BL/Gay I've watched (Ranked)

Just my dive into the BL genre, with a few comments on the ones I have watched. Most rankings will probably end up being around 8-9, because otherwise there is not a good chance I will actually finish it (and I don't like giving 10 as a rating)

Series I've watched, but for one reason or another I won't deem them as BL, so they don't go on the main list:
- The Untamed: 9/10 (Bromance)
- Guardian: 9/10 (Bromance)
- Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey 1-2: 6.5-7/10 (Mainly focused on the straight ship)

Helli jan 10, 2021
95 Titles Love
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  • Gameboys: The Movie

    1. Gameboys: The Movie

    Filipino Movie - 2021


    Am I biased? Immensely! But this was such a good movie. It took a fairly simply premise, that we all know, but then still managed to get something new out of it. The acting was top notch and you just felt your heart pull when the emotional stuff happened. I was almost crying at the end, and I rarely ever cry at movies and series. Some parts of it did feel a bit more like a series than a movie, but honestly I didn't mind.

    The side couple was also adorable, and I'm looking forward to their story being expanded in seseason 2. I hope that IdeaFirst really can keep this level of quality up! Because god this was my money's worth.

  • Gameboys Level-Up Edition

    2. Gameboys Level-Up Edition

    Filipino Drama - 2020, 13 episodes


    This is the story that will make me keep coming back. I'm still a bit iffy about covid storylines, but this one did it beautifully. The chemistry was top notch and although you can see the pacing is a bit off, it's never so much that it takes anything away from it.

    I understand maybe not liking it, and maybe this deserve a bit of a lower rating, but it went straight to my heart, and honestly, that's what matters. I'm looking forward to seeing where the story will go later.

  • Hemp Rope

    3. Hemp Rope

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    This is not a 10/10 show. It has it's issue with especially it's editing, but it was everything I wanted from a show with Win and Team. It is slow paced, with both angst and fluff. They are both boys with so much love, but having a hard time accepting it, but we get there ventually. It felt true and real, because sometimes trauma do fuck you over and makes it hard to communicate. One of the side ships also have my entire heart (WaanTul). For me it was all the waiting worth.

  • Until We Meet Again

    4. Until We Meet Again

    Thai Drama - 2019, 17 episodes


    This honestly convinced me that thai BLs can be quality and not just good enough. This was kinda a masterpiece, and I teared up multiple times. I loved it, though it was longer than most of the other shows.

  • Moonlight Chicken

    5. Moonlight Chicken

    Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    I adored this. It felt like a queer story based in the real world. While I didn't particular like Jim all that much, I adored the rest of the characters. Their storylines were messy but also so very true. All of them broke my heart, but it was worth watching this weekly.

  • We Are

    6. We Are

    Thai Drama - 2024, 16 episodes


    For 16 weeks this was the show I looked the most forward to. It is a slice of life university story of a very queer friendgroup, and I think that is the core of this show. You're not getting big drama or like a solid storyline through the thing, but you just get characters that feel whole and amazing, and 4 couples that you can absolutely adore. 

  • Color Rush

    7. Color Rush

    Korean Drama - 2020, 8 episodes


    This was a really interesting concept, which I felt like they actually did explore with the limited time they had. If they ever make a sequel, I would love to see them dwelling deeper in the mysteries, but honestly? It was just too damn cute!

  • A Tale of Thousand Stars

    8. A Tale of Thousand Stars

    Thai Drama - 2021, 10 episodes


    I did not expect this to live up to it's hype at all, but man how it did. This was a beautiful tale of growth with a side dish of love. Not even just romantic love, but platonic love. The first few episodes gave me a lot of second hand embarrassment, but it just got better. Occasionally people were just being dumb, and I got major anxiety about some of Tian's choices (look in the youtube comments, and you will know exactly why I got anxious).

    I know a lot of people got a upset with Phupah at times, but honestly, seeing it from his side made a lot of sense for me as well. I liked how deep the characters got, and I would love a short sequel (in the style of 2gether!). I think a whole season would ruin the relationship by doing the cheat and break up storylines. I just want cute moments of them and the village.

  • 30Sai made Doteida to Mahotsukai ni Narerurashi

    9. 30Sai made Doteida to Mahotsukai ni Narerurashi

    Japanese Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    Adorable, fairly innocent and just straight up wholesome.

