Both cast Zhao Lusi as Female Lead
In both dramas, FL has 3 pretendents, while she unknowingly already has one of them in her heart
In both dramas, FL declares that she will not accept to share her spouse ,( no concubines)
Both ML receive proposals from other ladies, but declare they will only love the FL
Both ML are strong fighters, domineering personalities, are cunning and smart, hold military power and influence in the palace
Both have happy end
In both dramas, FL has 3 pretendents, while she unknowingly already has one of them in her heart
In both dramas, FL declares that she will not accept to share her spouse ,( no concubines)
Both ML receive proposals from other ladies, but declare they will only love the FL
Both ML are strong fighters, domineering personalities, are cunning and smart, hold military power and influence in the palace
Both have happy end