You have to watch till the end
I only started watching this drama because I'm a fan of Lee Do Hyun and was actually really hyped for this to come out. And he didn't disappoint — I fell in love with Hwang Hee Tae in the first episode. Not to mention LDH's topnotch acting.However, Hee Tae was basically the only reason why I kept on watching. While I don't blame the plot and pace, the first half just didn't lure me in. I was constantly checking how much time is left and often got distracted.
Despite that, I continued to watch and am so thankful I did. Because the second half, especially the last three episodes, made me a sobbing, crying mess. Finally, I felt the heaviness of the protests and their suppression, the deep connection Hee Tae had with Myeong Hee, the bond between Myeong Hee's father and her. It all came flooding.
Soo Ryeon's character was the only one I didn't sympathize with (aside from Ki Nam), though. I do think she could've had better development.
The children were adorable. Can't spoil much, but the boys were really brave for their age and it was endearing to witness them understand what family meant to them.
Youth of May shows romance, families, and friendships and how different and tragic they can be. It also tells how our choice affects our life. And even though you might have regrets later on, you should be happy you made the choice where you put yourself first.
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One MAY to rule them all
I will try to keep this short. This drama has left a strong impression on me, and I have been thinking about it for a while. This review is way that I can let my thoughts flow and hopefully feel a lot lighter in the end and move on to my next show. The show was amazing to say the least. It was serious, intense, the characters and the cast were spot on! The chemistry between the leads and the romance was on another level. With all that said and done, was this show super emotional? YES. Did it break my heart? YES. Was I on the verge of tears? YES. Did I love it? YES. Do I recommend it? YESVond je deze recentie nuttig?
Good Enough
Korean Drama "Youth of May" is a historical drama that, even though it's short, it delivers.The drama has many elements that work for it, the romance, the dramatic moments, the historical events. And all these elements add to the emotional impact of the story, which is well paced and nicely presented, without overdoing it with the historical drama. Even the family drama worked nicely with the rest of the story.
In addition, the performances were strong and delivered the right emotions.
So, overall, 7.5 out of 10.
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te amo youth of may
Acabo de terminar la serie y solo puedo decir que lloré un montón. Los actores se desenvuelven tan bien en su papel y te hacen sentir parte de la historia, por lo que siempatizas mucho con ellos y te logran trasmitir muy bien todas las emociones.Es uno de los mejores dramas que he visto. La pareja principal tenía tanta química, que realmente lloraba corazones cada vez que los veía interactuar y la historia que cada personaje tenía, por más de que haya sido ambientada en una época antigua, es lo que sigue sucediendo hoy en día.
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been two weeks and i'm still heartbroken...
i love this kdrama so much! not only were the actors visually beautiful, but their acting was so good; i was able to get fully immersed into the show right away. the story was so beautifully constructed and paced nicely, too bad i took away 0.5 stars bc of that ending... that script was so well-written like i couldn't stop crying at the end during his letter TT it was already too sad. i'm still listening to the ost it's so pretty. the chemistry between the lead actors was so good, the cute moments at the beginning of the drama healed me; it was too cute. i love the ml, his character is just so fun to watch and i love how much he truly adored her. usually, i would feel a bit eh bc they fell in love so quickly, but in youth of may, it just felt so natural and right... literally true love! THEIR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER WAS SMTG ELSE, like i need that in my life. the setting is based off a true event and it was rlly sad to watch it; i was so scared during every scene. i like how it was more realistic and not everything was so happy. no bc everytime smtg good happened, i couldn't truly be happy bc i knew smtg bad was coming... every ep was a rollercoaster of emotions, but at least i stayed interested! anyways, it was a beautiful kdrama and i would totally rewatch. i will probably never get over it, and i'm planning to watch it every may :(Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
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One of the most heart touching dramas I've ever seen. So beautiful and so sad at the same time. It was an emotional rollercoaster. It started as a classic romance but one soon realizes that it is about so much more. This drama is all about love in a broader sense, what it means to love and be loved. It takes place in the 80's during a very turbulent time that I didn't know much about before I saw this. The fact that what is being portrayed actually happened in reality really makes it even more touching.Also, incredible actors!! Love it❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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It's better to have loved than not have loved at all
Youth of May (2021)I already saw a lot of spoilers before i started watching so i think it took a bit of enjoyment from watching this drama.
