0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 23, 2024
40 van 40
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10


história, fotografia, ost impecáveis!
O casal? Um dos melhores casais que eu já assisti, me lembrou muito do james e da claire de outlander, a química entre os dois, aqui temos uma protagonista decidida, fiel aos seus sentimentos, inteligente, temos um protagonista estrategista, inteligente, intenso e temos um casal que confia um no outro, que ama com atos de serviços, que se cuidam de longe.
Cada episódio impecável, são 40 eps que parecem 10 de tanto que vc fica envolvido.
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 20, 2024
40 van 40
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.5
Verhaal 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 5.5
Rewatch Waarde 3.0

Not The good chinese drama i have been looking for since 2024 started..

I must say the 40 episode length drama format was, is and will never be my type (okay never say never but damn i always force myself to finish the drama) ....So many things didn't make sense, we had really little of the romance (i wasn't there for the political plot or whatever since i knew from avenueX's review that to enjoy this drama you had to overlook that part and that is exactly what i did), and the messy ending..... I should listen more to avenueX in the future lol .
After watching all 40 episodes, i kind of regret watching this show, although i enjoyed the first 20 episodes, i think it could have been better, we the audience deserved better .
That said, i think this drama is overrated for me 7,5/10, 8/10 will be too much since i saw better dramas get a lower score here, so yes definitely 7,5/10!

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 1, 2024
40 van 40
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 9.0
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The Last 15 minutes

Wonderful drama! Well thought out plot. Kept me interested throughout. Only one small flaw was the last 15 min of this series. I’m one for all dramas to end happily but how could I be left feeling neither sad or happy. Make me feel on way or another. I don’t like having mixed feelings at the end. It was like someone wanted to have a battle scene at the end with tragic deaths to me it served no purpose or significance but to leave the audience in confusion. Why rush this in the ending that decision was stupid. A better ending would be her pregnant and him returning home with a victory. Not him on a battle field losing his closest comrades in a lose lose situation where no one explains how he got out of it. He is just seen riding back to her at their tree: the end. No sweet reunion nothing. The Cinematography was beautifully done. I took off half a star for the last 15min of this series but man it still makes my blood boil.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 23, 2024
40 van 40
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 8.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

Fingís demencia con el disparador de la serie y después la pasas bomba, te lo juro.

Tenés que hacer un esfuerzo grande para no abandonar ni bien aparece Yang Chao Yue. Te agarras los pelos porque pensaste que era una ficción donde la gente iba a actuar bien y de la nada aparece ella. Después medio que se muere y la protagonista le roba la identidad así que suspiras porque fue solo un susto. El último esfuercito que haces es para creerte que un padre/madre/abbuela/familia entera no va a reconocer como crece su hija de 10 años hasta convertirse en una adulta de 20. Y ahí se terminan los esfuercitos y llega el momento de disfrutar.

Primero me gustó porque la protagonista es genuinamente inteligente y audaz. Se somente a situaciones difíciles y siempre está pensando 2 pasos más adelantes de sus enemigos. Por como se va desarrollando su arco no hay fricciones cuando se va uniendo de a poco a la trama principal y tampoco pierde sentido. Ella es en definitiva la última pieza que le faltaba al emperador y al Duque Su para poder desentramar los poderes ocultos de la capital.

