1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 28, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10


what i love most about this series is that it shows the healthiest love that can exist between two teenagers, apart from the songs, the development of people and the good performances, let's not forget the tremendous chemistry between gemini and fourth, absolutely everyone should take the time to watch my school president because they really deserve more recognition than they get, that's all I have to say :) anyway, i will love you forever tinngun and chinzhilla <3 i look forward to the special
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0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mrt 15, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 10

it's not your typical drama at all

i felt empty after a long time. it was so endearing. i loved it. its not your typical cliche dramas where the ml just acts "cold" even tho he likes the other character. It is cute, cringe, happy and overall a lighthearted drama but it may not be some of yalls taste. The casting was just perfect i say. i reseached a bit and found out that they are just 04s but its just right for the high-school dramas like this, the mc story was based on music so there were pretty good songs that i would listen to on daily basis. i even wish to forget the plot so i can rewatch it as the first time just to get that feeling back . if there are other dramas like this pls recommend it to me ?

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1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 28, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
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You can't avoid falling in love

Suddenly, Gemini and Fourth steal your heart and your full attention to all they have to say and show. You don't even complain and they lead you through an amazing, sweet and adorable storyline.
Well acted, well directed and well scripted, My School President is the best bl I've always watched, so far.
I really wish Chinzhilla were real so I could listen to all of their songs.
Chemistry is overflowing between the entire cast.
Fourth is such a baby and portrays a teenager discoverying the world perfectly. I just can believe how expressive his face is.
Gemini's handsomeness makes your heart ask for some fresh air and his eyes tells everything you need to know
After all, only one word was left to My School President: Perfect

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Mary Soulia
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mrt 7, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

Love, music and friends

This show is so refreshing! Yes, it's a high school bl, but it's sweet and hilarious and the music is amazing. This group is so talented and the chemistry for each pair, the group as a whole, and the kids with their families is great! This is going to be one i will rewatch regularly. I loved it!
The story is fairly light, only a tiny bit of drama by the usual bl standard. I really appreciate how supportive they are to each other, but at the same time keeping it real with each other.
Gemini and Fourth are so convincing its hard to believe it's their first time as leads.
I've always loved watching Win and Satang in other shows and the don't disappoint here either.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 24, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

Simple story, GREAT execution

This is a fantastic example of how you don’t need a great plot, you just need great execution. This is a perfect way to handle a mostly light hearted, teen romance. Would totally recommend this to younger BL fans just getting into BL.
The pacing is great for high schoolers, it felt like we were following the blossoming first love of two young people. It’s bubbly, awkward, and sweet.
I have seen a lot of people compare this to Bad Buddy, which is probably because the follow a similar formula. Simple plot, well-paced, great acting and great soundtrack.
I thought all of the characters were well written, ESPECIALLY Tinn’s mom. She’s strict at first but the show slowly shows different sides of her from his relationship with her husband and how much she loves Tinn and wants him to be happy.
The two leads are junior actors but they added a surprising level of depth to their characters for being so new.
I really enjoyed this, it’s definitely a top BL for me.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mei 24, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

you will never regret watching this for sure ?

actually its my first time reviewing a drama so i am just new to this so of i say something wrong pls dont be mad ?. Actually this was the best high school drama i ever watched. everything was just too perfect from the story to osts and to the characters. everything was so pleasing and it gives a grate example for learning from your mistakes and never regretting anything you do in life .
This is one of the most heart touching dramas i have ever watched.you should definitely watch this series?
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 24, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

Such a rare, underrated gem.