1. Beautiful ending. It was sad but still beautiul. It took him 40 years to finally move on ? cant imagine how that feels. But im happy they found her so he can always visit her when he misses her.
2. All through out i kept thinking whose fault it was. I'd say they were too young and made emotional decisions. If they more more mature they probably wouldn't have died. Had Hee Tae stopped pursuing her, Myung Hee could have gone to Germany and lived. Or Hee Tae could have married Suryeon to appease the family and live separate lives. Or he could follow to Germany in a few years. But I also came to the same conclusion as Hee Tae. They chose to fight for each other so although it was hard, they made that choice and they have to live with the consequences. At least they had that May that he will always remember. Better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all.
3. Oh the one who is at fault is Myung Soo. Lol. He was too young but later on he must have realized he basically killed his dad and sister in one night because of his foolishness. Maybe thats why he ended up being a priest.
4. Mixed feelings about Suryeon. She was mostly selfish which is weird since she is brave protesting against the government but she cant even protect her best friend. But I think it's not her fault -- Hee Tae would have met and pursued Myung Hee even without the blind date. And i didnt feel enough remorse from her over Myung Hee even in the present, she was nowhere to be found, just a brief statement that she is now a lawyer.
5. Myunghee's dad ??? and all those brave and innocent people who died that time. ?
1. The first few episodes were boring, i almost stopped but kept on because Lee Dohyun is too cute.
2. I wanted to know what happened to Soo Chan.
Rating: 8.5/10
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I've watched the 11 episodes in 2021 and was reluctant to watch it until the end. Really glad I've picked this up again, despite spoiling the ending for myself...I have a soft spot for nostalgic 1980s-1990s dramas like this one. While it is sweet and reminiscent, it reminds that how much more cruel the society was in the Korea, under the dictatorship. Youth of May is a beautiful love story, intertwined between the harsh and dark history of the Gwangju Uprising. It's a story which reminds us that there's always love and hope whenever there's fear and turmoil.
The characters in this story were amazing. We have Myung Hee, who is a strong young woman who's ambitious, strong-willed and a force that can't be stopped by anyone. By her side, we have Hee Tae, who's charismatic and loveable, although no one can see through his perfect-picture. He's broken inside, but perfectly compliments her timid nature. Their blind-date, and the chemistry that begun there, is out of this world!
While my heart fluttered and was hurting during the last few episodes of this, this drama is definitely in my top list. Worth to remember the uprising, and worth every tear and re-watching every sweet moment.
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eu realemnte amei ate pelo fato do ponto historico que foi muito bem pincelado
Hwang Hee Tae é um jovem, aspirante a médico, que odeia tudo o que é previsível, e logo filho fora do casamento ( amante) não tem um lugar de privilegio na familia, e de fato gera uma bagunça porque por ser o mais velho , o irmão cacula a caba sofrendo assim como a mae / madrastra o julgo da socieldade a passando por amante quando a mesma é a esposa oficial . Por algum motivo que não lembro agora ele voltou para casa e que inferno o pai dele, credo. Mas tudo que acontece no entorno dos personagem levam a um evento de manisfestações na Coreia do Sul naquela epoca. O jovem medico que teve sua vida impactada por um acontecimento que o traumatizou durante um dos protestos contra o governo, em meio a uma troca de favores entre amigas acaba conhecendo Kim Myung Hee, uma jovem enfermeira , pobre e super profissional que so queria o melhor para sua carreiara para poder cuidar do irmaozinho, onde em meio a tantos problemas se apaixonam perdidamente.Em meios aos problemas da epoca da ditadura sul coreana e em primeiro plano retratando os protestos de jovens nas ruas, sequestros, torturas e matança de quem se opunha ao governo, um breve resumo histórico, na data de 18 de maio de 1980, o heroico povo sul-coreano pegou em armas para se opor ao morticínio do regime militar-fascista de Chun Doo Hwan, patrocinado pelo imperialismo ianque. Sob pretexto de “combater o comunismo” e as chamadas “rebeliões pró-Coreia do Norte”, o regime de Chun Doo Hwan enviava suas tropas, tanques e até mesmo aviões militares para ocupar os campi das principais universidades da Coreia do sul, reprimindo o combativo movimento estudantil sul-coreano que se mobilizava em defesa da plena democratização da Coreia do Sul, pela revogação das leis fascistas, e parte expressiva deste movimento estudantil compartilhava de uma visão consequentemente anti-imperialista, reivindicando a retirada das tropas ocupantes norte-americanas do país e a reunificação nacional com o Norte socialista.
