Add A Filter Feature In Feeds
by Jacob Frye
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Separate News Articles into their Own Section
by 3GGG
78 |
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Auto generated current Season Page.
by Old_Anime_Lady
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Post from the list updates should be posted as 'Spoilers' by default
by Saarthak
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Filtering out articles about role offers to actors/actresses
by JulyMoon
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Being able to sort a watch list by date started/finished
by arjan
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Private lists that no one except the user can see.
by Sri
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Display Origin Language + enable multi-select languages
by mengosteen
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Friends list
by nastou19
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A related feed posts section on a drama page
by Lethe
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Add "Different Cut" to related titles' categories
by emmagucci
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Tell me what day it airs on my mdl list
by goldenseal50
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Allow us to mark dramas as favorites, and show number of favorites on the drama page
by mjf314
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Compare two users' watchlists
by sarrymast
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No discussions yet
Button that redirects the user from the discussion section to the drama page
by Foreigner
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