I usually skip series like this because I prefer the more angsty, gritty and plot driven stories to the sweet, run of the mill High School series but right from the get-go I knew this was gonna be different. Sure, it's the typical HS Bl series but what makes this so special is how healthy, natural, supportive and romantic the relationship between Gun and Tinn is. So, I'm glad I geve this a chance. It's rare to see a relationship between two teens or rather any couple at all in BL be this communicative and supportive of one another. Tinn and Gun spend the whole series communicating, supporting and trusting each other. With that their relationship grew stronger at every turn. Every misunderstanding they had it was solved rather quickly, and I loved that.
The bonds of friendship were also strong in this one. I love how much Chinzilla loved each other, more than friends and a band they were brothers. Always there for one another and helping each other thru. Another example of healthy relationships expressed in this series. And who doesn't want a friend like Tiwson? He would do anything for Tinn, and he did. Best friend ever for real.
Sound and Win stole my heart. Second couple that came at the right time, didn't take much spotlight from the main couple & made perfect sense. They had great chemistry and who doesn't love the enemies to lover's trope? Perfect.
I loved the relationship the boys had with their mothers. Different but pretty much similar: loving, trusting and healthy. Gun could talk to his mother about anything and while Tinn's relationship with his mother was more reserved she was a great mother as well. The writers did well in showing the contrast between the relationships and how they shaped the boys lives.
The acting was also so good. Fourth showed how talented he was, this kid can do anything. I see inklings of all the great actors of GMMTV. This kid is gonna go far and I'm gonna be right there watching his journey. Gemini surprised me as well with how good he is. He can emote like the best of them. The chemistry between them was also one of the best I've seen too. Not a surprise if we see much more of them in the future.
Another reason I loved this series so much was that it took me back to my High School days and made me relieve my experiences there at times. It felt real to being a teenager: the atmosphere, the friendships, the feeling of falling in love for the first time. Just very well written.
And let's not forget the music. This OST has got to be one of my favorites. All the songs were exceptional. The cast being multi talented makes MSP even better.
Overall I'm so glad I watched it but now my only regret is that it's over. I give this a 10 and would give it more if I could. Highly recommended series and I wish it would have gotten more of the hype it deserved. Word of advice: watch! you won't regret it.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 24, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

sono poche le serie che mi hanno fatto del bene in questa maniera

In questi mesi passati a guardarla è stata la mia ancora di salvezza, così tanto che da ora ho paura, riuscirò a star bene? Non lo so e non credo, questo mi rende triste.
Ricordo ancora quando mi arrivò la notifica del trailer e per curiosità decisi di guardarlo, da lì avevo capito tutto, ero sicura mi avrebbe fatto impazzire.
Questo perché questa serie fa parte di quelle serie che hanno la mia trama preferita, quella che mi fa sempre emozionare e fanno parte di questa categoria: 2gether, Star in My Mind e da adesso anche My School President.
In questa serie ho amato tutto, letteralmente tutto.
Secondo il mio punto di vista la trama è stata scritta veramente bene, è ampia, riguarda tanti temi: amore adolescenziale, crescita personale, famiglia, amicizia, passioni, ragioni di vita…
E amo come tutti questi temi siano stati trattati a proprio dovere e che nessuno di questi temi sia venuto meno, tutti questi temi sono stati trattati e nessuno di essi è stato trattato meno degli altri andando a creare una grande trama, ampia e stupenda.

