1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 14, 2023
29 van 29
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 1.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

A bit overrated - its just ok

I delayed watching this because the trailers all made is seem like a silly comedy, rather than a drama. I prefer dramas. The first 1/3 of the series was more comedic, but then it turned into a more serious, heavy drama. Pacing was off, took too long for the love story to build up. It seemed to dragged on too long after the climax of the series...it was like they just recycled random characters who had smaller parts earlier on, then disappeared for most of series...then suddenly reappeared towards the end just to continue the series? Felt forced and odd.
My main issue w/ this series is the main couple - both the ML and FL fell flat in terms of chemistry. I didn't feel it, but you feel like you have to root for them because they are the main couple. I wasn't convinced of any deep, intense love between them.

- Wu Lei / Ling Buyi (ML) - the only other series I saw him in was when he was a child actor in Nirvana in Fire. So it was hard for me to take him seriously as an adult actor in this series. His acting was a bit stiff.
- Zhao Lu Si / Chen Shao Shang (FL) - she plays the cute, funny role fine. She doesn't fit the image of the most beautiful maiden in the capital. Her sad/crying scenes did not tug at my heartstrings, except for 1 scene where she was bullied by the princesses and almost drowned in the pond - when Ling Buyi unaware of what happened came to visit her talking happily....she turned her back and cried out of self pity but tried to hold it in. That scene broke my heart.
- The Emperor - acting was fine. But the script writing for him seems off - I have never seen a period drama where the emperor was so funny and kind. Even if they are kind at hear, they usually appear serious, stern, intimidating.
- Imperial Consort Yue Fei and the Empress - I liked them, it was refreshing that they were genuinely kind people and not scheming like most royals. I liked the spunk and grit that Consort Yue Fei had, and her relationship w/ the Emperor was cute.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
sep 17, 2022
29 van 29
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 8.0

