Insight in a professional world

We usually get a lot of medical, legal or police dramas, but all sort of professions have been depicted in dramas. Here are the best ones for me. 

estellenijma jul 23, 2020
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  • Hospital Playlist

    1. Hospital Playlist

    Korean Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    Yes, this is a medical drama and as many of you may be, I got a little fed up with tem. Yet for once you don't get overwhelmed by useless technical details and charts. Instead  you get into the minds and skills of surgeons who have no superpowers and just try and do their best in their speciality. Each character in this choral series is really well written and the plots never fail to catch your interest. 

  • Jealousy Incarnate

    2. Jealousy Incarnate

    Korean Drama - 2016, 24 episodes


    This romcom story takes place in a tv news broadcast. You really get to witness how news are cooked up and the skills which are at stake each time a tv anchor is on air. The storylines are witty, unexpectedly surprising and it deals with gender issues in a very smart way. 

  • Pinocchio

    3. Pinocchio

    Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes


    Apart from being on of the most beloved dramas ever, this series enable you to catch an inside glimpse into the dilemmas of journalists. You follow the characters in their learning process of becoming journalists and discover the not so glamorous sides of being always on the edge, always on the look out. The main character introduces perfectly the delicate issue for this line of work of telling the truth as she suffers from a condition that prevents her from lying. 

  • BG: Personal Bodyguard

    4. BG: Personal Bodyguard

    Japanese Drama - 2018, 9 episodes

    When I started watching this show I expected a lone hero story, something in the line of Kevin Costner's Bodyguard. Very far from it. This is like a manual for the professional team work of protecting people, the techniques and the dilemmas of the job. Not easy as they don't even wear guns in Japan. And you'll get the perfect Kimura Takuya who never fails to nail it. 

  • Cruel City

    5. Cruel City

    Korean Drama - 2013, 20 episodes


    Does the mafia qualify for a professional world? If so, this show seems quite accurate in describing the mechanisms  at core in mafia organisations, where drug trafficking roots in the deprived fringe of the society as well as in the upper class. Although it's very dark and cynical, there is also a more human side of it where emotions undermine the best mastermind schemes.

  • My Strange Hero

    6. My Strange Hero

    Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes


    Even a peaceful and unsurprising professional environment like a secondary school can hide some secrets and internal turmoil you would never expect. That's quite a real  insight into the work of a teacher.  Being a teacher is not as straightforward as you would expect.

  • Bos

    7. Bos

    Korean Drama - 2020, 32 episodes


    world of rescue teams, it's all about team work and ethics.

  • Second Love

    8. Second Love

    Japanese Drama - 2015, 7 episodes


    the hardships of a dancer who is not hype anymore and has to reinvent himself.

  • Go Go Squid!

    9. Go Go Squid!

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 41 episodes


    Gamers like a sport. It's strange and refreshing. Team spirit and competition.

  • Start-Up

    10. Start-Up

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    At first I found the topic quite deterring, the creation of a start up firm. But it depicts very wellthe entrepreneur spirit, the passion and obstacles on the road to success and innovation. 