  • Kieta Hatsukoi

    10. Kieta Hatsukoi

    Japanese Drama - 2021, 10 episodes


    In a lot of ways, this is a typical high school BL, but it was so adorable. Awkward at times yes, but I liked how they both navigated something new. I was laughing, giggling and almost moved to tears at times, and I looked forward to a new episode each week (one of the few I've watched weekly)

  • Like in the Movies

    11. Like in the Movies

    Filipino Drama - 2020, 8 episodes


    Grown up and real + pretend relationship. What's not to like? Especially with Vlad's voice!

  • Only Friends

    12. Only Friends

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    This show made me scream from week to week, and was my most anticipated show for 2023. It was messy in the way only young adults could be, although part of the writing seemed a bit choppy at times. I didn't care for TopMew and although they had a few scenes, they were actually my main issue with the whole show. They took up too much time compared to how little I cared. SandRay on the other hand had the most amazing storyline through this, and I loved them to bits, and they handled them for the most part really well. NickBoston was also a fresh take on a storyline. Highly recommend.

  • My Only 12%

    13. My Only 12%

    Thai Drama - 2022, 14 episodes


    This felt like a comfort watching it. It's very much slice of life and slowburn, but in the way where it just slowly warms you up. Their platonic realtionship was verything I could want, and there is one particular scene where they are just so comfortable with each other, where I was just freaking out, because it was adorable (and it was not a romantic scene). It really just felt like a hug, even if I was about to cry multiple times through the entire thing. 

  • Not Me

    14. Not Me

    Thai Drama - 2021, 14 episodes


    Despite me taking almost a year break from this series (due to getting consumed by other things), I finally came back around to it and it kicked me in the feels. It was just beautiful, and their acting was amazing, both Off and Gun. The sideship of DanYok was amazing, and their progression was so good as well!

  • Ingredients

    15. Ingredients

    Thai Special - 2020, 21 episodes


    A slow burn done so right. Just pure, cute love. You can see how much they love each other, and the jealousy is at an all time low for these kind of series. The sound is a bit horrible at times, but the songs are great.

  • Old Fashion Cupcake

    16. Old Fashion Cupcake

    Japanese Drama - 2022, 5 episodes


    I picked this up because I wanted to watch something to just relax to. I saw it and was like "huh, I think it's a BL" and then watched it and I did not expect it to be that good.

    It's very fluffy, and sweet. Their interactions, while funny and strange at times, seemed genuine and you could see how much in love they were, in as they didn't speak of it, or admitted to it. The drama at the end of the show is probably why I didn't rank it higher, because it made me frustrated, as well as a lack of a proper final kiss. But I was giggling like a school girl at the end of the show, because it was just adorable. Pure amazing fluff.

  • The Eclipse

    17. The Eclipse

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    I picked this one up on a whim. I wasn't excited about the plot, but I've liked Khaotung for a while, and looked forward to what he could bring, and I just... freaking loved this. This is enemies to lovers done so very right. They butted heads, but you could see how much they cared for each other through the entire thing. The patience and love they had for each other, and how they could just be themselves, to not also talk about the stellar performance of their acting. It does deal with a few heavier topics (depression especially), but it was a very honest way of doing it.

  • Love Supremacy Zone

    18. Love Supremacy Zone

    Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes


    This was something new in the BL scene, but I love love loved this so much. I am not the person to usually hype korean BLs, but this hit a beautiful spot for me, with the gamification. The ending was also beautiful as well.

  • Last Twilight

    19. Last Twilight

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    I was pretty hyped for this and it's one of the few shows I have watched religiously every week. Not every week hit as hard as others, but I loved the storyline and seeing them grow was amazing. They chemistry was top notch, but I do wish they had done a bit more with Mhok's background.

  • You Are My Favorite

    20. You Are My Favorite

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    I went into this with no expectations and it just completely floored me. Kawi was for some people unlikeable (at least at first) but I felt he was pretty relatable. Pisaeng was just the perfect little boy and the progression of their relationship was nice. The lesson of the time travel also fit in very nicely. 

  • Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto

    21. Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 6 episodes


    The chemistry was amazing. I loved the whole childhood sweethearts they had going on. Iwanagi was charming. It did lose a little bit of it's pacing and the intensity I liked towards the end, but I was so saddened when this ended. It's nice seeing grown ups navigate relationships.

