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Une romance toute mignonne
J'ai commencé ce petit drama sans lire le synopsis. Pourquoi ? Car il s'agit d'une production BL de Viki et que de toute façon quel que soit le synopsis je l'aurai regardé... (Oui, moi et le BL toute une histoire =D) C'est donc dans l'inconnu que je me lance en commençant le premier épisode.Si l'histoire est assez classique au final avec une cohabitation forcée entre deux protagonistes qui finissent par tomber amoureux, (Cela fait d'ailleurs un peu penser au drama "Full House" avec une star qui finit par cohabiter avec l'ancienne propriétaire de la maison...) malgré le schéma déjà connu, on apprécie de suivre cette histoire et de découvrir comment les protagonistes finiront ensemble.
Le développement des sentiments m'a cependant laissée un peu perplexe (Je m'explique : Au début, on voit clairement que Han Ji-Woo ne supporte pas Kang Seo-Joon mais que ce dernier loin de s'en soucier va pousser Ji-Woo à avoir de plus en plus d'interaction avec lui. On nous montre un changement assez soudain suite à l'incident de la pierre dans la vitre qui terrifie Seo-Joon et fini par attendrir Ji-Woo. Ensuite, on nous montre l'apparition assez subitement de sentiments amoureux du côté de Seo-Joon... Alors oui, il passait son temps à le coller mais j'ai eu du mal à voir des sentiments de cette nature avant la scène du baiser... Ou c'est moi qui ai un problème x'D)
Malgré les sentiments que j'ai vu sortir un peu de nulle part (Et oui, toujours le même problème avec ce type de format ^^), j'ai apprécié l'évolution des deux protagonistes et il faut dire qu'ils sont tellement mignon ensemble =D.
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No complains, I loved it
Korea, you're amazing. Genuinely the best BL I've ever watched. I don't know if that says I've been watching crap BLs recently, or that this was just an amazing show. While the plot could be seen as expected and done before, I still loved to see the character development. I loved it so much that I've already rewatched it lol. The main actors chemistry was through the roof and they portrayed their characters well. Lots of fluffIt can be watched with espanol, english, chinese, japanese, indonesian, malay, and vietnamese subtitles on Dailymotion
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Sweet, beautiful, yet a bit confusing (at least for me)
This would be a dual language review - Inglish (Indonesian & English) lolYou should definitely watch this!!
Pantesan gue merasa nggak asing sama mood dan vibes-nya To My Star ini. Ternyata director-nya sama dong kayak Where Your Eyes Linger -- my favorite Korean BL web series. Well, I guess this adds to the list.
-- STORY --
Typical Korean enemies to lovers plot. One is cheerful, playful and spontaneous while the other one is strict and more tsundere (haha). Ceritanya simpel banget, refreshing, fun and sweet (in a good way). Walaupun durasinya pendek, tapi asli deh nggak kerasa kecepetan atau diburu-buruin. Gue nggak merasa terlalu lambat juga. Pokoknya, pas banget. The pace is just well-thought and well-written.
Progress hubungan main couple terlihat sekali. Their relationship was gradually progressing. From strangers, friends, then finally lovers. Plus, chemistry Kang-min (Ji-woo) & Woo-hyun (Seo-jun) natural banget. Sebagian besar clue kecil di awal episode yang bikin gue bertanya-tanya, dijelasin di akhir.
Pengambilan gambarnya juga MMH cakep bener.
Hm, nggak main-main deh. How they portrayed their own characters is just amazing. And how they displayed their characters' emotions is quite impressive. I mean, I can really saw when Hyung-ki (played by Jae-hyun) looked pissed, nervous, and frustrated.
Tapi, yang paling membekas bagi gue adalah acting koplaknya Jae-yeong (Pil-hyun), micro-expressions-nya Kang-min, & how convincing and beautiful Woo-hyun's acting is. For real tho, every little expressions was well-executed--the shyness, the sadness, the angst, the annoyance, everything. OH! Except one thing, sorry. I was a bit turned off when Ji-woo's crying (ep. 8 i think). Hm, menurut gue kurang meyakinkan aja ekspresinya. Kecuali itu, acting Kang-min oke.