Per quanto riguarda la questione amore.
Tinn e Gun mi hanno fatto semplicemente sognare.
Ho sempre amato Tinn con tutto il mio corazon, è una persona veramente preziosa.
Mi è piaciuto molto il suo amore per Gun e come si preoccupava per lui ma non mento se dico che a volte mi sono sentita come se Tinn stesse facendo troppo, voleva aiutare Gun in segreto in tutto, tutti i problemi che gli si riscontravano, ma a volte avrebbe dovuto solo stare fermo perchè è bello voler aiutare il tuo amato ma in questa maniera era come se Tinn si sacrificasse totalmente per lui. Alcune volte avrebbe dovuto lasciare stesso Gun e il gruppo risolvere le questioni.
Era veramente bello come lo amasse segretamente già da due anni e come all’ultimo anno si sia deciso di fare qualcosa, perché sì è vero che lui aveva provato a dichiararsi già due volte ma sono dell’opinione che quando ti dichiari a una persona che non ti conosce, la risposta al 99% (non statisticamente provato) non potrà darti un esito positivo, sempre ovviamente se non ti capita il caso di quel 1% dove shock totale anche quella persona ti ama.
Quindi per me era meglio se lo conosceva prima bene così da formare un feeling, e so che all’inizio è stato pericoloso quello che ha voluto fare perchè si è praticamente messo Gun contro ma fortunatamente tutto si è risolto e Gun si è reso conto che Tinn lo volesse solo aiutare.
Quando poi è venuta quella settimana dove dovevano studiare in quell’appartamento, lì tutto comico, Tinn che si alludeva di cose e ne succedevano tutt’altre ma nonostante ciò quella cazzo di proposta stranissima (“Ti posso guardare negli occhi?”) ha funzionato veramente, io la consideravo una cosa da pazzi ma ecco che Gun è inpanicato rendendosi conto che il suo cuore batteva per Tinn.
Da lì magia assoluta, ci sono stati dei litigi e delle incomprensioni, come giusto che sia, ma si sono sempre amati tanto e hanno superato tutto assieme. Soprattutto Tinn, è sempre stato lì presente, non è mai ceduto ed è sempre stato sincero con Gun.
Nell’ultimo episodio avevo anche molta paura che succedesse l'inimmaginabile ma fortunatamente tutto è andato magnificamente; mi sento molto empatica con quella situazione, trovarti a doverti difendere su una cosa di cui non avevi mai avuto il coraggio di parlare, è doloroso e ci vuole coraggio. Che poi voglio far riflettere su una cosa in particolare: perché quando si mettono assieme un ragazzo e una ragazza nessuno dice nulla ma quando si tratta di due ragazzi fa scalpore, è inadeguato? Anche quello è amore, allora perché deve essere considerato così…non è giusto.
Spero che col tempo si vada sempre a migliorare secondo questo punto di vista.
In generale loro sono stati il loro safe place, insieme erano sempre così placati, felici e speranzosi, nei momenti brutti sono stati sempre in grado di supportarsi. Il loro amore è da invidiare, è tutto così puro e bello. Aspiro a questo nella mia vita sentimentale.

Poi abbiamo Sound e Win, loro mi ricordano la famosa canzone di Milly, quella che andò virale e tutti gli attori ci facevano video. Loro sono così, enemies to lover, stupendamente stupendi. Penso che la loro storia sia molto carina, l’unica cosa è che Sound a un certo punto mi ha fatto venire la depressione, si era reso conto di amare Win, glielo voleva dire ma aveva paura di essere scaricato e che quindi ciò avrebbe influito sul gruppo stesso e sul loro rapporto attuale, però bello mio solo perchè stai così cazzo ignori Win ahahah.
Vabbè lui come me, poi mi ha fatto piacere di come abbia parlato con Gun, anche se lì Gun mi stava facendo venire i nervi dato che non voleva che la cosa uscisse fuori, ma vabbè tutto stupendo. Ya seriamente quando venne tutta sta situazione incominciai a mandare alla mia amica audio continui di come stessi in empatia con lui e di come i suoi occhi parlassero, era vero amore e voglia di esprimersi ma anche paura, tutto un misto.
Loro stupendi.

Tra le coppie infine parlo di Yok e Nook e di Por e Thiu, nel primo caso mi dispiace si sia visto ben poco, sono carini, invece nel secondo caso non posso neanche dire che siano una coppia, sta cosa mi è dispiaciuta molto, non hanno fatto vedere granchè.