La princesa Wanning y Shen Yurong son dos personajazos que no quedan para nada eclipsados por los protagonistas. Todo lo que atravesó Wanning moldeó su forma de sostener toda su salud mental en torno al marido de otra mujer, en controlar tanto a él como la situación, humillarlo como lo hicieron con ella y su búsqueda interminable de saciar su sed de sentirse querida. El abandono que sintió cuando su padre la entregó como rehén al imperio Dai culminó con ella matando al Rey, su padre. Me partió al medio la forma en la que decidió abortar a su primer hijo y como se puso cuando se enteró que estaba "embarazada" de nuevo, pero esta vez de su amor. Todo para que se vaya a pique porque la persona en quien más confió nunca dejó de amar a la esposa que él mismo había intentado matar. Es muy retorcido pero quienes escribieron la serie definitivamente entienden de humanidad: Wanning sobrevivió gracias a que pudo volcar su dolor en otros, se aseguró de poder controlar el entorno gracias a la aplicación de torturas similares a las que ella vivió y supo como mantenerse "segura". Siempre anhelando el retorno de su hermano mayor para asegurarse mejor su postura en la capital y poder casarse con su amado.
Por el contrario tenemos a Shen Yurong un académico nacido en una familia humilde cuyo deseo era poder formar parte de la corte del Rey. El padre le dejó esto como última voluntad/deseo para él. Shen Yurong lo tomó como una meta y a pesar de haberse casado nunca superó esa necesidad. Así que cuando pasa el examen logrando formar parte de la corte se ve metido entre la espada y la pared al gustarle a la princesa. Es ella quien le pide que mate a su esposa (el hdp la intenta enterrar viva) y él como buen cobarde lo hace. Flaco matate vos, no sé.

Después tenemos a nuestros protagonistas Jiang Li/Xue FangFei y Duque Su/Xiao Heng. De Xiao Heng me gustó mucho que su búsqueda de venganza no opacó nunca el "juego" de FangFei para buscar la suya. El tipo tranqui tuki tuki iba haciendo. La verdad es que como el plot de Fang Fei siempre le vino como anillo al dedo nunca hubo conflicto de intereses. La emoción de la serie pasó siempre por la búsuqeda de nuestra protagonista de la verdad y de la persona que estaba atras del asesinato/intento de asesinato de su familia. Como se ponía en situaciones incómodas y las atravesaba solo por una pequeña pizca de información. Gracias a su personalidad carismática fue un gusto seguirla en el viaje.

Ya me cansé de escribir asíque acá van un par de cosas rápidas mezcladas entre lo que me gustó y no porque es sábado feriado y me niego a ordenar NADA.

-Amé a toda la familia Ye. Me parecieron gente super copada y natural. Like sí, esa es la dinámica familiar a la que aspiro, no voy a explayarme. Me cagué de risa.
-Por favor dejen de usar las violaciones como disparador de ruptura femenina. Entiendo por qué lo hacen, pero si el emperador de Dai solo hubiese torturado a Wanning en vez de violarla, la cosa funcionaba igual. Basta de violaciones.
-DENLE A WU JIA YI UN PROTAGÓNICO SE LOS PIDO POR FAVOR. Y, ya que estamos, algún final feliz. Se lo merece.
-El padre Jiang era un pollerudo del orto no podés hilar dos pensamientos hermano como vas a mandar a tu hija 10 años a otro lugar sin visitarla ni una vez sos un estúpido. Pero banco que te hayas redimido. Al final cambiaste para bien, lástima que tu hija haya muerto sin presenciarlo.
-Innecesarias las muertes de las manos derechas del Duque Su. Completamente al pedo.
-FangFei como le vas a mentir al padre de Jiang Li con que la mina tuvo una muerte pacífica. La latiguearon hasta la muerte, falleció en una cama de un cuarto pedorro mientras las otras pibas le seguian haciendo bullying. Todo esto lo avaló la muerte de Tong que tampoco creo que haya sido justa. Dejá que el padre de la piba sufra la realidad como lo sufrió su hija, vos no sos nadie para decidir sobre la voluntad de un muerto que te dijo exactamente lo que quería. Peor bueno, en fin. Es lo que a vos te hacía sentir cómoda so go ahead i guess.
-Increíble la actuación del tipo cuando se entera que Jiang Li en realidad está muerta y se cae al escritorio. Toda la escena está acompañada de unas decisiones de cámara, luz y sonido que mamita. 10/10.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
25 dagen geleden
40 van 40
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

I am in love with this show.

