2019 Completed List

Dramas I watched in 2019: could vary from dramas, web-dramas, specials, and movies. These dramas will not only be dramas aired in 2019, but  also could be dramas from different years that I've watched in 2019 ^_^

My 2018 Completed list was so successful for me, so I decided to do this list again! It was so motivating and fun to do. Seeing all the dramas I watched in a list form of only from that year made it so nice. It's really fun to see what you've watched, and what comments and memories you've experienced while watching it. I'm excited to do this again. This time starting from January 2019, instead of the Summer of 2018. 

One change I might do is the 'already completed' dramas. In my prior list, I only included NEW dramas or movies I watched, and not my re-watched series. But this time, I'm going to include them. It'd be nice to see ALL the dramas, specials, or movies I've watched in 2019 in a list,  no matter if it's a re-watch or not. I'm getting excited! I seriously love this list tool ^_^


I thought I'd also go through all my past lists to add in the ratings overall of my watches.

Best Special: The Happy Loner

Best Drama: A lot were rewatches, so even though it wasn't a 10 rating, I feel like Uncontrollably Fond deserves this.

Best Movie: Love Divine

intimewithyou jan 2, 2019
22 Titles Loves
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  • My Queen

    1. My Queen

    Taiwanese Drama - 2009, 21 episodes


    my first drama of 2019! how exciting. but, tbh, i started watching this in 2018 a day before. does this really count? lol.

    this drama.... it's been on my list forever. It was either on 'dropped' or on 'on-hold'. why? because when i first disocered this drama, WHICH WAS YEARS A GO, i loved it. but it wasn't subbed all the way. idk why. but i couldn't find subs anywhere, even though it had finished airing. anyways, i got so mad and frustrated, so it fell in my 'incompleted' list, unfortunately. 

    then, i tried watching it again, and idk, i was bored? it was weird. maybe i wasn't in the mood or something. but i dropped it after a few times. NOW, 2018/2019, i finally re-picked it up. why? i saw a picture on google images of them kissing, and i had this huge craving to watch it. so i did! thank god. i've been feeling so guilty not watching this. so i'm glad i finally picked it up again.

    did i like it? yes. it was a really good drama. they had really good chemistry. i wish she wasn't so stupid though, always denying her feelings. you could tell they loved each other ages ago. i mean, even before they "affirmed or denied their feelings", you could tell they loved each other. the way they acted with each other. espeically lucas, he never treated any of the other staff like he did with her. sighs, a lot of agnst. but still, i really good watch. i loved the hot springs bath scene alot. god, why didn't he kiss her? baka! 

    this verses the kdrama... i watched the kdrama a few years ago, and i loved it. and tbh, i dont really remember much about it... x_x im so mad at myself. how can i not? i loved it! tbh, i probably loved it a lot more than this. i'll need to re-watch it this year and tell you exactly how i feel between the two.

    i love ethan's acting though. gonna miss him <3.

  • Prince Turns to Frog

    2. Prince Turns to Frog

    Taiwanese Drama - 2005, 20 episodes


    First "official drama" of 2019 is a re-watch! I'm in the re-watch mode, lately.  This series will always have a spot in my heart. I love this to deaths. From the soundtrack, to the acting, to the plotline, to chemistry... Everything perfect. <3.

  • Stairway to Heaven

    3. Stairway to Heaven

    Korean Drama - 2003, 20 episodes


    Next up is another rewatch. This has always been my favourite, and will never not be my favourite. But I also hate it. Because it makes me cry so much. For example, 2 minutes in the drama, I already was bawling from just the triggering music because it reminds me of the pain they'll go through later. It's heartbreaking. But beautiful. A fantastic story. 

  • The Happy Loner

    4. The Happy Loner

    Korean Special - 2017, 2 episodes


    first drama i haven't watched before in 2019! it was a 2 episode special series, but god, it was worth the watch. I really liked this. it was so different. i loved her persona. it was so relatable to me. i feel the exact same way as she does, and it's more like, the anxiety and fear stopping me from all the socialization. this was a beautiful and adorable watch.

