2 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 10, 2016
11 van 11
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 10
I was in love with this show from the first episode.
One of my favorite things about this show is that there's the obvious storyline for the show, but there's an exceptional account of character development for all of the characters. Everyone has a story and it delves into all sides of the life and the lives of the people around the main character, Takuto.
It's got some great heart wrenching moments, some touching moments, some funny moments....all the things that should be touched upon in a drama.
The acting by everyone is just phenomenal.
The music is catchy and allows you to become enveloped in all of the characters' lives.
This will always be my favorite. And I constantly find myself rewatching it.

And for those of you, like me, who love to watch k-drama, you'll be glad to know that this show is very similar to those, and you'll be pleasantly surprised.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 26, 2016
11 van 11
Voltooid 1
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 10
This is one of the better dramas than ones today. It really shows how a persons life impacts others. Takuto is a character i just enjoyed. He wants to keep living. Each episode gets more emotional than another. Haruma Miura did really well in this drama. I enjoyed the music in the drama. I would watch it again because it had a really good plot.
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 26, 2023
11 van 11
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

If you need a drama to cry, this is the one

This is the drama if you really need a good release of tears. I was crying almost every episodes. The story was not the most original since there are dramas that already portray lead characters with life threatening illnesses. But what I really appreciate is the tenacity of the ML to live with the disease despite the sufferings he has to face. Plus Haruma Miura was so good in this! It was quite rare for me to fully care about a fictional character and how his future will pan out because he was so convincing as an ALS patient. He is the soul for this drama, every expressions he does makes me want to hug him so much. Its such a shame that he was not with us anymore.

I also love how the story addresses the issues that Takuto has with his family. It felt so real and I could totally feel his pain for being the unloved child in the family and how he got the courage to voice it out to his mum after he got ALS. The brother's growth was also endearing.

But the only thing that I hate about this drama was the writing for Shigeyuki. They really did him dirty. He is more like a character to add more spice to the drama. I think the love triangle was unnecessary but I guess they want to emphasise how unwavering the ML and FL love is.

I am also not a fan of the FL, but she did grow on me in the end. I just felt confused with her portrayal in the beginning.

The music is really good. Everytime I hear Harukaze by Rihwa, the sadness just kicks on me.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 8, 2022
11 van 11
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 6.0

Il voit la vie le quitter lentementmais ne perds jamais conscience...

Je peux vraiment dire que j'étais partagée entre la curiosité (comment traiter un tel sujet ?) et le refus (on ne peut absolument pas traiter un tel sujet !)
Le début m'a inquiétée, car j'ai eu grand peur qu'une histoire d'amour alakon vienne pousser ses violons et son pathos là dedans.
Mais pas du tout. La relation amoureuse est loin de tenir toute la place, car le vrai sujet, c'est comment Rakuto va faire pour vivre sa maladie. L'histoire sentimentale n'a d'intérêt que parce qu'elle se place tout naturellement dans la vie de Rakuto, ainsi que la modification de ses relations avec sa famille, ses employeurs, et ses amis. Nous suivons son cheminement mental, sa peur, ses choix. Ce drama n'est pas du tout triste, contrairement à ce que l'on pourrait croire, même si certaines scènes sont très émouvantes, mais jamais on ne joue sur la corde sensible, aucun pathos, jamais de lourde insistance, c'est remarquablement fait.
Au début je craignais que les problèmes familiaux et de recherche d'emploi plus la maladie ce soit trop, mais en fait, ce n'est pas le cas, car les évènements et les personnages sont amenés à évoluer au contact de cette terrible épreuve, et les priorités vont changer.
Parallèlement à l'histoire Takuto, il y a celle, très intéressante, de son frère, Rikuto, adolescent complètement étouffé par la surprotection de sa mère, ayant perdu toute capacité d'empathie, et étrangement c'est à son frère malade qu'il va demander de l'aide, et ce fil secondaire équilibre très bien le drama.
Autour de Takuto gravite un petit monde, son ami Mamoru, qui ne le lâchera jamais, son senpaï Shigeyuki, beaucoup plus égoïste, Megumi, son amour, Rikuto, son jeune frère, son père et sa mère, et son médecin, celui qui l'aide et le conseille.
La fin est ce qu'elle doit être , mais pas du tout celle que je craignais, bien que dans le droit fil de l'histoire.   
Alors les acteurs : tous excellents !! Naturellement la palme à Haruma Miura, qui interprète magistralement Takuto, avec une simplicité, une sobriété une véracité assez impressionnantes. Je me demande combien de kilos il a perdu pour arriver aussi maigre à la fin du drama !   
Et compliments aussi au frère, Nomura Shohei, excellent dans ce garçon qui essaie de sortir de l'isolement dans lequel il s'est enfermé. Un bravo spécial à Kazama Shunsuke, ici un ami adorable de gentillesse, et assez terrifiant dans "soredemo ikite, yuku "   
Un bémol : la famille est une famille aisée, je me demande comment Takuto s'en sortirait si sa mère (parent isolée) faisait trois boulots pour survivre... je ne sais pas du tout comment fonctionne le régime social de santé au Japon, mais une telle maladie sans argent et sans aide publique... ça change la donne !   
Autrement c'est un excellent drama, et encore une fois, pas du tout désespérant !

