Gestopt 8/14
9 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
sep 9, 2022
8 van 14
Gestopt 2
Geheel 4.0
Verhaal 4.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 3.5
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

i tried

even though i knew the content had numerous—and i mean NUMEROUS—issues i thought i could skip around and see how the couples, particularly kinnporsche, fit with one another. i was willing to concede about their relationship itself if it could be salvaged so to speak and the potential to leave behind (not forget! but gloss over as a viewer with limited time on this earth) the abuse and rape. the abuses are unacceptable and lazy writing ;purely for salaciousness sake but the show has more problems than that.

the writing is bad and so is the pacing; because the source material is an issue but man....there is, essentially, no story itself. "bad" characters and their "bad" choices should have a purpose but they do not because /nothing matters/. this isn't the sopranos or breaking bad—horrendous motives and people but a theme running through the show and that LETS us know they are bad and that consequences lurk in every corner. there is nothing in the show that has me coming back to watch as a viewer and not even the relationship, ostensibly the viewers main draw since i cannot believe it is the story itself, is....dry.

i'll have to dissent in opinion about the acting. apo isn't bad but he is very very very aware the camera is around and carries the weight of them i think and it's distracting. when they went on their first date and were sitting by each other his smile was so farcical and it just became obvious. they don't really have much chemistry but they are comfortable kissing and being naked around each other. great?

the writing is bad, the jokes are bad, the plot is bad, the characters are bad, and the relationships are empty. i'm kind of bummed out that this aspect—the rship, the draw of the show—wasn't even good enough to grip me or have me even continue with the vaguest of feeling. tharntype is not a good show but in the first season i could at least see WHY this MIGHT be attractive to some. here it was just....there? and after the first time the whole borderline softcore porn thing gets really boring. like super boring.

i don't have much more to say. the only thing that i think this show could be of influence of—for a genre that has so many failings—is actors being more willing to do the physical bits of the genre or romance in general with a partner. maybe they will become more comfortable with other screen partners and not look as robotic, maybe it will be influential in that sense, but that doesn't really shake much of a table and if you're a good actor...then you should pick roles you know you can fulfil. so basically what i am saying is that being able to be physical with another human being, as an actor, does not mean that the acting is good and that this script called for that intensity doesn't mean that it actually generated real feelings or chemistry on a deep level.

i wouldn't say it's a shame, this is just another show in a long list of shows that exist. they obviously spent a decent amount of money and are getting that money back; if money-making is the goal then they succeeded. but merit? i'm not sure. i will give it to the camera and lighting crew and the DP though. oh and production design or location scouter because the locations and the shots were really gorgeous. the lighting in the horrendous scene where he rapes his drunk "boyfriend" was BEAUTIFUL and that bathroom was gorgeous. and the styling wasn't so bad either particularly for apo. i really enjoyed the whole frilly and heeled boots thing. but that's about it and it doesn't really entice me when the thing itself, the content, is...what it is.

perhaps this is repetitive but: these are not morally grey, interesting, or even just balls to the wall fucked up characters. these are characters from what is essentially a wattpad fanfiction and it's not on par with actual good television or even good romance (TO ME or IN MY OPINION or whatever since people take this shit so seriously) but a very very very long long long commercial for how to not be a human being. are the men hot? who knows and that's not a good enough reason but i honestly couldn't even tell because it was so cringe-y so many times and the jokes aren't funny and it's just SO ??!?!?! it's just so...????? i showed my roommate and she was like 'i don't think they really fit' it's just confusing idek how else to explain. this is a baffling the right word? it's a baffling show? lmao. it just EXISTS? gorl idk

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
4 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 14, 2022
14 van 14
Voltooid 2
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 9.0
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Sí, pero no

Comparto un tanto la decepción que ya he leído en varios comentarios con respecto a la serie. La verdad es que inicialmente pintaba bien en cuanto a producción y a historia. No obstante, si tenemos en cuenta el libro, quienes lo hemos leído sabíamos a lo que veníamos. Con esto me refiero a que la romantización de la violación y el no consentimiento es un pilar de la historia de KP tanto en lo audiovisual como en lo escrito.