Cede un po' negli ultimi episodi, ma in generale magnifico

Le mie recensioni non sono mai professionali, perché non ho alcuna esperienza nel mondo dello spettacolo. Posso solo dire cosa mi piace e cosa no, e qui di cose da farmi piacere ne ho trovate tante. Tante, ma non tutte.
Premesso che si tratta di una chiacchierata per l’intero drama, senza distinguere tra prima e seconda stagione, la prima cosa che salta agli occhi è la perizia artistica del comparto tecnico. Dalle curatissime ambientazioni, ai costumi, alle acconciature, passando per le luci, le inquadrature, gli stacchi, le transizioni, la qualità dei combattimenti, le acrobazie (spesso eseguite dagli attori principali, non da stunt!), tutto grida qualità di massimo livello. Tanto di cappello al comparto tecnico/registico che ci ha regalato cotanta gioia per gli occhi.
Altrettanta, se non di più, è la gioia per l’interpretazione che il cast ha saputo dare. L’intero cast è stato splendidamente scelto e diretto, e ha recitato per la massima parte in modo mirabile, dalle comparse ai protagonisti principali. L’unico difetto che ho potuto trovare, a livello di recitazione, è stato in alcune scene di pianto a occhi asciutti. Ma anche lì, sarebbe bastato mettere due goccine prima del cambio di inquadratura, come probabilmente è stato fatto per altri, quindi è veramente colpa dell’attrice?
Zhao Lusi sta crescendo bene. La adoro e sono abituata a vederla in parti brillanti, in cui veramente eccelle, e inizialmente pareva fosse così anche qui. E invece, che attrice drammatica! E’ riuscita a consegnare alle emozioni del pubblico un personaggio complesso e contraddittorio, depresso e ribelle, affamato d’amore e orgoglioso, intelligente e ingenuo, vendicativo e affettuoso. Non dimentichiamo che ha solo 23 anni.
Ma chi veramente mi ha rubato il fiato è Leo Wu. Sono ormai lontani i tempi di Nirvana in fire, quando già interpretava Fei Liu in maniera eccellente. Per forza: questo ragazzo di soli 22 anni recita almeno da quando ne aveva 7, una filmografia impressionante già alla sua giovanissima età. E si vede, eccome! In questo drama è riuscito a esprimersi a un livello che non avrei mai potuto nemmeno immaginare, nemmeno dopo averlo amato in The long ballad. Siamo veramente oltre, le microespressioni di Leo sono qualcosa di sublime. La devozione, la furia, la disperazione, lo squilibrio che riesce ad esprimere anche solo con gli occhi sono da manuale e oltre, perché sono filtrati dalla sua personalità e dal suo mobilissimo viso. Un viso che, diciamocelo, non ha una bellezza classica, ma che proprio per questo manifesta una virilità e un fascino duraturi e profondi. Aggiungiamoci un corpo statuario e chiudiamo il cerchio. L’unico appunto che posso fare a Leo è il suo modo di camminare un po’ teso. Ma vogliamo parlare della fisicità delle sue acrobazie?
La performance degli attori, splendidamente costumata, ambientata e diretta, è ancor più accentuata da un commento musicale incredibile. Già The long ballad aveva una serie di melodie e canzoni fuori dell’ordinario, ma qui, pur senza avere Charlie Zhou Shen, troviamo tutta una serie di musiche di sottofondo che fanno a gara nel sottolineare le scene più pregnanti del drama. E ce ne sono a iosa.
Finiti gli apprezzamenti entusiastici, occorre rimarcare come Love like the galaxy sia un drama che si focalizza, almeno in parte, sul passaggio dall’infanzia all’età adulta, con la presa di coscienza del fatto che esista un mondo al di fuori della nostra personalissima percezione del nostro ego. Comprendere le motivazioni di chi ci sta di fronte è fondamentale per capire noi stessi, anche se queste motivazioni sono tenute nascoste o espresse nel modo più sbagliato.
In quest’ottica, il personaggio di Cheng Shaoshang ha bisogno di gran parte dei 56 episodi per crescere e superare i danni apportati alla sua psiche da un’infanzia in cui fu trascurata e lasciata a se stessa a crescere come un’erbaccia. E’ vero, commette spesso gli stessi errori, è orgogliosa e difficile al perdono, ma non si può mettere in relazione la sua età anagrafica (all’inizio ha 15 anni) rispetto alle sue coetanee, che sono state seguite ed educate. Poi, se vogliamo fare un confronto, buona parte di quelle signorine di buona famiglia è cresciuta molto peggio di lei. Certo, bisogna prendere come atto di fede che possa permettersi di fare il predicozzo a tutti senza mai subirne le conseguenze. E’ sempre dappertutto più del prezzemolo e, diciamocelo, il prezzemolo non sta bene proprio con tutto.
Curioso che, secondo il libro da cui è tratta la storia, Cheng Shaoshang sarebbe una ragazza moderna la cui anima viene trasportata nella protagonista quando, all’inizio, è malata/morente nella capanna lontano da casa. Gli aneliti di libertà e autodeterminazione che prova e le sue competenze tecniche sarebbero in quel caso molto più spiegabili rispetto a quello che si vede nel drama, con buona pace di tutti i commentatori misogini. Chissà perché hanno completamente cassato il lato isekai di questa storia.
Zisheng è un personaggio molto tormentato. La sua infanzia più che difficile l’ha reso una macchina da guerra e da vendetta, pur senza cancellare del tutto il suo lato romantico. L’amore per Cheng Shaoshang gli mette un po’ i bastoni fra le ruote, lo svolgersi delle vicende lo costringe a scelte quasi impossibili, per cui oltre a essere incolpato da tutti si autoflagella. Ma la sua lealtà e il suo amore sono incrollabili, un uomo veramente tutto d’un pezzo.
Chi mi ha davvero stupito è la famiglia imperiale, molto rilassata e per certi versi giocosa, rispetto a tante altre già viste in altri lavori, una famiglia in cui, contrariamente al solito, c’è amore e rispetto. Inaudito.
Sappiamo che il focus di questa produzione non sono le grandi imprese guerriere anche perché le battaglie che ci vengono presentate sono in realtà poco più di scaramucce. Ben poche volte ci viene presentato un vero esercito, molto più spesso ci si scontra fra drappelli di opposte fazioni. I combattimenti sono però molto ben coreografati. Ma ancor più bello è quello, fondamentale, che non ci mostrano: quando Zisheng parte per la tangente e si abbandona al massacro, ci viene mostrata una gran parete illuminata dietro cui ombre scure si muovono e schizzano sangue sulle finestre di carta bianca, col solo commento musicale. Da togliere il fiato.
Mi è difficile assegnare un voto a questo drama, perché l’ultima dozzina di puntate è stata piuttosto deludente. Per certi versi, si sono avvertiti pesanti tagli e salti di scene, per cui alcune cose, che sarebbe stato auspicabile vedere, ci vengono raccontate con poche parole di dialogo fra i personaggi. Ci mettono, per così dire, davanti ai fatti compiuti. D’altro canto, altre vicende e situazioni vengono trascinate fin troppo. Ci sono un paio di circostanze in cui si impreca sulla stupidità dei personaggi, situazioni pericolose facilmente evitabili, lunghissimi discorsoni di buoni e cattivi sull’orlo del baratro (sì, anche qui ci sono i soliti dirupi) e, soprattutto, l’estrema stupidità di un guerriero che rimane a guardare con le mani in mano una persona disarmata che sta per dare fuoco a tutto, assieme ad altre persone, anche loro immobili ad aspettare cosa?
D’accordo, sono i soliti risvolti “dramatici” che però, in una produzione per altri versi così grandiosamente curata, stonano e spiccano ancora di più. Aggiungiamoci che, dopo diverse scene piuttosto lente, non abbiamo neppure la grazia di vedere un matrimonio, ma ci limitiamo a sospirare tutti in fila guardando le stelle, e non si può fare a meno, come spettatori, di sentirsi un po’ ingannati. Presi in giro.
Era così anche nel libro originale? Chissà. Ma, visto che hanno cambiato così tante cose, potevano darci almeno la soddisfazione. Parere personale.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 28, 2022
29 van 29
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0

