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Brutal, sad, cold, and warm tale of adolescence
Strikingly beautiful and amazing. Hiding your pain and cruel past by becoming a bad boy is an ultimate story of the most warm person. Such is the story of Night Flight. Sadly, it has elements of some brutal realities and oppression that the boy wasn't able to overcome or prevent happening to the person he loved. But indeed their love was apparent. I want to write more and more, but perhaps my thoughts on how to make this film more memorable isn't enough. It is going to be in my memory for a long long time...Don't watch this, if you come here for a BL romance, watch it, if you can see the inner surface behind their characters and the struggle of them being singles out, called out, bullied, and oppressed. Ending too, of this film was one fine one, that served it best.
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This movie made me cry actual tears so many times that I lost the count. It is a truly touching story that is so realistic it makes you sick. No, it literally makes me sick to just think about the fact that this story might be a reality for many people.
The acting was amazing in my opinion, considering both leads are straight. I watched it a few times already so I know many scenes from my head. There are many meaningful scenes that you will either understand or not understand. In my opinion, if you have never experienced discrimination of some sort, you probably won't understand this movie.
I, as a girl that's constantly questioning her sexuality, think of this movie as a really special one. It is certainly one of my favorites.
You know when a movie gives you that familiar feeling? Like you've seen it... or like you can think of a same scenario that would actually happen in real life? Sadly, this movie gives me that feeling. I really wish it wouldn't though...
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What a Flight~
Broooo this made me cry-I can't get over movies/dramas like this that show the struggle of the whole LGBT+ community. Like bro, why are they being beaten on until extreme measures occur?! It truly shows how nasty humanity is.
I would totally re-watch. I just love this so much. so much emotion everywhere; and that's not being a kiss ass to this drama. The story i didn't get to much until i sat down and summarized it, which was a quaking experience. Make sure you do it too;).
This put me in tears and not many dramas do that. I recommend this if you want a really good cry. This was made so well. I loved it.
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Why I think this movie portrayed something important:
This is my first review so I really don't know how to write one but I thought this movie deserved something like it. Incredible movie and one of my favorites now.I like how they portrayed Gi Woong's backstory and didn't just display that he was a bully. I've seen a lot of shows and read some books that are bullies/d to lovers and they can be very lacking in the department of explaining why the character was so cruel and mean to the other. But in this movie, we got to see his situation. Bullying is not ok and can never be justified, but most people have reasons and can change...His dad was a criminal and he got bullied and teased in middle school because of this and other reasons. He was angry at the world and just wanted to keep everyone at a distance because of his pride and the fact that he was hurting. I don't think he actually ever liked fighting and hurting people, it was just his nurture; he was confused and frustrated and didn't know how to function under the stress that was overwhelming him. It happens to real people and it's really a sad thing to see people that was nice and sweet turn into people that hurt others.
I ssw some comments wondering if Gi Woong was actually gay and I think he was a variant of it. It seems when he asked Yong Ju why he kept following him around he already knew the answer. The frustration from his confusion pushed Yong Ju away from him. But it seems like in the end, he had accepted it. He always showed regret after he'd hurt Ju. And Yong Ju always liked him no matter what.
It was a pretty sad movie. It made me cry more than I usually do. Like most people, I didn't know it was going to take the darker turn that it did. It was a pretty long movie but no part left me bored. And it showed more than just romance. It told of character development and self-acceptance. I showed how easy it can be to just give up. Because some people have really terrible lives but they stick through it and try to make the most out of it. It was a beautifully sad movie that is really hard to put into words.
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Not what I expected
When I saw the cover I thought that it would be cute and wholesome. When I saw the trailer I was like" Oh okay then, not that cute but it still might have wholesome moments".When I actually watched it... damn.
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad or anything but just very unexpecting. I actually really liked it more than I thought I would, it felt real. They were just trying their best to survive in their awful society and found comfort even though at first they kind of hated each other. It's not like the new Korean BLs out there where it feels like there isn't one person who is homophobic.