Talk about Kang-min and Woo-hyun's chemistry. They really comfortable with each other. No awkwardness at all. No cringey act also. Even their little interactions made me smile like an idiot. It's just *chef's kiss*.
Apart from every great things that i love about this web series, are some things that don't sit right with me. Seperti di atas gue bilang, ada segelintir hal-hal kecil yang bikin bingung (plus penasaran) akhirnya dijelasin, semacam plot twists kecil lah. Ada juga beberapa plot yang baru gue ngerti setelah nonton 2 kali. Ada juga yang masih belum gue paham dan menurut gue ini kurang penting dimasukin kalo memang nggak akan dijelasin di akhir cerita. Here are a few things I'm wondering:
1. What's with Ji-woo's expression when the customer lady mentioned study-in-Italy thing? Uncomfortable? Jealous? Why, tho?
2. The same thing happened when the customer lady, Seo-jun, and Hyung-ki were talking about Seo-jun's parents and Italy (again). Both Seo-jun and Hyung-ki glanced at Ji-woo. And Ji-woo looked away. What's up with that? Sad? Why?
3. How did the USA reporter figure out what was Hyung-ki about to do with the photo? Are they close? Old friends? What? Maybe he told her when he took her camera? I don't know.
4. What place did Ji-woo visit after he left the house after threatened by Hyung-ki? A restaurant? A house? Whose house?
Yeah, I don't know. Maybe I am the one who didn't pay attention while watching this.
Overall, I really really enjoyed To My Star. I'm glad they showed how brave Seo-jun with his feelings. And how the couple looks confident about their feelings as if nobody's opinion matters. Also, the kissing scene at the end was beautiful and sweet. It was not just a peck, but it's rather a deep one.
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Une belle romance toute choupinou
Ah la la ! Ca paie pas de mine au début, et puis on se prend d'affection pour les personnages, leurs fêlures, leur naturel et la complémentarité de leurs caractères.C'est une romance toute douce et émouvante entre deux hommes opposés en tout, qui vont devoir cohabiter malgré les franches réticences de l'un, et les casseroles que l'autre traîne derrière lui (le premier est un cuisinier asocial, le deuxième est une célébrité). L'intrigue est centrée sur l'évolution de leur couple dans un contexte un peu compliqué pour la célébrité au coeur d'un scandale. Du coup l'histoire évite d'aller dans tous les sens, de sorte que même si les 9 épisodes ne durent en moyenne qu'une quinzaine de minutes chacun, on en sort avec l'impression que les choses sont bien ficelées et sans manque particulier.
Les deux acteurs sont convaincants, émouvants, la fin toute tendre m'a serrée le coeur et je dirais que c'est plutôt rare chez moi lorsque c'est une fin heureuse (bon d'habitude je suis contente et puis voilà). Vraiment, je ne pensais rien de particulier en commençant le visionnage, je me disais juste "ça m'occupera en attendant la suite de We Best Love", et puis crac, je ressors des deux derniers épisodes avec l'impression étrange d'avoir visionné un petit drama sans prétention au départ, et qui au final nous a offert un moment précieux.
Vu le faible budget (et le peu d'acteurs mobilisés), ils ont vraiment fait du bon boulot. Fait à noter, c'est une romance entre adultes ce qui prouve, après les récentes sorties venues de Corée, que ce pays sait se diversifier en matière de BL et semble vraiment, vraiment prometteur quand on voit la qualité produite. Et qui s'améliore au fil des sorties. Il faut désormais compter avec eux, c'est un fait.
Enfin, la bande-son est très agréable, moderne et belle.
Je conseille cette belle romance BL à 100%.