Great Drama

Finally, Love Like The Galaxy has released all of its 56 episodes. I was praying that it will give me a good ending and waited with abated breath until I watched the final episodes. I am glad it hasn't disappointed! It has a good ending!!! Technically speaking the drama ended in episode 48, but because they want to play out the romance bit, they dragged the drama on for a reconciliation of ending... It may have worked really well in the novel, but it's not quite effective for a drama it should have just ended with 50 episodes. But like I said before it's still a good ending and has made the drama that much more enjoyable to watch, On the whole, it's one of the best Dramas I have seen this year so far and also in a long time.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 3, 2022
29 van 29
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

Came watching this thinking it's gonna be a romance...T.T still fun to watch though

The first 15 to 20 episodes were pretty fun and interesting; however, as cheng shaoshang enters the palace, i just started to lose interest. I liked seeing the mother's character growth--she is probably one of the most three-dimensional characters in this show--but I wished her change in character towards niao niao was a bit more obvious before the five year time jump.
Also, WHY DIDN'T THEY EVEN SHOW THE WEDDING T.T 56 episodes and all for nothing TTT.TTT It's alright though...The show was still enjoyable, and I think the lack of kiss/intimate scenes made me cherish the main couple's relationship even more. :)

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BL worshipper
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 12, 2023
29 van 29
Voltooid 1
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 6.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

A bit too much political drama, a bit too little romance - only slight hints at spoilers

I was slightly disappointed with Part 2 of this amazing series. After finishing Part 1, I immediately jumped on Part 2, hoping to get a bit more fluff from the main leads' relationship. But unfortunately, I did not get such satisfaction.

The plot of the series remains to be spectacular, with numerous twists, and exploring difficult themes such as death and betrayal. And the political bit of the series was captivating, with ML seeking revenge, and the involvement of many other high-ranking officials as well. I love how the King, Queen and Royal Consort, always remains to be supporters of LingBuYi and ChengShaoShang, especially loving CSS's relationship with the Queen. I was missing scenes of CSS with her family, as she mainly stays in the palace for training, but this was redeemed with the Queen acting as her mother.

While ML and FL do have their sweet moments, they have always lacked communication. And this issue was never resolved, even until the end of the series. I felt that the ending of the series was too shocking, and let me down quite a bit, as I did not expect such a thing to happen, nor did I want to see such a short reconciliation. Both leads had ideals and beliefs that were too conflicting, even basically opposites, and this conflict was never resolved between them, with neither of them seen to reach a compromise. This leads to a worrying question - if a similar situation arises, won't that mean a certain break-off of their relationship?

While binging all 56eps have certainly kept me on my toes, and I did not feel bored even after finishing the series. I thought the sweetness of the romance was quite lacking. Although romance may not have been the only main focus, it should've been more elevated. And communication should've been established between ML and FL, with mutual trust, which was sadly sorely lacking in their relationship.

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Lopend 7/29
12 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 6, 2022
7 van 29
Lopend 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

Good show!