  • Almost Love

    5. Almost Love

    Korean Movie - 2006


    first movie of 2019! okay, i need to really stop saying that LOL. anyways. this was so ... lol. idk. boring. but then cruel. but then beautiful. but then sad. but then okay. IDK. lol. so the first part of the movie, i was bored out of my mind. then, seeing his feelings towards her made me like it more. but then, someone ruined his life and it was so cruel and horrible and wtf? lol. i hated that. IT WAS LIKE BANG BANG, surprise. it was stupid. it didn't follow the storyline. they shouldn't have done that. if they were going to do that, then make a effing storyline that follows that plot point. this was random and stupid. i loved how we found out about his love from childhood until present. it was so sweet and cute. i loved it. so for the ending portions, i gave it a 3. which might be too high. but meh. NEVER AGAIN THOUGH. 

  • My Tutor Friend

    6. My Tutor Friend

    Korean Movie - 2003


    i didn't expect to like this, but i did. it was really good! sang woo is definitely an amazing actor. if you haven't noticed, i'm on a binge of his movies rn. maybe his dramas later. just his facial expressions and his voice... it's full of emotion. i love it. the female lead... i didn't care for. she was meh. boring and didn't seem like a good actress. idk. but a nice surprise was GONG YOO! he was so cute and stupid in this. i loved it. it made it 1000 times better <3. the only thing this movie needed was more romance... sighs.

  • Love So Divine

    7. Love So Divine

    Korean Movie - 2004


    this was really good. the summary seemed weird. didn't think i'd like it. i'm not a religious person, so when i saw that plot, i was  a little turned off. but the reviews were so high, so i went for it. forced my finger on the button. turns out, it was really good. it was a sweet, adorable and funny watch. the main leads had really good chemistry too. im glad i watched this. sang woo stole my heart away again with his facial expressions. his pain and longing was so clear, it was painful. i love him.

  • Shadows Of Love

    8. Shadows Of Love

    Hong Kong Movie - 2012


    this was incredibly boring. watched it on x2 the entire time. hated how they used sang woo because they dubbed his voice. it was stupid. i hate when they dub korean actors. like seriously. 

  • More Than Blue

    9. More Than Blue

    Korean Movie - 2009


    this was really sad. yes, i knew that going into it. i mean, he has cancer. but god, it was heartbreaking. and the plot twists... about her knowing all along he had cancer... which, let's be honest, it makes effing sense- they lived together, they knew each other forever. but i still didn't expect it, even when she asked that question. i also was wondering why they didn't show her face in some sections, but i didn't think too deeply about it. it was because of her pain. so sad. so heartbreaking. and what was wrong with that dentist? he knew they loved each other, but he just let it happen? baka. i was hoping the ex-fiancee would tell her, but her knowing, was the best idea. i loved that. the ending... it reminded me of autumn's tale... he couldn't live without her as well, so he did the same thing. so heartbreaking. i dont know if i prefer that in dramas, where the lead cannot live without them so they follow them, or if i prefer them living alone forever. they're both heartbreaking. 

  • Pain

    10. Pain

    Korean Movie - 2011


    this was a lot different than i expected. i thought it would be heartbreaking sad through the whole drama. instead there were cute and funny moments. does that mean it wasn't heartbreaking? no. jesus. what an ending. i wonder if she died too... after getting a nail in her foot, and all. i seriously wonder. i really did like this movie. it was beautiful. they should make a drama with this aspect, it would be really beautiful. it definitely had the potential to be a drama...

  • Sad Love Story

    11. Sad Love Story

    Korean Drama - 2005, 20 episodes


    I feel bad for dropping this, because it's not like I didn't like it... It's just because I was craving turkish dramas. I'll have to return to finish this!

  • Go Ho's Starry Night

    12. Go Ho's Starry Night

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes


    A re-watch. After months being away from dramas, I started to crave this drama. And now I feel the addiction coming back. I'm so glad, because I felt so bad. I find it pathetic that these are the only dramas I've watch this year, so far... Jesus. I'll try my best.