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 26, 2017
11 van 11
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
I watched about 50 dramas in my life but this is my first time writing a review.. the reason is that I absolutely loved this drama.. despite the tragic plot, it was sorrounded by serenity, joy, will to live. I cried sometimes, sometimes I smiled and sometimes I laughed. While watching it I thought "Life is so important, so precious...If I were Takuto, would I have the same will to live?"
I loved the music, it's still playing in my head...
I loved all the  characters..!! Takuto, Megumi,Mamoru, Hina, Rikuto, Doctor Tanimoto, Mrs and Mr Sawada, Megumi's mother and even  Shigeyuki.
This drama is just perfect, giving dignity to ALS.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 18, 2021
11 van 11
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 5.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

Blessing in Disguise

Truly such a beautiful story! I went into this thinking this would be a super depressing and painful story, but little did I know that this multilayered story although sad would leave me with such lingering feelings of hope and revelation by the end. As for my title “A Blessing in Disguise” although that sounds like it wouldn’t fit with this story; an incurable disease is never a blessing and truly a painful situation for all parties involved, however hear me out on this. What started as an individual, living his life freely and what could be seen from an outward perspective as “happy” was in truth an aimlessly walking soul, who felt true loneliness even being surrounded with people. Takuto wore a “mask” to hide his real emotions to only show what he thought people wanted to see (a happy carefree person). But, in fact he was far from that.

After finding out about his disease, his whole life slowly started changing, effecting his way of life but also started reforming his perspective on life; specifically his own life. Seeing Takuto originally struggling to find his purpose in life and not having any goals to then becoming a motivated hardworking individual was such a beautiful transformation to witness. Its never easy to see things in a positive light when you feel like everything around you is slowly crumbling. He could’ve let his disease defeat him, swallow him up but instead he took this as an opportunity to better himself, to live truthfully and honestly. He found the meaning in life and learned to cherish the little moments. Holding nothing back, living in the present and setting goals for himself one after another. Takuto was a fighter, and even though this disease took more and more from him with passing time, he still kept climbing to live to the best of his ability. And as a result, I think he he gained something more valuable than he had originally expected. And this is why….in some ways I truly believe this was a blessing in disguise.

“Ive Learned About the Warmth of People. Maybe I can tell society the meaning of life just by the fact Im Alive”

He gained the true feeling and understanding of love and warmth from those he loved (especially from his family) He was able to grow closer to his loved ones and form stronger bonds that he never was able to do prior to the disease. It gave him courage and allowed him to finally open up and express his true feelings. And as a result, seeing how hard Takuto was working even in his condition, it inspired many people around him too. Including his friends and girlfriend. They grew with him throughout this story. Some saw that life was too short, and to follow their true passion. While others were inspired to create programs to help the disabled to create more opportunities for them. Even Takuto’s company, the fact that they truly built a company that allowed him to work freely within his capabilities was soo heartwarming. THEY WERE TRULY SUCH A GREAT SUPPORT SYSTEM.

I enjoyed that this story didn’t focus soley on the painful events of an incurable disease, or showed any self-pity but the fact they used this as a main focal plot to tell a beautiful message, a reminder to always live our lives to the fullest. A message so simple we sometimes can easily forget and take for granted. It has phenomenal acting, great cast, beautiful inspiring story, what more can we ask for =)

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
3 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 19, 2016
11 van 11
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 1.0
So I was having a pretty rough week and wanted to watch something that would punch the sadness out of me with sadness (yeah I fight fire with fire, don't judge) and at the same time inspire me by showing the light in this trashy world. So naturally I picked up Boku no Ita Jikan. Why you ask? Because I was sure that this kind of drama, where the main character looses the things he loves doing one by one, will be one of those bittersweet stories, where even though it ends tragically, it's still very positive and hopeful, because it teaches us to love the little things in life. And I was right, it was just like that (even though I could argue about the ending being tragic) but did I enjoy it?

The STORY is pretty cliche. A man finds out that he has an incurable disiese. One Litre of Tears much? But It just wasn't as good as I expected it to be. When you present me this type of premise, I hope for a deep, maybe even unique story that will be stuck in my heart for years. With this kind of story you can't just swim on the surface. But they kind of did. Not saying that the story was bad. It just didn't add anything new. It felt like I was watching One Litre of Tears again, except there were some minor changes. It just didn't leave a deep impresion for me.
The strangest thing is that I liked the story outside the disease more, than everything concerning it (except some little things here and there but nothing exceptional, still pretty cliche). I liked Takuto's and Rikuto's existential struggles and psychology behind their behaviour. That was probably the most interesting part of this drama.

