Refreshingly unpredictable
This is probably the highest I've rated a drama, especially a modern one since I prefer Chinese costume dramas. I picked this up because it was widely recommended and am glad I did. I thought initially it was very shounen-anime-esque (Tournament arc, superpowers), but no it's definitely distinctly Chinese in many ways and not cliche. There are SO many surprises and very unpredictable, which I loved. I hate when I can predict how things will go, and even if you think things will fall into a trope, it always surprises you.I won't make this a long review as there are others that go in-depth already, but overall I'd consider it nearly perfect with the exception that the I didn't particularly care for the humor of the first few episodes. After that the humor is genuinely hilarious (not cringey like the first 2 episodes), and it handles the serious aspects so well also. Storytelling, acting, music, visual effects, pacing, were all very good. Visual effects and pacing are especially impressive because Chinese dramas tend to not do as well in these aspects (no hate, I love Chinese dramas but I think even the biggest fans will agree on that).
There definitely needs to be a season 2 considering the ending (not all aspects of the main mystery are revealed). I believe the manhua it's based on is still ongoing so we'll see what a second season will bring us!
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The most anime-esque C-drama ever made!
If I didn't know any better and if the actors do not speak Chinese, I would think that I Am Nobody is a Japanese live action drama adapted from a popular shonen manga. From the get-go, it's quite obvious that it has the DNA of an anime series with its quirky characters, anime-ish plot, over-the-top acting, and all around weirdness. In fact, this should be the standard that anyone looking to create live action adaptations must try to equal or surpass. I really enjoyed this drama. It has an interesting enough plot, characters that you will feel invested in, great comedy, moving emotional beats, awesome visual effects, cool music, and top-notch fight choreography. It has all the elements needed to make a very good drama and it is, it is a gem even among C-dramas I've seen thus far. It doesn't have the usual vibe of a C-drama because as I've said, it feels more like a Japanese creation. True enough, the original comic book from which it was based on was adapted into a Japanese anime called Hitori No Shita, which I plan to check out when I have the time.The story revolves around people with special powers called Outsiders. Think mutants in X-Men but meaner and more obsessed with gaining powers and immortality, which is a trope in wuxia stories. These clans of powerful beings are all fighting to get their hands on the Eight Supremes, which are the most coveted powers invented by eight geniuses of their kind. Zhang Chulan is right smack in the middle of this conflict as everybody is after the enigmatic powers that his grandfather supposedly bestowed on him.
I initially watched this for Hou Minghao. And I'm happy to find out that he plays the best character in the series. Albeit his Wang Ye is only a supporting character to Peng Yuchang's Zhang Chulan, it is Wang Ye's laidback and lazy genius charm that grabbed my attention from the start. Zhang Chulan has his moments, but he is basically the typical shonen MC very much in the same mold as Naruto, Goku, Yusuke, Recca, and many others. He's a bit of a dumbass, pervy, and downright gross sometimes. Wang Ye, on the other hand, is more like Nara Shikamaru, who is my favorite Naruto character. Feng Bao Bao played by Wang Yinglu is another interesting character in the world of the Outsiders. She's like the Wolverine of this world. Her character's history is one of the highlights of this series. The other characters start out uninteresting but they become endearing as the drama progresses. Again, this is the advantage of having 20-something episodes to flesh out these characters and make them relevant no matter how small their roles are. It also gives the writers time to develop the story and properly adapt the source material. This is something that I wish the Japanese entertainment industry would consider as they have a wealth of material from their manga and light novels to work with. It's just too bad that they do not see the potential soft power they can attain if they consciously make dramas and movies that they can export as well and not just focus on their local market.
I Am Nobody is a highly entertaining series. It doesn't matter whether you're an anime enthusiast or not. But I would definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys anime. My only complaint is that it's too short! Yes, 27 episodes are not enough! But a season 2 is underway. I heard that it's just going to be 12 episodes so that's a bummer!
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I just want to go to the end of my life in peace, no matter whether I have a purpose in life.