  • Miracle

    22. Miracle

    Taiwanese Drama - 2023, 13 episodes


    It was tropey, it was fun, and the chemistry was amazing. I did go into this show thinking the side couple was a bigger part of it, but I still liked the main couple, although I was definitely a bigger lover of the side couple.

  • Bad Buddy

    23. Bad Buddy

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    I had a hard time ranking this, because Ohm and Nanon did this so damn well. It felt very real, but certain parts of the story telling I was less of a fan of. This is not the greatest show I've watched, but it's certainly one of the better one. You do need to get past the massive bullying in the first few episodes though. Luckily the ending didn't disappoint me, although it could probably have been more satisfying

  • Lovely Writer

    24. Lovely Writer

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    This is a very meta show and really points out what is wrong with the industry. The story is cute though, and I liked how realistic it actually felt (even for being over the top at times). Gene is also one of the most relatable characters I've ever encountered. 

  • He's Coming To Me

    25. He's Coming To Me

    Thai Drama - 2019, 8 episodes


    I don't like ghost stories, because they can never truly have a happy ending, but this honestly managed to make me satisfied. I greatly enjoyed Singto's acting (and how cute he was), and the emotions were on point!

  • Dark Blue Kiss

    26. Dark Blue Kiss

    Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes


    This took me a while to get started on, but as soon as I finished the PeteKao cut from Kiss Me Again, I didn't have much of a choice really. Both couples (PeteKao and SunMork) was absolutely adorable, and I loved both of their progressions. PeteKao did have their share of issues (jealousy, and secrets) but it felt fairly real, when it didn't get too much. Their happy scenes together was absolutely adorable though, and Kao really had a way of looking at Pete where you could just see all the love.

  • HIStory3: Trapped

    27. HIStory3: Trapped

    Taiwanese Special - 2019, 20 episodes


    This was in a lot of ways actually really adorable. It dealt with some heavier stuff, but the main couple was really good, and the progression of their relationship was adorable. I did end up looking forward to a lot of the Jack/Zhao scenes, because after their first encounter I just... loved them. I couldn't help it.

  • Bokura no Shokutaku

    28. Bokura no Shokutaku

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    This is one of the most adorable things ever. Introvert gets adopted by a child and said child's older brother essentially. I picked this up when I was going through some stuff and it was just such a nice break to watch this. There was heartwreaking moments, but the dynamic between them was so good. Perfect little slice of life BL.

  • My School President

    29. My School President

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    It took a while for me to get excited about this, but when it did, I really did like it. It's very cute and wholesome, while still dealing with those weird teenage feelings. The pacing did kind of feel off in the last two episodes, but I was generally very happy about it.

  • Before Your Eyes Stop

    30. Before Your Eyes Stop

    Korean Drama - 2020, 8 episodes


    The story was really cute, and I liked the inner monologues. It did feel like that there were things that hadn't been explored yet though

  • We Best Love: Forever the First

    31. We Best Love: Forever the First

    Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 6 episodes


    The chemistry was amazing, and the story was cute. I did like the second half more, though I'm not sure what to think of the ending.

  • Pornographer

    32. Pornographer

    Japanese Drama - 2018, 6 episodes


    This feels too mature to call BL. It was an interesting point of being slightly aware of the story because I read the manga years ago, but still following it because I couldn't quite remember it. It set a rather darker and sensuel tone with the way it was filmed, and felt pretty far from over East-Asian shows. But the story was engaging, and we really got to see much more than we usually do in these shows.

  • In Between (Sa Pagitan ng Kamusta at Paalam)

    33. In Between (Sa Pagitan ng Kamusta at Paalam)

    Filipino Drama - 2020, 14 episodes


    It had it's issues with pacing and me having to figure out what was actually going on in the start, but honestly? It's a really wholesome series. I was for the most part a fan of the flashbacks. The chemistry and friendgroup were amazing!

  • Why R U?

    34. Why R U?

    Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes


    The story was weird in the start, the pacing super weird, but honestly? The actors and characters kind of carried this. A bit sad the side couples never got much time, but the two main couples were amazing!

  • You Make Me Dance

    35. You Make Me Dance

    Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes


    It was a really cute story with what felt like a natural progression. The ending did feel a bit weak, though still very much cute and tied some things nicely together.

