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  • toetreden op: juli 16, 2013
mei 25, 2016

BEST drama parents EVER

I have never enjoyed parents so much in a drama. The level of love they show for their daughter is just UGH. They fight as a family, cried together as a family, the go karaoke as a family to get over the crying, then despite spending so much money in trying to make her feel better they offer to go drinking to even though at this point they lost their voices. It's really quite brilliant.
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jun 7, 2016

Another emotional rollarcoaster

This episode and some moments I really loved and others I really didnt. This is an episode where everything is laid out on the table and Do Kyung is still stone faced. His behavior is definitely not the one anyone wanted and he should have begged for forgiveness...but he didn't. I hate that he didn't but I still don't hate him even though at this point everyone who watches this episode probably will. I know how it feels to be afraid to show vulnerability, he had been having a hard time trying to throughout the show. The one time he did let himself feel, he ended up ruining someones life and in the end it bites him back. I think he'd rather her hate him forever than to forgive him because deep down he doesn't feel like he deserves to be forgiven or happy especially since he is going to die soon. I hope we will have a satisfying progression of him allowing himself to be hurt, embarrassed and vulnerable because you cant really love someone without doing so and he has a lot to makeup for. Makes no sense if she ends up with a jerk

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jul 21, 2013

a much needed episode

i feel like this was an important episode because i feel like shi won is realizing her feelings for yoon-jae. Especially after seeing how rushed he was to save her when she called him. It makes you want to scream out to him TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL only to have the next scene show his brother and how his clothes were inside out and dishevealed because he thought something happened to yoon jae when he didnt pick up the phone. It's that heartbreaking realization of how much his older brother cares for him and by telling her how he felt, it could hurt his feelings....
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jul 21, 2013

I'm happy

the poor guy finally knows that joon hee likes him AND shi won likes him as well! haha that must be awkward to know after living together lol two things happened in this episode that i really loved in this episode.

1. Hakchan came back in the best time ever

2.the interaction between the old lady and sung jae..if he treated women as nicely as he treated this lady, he wouldnt have had the trouble he has experienced at getting girls. but alas! he's hopeless with women lol
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jun 15, 2016

A very good episode

It is really good to see him smiling and being more carefree, you can see that how much he loves this oh hae young is even more stronger than the first. Besides them acting oh so adorable, guess who finally finds out he's a father??? xD Probably my favorite scene in this episode is this reveal I didnt expect him to connect the dots and I was really thinking that she wasnt going to tell him and then maybe down the line he might prove himself to be more stable. But I do not mind how it ended up going hehehe.
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jun 15, 2016

Regret Nothing

This episode is all about him actively making an effort to show his heart and not say and do things he doesn't mean. To not hurt others just so he could hurt less. With every vision he got, he did the opposite because he now knows why he gets these visions. These are memories that his future self has that he regrets. He refuses to die regretting the fact that he didn't try to show that he loved her. I am glad it worked for him and I hope from this point they will create more good memories because lets be honest here....there arent that many between them and most of these good memories came from that one day they spent together. I do want them to end up together but I feel like there wasnt enough good things that happened between them to say YES. THEY HAVE TO BE TOGETHER. Because right now I would be just as okay if nobody got together. I really like this show for the really complex personalities and situations that it addresses but as far as romance goes I am not sure if I am as invested in it as I could have been... even if their kisses are in fact wonderful.

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jun 1, 2016

Winding Down

With the level of intensity the last episode had, this is one that is more chill and winds down. But first we see his traumatizing childhood and how much he loved his father. It seems this incident shames his personality into someone who refuses failure, someone who fears embarrassment and someone who bottles up all of his rage. A fight with his brother seemed to propel him to do the craziest thing (well for him anyways) he calls OHY2 and they spent the day together and he just lets go and spent that time not being afraid to kiss her or smile. He finally wants to try and pursue a relationship with her...but how long until she finds out what he has done in the past? How will she take it?

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aug 19, 2015

Another one!

Yet another personality! Gosh I feel like if he does not find out about his past he might develop more and more to cope with it unitl eventually he just migh have to be admitted to the hospital :/

Her Co-workers though hahahahaha not even trying to be subtle! I'm glad she knows officially that Do Hyun has multiple personalities before she falls to deep in love with his other persona. They have such a fun interaction here...he is so shy but agrees to pretend to be her boyfriend and meet everybody so that they can all eat their words about making fun of her the last time she was stood up. In the end her plan backfired a bit because rather than making them feel sorry about laughing Do Hyun basically compliments everyone on her behalf and she gives him WTF looks the entire time. ..which of course makes me laugh.