If you're looking for a fast paste romance or a wuxia/xianxia type of of drama, then this show is not for you. This drama has nothing to do with magic, gods/goddess, forbidden love, curse, and reincarnation (multiples of lifetime love). It's pretty much a historical drama where you'll see regular fighting, family problems, politics, and of course romance. Not going to lie, this IS a slow burn romance drama and if slow burn romance drama is not your type, don't force yourself to watch it and waste your time. My opinion on this drama, it's a decent drama. Something I'll re-watch again after it's completely aired. It has it's own unique style of writing and storyline. I don't really care much about music so I don't mind the lack of music. Every actors/actresses has portry their part of the characters really well. I'm really glad that the director and script writer decided to stick to the original novel as much as possible. You don't see people doing that in today's entertainment. Usually the story has changed completely or there's too many changes that it becomes even more confusing than the original. I've seen many video clips of the bts and I'm very impressed by how hard the lead couple have work. They might come off as stiff for some of you but, remember that's how the characters itself is like in the original. I have nothing bad to say about this drama. The only bad part about it is the long wait for it's aired episodes. Anyway, we all have our own taste in dramas so please don't be mean and respect each others opinions and respect the drama and crew members, everyone has worked very hard. Thank you for reading my review! Happy drama!

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Lopend 5/29
11 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 3, 2022
5 van 29
Lopend 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

The BEST i've seen so far!!!

Im an avid fan of Kdrama, Thai, Turkish, Pinoy and i even tried watching Japanese and Taiwanese series before. But not interested on CDrama until i saw Lusi in Oh! My Emperor ( i accidentally saw a clip on YT while searching for new kdrama). Now im addicted to LLTG and i love slowburn romance...all i think about is this drama series, even at work. This is a masterpiece.., actors are really good if not great. LLTG is a complete treat..romance, comedy, action, family, politics, etc. ...everything about this drama is wonderful and the chemistry of WULU is INSANE. WL and ZLS are match made in heaven. Plus the three ML's are awesomely goodlooking( LY follows her, YS annoys her and LBY/HWS protects her..hahaha)..Im for LBY all the way. Gosh, he's over protective, inlove and crazy just about anything and everything about CSS...It's a delight watching them together.
Im not like this before, i don't watch drama unless it's finished..but this one is an exception. I even subscribed on WeTV just for this. Can't wait to be Tuesday all the time for new episodes. Manifesting for this drama series to win awards and thankful to all who made this drama possible. Enjoy watching!!! xoxo

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Lopend 6/29
7 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 6, 2022
6 van 29
Lopend 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

Coming of age

This is a story of a girl becoming a woman, and of the man who was the catalyst to her awakening. Insightful scriptwriting, incredible directing and highly competent acting. I’ve gone back to the first episode 3 times now, and still discovering insights into the characters which give us a profound understanding of their actions in later episode. I’m glad I didn’t binge watch on this but was able to experience the story telling.

I must say the support characters are so good, their treatment in the script and direction so well done that we see a story unfold not just a show. No one outshone anyone; they were all moving in sync that it flows naturally.

You can see the careful way they director created the drama. The eye for details, the change in pace when it’s romantic, the colours and views!

The music added to the emotions and never distracted. The costumes and settings helped create the mood but did steal the focus from the characters.

This is one drama I wish would have 100 episodes. I want to see not just the leads’ story but the supporting cast as well.

I love the leads- the changes in their expressions, the subtle acting… it’s wasn’t just their faces or voices that were emoting but also their body language.

The only think I had a hard time with was having to read the subs while trying to see the emotions and everything.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 23, 2023
29 van 29
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 3.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten



STORY: 8.5, at the beginning everything is a bit confusing to be honest, and sometimes i thought like: what the fck is going on here, but it has a great plot twist and everything makes sense at end.
Acting/Cast: 9, i have to be honest: i only started watching because of Zhao Lusi, but the other actors surprised me a looooot.
Music: 10/10, honestly the music made me cry more than the story itself.
Rewatch Value: 3, wouldn’t do it again, unless someone pays me to do it.
More General Information: Okay, let’s start with the beginning: my biggest issue was that the drama has too many episodes, and tbh that is something that normally doesn’t bother me, but this time it did a little. I understand that story was very long and has a lot of things going on but for me it kinda of just started making me feel stressed. I hate how it took the main couple AGES (literally), to be together, and also understand why but at the same time WHY???? I SUFFERED so much like honestly WHY? I loved how strong ever women was in this drama, specially Niao Niao, boy she’s incredible. Apart from the tears I cried, the show has really some funny moments, honestly the interactions between the emperor wen and zisheng are extremely funny. Seeing Shaoshang growing up and her relationship with the empress was absolutely beautiful. Not gonna lie, Yuan was annoying af but goddamn i wished he had found love, but at least he did find a family, just like Zisheng. At end the everything seemed to be connected and the last scene is beautiful. It made me interested a lot, although at the end I hated how everything happened like honestly every time things were going well some bullshit happened and that is stressful. Overall I give this cdrama a 8/10.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 8, 2023
29 van 29
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 10

Part 2 is even more exciting than Part 1

Must watch. Both ML and FL have incredible chemistry! The story line was so superb with lots of character developments. The support roles provide the much needed humor with a dark story like this one. I love seeing how the emperor and his queen support the couple. Zhou Lou Si is an incredible actress, she is witty, bring the character with livelihood that is unmatched by other female talents that I rarely have seen in C-Drama. I highly recommend watching the series without skipping or jumping around.
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 27, 2023
29 van 29
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 9.5
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten
The first part was a bit slow, but the second part was so good. The plot was interesting and the battle scene so good. The scene where he takes revenge and kill to avenge his family was amazingly done. The acting was on point and the ending was beautiful.