  • Boys' Lockdown

    36. Boys' Lockdown

    Filipino Drama - 2020, 6 episodes


    A bit silly, but literally that ending was straight up perfect. Would have ranked it lower otherwise.

  • Absolute BL

    37. Absolute BL

    Japanese Special - 2021, 1 episode


    This was not plot heavy in the slightest, but it was short and fun. The sidecouples really came to life, but man the amount of secondhand embarrassment I got was real.

  • Still 2gether

    38. Still 2gether

    Thai Special - 2020, 5 episodes


    This gave me the cuteness season 1 didn't. The plot is honestly not that big or amazing, but you have to watch it to get a proper satisfying ending.

  • Vice Versa

    39. Vice Versa

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    I did not expect to like this as much as I did (despite the rating I gave it). It was awkward in the start, and the pacing slowed down a whole lot in the middle of it, but man the did the whole "another universe" really well. The chemistry was top notch, and you could just see them being so smitten with each other.

  • Unknown

    40. Unknown

    Taiwanese Drama - 2024, 12 episodes


    There were parts I didn't like. The editing did feel choppy at times, and in the start I did struggle to keep the timeline completely straight. Their chemistry was topnotch and I did really look forward to episodes every week when I started it (around episode 7), but there was just something a little off at times.

  • Our Dating Sim

    41. Our Dating Sim

    Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    This was just really adorable, like in a feel good way.

  • BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Crank Up Hen

    42. BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Crank Up Hen

    Japanese Special - 2023, 3 episodes


    I did not have a whole lot of expectations, and certainly not how over the top this was gonna be. But it was cute and an easy watch, as soon as you got past the second hand embarrasment. It really felt like a japanese BL.

  • My Personal Weatherman

    43. My Personal Weatherman

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    This felt very traditional japanese yaoi manga. In a good way. They leaned into it, and although the dynamic could feel almost toxic in a way, it made sense with the way it was done.

  • Together with Me

    44. Together with Me

    Thai Drama - 2017, 13 episodes


    I had a hard time ranking this, because I really enjoyed it, but I had a couple of qualms with it. Yiwha is best girl though, and I liked the main couple's chemistry a lot.

  • 25 Ji, Akasaka de

    45. 25 Ji, Akasaka de

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 10 episodes


    This kind of ended up dragging out, and there was something about the main characters that only truly started feeling right in the last episode. But I still think it was pretty good.

  • Love by Chance

    46. Love by Chance

    Thai Drama - 2018, 14 episodes


    I almost didn't watch this because of TharnType. I ended up really enjoying the main couple, but generally didn't care much about the other couples. It was nice and cute though and I really ended up liking Ae. (I watched LBC2 only from episode 7)

  • My Engineer

    47. My Engineer

    Thai Drama - 2020, 14 episodes


    How do you rank something that does something so right, and at same time so wrong? The main ship I didn't care much for. They had their cute moments, but I grew tired of them fairly quick but one of the side couples? They did just about everything right. That storyline would be 10 in itself.

    I'm looking forward to season 2, and hope they focus a bit less on the main ship.

  • Manner of Death

    48. Manner of Death

    Thai Drama - 2020, 14 episodes


    This was something else, and not entirely my genre. It got a few plottwist I enjoyed, but I definitely stayed for the chemistry between the two main actors. I also found the side couple quite cute, even if it wasn't as obvious that it was going to be a couple.  It did take me a couple of episodes to get into it.

  • Love in the Air: Special Episode

    49. Love in the Air: Special Episode

    Thai Special - 2022, 1 episode


    This was a perfect ending for LITA. It was one hour of just silly fluff with some NC scenes. There wasn't much plot too it, but after Sky and Prapais storyline, this was much needed. It's worth getting a more wellrounded ending.

  • Love Storm

    50. Love Storm

    Thai Drama - 2022, 13 episodes


    There were a lot of plot points that I just disagreed with or didn't like. I also ended up pausing this way too often usually due to secondhand embarrassment (at least in the first part). But the couples did sell me on their chemistry and acting. I particuarly liked Sky and Prapai's storyline, although I'm never gonna be a big fan of Mame's story telling.

  • Cupid's Last Wish

    51. Cupid's Last Wish

    Thai Drama - 2022, 10 episodes


    I went into this with low expectations, despite seeing the rating of it. I don't like body swaps, but they did this one... perfectly. They way they cut it, and the story was really well done. The actor for Lin also just sold being her brother, like that was top notch acting. 

