Gumiho_in Tang_dinasty
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Effetti speciali quasi hollywodiani che lasciano indietro tutto il resto....
TRATTASI DI UNO XIANXIA DAGLI STRAORDINARI EFFETTI SPECIALI E MUSICHE MA CON UNA STORIA D'AMORE TIEPIDA TIEPIDA e con una storia principale vecchia quanto il mondo.Non capisco le valutazioni così alte di questo lavoro, a meno che non si considerino gli effetti speciali il valore reale, complessivamente è 7,5 !
Leggendo per capire cosa mi fosse sfuggito ho capito che molte valutazioni alte sono degli spettatori orfani di Princess Agents, un drama del 2017 che lascia in sospeso la storia d'amore tra i protagonisti. Ecco perché qui, essendoci delle tenerezze e un happy ending sono tutti appagati... ma per me che non ho visto PA e mi sono accostata a questo xianxia da zero posso dire davvero che manca di tante.... troppe cose e la storia d'amore è il tallone d'achille di questo lavoro, forse anche più di una storia noiosa e con tante sbavature , buchi narrativi e scelte non plausibili.
Gli ingredienti sono in qualche modo sempre gli stessi: tre regni, lotta di potere tra sette immortali/dei divini e clan demoniaci, guerra tra il bene e il male, romanticismo teorico, amore proibito angosciato, triangolo con il pretendente rifiutato malvagio-sofferente /appassionato, sacrificio di sé, finale (pseudo) triste e resurrezione come definizione del finale felice. NIENTE DI NUOVO QUINDI!
Enfatizza solo la dolce storia d'amore senza però renderla credibile e soddisfacente ad uno spettatore attento mentre viene smorzata molto la parte di lotta e contesa del pretendente rifiutato. Per quanto riguarda la trama, non c'è niente di distintamente nuovo. Per questo motivo, la storia è noiosa. Inizia allo stesso modo e finisce in modo simile.
PRO: Ottimi effetti speciali , il migliore tra quelli finora visti e ne ho visti parecchi! Alcune ambientazioni ricordano il pianeta Pandora, altre Dune. Tutti lavori di pregio nella storia del cinema. Come sempre tallone d'achille gli animali, sebbene la piccola fenice sia stata resa molto bene ma leoni, volpi e altri animali sono stati fatti maluccio.
Ottime le musiche e i costumi, specialmente quelli femminili e quelli dei generali dei demoni, qualcosa di nuovo che non avevo ancora visto, in parte tribali, ricordano un po' colori e tagli balcanici o esotico thai.
Le musiche sono il vero cavallo di battaglia di questo lavoro, diverse dalle classiche cantilene lamentose, sono forti, ipnotiche, quasi new age alcune, e folk scozzesi , quali la sigla, altre. Danno l'impressione di qualcosa di nuovo e diverso.
Peccato che con questi prodotti di grandissimo pregio poi gli sia stata accostata una storia poco sviluppata e un romanticismo tiepido , rigido e coartato. Salva la serie il rapporto tra i genitori della protagonista, delicato, vissuto, viscerale, intenso. Dove c'è una falla incredibile a livello di intensità loro in due episodi mi hanno regalato qualche emozione inappagata dopo 30 episodi che illustrano un amore poco convincente. L'attore Xu Hai Qiao è sempre all'altezza e spero che gli diano presto qualche parte da protagonista, la meritava più della protagonista.
CONTRO: Purtroppo hanno sacrificato la storia, sia in termini romantici che a livello di narrazione, gli attori sono troppo distaccati e mancano di trasporto emotivo, le emozioni sul volto sono congelate e l'intimità molto trattenuta, anche se si scambiano tenerezze, sembrano una coppia matura che sta insieme da almeno 10 anni. Vedrete qualche intimità a fine serie ma non è libera, travolgente e si tratta dell'ultimo episodio che molti dicono essere inutile ma io l'ho trovato spassosissimo e ho gradito guardarlo.