I cried when the empress died, it was so sad. The emperor was funny and I love the relationship between the emperor and empress with the leads.
The plot twist were also good.

The only minus is that they did not give us their wedding ahah and their kissing scene were not good in my opinion but the chemistry was great.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
11 dagen geleden
29 van 29
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

"Love Like the Galaxy": Stellar Drama of Love, Betrayal, Redemption, and Triumph!

Watching 'Love Like the Galaxy' was like embarking on an emotional rollercoaster with a side of epic fireworks. Zhao Lu Si and Wu Lei delivered performances that were nothing short of spectacular, making this drama an unforgettable masterpiece. It takes you on an emotional rollercoaster ride through a galaxy of masterful acting and storytelling, breathtaking scenery, and secrets that unravel like a perfectly crafted mystery novel. The numerous awards that this drama earned are well deserved!

First off, Zhao Lu Si as Shaoshang deserves a standing ovation. Her portrayal was a masterclass in bringing a character to life— an emotional symphony. From her tough upbringing that had me reaching for tissues, to her rebellious streak that had me nodding along in solidarity or shaking my head, to her journey towards strength and maturity that had me cheering like a sports fanatic, Shaoshang’s journey was a wild ride, and Lu Si made sure we were there for every twist and turn. Honestly, I wanted to adopt her, give her a high-five, and ask for her skincare routine all at once. Lu Si, you’ve officially earned the top spot in my "Favorite Actresses Ever" list!

This was my first time watching Wu Lei, and wow, talk about a first impression! He flawlessly embodied the tormented yet magnetic Ling Buyi. It was nothing short of masterful. Wu Lei had me swooning, fearing, hating, and ultimately loving his character. His interpretation was a whirlwind of emotions—from making me swoon with his clumsy romantic gestures, to sending chills down my spine with his explosive portrayal of anger and revenge, teetering on the brink of insanity - instant goosebumps. Ling Buyi’s character growth was profound, making him one of the most compelling leads I’ve ever seen. Hold onto your hearts, people, because this talented actor will steal them with his mesmerizing performance. Wu Lei, consider me your newest fan!

The chemistry between Zhao Lu Si and Wu Lei? Absolute dynamite. These two matched each other's intensity in every scene, from their intense gazes to their expressive facial expressions, and the subtle physical nuances that spoke volumes of emotional depth that turn every scene into a visual sonnet of love and longing. They had me believing in love at first sight and falling deeply, madly in love right alongside them. Watching their love story unfold - from love at first sight, betrayal and forgiveness to deep emotional connection is as captivating as stargazing on a clear night.

Let’s not forget the supporting cast, who rounded out the story beautifully with their own character growth and intrigue. And can we give a shout-out to the best emperor ever? Hilariously memorable and perfectly cast!

Kudos to the directors and production team for delivering breathtaking scenery and unraveling secrets that had me shouting "Ah-ha!" as the plot twists unfolded. The political intrigue was handled masterfully, and watching the bullies get their just desserts was like being a cheerleader at the Super Bowl – go team!

The fighting scenes had me on the edge of my seat, gripping my popcorn like a lifeline. I've rewatched this entire drama multiple times, cried, laughed, and yelled at the screen as characters made morally gray choices. I hated, and I loved every decision they made because it made them so much more human, relatable, and utterly unforgettable.

'Love Like the Galaxy' is a must-watch. It’s packed with gripping drama, epic love, breathtaking visuals, and well-rounded character growth. If you haven't seen it yet, you're missing out on an emotional, unforgettable journey. Do yourself a favor and dive into this stellar masterpiece. Grab some tissues, clear your schedule, and prepare for a wild, emotional ride —you won’t regret it!

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Love Like the Galaxy: Part 2 (2022) poster



  • Score: 9.0 (gescoord door 17,271 gebruikers)
  • Gerangschikt: #61
  • populariteit: #497
  • Kijkers: 29,088

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