  • Wandee Goodday

    52. Wandee Goodday

    Thai Drama - 2024, 12 episodes


    This show started out really really great, but towards the end they kept dragging it out, which made the last few episodes not as good and tight as they could have been. But it was very cute.

    Also Kao is literally everything in this, and the most relatable character ever.

  • Cutie Pie: Special Episode

    53. Cutie Pie: Special Episode

    Thai Special - 2023, 4 episodes


    This is worth watching if you want some more of the couples, and enjoy the campy feel that the first season also had. It's not anything groundbreaking, but I did enjoy and found it really cute to see them navigate the choices they had to make. There was a surprising amount of communication in it.

  • Seven Days: Monday - Thursday

    54. Seven Days: Monday - Thursday

    Japanese Movie - 2015


    You can't really talk about one without the other as it is one story. It was slow (despite it only happening within a week), but I really loved seeing what they each thought of the situation. It's an interesting premise, and I do feel like they hit the pacing just right, even if some people might feel that it is very slow. I do think I like the first part the best, but I'm not entirely sure.

  • Seven Days: Friday - Sunday

    55. Seven Days: Friday - Sunday

    Japanese Movie - 2015


    Some of the choices in this part felt strange, and one of them was stupid, and the other one had a really hard time communicating. The ending felt worth it though.

  • Theory of Love

    56. Theory of Love

    Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes


    The way it was done was incredibly nice, but at times it really dragged on and I kinda ended up being annoyed at Third. Two is the best friend anyone could ask though, and I wish he had had more screentime.

  • Fish Upon the Sky

    57. Fish Upon the Sky

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    I do feel like the latter half of the series was stronger, but overall the show was really cute, but not necessarily outstanding. It was fun, but the amount of secondhand embarrassment was real!

  • 2gether

    58. 2gether

    Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes


    Cute, innocent, fairly stupid. Fong carried that relationship on his shoulder. I liked the lack of toxicity and the the two friend groups sharing exactly one(1) brain cell.

  • He She It

    59. He She It

    Thai Drama - 2019, 3 episodes


    I updated the rating, but it's so hard to rate because it's not like... anything else. This was not amazing. There were things I didn't like, and there were things I really liked. But it's one of the ones that has stayed with me the most. The acting and chemistry is top notch, the story can be a bit confusing (especially the first episode), but the narrative overall is really nice. But I did almost cry at the end, because it's so incredibly impactful.

    Spend 45 minutes to watch this. You won't regret it.

  • Semantic Error

    60. Semantic Error

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    This was very cute, but it didn't wow me. I enjoyed it, and the ending was really amazing, and really highlighted the chemistry between them. I did appreciate that they seemed to get a few decent kisses in as wel.

  • Gray Currents

    61. Gray Currents

    Korean Drama - 2024, 5 episodes


    So I feel a little bit conflicted about it. Part of the story line felt a little hard to follow at times, but there was something about the plot that just tugged at me. The characters were just broken boys, and I really do wish we had gotten more of them to see them navigate the two of them together.

  • Mr.Heart

    62. Mr.Heart

    Korean Drama - 2020, 8 episodes


    I put this on, because I wanted something lighthearted and fun, and it was! It was cute, with just a tiny bit of angst. The storyline wasn't all that deep, but sometimes you just need fluff. Sangho was also the ultimate cinnamon roll.

  • Takara-kun to Amagi-kun

    63. Takara-kun to Amagi-kun

    Japanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    This felt like pure fluff. Everything got resolved quickly, and it was just a nice and heartwarming little story. It felt very shounen ai, which was what I was in the mood for. I liked seeing Takara coming out of his shell, and Amagi getting more secure as the show went on. I really really loved Katori though. He was a silly strange man, but Amagi couldn't have wished for a better friend.

  • Kiss Me Again: Pete-Kao

    64. Kiss Me Again: Pete-Kao

    Thai Special - 2018, 3 episodes


    I honestly watched the fanmade cut of them, which is roughly 2 hours longer, because the story got a bit confusing in the start when they kept skipping scenes because it wasn't directly related to the romantic story of them.

    It was a slow start, but man, towards the end it really hit it's stride. I liked their progression as a couple, even if Pete really was a dick a lot of the time.