Lo que más se salva de la serie son en sí las actuaciones y, para mi gusto, la banda sonora. Es cierto que puede resultar repetitiva, pero he de confesar que me encanta la canción de la cabecera de la serie, así que la podría escuchar mil veces sin cansarme.

Lo que menos se salva es el argumento, que va perdiendo fuelle desde los primeros capítulos. Llegó un momento en que, sinceramente, casi no tenía ni idea de qué estaba viendo. El hilo conductor son las relaciones entre los protagonistas y... poco más. Que muy bien porque la actuación es muy buena y la química también, pero se queda ahí; llega un momento en que básicamente la trama es el sexo y todas las metáforas de pistolas y "pistolas". Demasiadas metáforas; por favor, para próximas temporadas: no más metáforas sobre anatomía masculina.

Sobre las relaciones entre los protagonistas, qué decir. Ninguna pareja es ejemplo de lo que es una relación sana, consentida y calibrada. En todos los inicios de las tres parejas hay manipulación y luz de gas. No podemos por alto que KP comienza con una violación en toda regla, estando Porsche en un estado en el que puede dar cero consentimiento (incluso en el primer beso, que está borracho como una cuba); es un poco cansino que en los BL romanticen la violación y parezca que no importa porque al final "pues oye, pues se quieren". Ya que han cambiado ciertas cosas del libro, podrían haberle dado una vuelta a cómo adaptar esto. Una ambientación en la mafia no tiene por qué ser sinónimo de normalizar la agresión sexual, creo que ya es hora de traer esto al mundo audiovisual destinado además a un público joven.

Obviamente, si hablamos de no consentimiento y manipulación tenemos VegasPete llamando a la puerta y trayendo vino para la cena. No obstante, si bien su historia no me parece algo a emular en la vida real, me ha parecido la mejor llevada en el sentido de que, verdaderamente, se ve que hay conflicto emocional en los personajes. Evidentemente hubiera estado mucho mejor llevado si hubieran aprovechado algo más que literalmente 4 capítulos para darle un desarrollo propicio a todo esto. Me gusta mucho la química que han desarrollado Bible y Build y cómo han caracterizado a los personajes, pero todo está demasiado apresurado. He de decir también que la escena NC entre ambos personajes es la única que me ha parecido con cierto "significado" en la trama, como que comunica algo además de la propia carnaza en sí, que no es algo que me haya parecido con las que hay entre KP.

De KimChay casi ni comento porque es un poco vergonzoso lo apresurado que han hecho todo. Tiene razón quien afirma que parecen historias que suceden en universos distintos. Es una pena porque son personajes cuya trama podría dar bastante de sí teniendo en cuenta el conflicto que hay entre ambas familias y todas las mentiras de Kim.

Por otro lado, los personajes. Creo que han intentado darle un desarrollo a Kinn y Porsche y se traduce a lo largo de los capítulos, aunque veo inconsistencias sobre todo en cuanto al último. La "esencia" de Porsche prácticamente desaparece a lo largo de la serie y se convierte de repente en ese hombre serio y novio de mafioso que deja toda su vida por él. No me cuadra mucho teniendo en cuenta que es el único cuidador de su hermano y lo mucho que se resalta eso inicialmente.

Lo mismo me pasaba con Pete al inicio (aunque su desarrollo me parece más "coherente" que el de Porsche en varios aspectos): es un jefe de guardaespaldas y te lo pintan como el más torpe de la clase. No tiene mucho sentido. Sí que me ha parecido curioso lo del lado morboso y apreciativo del dolor que tiene (que, fijándose, se puede apreciar en algunos capítulos. Es el único que mira sin perder ripio cuando Vegas le arranca los dientes a un rehén, por ejemplo). Tampoco me parece que tenga mucho sentido el apego que le tiene a su familia (la abuela en concreto) y de repente, sabiendo que le pueden matar, se ofrezca para ir a meterse en la boca del lobo con Vegas. Me siguen faltando cosas como digo.