Poi la relazione tra i due segue un ritmo particolare: mentre è lei che sviluppa chiaramente e dichiaratamente sentimenti per il ML quando questi cede lei sembra chiudersi a lui, invece di donarsi col trasporto di chi non aspettava altro (in teoria). Questo mi ha anche deluso oltre alla totale assenza di chimica fisica tra loro.
Altra nota dolente sono i dialoghi tra tutti gli attori, insulsi, privi di spessore e riflessività, vagamente introspettivi e troppo banali, e questo poco si confà con la tipologia di divinità mature che hanno voluto proporre.
Anche i pretendenti di lei sono tutti ragazzini in confronto alla protagonista che si vede essere una donna matura, infatti il loro accostamento mi è sembrato parecchio ridicolo (ovviamente non mi riferisco al ML).
Tostissima la figura del generale Shen Li, la donna più forte, potente, finora vista in uno xianxia, peccato che non abbia saputo mostrare l'amore fisico e il trasporto per quest'uomo sebbene a parole sembri molto presa.
Lui invece è molto virile, affascinante, apprezzabile la figura di una divinità sorniona, indolente, distaccata; secondo me, ad un certo punto, però, delle emozioni più di impatto doveva un po' mostrarle, considerata la partenza, per contrasto avrebbe affascinato e soddisfatto lo spettatore che era in attesa che questi due si lasciassero andare.
Un po' lenta la visione, alcuni episodi nella parte centrale noiosissimi , la storia non brilla per originalità, apprezzabile però che abbiano riservato uno spazio alle origini della protagonista con una digressione sui genitori negli episodi finali.
CONTRO: La trama è il punto più debole di questo drama. È un vero peccato, perché questo drama ha un'introduzione ORIGINALE di FL e ML e delle loro dinamiche relazionali che poi si perde trascinandosi per 30 episodi. ML è l'ultimo dio antico che si annoia per la sua vita solitaria e la sua lunghissima esistenza. Gli piace il regno mortale per sperimentarne la vivacità e la giocosità. È indifferente alle cose. Ha davvero un potere immenso, è affidabile e imbattibile in ogni battaglia, perché è il dio supremo. E FL è un generale donna. È molto forte, matura, altruista, orientata al successo e pensa al quadro generale. È un'eroina feroce e assetata di sangue. È interessante notare che, nel profondo del suo cuore, vuole essere accudita come una donna normale e avere una vita normale. Questa è stata una premessa molto interessante MA, questo drama manca di esplorazione delle loro dinamiche psicologiche e relazionali (conflitto interno) con dialoghi al limite dell'assurdo. Non c'è omogeneità tra la parte comica che è presente in buona parte del lavoro e la parte drammatica, rendendo tutto un po' too much, poco credibile in definitiva.
UN BUCO NARRATIVO è stato il potere di questa divinità , in teoria immenso però ....dove va a finire la sua saggezza di aver vissuto per decine di migliaia di anni? Dove va a finire la sua onniscienza? Le sue capacità di prevedere le tragedie che vedrete sullo schermo ? Le aveva come mortale e non come Dio? XD XD XD (LOL).
Poi alla fine non è ben chiaro che fine faccia l'antagonista universale e se questo benedetto abisso lo vogliono aprire o far collassare e non si capisce perché , e normalmente io comprendo anche dei film complessi , Nolan è uno dei miei registi preferiti ma qui la trama è talmente debole che non ci sono spiegazioni per le scelte intraprese.
Interessanti le figure di Furong, che compie un interessante percorso di crescita ed evoluzione interiore e della venerabile Jin , un mostro ambivalente dai tratti femminili con un potere immenso e molto scenografico che si innamora della protagonista (nel romanzo cui il drama si ispira).
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Sometimes interesting, sometimes not
This was an entertaining show but not without some flaws. The biggest one was segmented plot with not fluid transition from one arc to another. The start was promising, a deity crashing into a mortal realm trying to escape from an unwanted marriage. There, she met a sickly mortal and fell in love with him. After she was forced to go back and the mortal died from old age, we found out that the mortal wasn't mortal at all but an ancient god. Their interactions were cute and the parting was rather emotional. After that, not much happened.After Shenli finally met Xingzhi and found out who he was, the plot was reduced to just their interactions. This would've been ok if the acting adequately portrayed emotions. Whether Zhao Li Ying is Ming Lan, Chu Qiao, or Shenli, she is the same emotionless doll in every role. There is no variety in her acting, which significantly takes away from her chemistry with ML. Lin Geng Xin's acting was a little bit more nuanced. While portraying a stoic god, his emotions where still there in the micro-expressions, which I liked.
