Sure ^_^ Also can I do 008. Adding Titles: JP as well?
I've corrected the link 2 for KR. You can also click here. And yes, sure thing. You can add the JP titles/person too. Just one note please. Read through the guidelines and the useful tips thread once more. 'Cause for example, there's no need to add the year in the main name field, nor is there a need to add a production country in the production countries field, if the title is only produced by on country. (;

007. finished adding all the titles/people. let me know if the first one saved.. something went wrong when i was adding it in..
The first title is not in, but I see that you've submitted the other two. Thank you. (: Also, I can't find the person you submitted either.

I'm in for #008 JP

I can do JP titles/people

008. Adding Titles: JP you know I am up for this AND I have time
You three are also good to go. You can find your links in the table above. ^^