This more like a babble than a revies, I just happened to see this, and luckily I ran out of the series. and what's surprising is that this drama is actually good (now im on chapter 120), I'm a bit unsure when the main character looks like a mob, I hate characters who suddenly become op. Yes, although in the end it was shown that ZCL was a strong figure from the start, but because of his grandfather's orders he became like a mob. so I tolerate it. I also liked how the author described ZCL's anger at the world and his grandfather, he was strong but had to pretend to be weak, and when he wanted to live a normal life like his grandfather wanted, the world turned to take the most important part in his life. how the story goes, I'm interested in WY, with him who looks like he's favored by heaven. he has the choice not to interfere with ZCL's fate. but finally he went down the mountain and took part in the race. change his destiny. or rather their story line. What I like about this series is that every character is made as realistic as possible, how angry ZZW is at chasing "sinister pleasure", because no matter how high a human being is as a heavenly creature, his lifelong friend dies under his own hand, who knows what his biggest regret will be. and ZLY's love life is against the life of a Taoist, especially since his love is from the enemy's camp. and ofc, we cant fogert FBB, she's the one who always watch ZCL from a far. No one but stranger to her, she can't even remember her past life, but for a, technically not a stranger, old man, she willingly take care of ZCL.Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
I underestimated this c-drama, kept on HOOKED
I thought this is gonna be another silly action/mystery drama, but turns out it keeps on hooked the entire time. I even binge-watched it.TBH, the reason I wanted to watch this drama is Neo but he wasn’t exactly the ML. But, I’m guessing that he’s gonna be more seen on the S2. Since the story I supposed would be focus on the 4 leads.
-No romance but it’s def worth to watch, the mix of comedy, action and mystery blends rly well, *imo*.
This is the first non “romcom” chinese drama I’ve ever watch but it’s worth it.
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Une surprise étonnante.
Supers héros ?Soit je les boude, soit je passe mon temps à critiquer.
Il doit y en avoir. Des supers héros que j'ai tout de même apprécié. Mais pour tout vous dire, pas assez pour m'en souvenir maintenant. Si j’ai donc commencé ce drama, c’est en grande partie la curiosité de voir un Cdrama traiter ce genre-là. C’est un thème qui se démocratise un peu ces derniers temps comme chez les coréens avec « the uncanny counter », qui n’est pas mauvais en soi (mais pas mémorable) ou « L.U.C.A » (qui là, pour le coup était mauvais). Mais peu de ce genre chez les chinois. Juste par curiosité. Et par ce que « Lost you forever » m’a laissé sur ma faim. Et aussi par ce que le trailer m’a bien fait rire.
Alors ? le verdict ?
Vous aimez les super héros, avec des super pouvoirs de la mort qui tuent ?
Vous ne serez pas déçu. Loin de là. Des personnages extravagants en passant par des protagonistes classes ou de super grands maîtres qui déchirent tout sur leur passage (en fait, UN maître, qui me fait furieusement penser à Fu Zi « d’Ever Night », sa puissance est tellement grandiose qu’on en reste bouche bée !!!), des personnages dont les pouvoirs sont tout aussi intéressants qu’extraordinaires et uniques vont de par des scènes grandioses d’actions vous en mettre plein la vue ! La réalisation est d’excellente qualité, plus élevé que ce que nous pouvons trouver en temps normal chez les chinois et c’est un pur régal de voir tant de feux d’artifices durant les scènes d’action. Mon préféré ? Les pouvoirs de Wan Ye (normal c’est Neo…)! Ce sorcier a juste une classe de dingue, et son pentagrame durant ses invocations me rappellent les pentacles « d’Ever Night ».
La rapidité et la fluidité durant les combats sont maitrisés et on prend un plaisir fou à suivre les pirouettes et les coups d’éclat, tout cela au milieu d’un humour décapant….
Vous aimez rire ? Vous ne serez pas déçu, si l’humour absurde ne vous dérange pas bien sûr.