Oh my god !!!!!!!!!!!!

I am in love with this show. This show is perfect balance of everything which makes a series blockbuster.

Its not a typical chinese drama. Feminism is highlighted which i loved the most. I love all the characters in this series but the ML Wang Xing Yue really caught my attention. I love the martial arts effect of his fighting scene. Female protagonist is also doing a great job and has a very exquisite rational character. I like her.

Never skipped a scene, everything about the drama from the cast, cinematography, acting and story is so beautiful. Beautifully executed and casted.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 26, 2024
40 van 40
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 7.5
Não existe palavra para descrever essa série, é incrível da atuação à história, até as Ost's são boas (Não sou muito afim de osts, mas essas foram bons demais). Me emocionei com várias cenas, diferente das outras séries essa mostra a história dos vilões, oq os levou a cometer crimes, o passado de uma vilã em específico me tocou muito, horrivelmente isso levou ao final dela. Essa série foi muito bem feita e estruturada, elenco incrível, atuação perfeita, química dos personagens principal perfeita. Aviso: Caso você for sensível e quiser assistir, prepare os lenços nos episódios finais.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 7, 2024
40 van 40
Voltooid 1
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 9.0


First of all, the casts are remarkable! Every actors in this drama are outstanding and needs to be praised for a job well done! This drama is a bit heavier than "One and Only" and quite serious. The tone is constant from ep. 1 to ep. 40. It got enough romance and a little comedic relief, though the female lead is not someone who know martial arts, she is strong and wise and still on par with the male lead. However, this drama is tiring to watch. If you think you've watched enough plot twists and scheme troupe, this drama took it to the next level. From the beginning to the end, every episodes makes yoy emotional in every way. This drama gave me depression, when you think that things are getting better by the first have of episode 40, it was the calm before the storm. This drama has so much potential, and still enjoyable to watch even though its torturing, I held hope for the ending but the writer blew it off! So, no. I am not okay! I shpuld give this a 7/10. ?

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Lopend 35/40
2 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 9, 2024
35 van 40
Lopend 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 7.5
Rewatch Waarde 6.5
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

A Savage Tale

First I would like to say that this is an awesome piece.
Instead of roaming through the lives of royals, this story is centred around a commoner who has been framed by her in laws and faces death. Saved by a kind hearted girl, she decides to go for revenge.

Highs of the drama
1. The plot as it offers uniqueness through its fresh concept. The story goes through the life of a common girl instead of delving into a princess's life. The twists and turns which follows keeps the story intriguing.

2. Performance
Leads have effortlessly slipped into their role. Jin Yan and Xin Yue did a terrific job in their first drama together. Their chemistry is swoonworthy.

The drama is highly recommended for its powerful storyline.

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Gestopt 34/40
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 26, 2024
34 van 40
Gestopt 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 8.5
Rewatch Waarde 5.5

The Art of Walking In Slow Motion and Staring Into The Camera

I'm keeping my review short as I haven't finished watching this yet and I feel like it's getting a bit repetitive at the 30 episode mark. But I will say that I'm getting tired of the constant slow motion walking scenes. Almost every single character gets a slow motion cat walk, even the servants, and especially the ML, Duke Su gets one almost every time. Then there's the repetitive looks into the camera as if the characters are staring at each other. And then the slow mo walk and then the look at each other and then into the camera, and then the slow mo walk...

The storyline started off great but like I mentioned before, it's now feeling repetitive. By 30 episodes in, I was hoping to see more development on the relationship between the two leads but now there are less than 8 episodes for me to watch and nothing solid between these two yet. Just a lot of flirting with word play. The villains get skinship but the main leads... on ep 34 they censor the kiss? Wtf?