Na cidade de Gwangju (província de Cholla do Sul), as hordas do regime de Chun Doo Hwan, insanas e descarregando o ódio mais animalesco por meio de prisões, espancamentos de estudantes até a morte, fuzilamentos indiscriminados contra a população comum, invasão de casas e propriedades, estupros, abortos forçados contra mulheres grávidas, dentre demais barbaridades, os fascistas logo tiveram a resposta do povo: enquanto, inicialmente, o perfil dos manifestantes contra os arbitrariedades das tropas de Chun Doo Hwan era composto basicamente por estudantes, pouco a pouco a população comum passa a compor a esmagadora maioria nos protestos, que assumem um caráter cada vez mais radical. As massas de Gwangju não aceitam passivamente as humilhações e assassinatos diários de seus pais, mães, filhos e amigos queridos. A partir de manifestantes que já haviam servido no exército reacionário sul-coreano, não foi difícil para que o povo invadisse em massa depósitos de armas do governo – dado que as tropas se encontravam mobilizadas em sua esmagadora maioria para a repressão nas ruas –, rendendo e executando oficiais, expropriando armas para a formação do que viria a ser o Exército Civil.
A luta armada em Gwangju duraria cerca de dez dias. Neste meio tempo, as massas armadas lograriam expulsar as tropas de Chun Doo Hwan e manter o controle da cidade, construindo um quartel-general no que era anteriormente a Prefeitura Municipal de Gwangju. Estando as massas de Gwangju, porém, isoladas, sem uma perspectiva política unificada entre os diferentes setores do movimento popular, sem o apoio e a organização das massas no restante do país e sem a experiência militar devida, o cerco do regime de Chun Doo Hwan sobre a cidade, bloqueando-a e esgotando-a por meio do corte de fornecimentos de alimentos, combustíveis e demais suprimentos, termina por impor uma derrota à heroica resistência de Gwangju, num massacre cujos números são altamente controversos, com muitos avaliando em pelo menos dois a cinco mil mortos pelo regime.
Parece curioso usarmos termos como “fascismo”, “mortes”, “espancamentos”, “luta pela democracia” ou demais para caracterizarmos o regime sul-coreano, numa época em que todas estas palavras são atribuídas à Coreia do norte socialista. É possível que a esmagadora maioria da esquerda brasileira, em quase sua totalidade, jamais tenha ouvido falar do que foi o Levante de Gwangju, uma verdadeira Comuna de Paris do povo sul-coreano, que se levantou em armas contra seus exploradores e opressores. Fazemos parte de uma geração à qual foi negada o direito de conhecer a história de luta dos povos do mundo, as guerras de resistência e a verdade sobre quem se coloca realmente ao lado do fascismo, e quem se põe pela democracia e o progresso social. Isso é particularmente verdadeiro no caso de Gwangju, o massacre esquecido do fascismo sul-coreano.
Ademais, a luta do povo sul-coreano nem de longe se limita ao Levante de Gwangju. Ao contrário, desde sua fundação no ano de 1948 pela criminosa ocupação dos Estados Unidos, o sul da Península foi e é palco de intensas lutas populares contra a repressão política criminosa, que acompanha toda a sua história.
Portanto, na data em que se marca os 40 anos do início da resistência de Gwangju, pensamos ser pertinente, como forma de homenagear as massas sul-coreanas em luta, traçar um breve histórico de sua resistência contra o imperialismo norte-americano e a reação local. Esperamos contribuir para que os brasileiros desenvolvam ainda mais seus sentimentos internacionalistas para com as lutas de libertação nacional.
A ocupação dos Estados Unidos na Coreia do sul e o estabelecimento de um regime fantoche
Antes de entrarmos propriamente no Levante de Gwangju, traçaremos uma apresentação do desenvolvimento do regime neocolonial vigente na Coreia do Sul, que viveu durante anos sob a tutela de um regime militar fascista apoiado pelos Estados Unidos.