When the villain finally showed up, the plot picked up again. Unfortunately, with Xin Yun Lai's terrible acting, Mofang was non-threatening and completely uninteresting. Although, we were supposed to believe that he wasn't the true evil mastermind because he was in love with Shenli, the writers could've done something interesting with him instead of reducing him to a tragic lover.
The last two episodes were the most entertaining. Although, I couldn't care less about Ms. Jin's love story, in these episodes, Shenli and Xingzhi showed the most emotion which looked like the actors broke the roles and played other characters.
Overall, I wouldn't call this a masterpiece by any stretch. It's entertaining and worth watching. Will I rewatch it? Maybe.
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Loved it. The leads are surprisingly gentle and humorous.
The first 7 episodes flew away like a breeze. I do like the dynamics between the 2, but it seems like Shen Li was the only one to catch feelings during Xing Yun while was affectionate didn't seem to be that interested in her. Even when she was gone he lived his life very well, maybe missed her once in a while, but was not deeply moved by her leaving or even the idea of her marrying someone else. Even when he returned to the heavenly realm, he seemed as indifferent so far. Apart from mentioning that Shen Li was interesting he didn't intend to pursue her.Ep 8 to 16: She finally meets Divine Lord Xing Zi, who denies he knows Xing Yun, hearing which she sheds tears to which the divine lord is unmoved. He then insists on spending time with her. The Poor girl is busy scouting the place while the Divine Lord is taking a leisurely stroll in the garden.
The Divine Lord finally clears up that he didn't intend to spend time with her but it was to clean her miasma that he had to take her along. When she talks about him resembling an old acquaintance. He brushes it off saying its common and that she shouldn't get too attached to things or people. He then follows her to the demon realm and claims he needs to stay for fun and wants to live at her place. He then shows a teeny bit of what you could call jealousy when Shen Li's betrothed shows up. The one that divine lord himself picked.
Gotta love Shen Li, in ep 14, she finally decided to put everything out there and then kindly told him to go fuck himself. What's even wrong with the guy, he can't even sort out his own feelings and continues to mess with her, following her around everywhere just rejecting her left and right and still bombarding her with those mixed signals.
In ep 16, we get too see them work together, Shen Li gets hurts and we actually see Divine lord get mad for the first time. First green signal telling us that he does care for her. It is nice to see him hold her sweetly nursing her back to health.
ep 16 to 39: Wow this was very slow burn, they finally got together in episodes 30-31, when they do get together it is amazing!
What I like the most about this drama is that the leads don't betray each other and are loyal. There are never any misunderstanding or other man or woman they have to pretend to love in order to protect each other. So, i'll be putting this on my rewatch list.
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A chicken parading as a phoenix
I was really looking forward to Shen Li as I have really enjoyed this author’s works and I’ve loved all of ZLY’s performances.There were several touching moments in the beginning of the show - I was very moved by the story of the soldier and the wife - it was beautifully done and the actors who played the part did so phenomenally. Kudos to them. I enjoyed the idea of cluck cluck and the sickly man, and was moved when that arc came to an end. Shen Li revisited the place she had lived for a short time of her life, it was poignant and sad. One cannot return to the past as it stands on its own.
That being said, I have mixed feelings about this show overall.
I know it’s an unpopular opinion but this show became extremely slow and boring. Often the show felt as though it was catering to fans of Princess Agents who were left stranded with its lacklustre ending. Yes, the two leads have good chemistry but chemistry can’t make up for a paper thin plot that should have kept to 25 episodes or fewer. Most xianxias have a lot happening, even if they are common tropes and this one was excruciating slow with this draggy plot. The novel works because the FL’s narration and feelings carry it through.