I love her supposed twin brother as well...I'd totally date him haha but it seems that we are getting clues that they may not be related afterall with her mother's defensive behavior and him obviously developing feelings for his 'sister'. I wish it wasn't so but I feel like that's where we are headed (Alas! it wouldn't be a kdrama without the heartbroken yet lovable second male lead!) I also am wondering why he is basically stalking Do Hyun and learning all this stuff in relation to him because it's not like he is a reporter....I guess all shall be revealed later....its taking every ounce of my self control to not keep playing the next episodexD

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aug 19, 2015


I love this episode. Great acting and I grew to love Cha Do Hyun even more. I was worried that Ri On wouldn't find him as appealing because...well he's not oozing with sexiness and pining after her (in his own hot way) but I can see it happening with the way that episode ended. CHEMISTRY man *swoons*

I was pleasantly reminded that while Cha Do Hyun does not have a badass personality he still is in fact badass in his own right. I liked how he took charge and rescued her and showed us while he is sweet he is not incapable and is incredibly heroic even though he barely knows who she is.

Broke my heart when he was apologizing to her and I looooved that they saw each other again under better circumstances and had a wonderful interaction with his normal self. She makes him smile and it's so cute because he's trying to be distant but it escapes his lips anyways.

I prefer Cha Do Hyun's personality but his hair (even the eyeliner!) and confidence as Se Gi is so attractive...I hope later on he can inject some of that into his wardrobe if he finally is able to get rid of his mental issues

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jul 21, 2013


it's about freaking time the older brother found out how yoon-jae felt! lol those truth stairs though lol no one ever follows the sign to look up first do they? And the KISS (*ahhhhhhhh*) her smile afterwards was so cute and it was so funny when she passed her medication to him after hehe nothing like catching the flu through a kiss :3
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Five Stars

When he told his coworkers and his boss's reaction I literally was laughing out loud, when her mother wrote that note I teared up, when he said, "I'll stay with you" as she cried and she took his hand. I saw a really touching moment. He really has no expression but every time he speaks to her it's always with so much sincerity even if it isn't love yet.
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jun 1, 2016


This episode is just raw emotion like I have never seen before in a korean drama. There is much anger and confusion and making huge mistakes and a kiss that just blew my mind with the intensity. They care about each other but he tries to not feel it at all cost because he ruined her fiance, he once loved her enemy, they live in the same house...Oh Hae Young never keeps her feelings in and what she cant express sober she sure as hell is going to go after you drunk. They clash in this aspect but at that point when they were arguing and she just hit him wildly and they just struggled and squirmed out on the street just expressing everything was a beautiful moment oddly enough. I just wish that once they stopped struggling the camera stopped shaking too. Maybe he was so into this moment as well that he was hyperventilating xD This episode expresses a lot of the grey that happens in relationships...a lot of what goes on you might appreciate or might frustrate you . I personally appreciated it :)

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mei 24, 2016


I'm relieved that it's way more interesting in this episode. I do hope that will continue to get better. So far even though I initially did not like the mom's reaction to her the cancelled wedding. This episode makes me see her point of view more clearly and it also reveals that her spiky exterior hides just how much she loves her daughter and will basically beat up any one who says anything bad about her. I love itxD
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jul 21, 2013


The man has confessed but my god he's right! How can you ask someone, after suffering so much and pouring out to you exactly how he feels to continue being friends like they used too? that's selfish! what about his feelings?? The relationship between her and his older brother is sooo wierdxD oooh and i just knew the writers would make the rings be exactly the same lol though i still feel like i know who she ends up with in the end.
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jul 20, 2013

so sad

Even though you know based on the first episode that the father's okay that doesn't make this episode any less sad. I cried so hard, imagine fighting with your father all the time and ignoring his existance only to find out he has cancer? My heart would have broken from sadness and guilt that I could have been such a difficult child. No doubt that's what shi-won was feeling and she probably felt worse when she found out he had done her hw.

that moment when yoon-jae is sitting by her side and kisses her cheek is so sweet. I was hoping that there would have been a scene in which shi-won goes to him for comfort after she found out about her father..but sadly, i can only dream that scenexD

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