Creo que el personaje que mejor han cuidado y desarrollado con más coherencia ha sido el de Vegas; al menos le han dado un trasfondo coherente y un atisbo de evolución claro, si bien creíble. Es decir, Vegas sigue siendo Vegas, sigue siendo volátil aunque esté enamorado y seguirá dando guerra. Un detalle muy pequeño: utiliza a sus guardaespaldas de escudo humano en el último capítulo. Él, que iba de apreciar y tratarlos bien a todos para que Porsche se uniera a su familia. Me parece algo coherente a su carácter: mantener el instinto de preservación a pesar de que podamos ver su lado más "humano".

Finalmente, hay cosas incongruentes en la trama en cada momento. La traición de Ken no hay por dónde cogerla - o, al menos, así me lo parece - así como los sentimientos de Big y que muera protegiendo a Porsche. También tiene delito que todos sean guardaespaldas y ni uno lleve chaleco antibalas, lo que nos habría ahorrado muchos disgustos. Y ya, lo de que todos se olviden de Pete después de que se haya ido de misión a la casa de Vegas, mejor ni lo comentamos. Y, bueno, mejor no comentar tampoco las escenas del capítulo 14 porque, aunque se observa muy buena voluntad, los efectos de las explosiones son bastante de risa y qué decir de las escenas de lucha cuando van entre cuarenta a atacar a dos y esperan a pegar por turnos. Son "fallitos" de peli de acción de toda la vida, pero no dejan de hacerme gracia.

En definitiva, no creo que sea una mala serie y, de hecho, admito que me ha enganchado mucho y me la he acabado en pocos días, pero creo que no ha llegado a las expectativas que ha creado. Seamos sinceros, también estas expectativas eran muy altas y no se puede satisfacer a todo el mundo, pero quizá habiendo prestado más atención a algunos detalles hubieran hecho una serie mucho más redonda. BOC ha invertido mucho en promoción y en espectáculo (me recuerda bastante a la promoción del Kpop en cierto modo) y se nota, pero puede hacerlo mejor.
Espero que haya una segunda temporada en la que puedan calibrar mejor todas las historias, la trama y el desarrollo de los personajes. A destacar, por supuesto, el gran trabajo actoral (en especial de Bible, creo que es un actor brutal y no se nota para nada que éste es su primer trabajo; al menos, yo no lo percibo).

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Lopend 13/14
4 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 8, 2022
13 van 14
Lopend 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 9.5
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten


I'm not gonna lie. I didn't think I would like this show.

I put off watching it forever because I watched the teaser way back when and it seemed really awful. Also I had taken a hiatus from Thai BLs because the storylines are pretty much the same, the product placements are off putting, the female characters are toxic AF and there is a lot of rape culture that is kind of glorified, the same old same old stories rinsed and repeated you know? Not to mention the script writing is usually poor with a lot of plot-holes and tropes that are overused. The acting is very cheesy and the cinematography is not great. That is not to say that the teams don't put in a lot of work and I do enjoy their entertainment value. They are just not very good quality overall.


I have been blown away by KinnPorsche. Yes there is a glorification of rape culture - what with Kinn having sex with Porsche while he is still drugged up, and the whole Stockholm Syndrome aspect with Pete/Vegas (btw. I ABSOLUTELY **ADORE** PETE - he is probably my favorite character in this entire show).

But the cinematography. The storyline. The ACTING! EVERYTHING IS PHENOMENAL!

Like literally everything I dislike about Thai BLs (aside from the rapey aspects) were fixed. No cheesy product placement - it was there, but subtle - like it should be. Not over the top and obvious. The way they utilized the products was great - except the random really glaring hair dye PP for Chay in Episode 10 (I think) . The chemistry between Kinn and Porsche was incredible. Were there a few weak links when it came to actors? Sure. But you can't have everything be 100% perfect.