Yet, not all literary techniques are well translated into film/the visual medium and this show is a good example of that. Shen Li’s voice overs were overused in the early part of the show and often they seemed to deny secondary characters agency.
As I finished the show I felt quite frustrated that secondary characters were not fully developed nor was enough time spent on them. For a 39 episode show secondary characters are paramount. The marriage arc went on forever and ever.
In the end i was left wondering- what happened to Shen Li’s father? Why didn’t she even think about him. It just happened. Mo Fang’s dying scene was quite sad- I pitied him, despite his faults, he did try to protect her. He was left there, without a glance from Shen Li or a final farewell. What an unfortunate character, which Shen Li herself observes.
What happened to Mo Fang’s father? What really was the point of the story? Why did Shen Li fall in love with Xingyun?
The acting was not the problem at all. I found Kenny Lin’s performance here to be among his best. The idea of the lonely ancient god was interesting and Kenny Lin expressed his loneliness well. His crying scene with Zhao Liying towards the end was very good. I really enjoyed the rest of the actors who did the best with whatever they had. Fu Rong Jun has the most character growth and he became one of my favourite characters. I enjoyed the actor’s performance. Jackie Li was great as usual but had limited screen time. I looked forward to seeing the siblings (and those were the parts I watched without skipping).
The music was good overall without the usual xianxia angst. I did not enjoy the xianxia angst when I watched my first xianxia but that’s what I appreciate these days.
Perhaps I had great expectations from the show but for me it was too slow, too thin with its plot. I think some Chinese shows should stick to shorter episodes. Quantity isn’t quality after all. A chicken should not pass for a phoenix. There's nothing wrong with being a chicken though- it has its place in the world.
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It's basically just better than average
I know that everyone is saying this is the best Xianxia we've had for a hot minute but I think this is the key element they're forgetting. There's been such a drought of good Xianxia (and particularly good Xianxia with female leads that don't act and speak like 6 year olds and actually have a personality outside of 'love interest') that we're holding this one to a higher standard than it deserves.To start on a positive note, there are lots of great things about ShenLi. Although it is 40 episodes it's very easy to digest. Aside from an initially slow start which explores the 'mortal life' section of any Xianxia (albeit in an unexpected and quite witty way) once that awful cgi chicken disappears the show is very enjoyable. It's interesting especially to see the power dynamic shift when Xingzhi/Xingyun's true identity is revealed. The rest of the special effects are actually quite good, and the costumes - though not particularly innovative for the men - have a lot to boast for the women. Some of Shen Li and Demon Lord's outfits were stunning and the detail was apparent. The 'sky above heaven' was also an interesting addition to the show and the lore of the ancient gods.
Now onto the not so great things:
Firstly, this drama has serious pacing issues. The focus on the love story of the two leads was interesting, yes, but almost the entire plot was devoted to them with little time for side characters to develop. This almost led to an over saturation of their romance, particularly because the marriage arc was dragged out until episode 25. I also found that the apathy of the ML was at times taken too far. There is a difference between indifference and surpressed emotion which outwardly presents as indifference which was not always successfully conveyed.
Secondly, although some of the plot twists were genuinely surprising - there was no one single 'wow' factor moment within the show, and there was potential for several. Perhaps due to the halfhearted world building which failed to exhibit a real motivation for the villain beyond loyalty, the stakes never really seemed as high as they should have, and due to the overwhelming power of the 'divine god', even if he was injured or punished by the heavens for disobeying the enigmatic 'natural law' we were never led to believe that he wouldn't be able to overcome whatever was thrown at him. Such was the power of a true 'god' - the last god - compared to mere heavenly immortals.
An 8.8 rating is difficult to comprehend in my opinion. That places the Legend of Shen Li above dramas like: 'Who rules the world' and 'Scarlet Heart: Ryeo', and at the same level as 'The Story of MingLan', 'Eternal Love/Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms', 'Love Between Fairy and Devil', 'Snow Sword Stride' (all far more interesting and developed dramas as far as I'm concerned). I don't like to throw 'overrated' around but I think that this drama may have been. Don't get me wrong, it's still a very enjoyable watch and I highly recommend it; it just seems important to keep in mind that ratings are inevitably relative, and Shen Li perhaps needs to be put into context rather than looked at independently.
