Hey, I wrote an article, and after sumitting it, the title of my draft was "[done - Ceki] original title" does that mean that It's done editing or that it's been already done before/claimed and it won't be published ? *curious*
It means that one of the editors (in that case me) finished editing it :)
If you guys want it I Have the Shota Matsuda Stalkers guide draft done I just need a link to put it up on to be checked..Also I would like to add the editors names to the articles as they help alot
Are you sure you submitted the draft because I can't see it in the dashboard? I'll pm you now.
Haha no need to add the editors' names :) That's never done.
Oooooh :) Is there a schedule users can see to know when an article will be published?
Not really :/ It's the admin who publishes them. If the editors are quick because the article is short and there are not many articles in the queue, it can be published after a day or two but sometimes it takes weeks.
Hi guys!
We've decided to enforce the 7-day rule which means that when you claim a topic you have one week to finish the article and submit it for approval otherwise the title is free to be claimed again - by someone else.
This is even more important when it comes to Currently Watching articles because they need to be published while the dramas are still airing. However, it stands for all articles in the Available Topics board.
The reason why we decided to do this is because it is not unusual for a user to claim a topic but then disappear and never submit the article. Which is totally fine but it is not fair to those who would have finished writing it in a few days.
So please only claim an article if you have enough time to finish it in a week.
Thanks :)
p.s. check the opening post for all links.
Hi, I just read that the Hallyu ban is lifted and I'm sooo happy :D That's something to share with everybody, but I'm not good at writing, but maybe somebody wants to write an article on it? Here is where I read that news: https://cdramabase.com/2017/11/03/news-corner-the-hallyu-ban-is-finally-over/