When the actors spoke English it was intentional. Even though Kinn had a strong thai accent, it was very good. Vegas and Ken (I think that was Perth's Character) had amazing English. I can't speak for the Italians but based on the English, I can assume they did a good job there too. Every thing seemed intentional and well executed. The fight sequences were so well choreographed. Especially the one in Episode 1. The intimate scenes although a little too explicit (but there is a non-explicit version of the show so 🤷🏽‍♀️), in my opinion the entire thing was very well choreographed and seemed *mostly* realistic.

There were a few continuity issues that were glaring to me, but on the whole the show was amazing.

I loved Thankhun. He is probably my second favorite character in this show. OMG. I could talk for days about how incredible he is.

I do like Vegas as a character. He is fucked up. He grew up in the Mafia, with an abusive father. He has probably always been compared to Kinn even though Kinn isn't even the eldest brother. He has probably always been expected to overthrow the family even though his father failed to do so (or perhaps never tried). He is smart and handsome - and yet he is never good enough. I can see how he got so fucked up. I would love to see a second season with a redemption arc for Vegas. Maybe even one where he becomes Kinn's left hand - and most trusted person - all because Pete vouches for him. And he CAN be trusted. He doesn't want the power, he just wants to be loved. And Pete gives him love, Porsche gives him friendship and Kinn doesn't hit him when he fails.

Pete is like honest to god. My favorite character. He is one of those characters who is good, but if he's good then why is he in the Mafia? Y'know? So he's got a dark past obviously, and we get to know that when he's getting tortured by Vegas. And if anyone tells me Pete doesn't have Stockholm Syndrome, go look up what that is. He's sympathizing with his captor. He is literally the Poster Boy for Stockholm Syndrome. I do like the Vegas/Pete arc. but there is too much trauma there. For both of them. Like Vegas literally tortured Pete almost to death. Like I don't think people get that. Also people are saying Vegas let Pete go, but Pete literally knocked Vegas out and then escaped. He was not LET GO freely. There's a lot. A LOT of trauma here. Abusive father. Torturer turned lover. Pete has it rough.


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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
2 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 10, 2022
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10


Ok!It was by far the best bl series to come out.
Let's start with the cast of actors, I really don't think there was even one who could play the roles better.
They make you feel and experience what they do and feel themselves.
The plot was something very original and the direction was perfect as well.
The chosen music was equally fantastic.
Infinite alternating emotions with the last episode giving you a strong dose of them.
It was worth the wait of the series to be released and evolving in each one of the 14 episodes.
The only negative is the end of this series.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Lopend 9/14
10 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 6, 2022
9 van 14
Lopend 3
Geheel 5.0
Verhaal 4.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Muziek 5.5
Rewatch Waarde 3.5

Kinda silly and rushed...

(I've only watched up to episode 9)

• I don't understand why the literal mafia would hire an untrained man and let him have a super important job. It makes no sense.

• Why would Porsche always disrespect the people he works for? At best, he could lose his job that he somehow got and so desperately needs, at worse THEY COULD LITERALLY KILL YOU MY DUDE!! And they wouldn't care either 💀💀💀

• Kinn and Porsche's relationship was kind of rushed... They talked a couple of times (and their interactions weren't even friendly, ler alone romantic) and suddenly they're kissing and having sex... :/ Idk, I just feel like it came out of nowhere. I wish there'd been more development in their relationship. At some point they're promising they'll ~always come back to each other~ and I'm sitting there flabbergasted that they're at *that* level already lol.

