Favorite Actors
Hwang Seung Eon
Cute, sexy, charming, adorable, classy, haughty, rough - is there a charm this lady can't pull off?
Im Hwa Young
I've been waiting for her big break since Chief Kim. No one can pull off a tight perm like Hwa Young XD (It's all in the attitude)
Jin Ki Joo
I am defenceless against those eyes, these expressions o.O I mean, on the one hand, there's disarming, and then on the other hand, there's melting into a dazed vegetable that occasionally snivels or giggles. socutesocutesocutesoprettysocute I'll stop before this gets any weirder.
Jun Ji Hyun
This absolute babe carried two of the most popular fantasy/romance kdramas to date, do I need more reasons?
Kim So Hyun
You can't deny she completely conquered the child acting stage as a minor...and started competing on the main stage before she was an adult.
Nam Da Reum
We have high hopes for this one. But for serious, this boy has shown some damn fine acting. Definitely looking forward to his future works.
Park Min Young
She grew on me, what can I say. I thought she was a cookie cutter lady lead, but she brings heart to her scripts.
Ryu Han Bi
I don't think I've ever fallen for a character so quickly. Of course, writing is important, but she has the most candid, bright and genuine smile, without seeming naive or idiotic; I was charmed off my toes, and I can't wait to see what she does in the future!