VOTE: Top 30 dramas that you've dropped after..
VOTE: The top 30 dramas that MDL users dropped after only watching up to 3 episodes.
OPTIONAL: In the comment area, let us know which 3 dramas you've voted for and the reason why. You'll be able to vote for up to three dramas, only the top 30 dramas will be visible. Please understand that I am not in control of what other people vote for, so be respectful.
- Voting starts 11-6-2021
- Voting ends 12-6-2021
My first vote goes to Legend of Xiao Chuo, my second is Court Lady, and my third is The Untamed. Yeah, I chose The Untamed (come for - I'm ready.... lol). I will explain the reason why in the comment area below.
HOW TO VOTE: If the drama that you want to vote for is not listed in the top 30, you can vote for the drama by adding it to the blank spot that is directly under the 30 most voted dramas; "Is something missing on this list?" Type in the name of the drama, and it should appear. However, only the top 30 most voted dramas will be visible.
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Only the top 30 results will be listed