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Slow burn romance of a Kickass Power Couple with decent chemistry
Subjective Gut Rating: 8.25I have not watched “Princess Agent” for obvious reasons (the ending sucks), so I went into this drama without expectation from Zhao Li Ying and Lin Geng Xin. I am not looking for a continuation of their previous romance. I wonder if that’s the reason why I don’t feel that their chemistry is amazing, but still good.
The big selling point of this drama is the two leads. The majority of the drama focuses on the romance and relationship, before going into the real plot towards the second half of the drama. I am a die-hard romance lover, so I am not going to complain (much) about it. It’s really lovely to see their interaction and romantic development when they’re in the mortal world. Their conversations are full of subtle and not-so-subtle sarcastic remarks, which help with building their attraction for each other. I enjoy the not-in-your-face and not-second-hand-embarrassment comedy. I feel like you need to pay attention to what’s going on to fully enjoy it, otherwise, you’ll miss a subtle dig here and there. However, I do think the drama spends way too much time setting the stage for this slow burn romance in the first half of the drama. As much as I enjoy their conversation, I also am missing the plot. This is a xianxia drama, so I am sure there’s a villain out there plotting against the ‘good’ guys.
I’m glad to see another kickass power couple as we really don’t see that many in C-dramas. From the top of my head, I could only think of the leads in “Who Rules The World” and “Wonderland of Love”. But Sheng Li and Xing Zhi are on a whole other level. They are the best of the best, the top 2 of the 3 realms. I am glad Shen Li remains intelligent, cool-headed, and powerful from beginning to the end. In a way, we have a reversal of gender. As the drama says, a reversal of who is the yin and who is the yang. Xing Zhi is also an interesting character. He’s being held in such high regards, has the whole world on his shoulders, yet he’s petty and jealous. He also is a know-it-all and doesn’t communicate much out of necessity for the most part. It’s also hilarious that once he’s given up restraining himself, he has such a love brain. He’s more clingy and emotional than Sheng Li and it’s both frustrating and fun to watch.
On the other hand, I am greatly moved by the romance between Feng Lai and Liu Yu. They have very limited screen time. Even though their romance is not unique, it leaves a more lasting impression on me. They are both such pure and kind-hearted people, but they break my heart. I might be partial as I am a big fan of Xu Hai Qiao, and his portrayal of Feng Lai is impeccable. The other romance that receives an awkward amount of screen time is with the sultry Ms Jin, the serpent. More on that at the end of the review.
The acting is solid but not exceptional. The veterans are great - Zeng Li as Shen Li’s godmother Demon Lord, Liu Guan Lin as the Heavenly Emperor, Zhou Xiao Chuan as General Shang are all great veterans. Comparatively, Zhao Li Ying and Lin Geng Xin did fine. There are moments when I thought ZLY did a really good job. I also feel that LGX’s acting is a little uneven. There are times when I feel that he could emote really well with subtle microexpressions, but other times I feel that he’s very wooden. Maybe that’s why I don’t quite feel the chemistry between them to be as great as other reviewers have said. Xin Yun Lai sorta played a dual role as Mo Fang and along with He Yu as the Heavenly grandson. They both deliver average acting. My favorite is Xu Hai Qiao as Feng Lai. His screen time is limited but XHQ never disappoints. He is such a scene stealer.
This is obviously a pretty big budget production. A large amount of CGI and green screens are used in this production. The very first fight sequence in ep 1 sets the CGI tone for the rest of the drama. However, I do find that fight scene shot like a video game. But throughout the drama, I really enjoy the special effects of the different light/power blasted during any battles. Sometimes production runs out of money and they start to fade out the special effects towards the end of the drama. Not this one! The final big battle was amazing. Despite my praise of the fight scenes, there are quite a few very fake-looking green screen shots.