Desde a libertação da Coreia do jugo do imperialismo japonês, no ano de 1945, a parte sul da península vive sob a ocupação militar dos Estados Unidos, que, no contexto da Guerra Fria, promoveu o anticomunismo e o fascismo, como forma de conter a ascensão das lutas operárias e populares do povo sul-coreano, e que inspirado no exemplo do que ocorria na Coreia do norte, exigia a construção de um Estado democrático, progressista e soberano.
Após uma longa guerra de libertação contra o Japão, o norte da península coreana foi libertado do imperialismo japonês pelas ações conjuntas do Exército Popular Revolucionário da Coreia, dirigido por Kim Il Sung, e do Exército Vermelho soviético. Os Estados Unidos esperavam que, com a rendição do Japão, poderiam assim passar a ocupar todo o território coreano. Vendo o avanço fulminante das forças guerrilheiras, junto com o Exército Vermelho, os imperialistas norte-americanos propuseram o estabelecimento do Paralelo 38, que cortou a península coreana ao meio e viria a sacramentar, em breve, a histórica divisão entre “Coreia do Norte” e “Coreia do Sul”.
Os Estados Unidos estacionariam suas tropas no sul da península apenas algumas semanas após a libertação do país, sem terem fornecido qualquer contribuição efetiva para a expulsão das forças japonesas da Coreia. Uma das primeiras medidas tomadas pelos militares ianques foi a dissolução forçada dos comitês populares, colocando à frente do poder político figuras ligadas à antiga administração colonial e até mesmo ao imperialismo japonês. Na parte norte da península, a revolução democrática, anti-imperialista e antifeudal avançava com ímpeto, servindo como sólida base para o estabelecimento de um Estado unificado, democrático e próspero.
É importante destacarmos que os Estados Unidos, desde que chegaram no sul da península coreana, jamais cumpriram qualquer papel minimamente progressista. Antes mesmo da chegada dos ocupantes norte-americanos, as massas sul-coreanas haviam estabelecido a República Popular da Coreia: tentativa de construção de um novo Estado, que se apoiava nos comitês populares locais. A política de repressão e supressão praticada pelos Estados Unidos no sul da Coreia foi completamente diferente daquela aplicada pelos soviéticos no Norte, onde os comitês populares foram reconhecidos, e as atividade dos partidos democráticos eram realizadas normalmente.
Ao chegar no país, os Estados Unidos logo trataram de acabar com tal experiência, dissolvendo a República Popular da Coreia, prendendo e perseguindo seus principais líderes.
Desde o começo, os Estados Unidos trataram de impor ao país uma administração de tipo militar e neocolonial, passando a controlar a Coreia do Sul política, cultural e economicamente. No ano de 1946, para tentarem legitimar sua administração militar, trouxeram dos Estados Unidos aquele que seria o primeiro ditador da futura república fantoche: Syngman Rhee (ou Ri Sin Man). Syngman Rhe era uma figura historicamente pró-norte-americana, que havia se exilado nos Estados Unidos no ano de 1904, sendo nomeado posteriormente como presidente de uma autoproclamada “Assembleia Democrática da Coreia do Sul”, em 1947, seria renomeada como “Assembleia Legislativa Interina”.
Durante certo período, os Estados Unidos a União Soviética realizaram diversas conversas para estabelecerem uma solução para o problema da divisão da Coreia. De acordo com a jornalista Anna Louise Strong:
“Por dois anos, essas conversas só contribuíram para aumentar a amargura. Os americanos insistiram em incluir no governo provisório os colaboradores pró-japoneses e os exilados que regressaram. Os russos recusaram. Os russos insistiram em incluir representantes dos sindicatos, das organizaçõs camponesas e outras semelhantes. Os EUA não quiseram ouvir falar sobre isso.