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Pendek ceritanya panjang efeknya
Salah satu motivasiku nonton ini adalah karena sutradaranya sama dengan web series Where Your Eyes Linger. WYEL tu sesuatu sekali, kualitasnya gak main-main. Jadi aku yakin To My Star juga bakal bagus juga. Sesuai ekspektasi, To My Star juga keren. Malahan aku lebih suka ini dibanding WYEL. Mungkin karena latar karakternya yang lebih dewasa, bukan anak sekolahan gitu. Dibanding dengan WYEL, ini juga lebih fluffy-fluffy gitu.Jalan cerita series ini gak bertele-tele, ngalir aja dan mudah dicerna. Yang paling aku suka di series ini adalah mereka tidak terlalu mempermasalahkan hubungan antara dua cowok. Jadi ya mereka suka ya sudah, berarti suka. Aku gak tau mereka ada pikiran kira-kira ini orangnya suka cowok juga gak ya, atau setidaknya pikirannya terbuka gak ya. Aku liat di sini karakter utamanya yakin perasaan mereka mutual dan merasa itu hal yang gak perlu dipertanyakan lagi. Hubungan mereka ngalir aja, tidak mencoba menolak perasaan itu.
Ada satu hal yang gak biasa aku liat di series lain tapi ada di series ini yaitu kebiasaan kecil kedua karakter utamanya. Kebiasaan-kebiasaan seperti pengen mencetin jerawat, motongin kuku, terus juga ngambil bulu mata yang jatuh. Rasanya tu aku bisa relate dengan mereka, karena aku juga gitu, lihat jerawat orang ya pengen mencetin, liat bulu mata yang jatuh di muka juga gemes pengen ambil, terus kalau liat orang kukunya panjang auto aku potongin itu kukunya. Aku paling suka adegan motongin kuku, baru kali ini soalnya aku lihat adegan motongin kuku orang. Menurutku itu semua cuma hal kecil, tapi kebiasaan kecil itu juga yang buat mereka semakin dekat. Hal kecil emang tapi dampaknya gede buat yang nonton, uwu banget mereka.
Ada satu hal tapi yang buat aku kecewa. To My Star ini ceritanya satu universe sama WYEL, jadinya aku berharap bakal liat Han Tae Joo sama Kang Gook (karakter utama WYEL). Sayangnya mereka gak muncul, jadinya aku agak sedih. Padahal kan lumayan kalau muncul bisa menyembuhkan rindu gitu. Tapi gak apa-apa lah tanpa munculnya mereka ceritanya sudah bagus.
Ceritanya sederhana dan dijamin bisa bikin senyum. Kalau nonton maraton paling cuma ngabisin waktu sekitar 2 jam, anggap aja kaya lagi nonton film. Jadi gak ada salahnya coba nonton ini. Kalau bisa nontonnya sambil pake earphone ya, pengaturan audionya keren soalnya, kerasa banget yang lagi ngomong ada di mana.
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izlediğim en iyi bl'lerden biri. bayıldım. tek kelime ile harikaydı.klişe hikayelere bulaşmadan, lgbti+fobi kusmadan böyle bir dizi çıkarmaları muhteşem. karakterler yapay değil. (oyuncuların yönelimlerine dair bir bilgim yok) heterolar; zorla, sırf popüler ve para kazandırıyor diye bir bl dramada oynamayı kabul etmiş de yapay ve gerçekçi olmayan bir rol kesmişler gibi hissettirmiyor. hikaye aktıkça karakterler derinleşiyor, birbirlerini tanıyor, arada bir bağ kuruluyor ve... mutlu son. karakterler de gerçekten çok iyi. ilk başta seo joon karakterinden hiç emin olamamıştım, hiç gerçekçi gelmiyordu ama hikaye ilerledikçe kendisini tanımadığım için böyle hissettiğimi anladım. ji woo ise... ona söyleyebileceğim hiçbir şey yok. aşığım ona. gözlerimi kendisinden alamıyorum. iyi kalpli, sakin, saygılı,... tam bir iyi aile çocuğu, pamuk şeker tatlılığında bir kişilik. o kadar isterdim ki hayatımda ji woo gibi biri olsun! ah, ah!
o kadar mutluyum ki bu diziyi izlediğim için. takıntılar, saplantılar, kıskançlık, lgbti+fobi, cinsel şiddet olan ve bunların romantize edildiği onca diziden o kadar yorulmuştum ki bu dizi ilaç gibi geldi. umarım buna benzer ama biraz daha uzun daha fazla yapım çıkar da doya doya izlerim.