  • Cutie Pie

    65. Cutie Pie

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    I was both scared of starting this and very excited. It really has it's charm, despite the plot. I was super invested into the characters, and Zee just did an magnificent job, the way he can just tell everything with his face is amazing. Unfortunately the pacing was off, and the main drive behind the plot was fickle at best, but I did seriously enjoy myself through the entire thing.

  • Bed Friend

    66. Bed Friend

    Thai Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    This was a mess. I'm not sure if it was just the way they cut it, or if it was also due to the subtitles, but it made the story hard to follow at times. Despite all of this I actually loved it? I loved Uea and especially King, and the chemistry between them, but it was also very heavy on the trauma part. But this was such a nice no brain watch for me.

  • The Sign

    67. The Sign

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    I think this is a good show if want to watch a gay cop drama, but unfortunately the cop part really dragged it down for me. It was hands down the most boring part of the show for me. I loved all the interactions between the characters, and loved the reincarnation aspect as well. I loved the mains' chemistry, and I was even into the cop part in the start when they were at training camp. So unfortunately the plot is what is dragging this down in my opinion.

  • Shigatsu no Tokyo wa...

    68. Shigatsu no Tokyo wa...

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    This was such a strange one in a way. It is nicely put together, but you got so much sweetness aand fluff on top of a lot of angst from what happened previously in their life.

  • Perfect Propose

    69. Perfect Propose

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 6 episodes


    This was very cute, although it took them a bit too long to realise they should be together. But it was nice, short, easy watch.

  • Kimi to Nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo

    70. Kimi to Nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 5 episodes


    I actually forgot about this for a while, until I realised I hadn't watched the last episode. I did like it, and I did like how unapologetic Amane was about his feelings, and how serious Ryuuji took it. It was very cute.

  • Living with Him

    71. Living with Him

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 8 episodes


    It was just some light hearted fun, that was quite easy to watch.

  • Star and Sky: Star in My Mind | Sky in Your Heart

    72. Star and Sky: Star in My Mind | Sky in Your Heart

    Thai Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    I had been stuck on part 1 of episode 2 for a month or two, before I managed to continue on with this. And then I actually really liked it. The biggest issue was the lack of communication. Kluen just had to open his mouth once and actually communicated and all the issues would have been solved. It was a nice, no brain watch. It felt very back to the roots of Thai BLs, which I can appreciate. Sometimes you're just in the mood for that kind of a show.

  • Big Dragon

    73. Big Dragon

    Thai Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    So there were a few things that were less than optimal. Sometimes the pacing and scene progression felt really weird, as well as the relationship progression. I wasn't too intrigued in the start, but it wasn't a long series, and it really hit it's stride in the last episode, which was honestly one of the better finale episodes I've seen. The chemistry and characterdevelopment was nice as well, even if the plot was lacking.

  • KinnPorsche

    74. KinnPorsche

    Thai Drama - 2022, 14 episodes


    This is completely overhyped, and I even went into it with fairly low expectations. Halfway through the series I just kind of grew bored of the main pair, and most of the series my focus was on Kim and Porchay, who barely got any screen time as it is.

    Like there is nothing fundamentally wrong with it. I did enjoy for the most part (even if it didn't wow me like I did hope it would), and it is nicely done, but some of the conflicts seemed almost a bit silly. It got some good NC scenes, if you're into that though.

  • Kinou Nani Tabeta?

    75. Kinou Nani Tabeta?

    Japanese Drama - 2019, 12 episodes


    This was really cute, and a bit over the top. Shiro often came off as a bit of a douche though, and I ended up feeling bad for Kenji. Kenji on the other hand kind of got a bit over the top when he got really stereotypical gay. The lack of physical intimacy also kind of hurt their more emotional scenes, because I never felt like I quite got the release I wanted (I just wanted a hug most of the time!)  But I enjoyed it.

  • Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai!

    76. Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai!

    Japanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    This was very cute, although the level of secondhand embarrasment I got was real. It does also more reminds me of an anime with the way they reacted, but I enjoyed their interactions and chemistry with each other.

  • Stalker

    77. Stalker

    Thai Drama - 2022, 14 episodes


    This takes a decent amount of episodes to get truly good, and personally I had to stop multiple times through the episodes (or even just scenes) because the secondhand embarrasment got too much. It suffered from having... maybe an episode too much, so it felt dragged out towards the end, and I unfortunately ended up not caring much for the main couple. Although I did like how they were both really weird.