I'll update my review if I manage to finish this.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 15, 2024
40 van 40
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.5
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

Justice is Satisfying

The show starts with FL lying in bed with a man she thought was her husband but found that he wasnt. She was later caught by her in laws for adultery, and later saved by her husband. He took her away which she thought was to safety, but instead he brought her to her grave. He cracked her head with the shovel and buried her alive. Driven by the will to survive, she dug her way out and passed out by the river, and later saved by a lady foraging fruits in the forest. This lady, Jiang Li, promised to come back with food and medicine for the injuries, however she was caught while trying to sneak out of the residence during the night and was punished with flogging instead. FL found her way to this residence, sneaked in and got in time before Jiang Li died, where she managed to express her grievances of her life, telling a sad story of being slandered and abandoned by her own family for ten years since she was 8yo. FL decided to take revenge for Jiang Li and get to the bottom of her own betrayal, so she went back to capital using Jing Li’s identity solely relying on her wits and intelligence. Along the way, she met with Duke of Su, an investigator for the emperor, and they both began a relationship by using each other for their own goals but later fell in love. The show is one of those of conspiracy and court political rife than action packed. It’s like Joy of Life minus all the actions. But gotta say Joy of Life’s politics is of higher tier.

I had to admit the storyline is solid and engaging and the casts’ performance are powerful but some scenes are quite pushover. I’ve been watching shows with physically strong FLs back to back, so its refreshing to watch one with FL who isnt able to wield a weapon and is not physically strong, but extremely shrewd and witty instead. I liked her character very much, except how easily she falls in love.

I think the actress playing the FL is rather ordinary looking, so it’s definitely unconvincing to see people praising how exceptionally beautiful she is throughout the show. She also doesnt look young (FL was supposed to be 18 at the beginning of the show, and maybe around 20ish at the end), hence it kinda killed the vibe, like how Zhang Ziyi looked ridiculous playing a 16yo in The Rebel Princess. I also think that the real Jiang Li and even Tong’er are much more beautiful than her, and of course much like a teenager than FL. Wait, come to think of it, the rest of female supporting cast like Jiang Ruiyao, Liu Xu, or even Ye Jia-er are much prettier than her. It’s rather funny on the homecoming arc where Tong’er disembarked from the carriage and people commented how ordinary she looks, and then suddenly when FL disembarks, people suddenly praised what a beauty she is. It’s one thing if they had been dressed differently, Jiang Li being the noble’s daughter would be dressed in better clothes, but they were both still in the hall’s uniform which is ordinary. Had them both been standing side by side, i wouldve thought Tong’er was the higher born and FL being the maid. Her crooked smile is also weird-looking. Anyway, the actress has the looks of 30ish than late teen, so yeah her looks doesnt really fit the role, but her performance is undeniably top notch.

As for costume, the dresses are okay and not too flamboyant, but the pearl/bead make up is really distracting, i can handle the cheekbone and forehead adornment, but those on the dimple is really overdoing it. They look so weird, like some alien in Star Wars movie.

And the slow-mos!!! Theyve got tonnes of those. I keep fast forwarding those moments and still wont miss any scene. It was like watching sinetron instead of cdrama. The slow-mos truly irked me throughout the show.