Costumes and set designs are quite nice. Zhao Li Ying looks absolutely stunning in all of her different costumes, hair and make up. I love her simpler getup in the mortal world, but also enjoy her more girly looks with flowy hair. Some of the Heavenly Realm sets remind me of “Ashes of Love” and “Ancient Love Poetry”. I guess they all look the same to me after watching so many xianxias. “The Legend of Shen Li” also has a beautiful OST. However, they are played quite loudly and at times I couldn’t hear the words spoken very clearly. The drama also likes to blast this suona background music (it sounds like the suona song played in “Small Town Stories”) whenever something exciting comes up. It gets annoying after a while. One thing I am a little disappointed about is that the main leads are all dubbed. None of them uses their own voice, and at times the words don’t match the movement of the lips.
Another thing that annoys me is the large amount of inner monologues by Shen Li. There are times I wonder if these are words spoken, or all in Sheng Li’s head. Zhao Li Ying doesn’t really open her mouth wide when she speaks, so I got confused at times.
Let’s talk about the ending. I think the drama should have ended at ep 38. Ep 39 is more of a side story or an easter egg episode. It’s cute and I enjoy it, but this filler and fan service episode somewhat changes how I remember the ending of this solid drama. The kiss scenes at the end are definitely for the fans, and this fan did not enjoy the kisses. They seem awkward.
Nevertheless, this is an enjoyable watch. The pace is decent despite a little slow down with too much time spent on the set-up of the romance in the beginning. The power couple is fun to watch and I enjoy their interactions and conversations. The romance is slow but mature. Acting and production are solid, though not exceptional. I like (not love) this drama and will recommend it to those who enjoy xianxias and great CGI battles.
Completed: 5/12/2024 - Review #438
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The Gold standard for mythology inspired dramas
I couldn't hold myself back from writing this review. I started watching this drama as a FILLER while I waited for some kdrama. I don't care about the kdrama anymore because this xianxia has exceeded my expectations in every way.1) Acting - if you have cringed at some highly marketed xianxia with actors selling eccentricism and loudness as "good acting", this drama is for you. Both the leads have made the characters extremely believable and have picked up the nuances so well. They are SEASONED actors ! By that, I simply mean, they know a lot more than screaming to show great pain, widening their eyes to show anger and staring into each other's eyes to show love. Its a treat to watch them. As for the side characters, many of them are exceptional actors while some are slightly weaker but serve their purpose (comical). IF FU RONG WANTS A LAWYER FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE...I am available!
2) Story - Its surpassed any mythology inspired chinese (and korean) dramas I have seen. Many dramas have used similar tropes but they failed to do justice to it like this drama does. They let the story breathe in the beginning and take time with character introduction of the FL but manage to not make it boring. The female lead is ferocious yet very level headed. As for the ML, his complex character is introduced a few episodes later and kept slightly simpler as we are focusing on the FL's journey in the beginning. This God needs to write a book called "HOW TO BECOME A GREAT GOD" and that is all I will say about him. The side characters also had interesting arcs but never overshadowed the main story. The politics between the realms (which is the boring part of xianxias in general) is surprisingly engaging here and serves as a perfect tool to move the story forward. The romance is THE SLOW BURN kind of romance but I wouldn't have preferred it in any other way.The writers did a great job.
3) Music : They have used elements of chinese folk music and that's my favorite. The flute music is quite beautiful as well. There's a perfect description of the flute music in the drama which I won't spoil for you. If the story is a bowl of ramen, the music is MSG.
4) SPECIAL EFFECTS - This is where I will give it a 5/10 but that's because I am comparing it to some movies and high budget shows. For a chinese wuxia, its pretty good. This would have reached a much larger global audience had the CGI been great.
overall, its a great drama and I highly recommend it. I wish to add a few more points but I shall have to wait for it to end which will be a bitter sweet experience regardless of the happy/sad ending.
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I usually read the romance tag and run away, but watched The Legend of Shenli's first episode and didn't stop after that. The actors, the story, "the fancy bird", they are all so good that even if you don't like romance genre, you will still find yourself watching all the episodes and complaining "Why didn't they drop 2 episodes today??"This is my first time watching Lin Geng Xin and the way he flirts or interacts with the Zhao Li Ying is so sweet. I am also happy to see Xin Yun Lai after watching him in Dream Catcher; he is a really good actor. Must say Zhao Li Ying is so fun to watch. Please start this drama if you haven't already, because you'll love it.