    The side pairings though. They were amazing. Jao and Sky are literally perfect, and I loved them to death. I wanted more of the other sideships as well, but Jao and Sky were definitely the ones I was looking forward to the most.

  • Hello Stranger

    78. Hello Stranger

    Filipino Drama - 2020, 8 episodes


    Cute, good quality. Miko is the most memorable of the characters, but it's pretty forgettable.

  • The Circumstances of Pungdeok Villa Room 304

    79. The Circumstances of Pungdeok Villa Room 304

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    I couldn't really connect with the characters. I liked the simplicity of the storyline and their chemistry, but for some reason it didn't quite click for me. They had their cute moments, and their issues never lasted too long, which was nice. I also enjoyed the ending.

  • Blueming

    80. Blueming

    Korean Drama - 2022, 11 episodes


    I never managed to connect with the characters. They were cute, and I did like the storyline, where it felt like it was more slice of life and slowly getting into a relationship, which I should have liked. The characters just felt hard to connect to.

  • Hidden Agenda

    81. Hidden Agenda

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    Unfortunately this has a bit of a slow start for me, but I did really enjoy through most of the show. It's quite an easy watch with no conflict that takes up too much space. Although I was particular annoyed at the start of the last episode, because that particular conflict was unnecessary. 

  • Sotus

    82. Sotus

    Thai Drama - 2016, 15 episodes


    I can see why people like it, but honestly the hazing storyline kinda ruined my enjoyment of it. The chemistry and acting were on point though, as well as the natural progression of their relationship.

  • Stand by Your Side

    83. Stand by Your Side

    Taiwanese Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    If you want something easy, cute and silly, then this is really good. There was nothing wow about it, but the leads were for the most part nice and while the plot pretty flat, they made up for it by being silly and cute.

  • Love Sea

    84. Love Sea

    Thai Drama - 2024, 10 episodes


    I did not expect a lot coming in, other than some good chemistry, and I did enjoy for a good amount of weeks. It is cute, but when you're watching for the actors and not the characters you know the story is just not that strong. The plot was lacking and the pacing was both too fast and too slow, while the characters was written super inconsistent. But Peat and Fort did great.

  • My Gear And Your Gown

    85. My Gear And Your Gown

    Thai Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    So the summary says nothing of the plot, but if you get past that, and the fact we're spending the first half of the series in a flashback, it's quite cute. I liked the friendship group dynamic, but the main ship was just... boring with unnecessary drama. Basically no one communicated and it got tiring pretty fast. The second couple was adorable though, and I really enjoyed Pure's character in general.

  • Never Let Me Go

    86. Never Let Me Go

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    This was not a bad show, but it was also just a bit meh. It has its moments, and there were some cute chemistry, but the overarching plot felt weirdly paced, and the conflicts between the leads felt unsolved, especially in the last episode. Chopper (Perth) was the absolute highlight though. His arc was really good, and it was great seeing Perth again.

  • Falling in Love with a Rival

    87. Falling in Love with a Rival

    Chinese Drama - 2015, 8 episodes


    I did enjoy this. The premise was funny, and I liked the actors. However there were a couple of issues with this. No good translation. It really had some problematic scenes, and it was hard to follow at times (probably because the bad translation). The pacing was weird as well, and it obviously hinted at a season 2 but because of the BL ban, we never got it, which made the ending feel really cheap. I wanted more out of it, but it was short and didn't drag on.

  • TharnType

    88. TharnType

    Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes


    If you like it hot and steamy with a major sidedish of toxic relationship, go ahead. Decent enough, and cute when they were together (and not fighting). Really overrated though.

  • Cosmetic Playlover

    89. Cosmetic Playlover

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 8 episodes

  • Love Sea Special Episode

    90. Love Sea Special Episode

    Thai Special - 2024, 1 episode

  • Takara no Vidro

    91. Takara no Vidro

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 10 episodes

  • Mitsuya Sensei no Keikakutekina Ezuke.

    92. Mitsuya Sensei no Keikakutekina Ezuke.

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 7 episodes

  • The Trainee

    93. The Trainee

    Thai Drama - 2024, 12 episodes

  • Happy of the End

    94. Happy of the End

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 8 episodes

  • Mou Mou

    95. Mou Mou

    Taiwanese Drama - 2024, 12 episodes


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