Include Legal Links to View Content on a Film Page

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Hessa Volunteer Staff

Apparently, we have IQIYI.

Been thinking about this a lot lately, because I really love the idea, but I have developed one small concern.

I'm all for linking to legal viewing sites...with the EXCEPTION of the Chinese sites. According to Chinese law, any company with over 50 people is required to give the Chinese government unfettered access to their backend. That means if a company collects any sort of data on their users (which almost all companies do, whether in harmless amounts or not so harmless amounts), they are required to hand that information over to the Chinese Communist Party. This is very concerning, to say the least, as it means that not only are Chinese citizens being continuously spied on by the CCP, but now foreign users who use these sites and services are being spied on by the CCP as well. As much as I want to support legal means of viewing dramas, I don't want to do so at the expense of people's human/civil rights. I would honestly rather encourage people to pirate Chinese dramas at this point.

I wanted to voice this concern now as I think this idea will probably be implemented eventually, and I assume this would be just as much of a concern to other people as it is to me.

It's not really "spying" , they collect basic info of your account like username, name, sometimes age, and country and of course your watch chronology. The platforms are legal, meaning they are already censored, so I think that even Chinese citizens won't get in trouble for watching "controversial" content  or something (since there isn't any). What problem can it bring to someone outside of the country anyway?

I think it's being implemented! Check out  It's Okay to Not Be Okay (2020). It has info of streaming on Netflix! I'm so happy! 

Ceki locked this jun 11, 2021 03:25