The CHARACTERS really were the ones that made the drama stand out for me. All of Takuto's family including him developed really nicely. I loved the psychological portrait the writers drew for Rikuto (Takuto's brother). And their parents growth was heart warming too.
Megumi...it's really weird how I have no complains about her but at the sams time I didn't like her either. It's like I liked how the writers developed her, what they made her do but it just felt sort of unnatural and she really was pretty bland, like she had so little character.
Other than that everyone were fine. Nothing bad, nothing good.

I wasn't very fond of Miura Haruma's ACTING. The way he expressed surprise by opening his eyes widely was so unnatural.

I feel strangely bad critiquing this kind of drama. How can I say that a story of a man with an incurable disease is unoriginal and cliche...but it just is!

Overall if you have watched One Litre of Tears or anything with similar story this is pretty skippable, because it doesn't add much new (This opinion might be influenced by the fact that I love tragedies and have seen most of what they can offer) but if you really like these kind of stories or haven't watched anything like this before then go ahead, watch it, it was by no means bad, but don't expect anything mind blowing (then again if you're really new then this might not apply).

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Stephanie Barinas
2 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
sep 13, 2015
11 van 11
Voltooid 1
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
Nunca había escrito un review acerca de un drama, pero con este siento la necesidad de compartiros mis sentimientos porque a partir de ellos fue que supe valorar y entender miles de situaciones que se mostraron y se discutieron a través del drama. Además siento la necesidad de darle un lugar muy especial a este drama en mi corazón porque hace mucho, demasiado tiempo no me atrevía a ver un drama que me fuera a hacer llorar, porque desde el último que vi hace un par de años mi corazón tardo mucho tiempo en recuperarse.

Quiero agregar y destacar porqué fue que mi corazón disfruto tanto el drama, porque logré colocarme en la posición de Takuto e inclusive llegarme a imaginar y sentir un par de sentimientos que en la vida cotidiana no suelo sentir. Es por ello y mucho más que logré disfrutarlo.

Hasta la proxima.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mrt 4, 2024
11 van 11
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

What a beautiful ending!

I put off this show for a long time as I wasn't ready for a tear-jerker, but I'm glad I finally took the courage to watch this.

I'm really satisfied with the ending, it isn't like what I imagined at all!

If you're worried about this show being heavy or depressing, you've got nothing to worry!!

Of course, there are moments where I cried my eyes out, but there are also many moments where I feel so inspired and touched. It actually is heartwarming in it own ways and teaches us so many life lessons, including meaning of life, family values, life and death, and many more

Jdrama did it again: to be able to capture so much depth while delivering such an entertaining show at same time!

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 8, 2016
11 van 11
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
I gave the story a 9.5 mostly because the story made me cry. The only things I really knew about ALS is that it affects the person's movement and breathing. When I watched this, I got a whole new understanding on it. This drama really does educate you on ALS and I would watch it again.
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 19, 2022
11 van 11
Voltooid 0
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 2.0
Rewatch Waarde 2.0
After Takuto graduates university, he has to fight to find a job like many others. But not only that is giving him a hard time, also his home isn't what he would consider very warm, either. His younger brother is the precious son, since he prepares to study medicine and with that can take over the family hospital. And since he needs a lot of support, Takuto feels like he is invisible. Even after he finally finds work, his mother doesn't praise him. But he has good friends and by chance found a girlfriend while looking for work! Things turn for the worse, when he finds out he has a disease called ALS that will slowly take one thing after another from him and eventually take his life as well.

When I found this drama, I thought "One liter of tears, but with a male lead!". After watching the first episode, I was preparing myself, so that I won't cry later. But to be honest... It wasn't anything close to one liter of tears. I didn't cry as much, the message was a bit different and it wasn't as "nice" to watch, as I expected.

While I'm not quite sure what the drama was trying to tell us, I still thought it was nice to watch. There were many scenes that made me laugh, which is good. On the other hand, I wasn't all too fond of the drama starting from episode 6. The 5th episode was one of the best episodes, but after that it kept dragging.

So, actually my expectations were just really high which in the end resulted in utter disappointment. Trying to be fair, I still give it 3* because the acting wasn't bad and I liked to watch the story. Also, the humor was awesome.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 15, 2016
11 van 11
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 9.0
The story goes into the life of a guy named Takuto and his struggle with ALS along with his family and relationships. I really like how they go into the lives of the other characters along with the main character Takuto. The soundtrack is beautiful and goes perfectly with the story. If you are looking for an emotional inspiring experience then you won't be disappointed watching this. This drama was extremely moving and life changing. It really made me realize how fortunate I am to have the many small things in life that so many people take for granted. Things such as walking, eating, talking, these tasks seem so simple but yet you don't really realize how lucky you are to have them until you put yourself in someone else's shoes or go through an experience like this yourself. This drama is a truly inspiring and emotional experience, it inspires you to stay positive and be thankful for the people and things you have in life.

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Boku no Ita Jikan (2014) poster



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