Por fim, os soviéticos acabaram por propor que ambos os países se retirassem da Coreia – o que foi cumprido pela parte soviética em dezembro de 1948 – proposta obviamente rechaçada pelos imperialistas norte-americanos.” [1]
Em 1948, os Estados Unidos promoveram um processo eleitoral farsante, que iria culminar posteriormente na fundação da “República da Coreia”, um Estado fantoche controlado pelos Estados Unidos. Os Estados Unidos, ainda em 1947, aproveitaram-se de sua hegemonia nas Nações Unidas para aprovar uma resolução que desse guarida a realização de eleições. Dessa resolução, surgiu a chamada Comissão Temporária das Nações Unidas para a Coreia, que se encarregaria de organizar a farsa eleitoral. A parte norte da península coreana, obviamente, não tomou parte no processo.
A realização de eleições separadas foi alvo de intenso repúdio por amplos setores das massas coreanas, que viam na medida uma tentativa de perpetuar a divisão da península. Mesmo antes da realização do processo eleitoral farsante, já havia o entendimento de que os Estados Unidos e os reacionários sul-coreanos visavam realizar eleições de tal tipo. Em todo o território da Coreia do Sul, eclodiram revoltas contra o imperialismo norte-americano.
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Don't waste your time.
When I saw the synopsis of this drama come out, it seemed like a fantastic watch and I was excited for it to air. I kept up with it as it was airing, and I ended up dropping it halfway because of how boring and draggy it got. The premise, background, and aesthetics were great hooks, but I dare say everything else was lackluster. Let's discuss the good and the bad.Good: I loved the acting. Lee Do Hyun is a great fresh face and I wasn't surprised at all at his ability to shine in his role. It was also my first time watching most of the other actors and they surely played their characters well. In terms of production, the colours and period-details (props, set, etc.) were excellent, which really allowed me to hold on to the drama as long as I did.
Bad: The story... It was just so terribly boring and repetitive. Feels like this type of love story is way overdone. I think the biggest problem I had with the plot was the serious lack of communication and immaturity between the characters that led to many, many misunderstandings which just simply do not happen in normal, adult relationships. If your style of romance drama is to ogle at pretty people doing pretty people things, then this is for you. But if you are looking for something fresh and different, this is so not it.
With all that said, I did not finish the drama. I dropped at episode 6 so I cannot say anything about the ending, but at the pace that the show was going, I was halfway through and felt like nothing happened at all. I was sorely disappointed with this one, but maybe my expectations were just too high.
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Aj Miracle Bitoin Tesori
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First of all, I am fan of LDY that is why I am currently watching this series. Even I hate heavy drama as of now, because of the situation that we have right now. I even subscribe to VIU just to watch the series. I am bit sad for the ML because he always suffers. I am a bit mad to FL's bestfriend for being selfish. It's true she does not want to take responsibilities for the things that she does. Now, the ML gave her 3 days to tell their family to cut the deal but I guess she didn't because she is afraid to lose everything after all.
I am really sad for the ML and the FL.:<
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******contains some spoilers******An absolutely beautiful story filled with love, family, protests, identity and self-discovery. This moved me to tears in profound ways.
While I was aware of how it was going to end, never did I think that myung hee and hee tae's love story would move me so deeply. A love story that transcends time and space. A relentless and persevering love. A love that births self-discovery. A love that withstands the test of life. Wow!!
Knowing that the political side of this story was based on real-life events was absolutely gut-wrenching. The decisions humans make when given power (a gun) reveals what truly lies within. Kudos to the humans who didn't allow this power to turn them into blood-thirsty and power driven monsters. Reminds me of a powerful scripture in Jeremiah 17:9 - "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick, who can understand it?"
The recognition that the decision between who gets to live and who gets to die being in the hands of God takes the pressure and guilt off of humans and allows us to move on because in reality...there's only so much we can do to keep a person alive. Bad things happen, and when they do, its important to acknowledge how you feel, grieve, and then move on because time will keep flowing and life will carry on as usual without waiting for anyone. This my friend, is part of the package that comes with being human but God (the source of all comfort) is able to comfort us and help us move on while making the tragedies that have occurred work together in a meaningful way that can impact the lives of those around us. Once Hee Tae recognized this, he was able to overcome his anxiety and continue living...long enough to retrieve Myung hee's body and read the vows she never got to read to him on their wedding day
Overall, this drama is a beautifully written story with compelling characters, fantastic OST, beautiful acting and a well-written story! Please give this a watch! You wont regret it...get your teachers're in for a wild ride!
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