011. 2023 Unaired titles
Each person will pick one country, and part, if applicable, and then they will need to check whether the titles under the given link have been released or not and whether their airing status is correctly set.
What to do:
> Check if the title was released in 2023 or not.
> If the title has not been released, then instead of 2023 add "0000" (choose "--" as an option in the release year).
> If the title has not been released, check whether the airing status is set to "Announced" and not as "Airing" or "Not Yet Aired". Leave "Not Yet Aired" only with those titles that hav a full date (year, month, day), otherwise add "Announced".
- Please, DO NOT START the project without getting an approval first from me. Someone else might have already gotten an approval before you, so you will unfortunately just waste your time doing double work.
- Try to finish your work by January 8th, 2024.