Cdramas & Cmovies that use a different dialect or language
Has a different language or Chinese dialect that's from/spoken in China that is not Mandarin
- Can have bits and pieces
- Can be the entire drama or movie
1. An Eternal Lamb
Chinese Movie - 2010
Kazakh/哈萨克语 is used
2. Blossoms
Chinese Drama - 2023, 30 episodes
Shanghai dialect/上海话 or 上海方言/沪语 is used
3. Fu Bei
Chinese Movie - 2022
Mongolian/蒙古语 is used
4. Girl's Jiang Hu
Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes
Huo Jianwa is heard speaking Cantonese/粤语 or 广东话 [Bits and pieces]
5. Hug You Through the Winter
Chinese Movie - 2021
Wuhan dialect/武汉话 or 武汉方言 is used
6. Kang's Family
Chinese Drama - 2000, 4388 episodes
Cantonese/粤语 or 广东话 is used
7. Shan Cheng Bang Bang Jun
Chinese Drama - 1997, 20 episodes
四川话/四川方言? 重庆话/重庆方言? is used [Bits and pieces]
8. There Will Be Ample Time
Chinese Drama - 2023, 36 episodes
四川话/四川方言? 成都话? is used [Bits and pieces]