• The "funny" moments in the show are just too silly and cartoonish. Not only doesn't the comedic, romantic and serious stuff not mesh very well, but, additionally, the "comedy" isn't even that funny, no offense. 😶

• They play the same emotional song whenever the scene is supposed to be heartfelt lol stopppp c'mon there are more songs out there! 🥴

• The scene in ep7 where Porsche is lowkey almost assaulted (?) and then Kinn comes in, gets rid of the other dude, doesn't let Porsche leave and then starts making out and having sex with Porsche ????????? Idk I didn't like it. Weird vibes. Also, very inappropriate moment, since Porsche is at the very least shaken about what just happened.

• Speaking of sex scenes: some of the sex scenes in this show are the cringiest I've ever seen 🥴💀

• Their date in ep8 was really cute!

• Kim and Chay are the best part of the show by far!! 🥺🥺🥺

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
2 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 17, 2022
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0


Ok. Where do I even start? This was dubbed the HORNIEST BL drama to date and it did not disappoint. All of my wild BL fantasies came true. So many sexy men on the screen.

I read the history of how this drama came together and it was not the smoothest journey for the crew with the pandemic, budget etc. I was so glad to hear the Mile (Kinn) himself decided to step in and funded most of the project in order for them to complete the drama. What we got in the end was an incredible journey.

The chemistry between the leads and other couples were sizzling, sizzling like crotch on fire hot. Apo and Mile are incredibly handsome and sexy on their own so for them to come together, the screen and viewers stood no chance. We did not recover after the first episode, y’all.

The cinematography was stunning and the visuals in each scenes really captured the essence of the drama to the core. The steamy scenes… wow… groundbreaking. They really, REALLY, went there. They did not hold back. Phew!

Anyhoo… this is definitely a must watch for BL fans. I look forward to many more of these in the future.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
2 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 28, 2022
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.5
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 6.0

Un beau tournant dans le BL thaïlandais (peut-être même le BL au sens large ?)

Je ne vais pas m'éterniser sur cette critique. Vu le buzz de KinnPorsche et les nombreux avis déjà publiés, je ne suis pas certaine que le mien apporte quelque chose de plus.

Cela faisait un petit moment que j'avais drastiquement diminué mes visionnages de dramas thaïlandais. Trop répétitifs, trop communs car sans originalité et profondément ennuyeux à mes yeux.
Ainsi, l'arrivée de la première phase promotionnelle de KinnPorsche avait (comme une grande partie des dévoreurs de dramas) piqué mon intérêt. Cela s'est intensifié avec les trailers officiels qui étaient excellents. Le public était clairement excité à l'idée de voir ce drama dans un décor auquel nous ne sommes pas habitués - bien qu'on ne délaisse pas le récent Not Me avec Gun et Off qui s'est fait une jolie place également.

Pour tout dire, ce qui m'a sincèrement fait apprécier ce drama, c'est le changement de décor total. Adieu les lycéens, les ingénieurs et les appareils dentaires. Au revoir les clichés habituels et ces pseudos-codes venus de nulle part. Au contraire, KinnPorsche dit bonjour aux mauvais garçons assumés, au monde adulte et au bruit des balles. Et ça fait du bien d'enfin avoir un drama adulte ! C'est de là que provient de tout mon intérêt. Ce réel changement d'univers. Ce très bon mélange d'action, de mystères et de romance. Cette façon d'avoir une bande de gars qui se salissent les mains, mais se chérissent si bien. On regarde un BL qui s'assume ! Tant par ses personnages que ses acteurs qui donnent tout ce qu'ils ont.

Il est évident que KinnPorsche n'a pas démérité son succès. Sa qualité de production, son ambiance et ses personnages excellent en tous points afin de donner ce qu'on attendait. Définitivement une des meilleures séries BL de cette année.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 10, 2022
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10


I'd like to point that this serie is not for everybody. If you like action or thriller, you'll love it as I did. However, I warned you that it displays sensitive topics that are not suitable for under age people. Also, I think that the story could've been better because this created world is really interesting. I am not saying is not good, it is just that it feel a little rushed at times. The best remarkable aspect is the cast and their acting. Wow they are amazing actors! I am so impressed by their acting! And also, it was by far the best production and quality of filming I've watched in BLs!

