告五人 - Accusefive and the titles their songs appear in!
This is under construction but when I tell you it feels like every time I listen to a song of theirs it's linked with something else I'm not even joking. They've even made a song for a GAME!!! I'm truly spoilt for choice if I wish to hear my favourite Taiwanese band in anything <3
In order by year, then by first air date. I list the official English names where possible, otherwise I'll note that it's a rough translation!
The game is 新斗羅大陸 (New Douluo Continent) on Android only for anyone who wants to know, and yes, that's adapted from the same source as the C dramas! The song is called [醜人多作怪] - Mischief. The English title fits the musical vibe of this particular song of theirs, even if the native title is a saying!
1. Yong Jiu Grocery Store
Taiwanese Drama - 2019, 10 episodes
Insert song: [披星戴月的想你] - Thinking of You Day and Night
2. Skywatcher
Taiwanese Drama - 2020, 20 episodes
Ivy Shao stars in this, and she's also in More Than Blue
Insert song: [溫蒂公主的侍衛] - Guarding You
3. The Business They Started
Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 26 episodes
Not sure whether it's an insert or main theme.
[在這座城市遺失了你] - Where I Lost Us
4. Love Is Science?
Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 18 episodes
The first place I discovered Accusefive. I will forever love this show for helping me discover a band that easily became one of my favourites!
Closing Theme: [愚人遊戲 ] - Fool's Paradise
Insert song: [唯一 ] - The One And Only -
5. More Than Blue
Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 10 episodes
Note that Beyond The Sea is used as an English title for two DIFFERENT SONGS of theirs. Not sure if this is an insert or main theme.
[與海無關] - Beyond The Sea
6. Be Somebody
Chinese Movie - 2021
Not sure if it's a main theme or not, but it's a film so I'm not too fussed about that.
[寂寞留白] - Monologue
7. Light The Night
Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 8 episodes
This song is well famous, as far as I can tell. I'm not surprised though - the MV stars Ruby Lin, who's also a lead in this show, and the song is beautifully haunting! Listening to the song enough times prompted me to search for the show and start it! :)
Closing Theme: [好不容易] - Finally
8. Born for the Spotlight
Taiwanese Drama - 2024, 12 episodes
This song is gorgeous. I want to note that Cheryl Yang, who's also in Light the Night, is a lead here! :D
Theme song: [從未見過的海] - Beyond The Sea
9. See You
Taiwanese Movie - 2024
Not sure whether it's an insert or theme, but considering it's a film, I'm not too fussed about that.
[就說你想說的] - Speak It Out
10. Ju Hao Ting De Ge
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 10 episodes
They're actually in this it seems, from my scrubbing through ep 3! Another music show to watch for them!
Strictly speaking, they only sing their OST from The Devil Punisher here, bc that's the whole premise of the show.