Writing this after watching episode 18 and it is truly wonderful to see Shen Li's character. She doesn't repress her feelings for Xing Zhi and she acknowledges them. She doesn't lead Mofang on and makes it clear that she doesn't have any feelings for him, but she doesn't mistreat him as well. She is aware of her own emotions and feelings, and is a very strong character. All praise for her.
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"Captivating Romance: A Visual Feast with Genuine Affection and Compelling Storytelling"
"I am enthralled by the deliberate restraint in showcasing intimate moments, allowing the genuine affection between the male and female leads to shine through. Their love resonates with such sincerity and passion, captivating audiences and leaving a lasting impression. The cinematography beautifully captures the essence of their romance, adding depth to every scene and making it a visual feast. With such compelling storytelling and mesmerizing effects, this drama is truly worth watching. Here's hoping for a happy ending that will leave hearts warmed and spirits uplifted." Make a headline out of the above reviews.Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
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Very funny and entertaining
I began watching this the day it was released and I could not get enough of it.Both leads where phenomenal.the acting was perfect and also the pace was normal .neither fast nor slow.Fu Rong and his sister were another grade addition to the story line.I lived Yu lan she was like and diene in the show watching the male and female leads live story .I did not like her at the beginning when she first came but as her character changed I began to really like her and even fu ring who also was like a cp to both of the leads.It felt like he was in love with Shen li closer to the ending tho I am not fully sure but that’s what it seems to me or her was just curious.I hope to know someday.Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
A True Treasure for 2024 CDRAMALAND ✨
Well, well , well . I truly didn’t expect that I would actually finish watching a xianxia drama anytime soon , but here I am!THE LEGEND OF SHENLI! Just as the title suggests, it was truly legendary.
This drama , to my surprise , actually had the best CGi , storyline and character development that I’ve seen in a while !
The relationship between the female lead (Shenli) and the male lead (Xingzhi) started in a very soft and amusing way and continued being a slow burn all throughout the episodes. I loved how Xingzhi, even though he knew Shenli’s real identity in the Mortal Realm , actually treated her with care letting her to show her vulnerable side and being the first who made her feel like a real Lady and not just a War Weapon.
The way they cared and helped each other was truly heartwarming to see .
The CGi and special effects really shocked me as well. All the realms were so well crafted. This has to be the best Heavenly Realm that I’ve seen before in other xianxia dramas . All the floating white clouds in the gardens and surrounding every place made it look really magical . The Gold and White pallete truly looks Heavenly . The flying scenes , the fighting scenes, the mystical creatures were all impressive as well and I truly appreciate the efforts they’ve put into it .
The storyline was mostly different than what we are used to see in xianxia , wasn’t it ?
For me it was really unpredictable and I couldn’t stop watching since I was dreadfully curious to see what will happen next .
The Characters were quite lovable and I really liked their development and their stories . Some worth mentioning ones are Furong ( who went from a careless playboy who only wanted to play and waste his time , to a true Diviner who saved people and fought in a war to defend the realms !) , Shenli’s Parents and their story which was very touching and emotional . Fenglai was absolutely adorable and naive , how could he play the part of King of the Chimeis? Even when he couldn’t really understand the meaning of ‘’daughter’’ he still rushed to save his daughter because his late wife cared about her..and that’s all he understood and wanted to protect. Him and Liyu’s love was pure and beautiful. So was his brief meeting with Shenli. I shed quite a few tears at that scene . Mofang is also worth mentioning. Even though he was forced into completing a mission by his evil ‘master’ he went against him all the time only to protect Shenli and never truly hurt her . I think we all felt pity for him in the end . Now I could go on about this all day since all the characters had something special which would make you get attached to them.
The OST was beautifully done too , I can’t go on without mentioning the opening track which was very unique but fit for Shenli’s fighter character. I got chills every time I heard it .
Beautiful Costumes , Hairstyles , Unique and creative Makeup and more importantly the happy ending that I’ve been craving for!
Get your phone’s storage ready because this drama has many aesthetic scenes !
10/10 From L.Alexandra !
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