çekimler çok iyi, kameramanlar ve yönetmen çok iyi iş çıkarmış, çok estetik bir yanı da var dizinin. her şey, her sahne detaylıca düşünülmüş. gerekli yerlerde hikayede ilerlemeden biraz beklenilmiş; duygular sindirilsin, anlaşılsın diye es verilmiş. akıştaki bu yavaşlamalar da benim için olmazsa olmaz bir şey zaten. hiç sevmiyorum böyle maratondaymış gibi hızlı hızlı akan dizileri. o duygu dolu sahneleri bir yaşayalım. oyuncunun yüzündeki mimiklerden, söylenmeyenleri anlamaya çalışalım. bu arada oyuncular da gerçekten çok iyiydi. o hikayenin yavaşladığı anlarda her şeyi çok iyi geçirdiler, özellikle de ji woo'yu oynayan kişi.
son olarak şunu söyleyeyim: izleyin, izletin. pişman olmayacaksınız.
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To My Star is worth the watch, and also the rewatch…
Here’s the thing about Korean BLs, I wouldn’t say they are the best in the industry when it comes to others from differing countries of the genre, but I will say this, they are the BL dramas that I come back to and rewatch the most. And To My Star is a great example of this, at least for me. It’s not groundbreaking or ahead of it’s time or anything like that, but it’s still just really good. I find myself thinking about it and wanting to watch it again on the regular. In my consideration, TMS, both seasons, are essential viewing for BL fans, and I will stand by this opinion. It doesn’t even matter how many times I’ve viewed it at this point, because I know I will come back and watch it again and again.Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Disappointing BL story. Lack of excitement and characters development.
I'm disappointed by this BL story. The romance was lackluster. It is a shame because the premise was interesting and could have led to some exciting relationship. However, I found myself utterly bored and not interested.I did not found the chemistry between the actors believable. There were very few sparks until the last episode and I did not understand how they fell in love with each other. I could blame it on the short episodes but honestly there are similar sized series that do a much better job in terms of developing both plot and characters' depth. So for me, it is a total miss.
I would not recommend this except if you are an aficionado of BL romances. As the drama is quite short, it might be worth to test it and make your own opinion.
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I wish there were more episodes!
This is one of those realistic stories that really suit my taste. I like when the characters react to events or think as real life people would. I love light, soft stories with sparkles and all, but I always see something more in stories like this. It feels more relatable and possible, which makes it even better when everything ends well. You see it's a real effort and it somehow inspires you too for your goals.This story is very good and the actors did great! Perfect choice for the roles and very good acting. I liked it a lot, especially because I'm a big fan of couples with totally different personalities. It would have been awesome if there could be more episodes, because the plot really could have been extended a little and enriched with events.
Anyway, overall, it was very good. Totally recommend!
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I found that everything happened very quickly. The story could have been expanded a little more to make it a little more interesting, but the story itself was good.Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
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so enjoyable
pros:- the chemistry . their relationship thats it.
- they had so many cute moments that werent generic/repetitive, it felt realistic
- the kiss scenes arent awkward to watch !!!! kinda rare for bls sometimes lmao
- side characters were relatively interesting which is uncommon for short webdramas
- both of them are so endearing (esp seojoon hes so warm 3)
- loved the way seojoon learned from what jiwoo said, learned from his mistakes and bettered himself
- some aspects of the plot felt unnatural, and like it didnt flow smoothly
- it felt like they grew interested in each other really quickly, there were no hints for how much time had passed
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