L’originalité de ce drama réside notamment dans le traitement de l’humour. Un humour hilarant dont les actions loufoques côtoient joyeusement l’émotion. Chapeau !
Le spectateur passe son temps à rire, lorsque soudainement, une scène émotionnellement forte vous prend à la gorge. Et rebelote, on repasse en mode « charlie chaplin » et on se remet à rire. Sans pour autant oublier de suivre avec passion un scénario prenant….
Ah oui, le scénario. L’intrigue est distillée au fur et à mesure, vous obligeant à sautiller sur place, en échafaudant toutes sorte d’hypothèses toutes plus douteuses les unes que les autres, pour finir par un « AH… quand même ». Si le scénario ne brillera pas au côté de « Joy of Life », il n’en reste pas moins que c’est intelligent et dont la finalité ne fut pas, loin de là, une certitude pour nous. Une intrigue autour d’un seul et unique personnage, le reste gravitant autour de ce personnage…
La multitude de personnages, extraordinaires, incroyables, touchants, drôles, absurdes, uniques…Malgré le nombre de personnages qui font leur apparition, le réalisateur réussit un tour de force. Chacun a une histoire, même minime. Chacun a son parcours. Ses choix. Et une évolution étonnante pour autant de personnages. Chapeau, encore une fois. Ce serait prendre trop de ligne que de vous parler de tous les personnages mais je les ai tous aimé, du plus insignifiants aux plus importants. Du plus sympas au plus psychopathes.
Chacun apporte sa pierre à l’évolution du drama et l’épilogue nous le montre d’ailleurs sans détour ! C’est une magnifique amitié qui nous est dépeinte ici, une amitié qui a grandi pendant le tournoi, un lien qui s’est créée à partir d’une rivalité somme toute banale pour devenir l’arme la plus puissante du drama. Rien que de repenser à la scène de fin, j’en ai encore des larmes aux yeux. Derek Hui est doué pour ce type d’amitié qui défie le temps et les obstacles, rappelez-vous, « Cross Fire »….
Pour finir….BaoBao est LE personnage du drama. Je l’ai juste ADORE. Elle est tout sauf banale. J’ai adoré sa façon de parler, sa façon de penser, sa façon de se battre (juste phénoménal). Elle est nous présentée d’une façon comique, apportant avec Chu Lan, un duo épique, un duo dont l'alchimie est juste explosive!
Mais à travers son passé, nous sommes touchés par la fragilité de cette femme à la force surhumaine et c’est avec avidité que nous souhaitons que Chu Lan la sauve, elle l’invincible, qu’il lui redonne son passé, ses souvenirs, son humanité.
J’ai vraiment adoré ce lien tangible entre elle et Chu Lan, et je croise les doigts pour qu’une saison 2 voit le jour. Cela serait dommage que l’on n’en sache pas plus. Il y’aurait encore tellement à raconter….
C’est donc une perle rare, un drama étonnant de par son mélange d’humour et ses scènes d’actions dynamiques, nous plongeant dans une intrigue de super héros dont le monde n’est pas forcément tout rose, mais dont l’optimisme ne se démentira jamais. Et c’est ce qui fait la beauté de ce drama. Malgré les épreuves, malgré les préjugés, malgré ce sentiment d’être à part, malgré tout cela, les protagonistes se relèvent et toujours avec bonne humeur, avec humour, avec espoir.
La scène de fin! La scène de fin peut paraitre un peu « bisounours », mais j’ai adoré le message. Seul, nous ne sommes rien. Tous ensemble, nous pouvons vaincre. Tous ensemble, tout est permis !
Je n’ai qu’un mot à dire : foncez.
Je regrette déjà cette bande de pote, unis dans le malheur, unis dans le rire, unis dans la conner*e.
Espérons revoir cette bande de délurés aux pouvoirs extraordinaires. Un monde de super-héros super colorés.
Aujourd’hui, nous en aurions bien besoin.
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Finally a xianxian drama brought to life .