Passando alla situazione familiare.
La madre di Gun sin dal primo momento che l’ho vista è diventata un mio idolo, la amo in tutti i sensi. Si vede il suo amore per Gun e di come sia una bravissima madre supportando qualunque sogno del figlio e anche poi la relazione, è stata proprio lei a prendere le parti di Tinn e dire a Gun che Tinn lo amava, è una mamma d’oro.
Di sta parte anche la famiglia di Tinn mi è sembrata parecchio carina.
Sulle questioni del futuro non tanto perché era come se volessero costringere Tinn a intraprendere la professione del medico, ma dal punto di vista famigliare tutto bello, una famiglia calorosa con tanto amore.
Ho amato l’amore ancora vivo dei genitori, purtroppo al giorno d’oggi non vedo molte coppie sposate amarsi ancora come se si fossero appena fidanzati.
Poi devo dire di aver avuto un pò di paura quando la madre si è resa conto della relazione di Tinn e Gun ma ho avuto molta fiducia in lei proprio perché si vedeva che si sentiva in colpa che Tinn non glil’avesse detto, era preoccupata che Tinn non avesse fiducia in lei e altro, poi ho anche amato quando ha voluto chiedere di Gun a Tinn ma ha cambiato discorso perché aveva percepito la paura di Tinn, il suo non essere pronto a parlarne.
In generale ho amato il fatto che entrambe le famiglie fossero green flag, in effetti si adatta proprio alla storia.

Passando dal lato dell’amicizia.
Gli chinzilla per me sono stati un gruppo pazzesco, la loro amicizia è una delle cose che invidio di più insieme all'amore di Tinn per Gun, ci sono stati momenti in cui hanno litigato, pure pesantemente, ma in generale sono sempre stati assieme in modo onesto e sono sempre stati supportivi nei confronti dell'altro.
Poi amore assoluto per l'amicizia tra Tinn e Thiu, soprattutto quest'ultimo aveva stra ragione nel dire che senza il suo aiuto Tinn non sarebbe riuscito a conquistare Gun, Thiu ha sempre avuto le idee a portata di mano ed erano anche idee strabilianti, sono felice della loro amicizia, bellissima.

Infine voglio esprimere le mie considerazioni generali sulla serie.
In una parola MASTERPIECE.
Per me è stato un onore poter guardare questa serie, è un'esperienza che non ho mai avuto in sta maniera così profonda.
Ogni venerdì per me era festa, ero felicissima e guardando l'episodio sembravo pazza da quanto ho riso, pianto dalla felicità, sclerato e tanto altro in senso puramente positivo.
Inoltre è stato veramente sorprendente come non mi sarei mai immaginata di amare OGNI SINGOLA CANZONE, le loro voci e tutto.
Dato che sto parlando di ciò devo fare il mio sponsor personale invitando tutti a sentire assolutamente COME CLOSER e HOOK, sono stupende, le ascolto tutti i giorni, ho la fissa.
Consiglio vivamente questa serie, per me è significato tanto provare questo tipo di emozioni e non dimenticherò mai la sensazione che ho provato e che tutt'ora provo, è semplicemente inspiegabile, guardatela e non ve ne pentirete.

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here for bl
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 4, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

One of the Top Thai and High School BL Dramas to Date

A thought-provoking series that explores the idea of words being potentially deceitful or insufficient when it comes to expressing love. It highlights the complexity of human emotions and relationships, and how what is said might not always align with what is truly felt. The series delves into the realm of unspoken emotions and the power of actions and genuine connection. It's an exploration of the subtleties and nuances in human relationships, especially regarding love. The creators effectively use the delayed verbal confession to explore complexities, subtleties and nuances in the relationship between main characters, Tinn and Gun.