    Anyways... This drama is so amazing as always. A mini-drama. I love it to pieces.

  • High-end Crush

    13. High-end Crush

    Korean Drama - 2015, 20 episodes


    This... was really boring. 10 episodes is what made me GET interested. too much comedy. i feel like series need more depth than that. when they finally got serious about their feelings, it got better. but still... a lot of episodes were pointless and fillers. just be honest and stop these misunderstandings! jesus. it was okay to watch, never again though. kinda sad that this was my first new drama to watch since jan. oh, well...

  • Her Lovely Heels

    14. Her Lovely Heels

    Korean Drama - 2014, 10 episodes


    this... what a complete waste of time. it was horrible!!! corny, cliche, dramatic... POINTLESS. i can't even. i did like some of her quotes, thats why i gave it a 2.0, but the only reason... plus beautiful soundtrack!!<3.

  • Summer Love

    15. Summer Love

    Korean Special - 2015, 2 episodes


    this was really sweet. cute chemistry. too bad it wasn't an actual drama...

  • Click Your Heart

    16. Click Your Heart

    Korean Drama - 2016, 7 episodes


    it started out good... then it got weird, with all these different stories. seriously, couldn't they have just kept it simple and not confuse me? i don't even know who she ended up with. maybe it was meant to show us different sceneroies with different guys... but i thought it was confusing and stupid. i liked her chemistry with the pitcher. AND I WAS SO HAPPY I WAS RIGHT. he really was a ghost, the dancer dude. but yea. i didn't enjoy this like i hoped. 

  • Love Cells

    17. Love Cells

    Korean Drama - 2014, 15 episodes


    this was really boring and hard to get into. i'm happy it was only 5 minutes long. at the beginning, i hoped he'd fall for nebi. but then half through, i didn't think it'd happen. then it did! that's when i started to enjoy it. i also loved how she was reincarnated ^_^ 

  • Love Cells 2

    18. Love Cells 2

    Korean Drama - 2015, 12 episodes


    i enjoyed this. the first few episodes were hard to get into, but when you could see the pain for nebi and his old girlfriend, it started to steal me. especially, when he said that he locked nebi in the love bank so he'd never forget about his ex. i loved that. it was heartbreaking and beautiful. i preferred this more than the first one, which im surprised with. i mean, everyone was sayingt his was horrible. but i loved it more. yea, i think they needed to spend less time on the shallow bitch they were trying to set him up, because if they'd give more scenes with his ex, im sure people would enjoy it more. 

  • Dr. Ian

    19. Dr. Ian

    Korean Drama - 2015, 9 episodes


    i thought it'd be really good, considering the main lead... loved him in go ho's starry night. but i was let down. this was boring ...

  • The Heirs

    20. The Heirs

    Korean Drama - 2013, 20 episodes


    i watched this years ago... i hated it. i tried watching it again because of woo bin, and i loved it! okay, i didnt love it.... but it was really good. i really enjoyed it. i just think it was too long. 16 or 20 episodes would've been better. im glad i rewatched this.

  • Uncontrollably Fond

    21. Uncontrollably Fond

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes


    completely different than i expected. i heard it was full of drama, bad acing, aghast... it was completely different than i thought. honestly, i hate myself. i was not into woo bin before. i watched the heirs before, like 3 episodes, and hated him in it. idk why, maybe his amazing acting made me? lol. but after finishing the heirs, i was hooked on him. AMAZING ACTOR. especially in uncontrollably fond! i effing love him. now, this drama, was amazing. until half way. that's when it got kind of depressing and heart aching... it might've been too long, tbh... but despite that, i did love this drama x

  • City Hunter

    22. City Hunter

    Korean Drama - 2011, 20 episodes


    round 2: re-watch. i never really completed it, but this time i will. 


Myths and Legends of Asia Myths and Legends of Asia

Let's journey through mythological tales, legends and folktales of Asia that were featured in dramas and movies!