Differentiate Between "Interested" and "Plan to Watch"
by AH
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Detailed Episode Synopsis
6 |
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Save feed posts for later viewing/replying.
by ElliShrax
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No discussions yet
Automatically reveal comments marked as a spoiler upon drama completion
by kdoramalama
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Add a spoiler tag that reduces the text
by Ceki
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Add API to get users ratings
by kiwixz
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Add 'other' to nationality in 'people' search bar
by mengosteen
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Custom statistics on profile page
by utabuta
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Ordered Plan to Watch, and why I added it?
by MattPeddlesden
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No discussions yet
Screenshots and Pictures
by XingBack
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Better Search Results (1) and adding an additional possibiltiy to differentiate Cast Members (2)
by Lilly1008
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No discussions yet
Streaming Service
by MattPeddlesden
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Webdramas should not count...
by sfan
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Choice of arranging dramas/movies by rating on Actor's page
by Mitti
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sticky top 10 requests - recommendation forum
by Apple Eye
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