I absolutely fell in love with this drama. I loved how they dressed like in ancient times but wore sneakers and used phones and tablets . Bao Bao and Liam were so funny ?. Especially when they had to fight each other .There’s a lot of funny scenes and twists , I loved how the story and plot were brought out . There were moments too where I felt sad like for Bao Bao and Lyu past especially .
I can’t wait for a second season as the story isn’t over it .
I recommend that you watch this and you won’t regret it
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An old man with red sneakers stole the show.
A story about a college boy who, following the desecration of his grandfather's tomb, finds himself entering the world of Outsiders. A society with superpowers and qi at its core. Because of an allegedly hereditary skill, he is pursued by adversaries. On his way to the truth behind his origins, he meets an insomniac, an idol, a brainwasher, a white-haired Taoist, an unpredictable shovel lady, and a grandfather with red sneakers.It felt like watching a martial arts drama in a modern setting with fantasy elements. Dramas with this type of backdrop are typically predictable, with the younger generation making their mark on the world and the seniors executing power plays. However, even with the cliches, I was taken aback by this one's distinctive scene changes. The comic elements were executed quite well; however, occasionally they fell flat.
It was my first time watching the main actors, and they gave a wonderful performance. Especially Wang Ying Lu. Her portrayal of Feng BaoBao with innocent and striking boldness came out fittingly.
The fight choreography was great, with good CGI. Despite appearing to be an unrelated plot, the main characters’ intricate backstory was cleverly woven into the primary narrative. The title clearly corresponds to the Zhang Chulan, who believed he was alone, that he had no one, that he was nothing in comparison to the world, but who eventually built his own family. Overall, a fun watch with some funny moments. recommended for those who wish to watch superpowers with martial arts in a present-day context.
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Excellent thinking & supporting roles - Great one except the end
On par with some of the best tv shows - Ever Night / Joy of LifeThe only thing I did not like is the villain in the end which is more to finish the novel
Making Duan as a villain is a poor finish; The choices she made until the end is out of desperation and cannot qualify as a villain
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Enjoyable mix between Fantasy, Martial Arts and Humor
The mixture of Fantasy, Humor martial Arts and action make this drama one of a kind. I came upon this drama by accident and I am glad I did. The mixture of Live and Animation worked very well.This will be a short review. If you are not into fantasy lore rooted in heritage, this drama is not for you.
I did not know anything about the Comics of this drama, but the storyline made me understand on what was going on. The ML and FL had a great repour and the chemistry among the cast members was great. The action in the drama was through the roof. Fighting sequences were unblemished coupled with animation, had you on the edge of your seats. Humor throughout the drama is great and there were some spots where you will get sad on. The graphics are outstanding.
The only thing I did not like was the ending. They could of given it about another 2-3 episodes. Zhang Chu Lan and Feng Bao Bao together and did they have a happy life? Will there be a part 2? I wish I knew he whole story. I will watch this again. It is very interesting.
I really recommend this Drama.
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The Best Fantasy Drama in a Long Time
Adapted from the web comic “Under One Person” (一人之下) by Mi Er (米二), YouKu’s latest fantasy drama “I Am Nobody” is a robust mix of intrigue, mystique, suspense and comedy. YouKu dropped the first four episodes unceremoniously on 4th August, 2023. Ironically, the next day, it was announced that the show has been suspended until further notice. After a month long delay, “I Am Nobody” resumed broadcast on 6th September, 2023. In the midst of all this drama, I really didn’t get the time to watch this show. I wasn’t enthusiastic about it and when I checked the first few minutes of the pilot episode, the show seemed mediocre. Despite that, suspending my disbelief, I decided to watch this show one more time, and this is what I learned- if you could get past the first few minutes of the zombie nonsensical action, then “I Am Nobody” is definitely your time. The show chronicles the main lead Zhang Chulan’s (Peng Yu Chang) journey as his life is toppled upside down when the said zombies steal his dead Grandfather’s body from his grave. Met with unusual circumstances in the “Outsider” world and haunted by a villainous group “Sinister Pleasure”, Chulan is forced to seek refuge with NDT Express (the official organization whose job is to punish evil Outsiders). Along the way, he is tutored by Feng Baobao (Wang Ying Lu), as he gets acquainted with other powerful Outsiders like Wang Ye (Neo Hou), Zhang Ling Yu (Bi Wen Jun) and Zhu Ge Qing (Julio Wan Yan).Read the complete article here-
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The feeling this drama gives is out of the world!