In the Night Flight you see a lot of homophobia and disgusting behaviors from assholes.
Maybe that's why I found it to be more realistic.
You should give it chance if you haven't seen it yet, it might be something you'll enjoy in the end.
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This is the holy graal
Man, this movie is all that you are looking for, they give you action, love, sex, affection. The whole movie was built in a beautiful way. It's addictive. Like I just finished but I want to come back to this movie. I think certain points of this movie were well thought out, they literally can blow your mind in some points, but can give such a warm hug in general. The soundtrack was good too, I'm right now seaching the music, the actors do a good job too, they really put out all the emotions that the story want to tell us and the story was good, if you are sensitive take care to watch.Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
leesong heeil the director that you are
Esse é o segundo filme do leesong que eu vejo e ficou claro pra mim a necessidade dele de mostrar as dificuldades de se ser gay em determinados ambientes. É um sentimento misto de admiração e tristeza em relação a obra dele. Admiração por uma arte transgressora que respinga não só no contexto do país de origem mas em outros também, e tristeza por uma retratação tão cruel de algumas vivências mesmo em uma obra de ficção.Aqui se tem a demonstração de como o ambiente escolar consegue ser um espaço totalmente doentio e traumatizante. Não existe um motivo claro que explica a repulsa dos bullys com as vítimas, o que torna tudo pior. A ideia de uma pessoa ser diferente de você e por isso ela deve ser punida é tão bizarra. É triste ver o yong ju tentando buscar por alguma mudança enquanto lida com os sentimentos conflitantes dele, como ele demora tanto pra ter alguma reação mesmo cultivando um afeto por anos. Assim como ver o gi woong enfrentando diferentes dilemas e evitando de sentir qualquer resquício de sentimento que não seja raiva. Os altos e baixos da relação dos dois traz muitos sentimentos conflitantes ao ponto de você não saber como quer que os dois termine.
Mais uma vez nos minutos finais de um filme do leesong eu perdi toda minha sanidade, talvez seja o modus operandi dele (não aguento mais um assim)
P.S. a cena final da escola me lembrou mto a de weak hero class em que o sieun quebra tudo, fiquei pensando se eles não se inspiraram no filme.
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This heart wrenching movie is a gem! Definitely contains some adult scenes and material. This was a coming of age movie highlighting a kind intelligent gay young man. By the end of the movie there are tears. Even though our world is becoming more accepting of the LGBTQ community, it's frightening and disconcerting to realize that the homophobic attitudes are still strong. The casual indifference and irrational hatred portrayed by adults and bullies was disturbing and unfortunately not removed from reality.On a different note the progression of the two ML 's relationship added complexity and eventual warmth.
The movie is not a BL but more of a bromance. It's a story that needs telling if for no other reason than to make you question your own attitudes.
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Je viens de me prendre une claque et quelle claque !
J'ai eu envie de voir ce film car les productions en format long métrage sur le thème de l'homosexualité coréenne sont encore assez rare mais j'ai toujours vu qu'elles avaient un sacré potentiel.Ce film est douloureusement touchant mais ce n'est pas non plus un film qui est fait pour nous faire pleurer ou nous apitoyer, il nous montre la réalité dure et brute pour nous lancer au visage : "voilà, ça arrive encore, ça arrive toujours, c'est la réalité et ça fait mal." C'est un film qui dénonce, qui expose les faits, qui nous montre les traitements réservés aux adolescents homosexuels, même si, à mon sens, on aurait pu reprendre le même scénario avec des adultes, des hétéro, un autre pays ou une temporalité plus proche de la notre car, partout encore, certains préjugés ne tombent pas, certains se croient les "défenseurs" de la bonne marche à suivre.
Ce film n'est pas un conte pour jeune ados, c'est un éveilleur de conscience et il le fait de manière dure (mais tragiquement réelle) pour essayer que ces situations ne se reproduisent pas à l'avenir. Ce film parvient à montrer une réalité honnête, avec des scènes frappantes et une intrigue solide.
