street and Chae-rok was desperate to help him, so he danced to him, i couldn't hold my tears.
And even when Chae-rok didn't belive in Deok-chul's talent he continued to learn everyday until he was able to dance properly. The scene where they dance ballet together was beautiful (It could had been longer and with less cuts) but it was amazing.
This drama taught me to love even more my parents and to follow my dreams even when i think I'm not able to get them!
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