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
2 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 25, 2024
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 1.0
Verhaal 3.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Muziek 3.5
Rewatch Waarde 1.0

complete waste of time

TLDR; not worth watching if u came to watch it after hearing about its mature content, just look up the content itself and skip watching the series to save your time.

Having recently gotten into the world of BLs, i didn't have a very high standard since i was just getting a gauge of the acting and whatnots. This series lowered the bar by at least tenfold. There were good scenes that kept me watching in the first 1 or 2 episodes but after that it went down so fast. I did finish the series but i skipped through a lot of plots simply because it was so unnecessary.
Those Wattpad mafia stories u read written by those twelve-year-old kids is written better than this sorry excuse of a script. I also have no problem with the mature content but this drama was inputting the mature content because sex sells and not because it provided some context or to show intimacy between the actors. It was just very off putting in general. If u r looking only to view the mature content u can easily search it up on youtube and just watch that part and save a LOT of your time.

Not a lot to say for the story it was very cliche but also poorly written so while i could tell what was going to happen next the scenes itself did not have an element of wow in them that would have made the series a treat to watch actually. Actors were good, relatively hot and good-looking cast who are able to showcase various expressions but emotions were not grasped wth the conviction that could have been reached in this story for me personally.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
2 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 1, 2022
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 8.0

Started off great!

The show started off on a great account. At the time I had huge expectations from the production team and the story. It was very interesting and exciting till a certain point. After a little more than half, the story started taking strange turns and by the time it reached the last few episodes, it became something totally different from what it started off as. It felt like the writer seemed to have lost his way in between. I was not a fan of the ending, it just became too confusing. And Nampheung's story was pitiful. It felt cruel, almost heartless.

The casting though, was great. Each and every actor justified their role to the fullest. Nattawin (Porsche) displayed his acting prowess too well. His character (Porsche) is one of a kind. It felt true, heartfelt, rational and strong. Another actor worthy of praise is Wichapas Summettikul (Vegas). He too portrayed so many shades with such ease that he made acting look like a piece of cake.

My favorite couple would be Vegas and Pete. My heart went out to them in the end.

All in all, I would say it was a good show. It isn't a very easy watch because of some mature themes in it but if you want to truly feel something deep then it's a good choice.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
2 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 10, 2022
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 9.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

Not a 10/10 serie but definitely a memorable one that the BL industry won’t be able to forget.

Boy..what a ride. I’m feeling so empty because I loved watching this bl and I really like the actors as well. After ITSAY I thought I wouldn’t see a BL so well made but KinnPorsche really did that. The acting, the OST, direction, photography, everything was SO WELL DONE. It was the same level as ITSAY for me, although it’s not perfect. So well, be prepared. This review will be a loooong one.

First, What I didn’t like:

KimChay didn’t existed in the novel and although I liked them here, I think they weren’t that necessary, especially because we have much more complex and intense couples to develop. They were pretty cute. Also Kim is SO HOT. But I think some of their scenes could have been released later, with a spin off video.

Also, what made KinnPorsche a 9/10 serie instead of a 10/10 for me is that they wanted to adapt a long story, with too much characters and complex couples with only 14 episodes. They also wasted their time with some unnecessary scenes and when we needed a more time for the important parts, they rushed a little. A lot of people complained about too much scenes of KinnPorsche but they are the main couple and main characters, they need to be well developed. Instead of them, we had much more unnecessary scenes as the whole ghost thing with Tawan, like please. Kim’s scenes investigating was for what? Also Porschay is cute but he had more scenes in the end that he should. VegasPete were the most damaged with all of this as their story were complety rushed.