Le film nous montre une amitié qui s'est effilochée avec le temps, une sorte d'amitié amère et unilatérale qui manque de proximité et de mots jusqu'à ce qu'on découvre les sentiments qu'entretient Yong Joo pour Gi Wook. Mais ne vous attendez pas à de la romance ou de la douceur, il n'y en a pas. Les émotions ne peuvent être perçues qu'à travers les gestes, la façon dont ils se regardent, la façon dont ils ne se regardent pas quand ils ne peuvent pas se voir mais qu'ils s'interrogent sur l'autre, et les mots qu'ils semblent toujours partager sans parler. Des mots cruels et gentils à la fois. Ainsi, les moments où ils parlent, le dialogue est en fait complexe, derrière des mots simples.
La personnalité des deux protagonistes est pure, simple mais si seule. Ils ont tous les deux une histoire personnelle lourde mais l’appréhendent de différente façon : Yong Joo assume complètement ce qu'il est mais sait ne pas se dévoiler autrement que devant les personnes en qui il a pleinement confiance, il est courageux et sincère, plein de rêves. Quant à Gi Wook, il est calme, voire même trop silencieux car ne sachant comment s'exprimer, il est violent mais toujours pour des raisons ciblées, il développe le caractère brut du film.
Le jeu des acteurs, qui s'intéressent davantage au langage corporel qu'aux mots, était intense et étonnamment bon. Je pouvais sentir leur douleur grandir au fond de moi et certaines scènes me restent encore gravées en mémoire. Petite note pour le déchainement de violence de Gi Wook (vous voyez duquel je parle, bien sûr) : je sais que la violence n'est pas une solution mais j'ai trouvé particulièrement jouissif cet événement où Gi Wook a été mes poings et mes pieds, accomplissant la vengeance que je rêvais d'avoir sur les crétins congénitaux (pour rester poli.e) qui sont juste bons à abattre dans le film.
C'est un film triste et réaliste, avec des adolescents tristes et amoureux. Trop jeunes pour être aussi abîmés, chamboulés par la vie. Et ici, les acteurs ne ressemblent pas à des top models, leur peau n'est pas divine et marmoréenne. Ils ont l'air humains et ils se battent pour être reconnu comme humains, dans un monde rempli de silhouettes sans émotions et nuisibles.
Chose rare, je vais parler de la musique : quand on l'entend, elle nous parle d'émotions, par petites touches, juste ce qu'il faut pour rendre une scène touchante au bon moment, tel le battement du cœur du film qui accompagne la douleur de ses personnages.
L'émotion se retrouve également dans la photographie du film : des couleurs lumineuses, fourmillantes de détails et dégradées, vraiment artistiques, nous parlent d'amour. Tandis que la réalité cruelle ressort par des teintes brutes et monotones. Le réalisateur a su instiller de la créativité dans ses prises de vue.
Mon bilan : je reverrai très certainement ce film (même si je sais qu'il fera aussi mal, même sûrement plus, bien plus) mais pas tout de suite, il faut le laisser s'imprégner, il faut le voir le soir, quand le cerveau, un peu fatigué, n'analyse plus trop, laissant la place aux sentiments qui sont plus affutés et, là, on peut détecter la douceur qui s'y cache, car en fait elle est là, camouflée au milieu de cette histoire douloureusement tragique qui est une piqure de rappel sur la bêtise humaine et sur tout ce que peut supporter l'amour, même interdit, même difficile.
Regardez ce film, ne le jugez pas avant de l'avoir vu.
Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.
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Tenias al gay fachero piola y te venis a agarrar al hetero violento que te robo la bici, te cago a piñas, te escupio en la cara Y ENCIMA le hace bullyng a tu mejor amigo. Pero a vos te pegaban en casa, que mierda esperabas???Yong ju llega a quedar como una acosador, el otro no es mejor tampoco. Gi Woong es simplemente un violento de mierda. Casi todos los personajes son odiables.
La escena de abuso sexual es innecesaria junto con otras muchas escenas más. Pareciera que quiere criticar muchos temas a la misma vez y le sale para el culo. Muy decepcionante
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