Maybe romance is not my kind of genre, but the main leads’ proximity scenes are pretty cringy and blerghhh. She just got ‘killed’ by the love of her life, whom she had sacrificed everything for, and she suddenly found herself falling for the duke? What kind of bull is this? Somebody with that kind of trauma would normally take years to get over it and even then theyd scrutinize love like none other. How can she fall that easily for this notorious and ruthless duke just because he occasionally saves and helps her? And even if he loves her deeply, would it really be that easy to recover from her own trauma and grab this rebound lover? It’s one thing if she had just got dumped by her lover, she literally got dumped and buried alive by her own husband whom she left her family for, whoever can recover that fast from that kind of betrayal? If she had not been so much in love with her husband, or had been mistreated or it was an arranged marriage, i wouldve believed she’d fall that quickly for the duke, but with her current background on love betrayal, it’s ridiculous and too far-fetched especially with someone of the duke’s character, a shrewd and ruthless man who wont bat an eye to abandon his pawns to reach the goal. The moments when she smiles at him and laments her own feelings during this proximity scenes are really unconvincing. Gross even, thinking how badly she was betrayed then and then suddenly she’s falling for this duke. Makes her look rather cheap and clingy for men. It took awhile for me to realize why i didnt like the pair - they had zero chemistry! Somehow I fail to feel the spark. I mean, i didnt quite like Chang Yuqing character from Fighting for Love because he was an antihero, but i totally ship Changyuqing-FL pair. It’s nonexistent here. And I actually liked Duke of Su because his character is interesting, but i cant get myself to like his pairing with FL. Something is just off somewhere. Maybe the timing wasnt right. If this had happened years after she was betrayed, maybe it’s acceptable. Problem is it’s just been a few months after. It wouldve been believable if she rejected his advances earlier on and only realized she had fallen in love with him at the end of the show, after going through thick and thin together then only it’s easier to swallow. To fall in love so early on just doesnt make sense. And that scene when they were saving her father’s men from the mine, it’s so irritating how they keep staring at each other while other people are fighting off the enemy for their lives around them. Like seriously? U cant pick another moment for that really? Many of these proximinity and staring scenes are real cringe-worthy. And lets not mention the so called flirty conversations between them. Theyre too awkward and painful to watch. Too bad cuz i really liked this Duke of Su, but I just cant ship him being with FL. It’s weird to see two leads whom I like and yet it’s painful to watch them flirting with each other.

It’s great to see the one playing the emperor again here. The first time I saw him was in A Journey to Love as regent, Prince of Danyang and he somehow caught my attention despite the small role. So i’m kinda excited to see him again on this show as emperor. He has a likable face. And I also really like Duke of Su’s bodyguards Lu Ji and Wen Ji. Lu Ji is the silent one who speaks only when necessary, while Wen Ji is the goofy and rather naiive one who keeps getting punished by their master cuz he’s always saying the wrong things. Lu Ji reminded me of Qian Zhao from A Journey to Love. His face and personality really resembles Qian Zhao.

The most memorable and electrifying scene is the striking of the Admonishment Drum. It’s an extremely moving scene when the rest of Huai villagers take turns to strike it after FL did, all to redress the wrongfully accused Magistrate Xue capital punishment. The retrial of Magistrate Xue’s case in front of the emperor is also epic and moving. I must say other than how badly the love story between the main leads look, i totally love most of the other aspects of the show.

Although i think they really pushed ridiculousness to its limits with the last episode where FL suddenly becomes the kingmaker by shooting the arrow which she had only ONE shot of practice before. Utter ridiculous.

Opening and ending themesongs are too sad, the beat is too slow and didnt catch my attention. However the music scores played by Jiang Ruoyao and Jiang Li during the entrance exam are truly captivating.

It’s a very good show, but I dont think it has any rewatch value to me. Probably because i’m more of an action packed show kinda fan. I would totally recommend it though because the plot is great. I had to give more stars on the rewatch value so not to drag down the overall rating, but honestly I wont be rewatching this. Good story nonetheless and it gives a pure satisfying feeling at perfect retribution and revenge.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 26, 2024
40 van 40
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.0
Wang xi Yue acting is good but this drama became famous because female lead did great acting,
Story is good and background music is also good.
First ten episodes created good hype of this drama...
After this story is getting boring...
This drama sometimes became frustrating.
I just hate one thing that almost every Chinese drama female lead gets so much attention and male lead fell for female lead easily...

Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Laura Alvarez
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 1, 2024
40 van 40
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
I love and i enjoy watching the drama thank you for your hard work ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ all the episodes where good and we really enjoyed watching the drama me and my kids
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Di Jia Qian Jin (2024) poster



  • Score: 8.9 (gescoord door 11,388 gebruikers)
  • Gerangschikt: #117
  • populariteit: #761
  • Kijkers: 21,640

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