Comedy, action, and storyline are all balanced with great acting. I don't normally wish for dramas to be longer but this one is an exception. All about this drama was great for me except for one thing I'm not clear about which I'll come to later. So, first of all, I'll describe why I like this drama.1. At first glance, anyone can see this is not your typical Chinese drama. I really liked the feeling this drama gave me, it's neither ancient nor modern. We don't get many dramas which gives this feeling so that's a plus.
2. Feng BaoBao all the way!! Her acting is superb. How she nonchalantly displays the facial expressions needed for her character is wonderful.
3. Calm and sweet Neo Hou. For me, it felt like he's the most talented out there except for Zhang Chu Lan's grand master. Sadly we didn't get to see how far his abilities go.
5. The funny elders and the rest of the characters like Zhu Ge Qing, Feng Sha Yan.
What I was confused about was, in the last episode when Zhang Chu Lan and Lv Liang were dealing with Duan Mu Ying, how did all the others come into this 'hard-to-find-another-dimension' Valley of 24 terms instantly? Could be possible with the grand master and the elders, but how come the youngsters too came into it instantly?? Maybe I missed anything idk. Also although the barrier was made from the power of 8 superpowers, there were like 5 or 6 people using those powers out there plus the grand master who was portrayed as ultra super powerful in the ep where Sinister Pleasure attacks the temple. So it was kind of impractical imo considering how hard it was to break that freaking barrier. Other than that I'm really happy with drama.
Really hope they'll stick to the decision of continuing to the second season with the same cast.
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hey there is a song in episode 14 when shayan was fighting - find it for me please
i am absolutely in love with this show everything is so perfect ---please find me the song i can't find it anywhere .Title: Enchanting and Unforgettable: "I Am Nobody" Takes Chinese Drama to New Heights
its spellbinding Chinese drama that captivates from the very first episode, offering a fresh and innovative take on the genre. This intricately woven tale combines elements of mystery, romance, and suspense, creating a perfect concoction for an unmissable viewing experience.
One of the standout features of "I Am Nobody" is its brilliant storytelling. The plot unfolds with a perfect balance of twists and turns, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats while gradually revealing the layers of its characters. The writing is sharp, filled with suspenseful moments that are both unpredictable and emotionally resonant. The dialogues are rich with depth, and the character development is truly exceptional.
The ensemble cast delivers outstanding performances, bringing their characters to life with nuance and authenticity. Each actor is perfectly cast, contributing to the overall chemistry of the cast. The lead actors not only showcase their acting prowess but also establish a mesmerizing on-screen chemistry that adds an extra layer of magic to the narrative.
Visually, "I Am Nobody" is a feast for the eyes. The cinematography is breathtaking, capturing the beauty of the Chinese landscapes and enhancing the overall atmosphere of the drama. The production design and costumes are meticulously crafted, transporting the audience to different time periods and adding a layer of authenticity to the storytelling.
The soundtrack of "I Am Nobody" is both haunting and melodic, perfectly complementing the emotional depth of the narrative. The carefully selected musical pieces enhance the mood of each scene, creating a memorable auditory experience that stays with the viewer long after the credits roll.
Moreover, the drama excels in tackling relevant and thought-provoking themes, seamlessly weaving social commentary into its narrative. It goes beyond the typical romantic tropes, addressing societal issues and human complexities with a refreshing and insightful approach.
i made chat gpt write it ,, coz i need to ask for the song ,,, and they want me to write 500 words
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