What Are MDLers Going to Make Noir Watch?
By tomorrow the top 40 titles with the most votes will be added to my PTW!
You have the power. Please don't make me regret this. Lol.
The Rules:
- I get to "Veto" 10 titles if I wish, no questions asked.
- Don't try to be funny and add porn. I'm not watching porn.
- No titles where rape is justified. Because I'm not watching anything Fujimi-Orchestra-reminiscent!
- No TV Shows as they can span years of content.
- Chinese dramas are insanely long and rarely pique my interest. This being the case, for long Chinese dramas, the limit will be 2. For short Chinese dramas, this rule does not apply.
- For Horror-related titles, they cannot be unbearably gruesome. Like, my limit is Strangers From Hell, okay?
- Een gezochte gangster met een tragisch verleden houdt zich schuil op het eiland Jeju en raakt bevriend met een vrouw die haar eigen demonen het hoofd moet bieden. (Bron: Netflix)