As VegasPete were rushed, their story looked even more problematic. Pete was a difficult character to understand, his choice was difficult to understand and it’s hard to believe that he fell in love with Vegas with so less scenes of them. Vegas changed too fast as well. He was beating Pete in one episode and in the same episode worrying for him. Vegas said he saw in Pete’s eyes that Pete liked when Vegas lose control like i’m sorry…when he saw that? I couldn’t see this lol Like everything about them happened too fast and it shouldn’t because they are really complex.

What I liked:

They really made a good adaptation for Kinn and Porsche. They made Kinn a more likeable character, they removed most of the SA scenes and instead we had much more cute and likeable scenes of them. I wish they made Tawan plot different because this part really made Kinn look stupid as a character, but well, I won’t complain too much because at least I liked him waaaay better here than in the novel. Actually, Kinn was a very attractive character for me here. He loved Porsche but also gave a choice for Porsche to follow his own path. Kinn in the novel wouldn’t do that and that’s why I loved him here. Porsche as well is more likeable here because in the novel he was really annoying and also very homophobic. Also, Kinn and Porsche scenes were so well done that it was insane, looked so real most of the times. They were like a hot and cute couple and ApoMile killed with their chemistry and good acting. I didn’t like Kinnporsche in the novel but loved them in the serie.

VegasPete scenes were too heavy for me in the novel so i’m glad they removed the multiple rape scenes, this made the couple look more likeable for me, although still problematic. Also, BibleBuild had a awesome chemistry as well and omg Bible KILLED this character, he was made for Vegas. It’s hard to believe that it was his first job as actor.

I think all characters in KinnPorsche are really charismatic, this is one of the most positive things in the BL for me. I LOVED THANKUN!! Every one said he was crazy but he was the most intelligent of them all. Arm, Tay and the others were good as well, unfortunately we had less scenes of them. But my favorite ones were definitly Vegas and Kinnporsche tho. Vegas is really hard to not like. He was evil, smart, manipulative, charming. A true mafia. His story is also likeable, although a little cliche. I think it’s obvious to say that he is the best character in KinnPorsche. But I also liked Kinn and Porsche. They were pretty attractive for me, even with their dumb scenes.

Also the ACTING. Almost all actors here did a pretty decent job, especially Bible, Apo and Mile, they were phenomenal. The CHEMISTRY is also a good point. ApoMile were insane and BibleBuild were also really good.

As I said before, it’s also a pretty well done serie with beautiful scenes. The cinematography was on point and they made use of colors to give meaning to the characters and their scenes. They also made use of a lot of symbologies, they knew what they were doing here.

The plot is also interesting, although the mafia part it can be not that used. The story about Porsche’s family changed here in the serie and althought it may look forced, this for me it was clearly a tip that we may see a S2. Also, I think everybody could see that Kinn’s father it’s not that good as he want to appear and I think S2 will be about that. He’s a very smart and manipulative guy. But probably Porsche will find out the true and Kinn and Porsche will fight about that. Could Kinn trust Porsche, betray his father and be at Porsche’s side? We will see.

In the end, even not being a 10/10 serie, KinnPorsche is definitely a memorable one that neither I nor the BL industry will be able to forget. If you didn’t watch, I really recommend. It’s not perfect, but definitly enjoyable. Almost perfect.

PS: I will miss the cast :( let’s hope for S2.

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2 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 23, 2022
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.5
Verhaal 7.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.5

Ok, I'm here because of TikTok

The plot is nice, not to complex but still keeps you interested. However, some of the plot twist felt a bit forced and not built into the plot (Could never really guess them on your own until they wanted you to). But I can't lie... I gasped more then once. The dynamic between the characters is great, loved the friendships and almost all the couples (Can't love them all). The cinematography is surprisingly nice, felt a bit out of place at times but still looked wonderful. One of the things that annoy me the most is the lack of music. You can't use the same song slowed down or speed up....It's still the same song!!!!!!!!!!
In conclusion, I received what I came for but not much more.
P.S Pete & Vegas deserve better!!!!!!!!!!!

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KinnPorsche (2022) poster



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