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Mật's Content
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 28, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 7.0


This series has been so productive with their OSTs that I'm overwhelmed. Furthermore, the whole series is about love and family and music, and they did a magnificent job writing, directing and editing it, I enjoyed it with all of my heart.
The series allocate different components (such as love, family, music, drama, leisure time...) very well. No factor is showcased more than another, though, that could be a downfall to some people out there who only enjoys BLs being about the main couple exclusively. Yet, I enjoyed it without a doubt.
Another thing to add is all of the factors like the story, the struggles, the inner emotional war, the shifts of emotions among the characters were valid and credible. That is something worth treasuring since it has been a big ordeal for many series. This one really fulfilled it's mission.
They produced a lot of OSTs, might be the largest collection throughout all the BLs I've watched (and let me tell you...I've watched MANY), which is great in the sense of telling stories without adding more acting. Some of them were hits and some were misses. However, composing and producing and distributing them correctly has already been an achievement itself.
I do love the characters and their acting, but the actor playing Gun didn't deliver me the sadness, the confusion, the hopelessness very well, but I guess, he just needs more practice, every other characters did not carry a plethora of responsibilties so they did their jobs very well.
In short, your time watching this series with all of its well-planned features will not be wasteful nor will it put you down. I support the series and support you guys watching it all the way. ❤️

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mei 1, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

A must watch!!!

I created an account just to write a review about this show. I never expected to love this show as much as I do now. I always skipped it when I saw it on any platform because I never really liked high school themed BLs. Then one day I had nothing to watch and decided to give this show a chance. I got really attached to Tinn and Gun because of their chemistry and cuteness! They immediately became my new favorite couple. The show is really light and fluffy and the story progresses slowly and isn't rushed. Tinn's pick up lines are to die for! I'm really happy that I decided to watch this series because it became my weekly boost :)) Every friday I would open the tv and lay in bed waiting for the new episode to come out and the new episodes never fail to make me scream into my pillow and blush like crazy! I'm kinda sad that this show has already ended though. But, I'm still happy that I got to watch this masterpiece. Thank you GMM for this show. <33

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 24, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten


Honestly, there is so much to say about this show. like I genuinely cannot comprehend how much i love this show and how i have grown so attached to it from the day it came out. everything about this show is honestly amazing and has never failed to make my fridays so much better then it is. It feels really sad to know that this show has ended so i'm really looking forward to Our Skyy 2 !!!

1. The plot - the plot was SO GOOD. It showed daily life struggles to achieve a dream, especially for individuals who want to become a singer or anything arts-related. Although it was heart breaking when i found out they didnt win Hot Wave, it was also a good thing they didnt win because it shows that you can still be successful without winning hot wave and giving up isnt an option. the way every member of the band stuck together till the very end after countless of fights (especially that one fight in ep 11) made it so sad to let them go :((

2. Chemistry between the main leads - GMMTV did fantastic on choosing the main characters and who should be shipped with who, because the chemistry between Tinn and Gun is INSANEEE. the way Tinn is just madly inlove with Gun but pretending not to be in the beginning made me so eager to watch there relationship grow. and honestly i have to say, Tinn is a STANDARD. like if my standards are so high because of this show its getting kinda scary. the way tinn was always there for gun and waited for him until he won hot wave, and when Gun found out everything that Tinn did for him was all so beautiful to watch. Furthermore SoundWin chemistry was also so good. like i loved there dynamic since the beginning and how that slowly formed into a relationship between them.

3. Humor - this shows humor has never failed to make me die of laughter everytime an episode came out, i swear to god whenever i get reminded of the jokes they make or some funny things that happen for example that one time tinn accidentally used reverse pyschology on sound to make him join the music club got me replaying that shit over and over again just like the other funny stuff that happened.

4. the OSTs - okay, dont even get me STARTED on the osts in this show. every single person in the bands voice was absolutely incredible. the songs were also so inspirational and motivational that it just keeps you going every day yk? in a way my school president did save me in a way because without it, i bet my life would be so dull till now. as soon as i heard the first song from these guys i automatically went on spotify to download it on my playlist and that continued for every other song they played. I was and still am amazed by how much joy there songs bring me and will never forget them.

there is a LOT more i wanna say about this show but thats all im gonna write for now, if your looking for a cute, fluffy and a
reality check kind of show, this is the one for you.

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My School President (2022) poster



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