Choose an AKA version of the title on your dramalist
by namopanik
3 |
0 |
Filter on My Watchlist
by AsianBingeWatcher
2 |
0 |
Year statistics section
by Bruna Cunha
0 |
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Need the sort filter in People search
by Pagalnixon
1 |
0 |
Drama Soulmate
by kdramasinpajamas
14 |
628 |
Add "Date Watched" as a category in My Watchlist
by Sunsengnim
13 |
0 |
Subtitles Available Sign
by bannie
20 |
283 |
Add some infos (not just the name) of the role of the actors
by Ryu vach
0 |
0 |
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Choice of dark coloured website theme.
by ElliShrax
43 |
925 |
Organizing Customed Lists by Folders
1 |
0 |
Compatibility Match Profile's
by Bebe Dorameira - HIATUS
3 |
0 |
Add Lead Roles
by Arty
2 |
0 |
Add Links for Drama OST's
by Jadaine
2 |
0 |
Translation in Italian
by gonghina
7 |
0 |
Spoiler alert feature in Reviews, Feeds and Comment sections.
by Hanzi
1 |
0 |