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apr 2, 2024

Five Stars

This was just for the drama bcs in actuality, those data might be memorised but to understand it... That's a different story. This was the third time he fainted, that was an achievement in such a short time. Wait... What happened?! He got a trauma from his childhood. Why I think this Zhi'ang might be a villain?. "So you won't hv to wear that wig" skksksjsjsndjsjshsjs
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apr 2, 2024

The accupoint things, does it really work…

The accupoint things, does it really work like that? The face ML made after drinking that tonic sksksks. Pleaseksksks he was overworked and that lead to him fainted. The scene that she dragged him in front of the whole company omg sksksks. Xiaoxiao was really enjoying the show. Does it really delicious? The tonic meal I mean.
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apr 2, 2024

Four Stars

She was really a country girl. Coz I don't think anyone wld be that perky in the morning at work. The dry cleaning thing skskskskks. Nah... There was no way she was that sheltered. To wash the suit at the company?. I watched this part before, when ML panicked that his proposal was not at his desk to her helping that Mr Zhao with his back pain at YouTube sksksks. I never thought i wld see it this early. It's very seldom that I see a president with that much of entourage following him in the office. So.... Will this fate happen again for ML and FL? Let's see.
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apr 2, 2024

I didn't expect to see the actress who…

I didn't expect to see the actress who played as Nangong Xiaoxiao in this drama, I hv not even finish yet another drama that she was also in it, the one that related to firefighters. Hv to give credit to FL coz that was amazing! So can she give the letter to the chairmain? Oh lucky for her she helped with the launch so ML was grateful for that. I see this chess game everywhere, I need to learn it somehow. And that made it easy for her to meet the chairman.
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apr 2, 2024

You know if I was Yicheng, I would not believe…

You know if I was Yicheng, I would not believe Mimi Guli even though she hurt A'Sun bcs why now? Mimi didn't even hv that good of relationship with Yicheng for her to go through that length when we look at their recent interactions. Wait... Why Shuyu was targeting A'Sun??? He should hv asked him first. Oh no... Ofc she'er was implicated. Oh no Mu Jin and Bu Zhen, I worried about them. That was a good plan from Changge, but she should hv planned further and arrange ppl to save Mu Jin and Bu Zhen, coz what was the point zaving Mimi only, when changge knew yicheng wld hurt them if she gets to know the truth.
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apr 2, 2024

She'er was nice when it was about Mimi...…

She'er was nice when it was about Mimi... In another universe, I would ship them. Forbidden Love type of story, A Prince that falls in love with his mother's spy. I'm so worried about Mu Jin :(. Oh yeah that spy kid was sheng xin. Why someone beside A'Sun was not good at martial arts like him??? It was that easy to knock him out?? It will be bad. Oh A'Sun, how I wish Li Shimin cld hear what you said.
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apr 1, 2024

I mean, I support A'Sun decision to not…

I mean, I support A'Sun decision to not purposely lose to Shuyu. He had his pride as a man and to push him to be willingly defeated to the man that also likes his woman?? Shuyu was nothing NOTHING compared to him. Changge was not considerate toward his feeling humph! Sure I get that she was anxious for Leyan but still. You know this is so funny, I started this drama gradually hating Haodu, pitying Shuyu and now I hate Shuyu, adore Haodu instead. Oh Minister Du noticed it and now he was nudging Haodu toward his happiness. That was a good change. Thank you Minister Du. Wait... Why Leyan wasn't there? Oh... That was why.. Of course. Dammn poor that Zhangsun guy sksksks he looks like a good guy. Oops but I don't think I feel that bad for Leyan when Shuyu said it again that he only thought her as a sister. She was a fool for a wrong person and didn't notice the one who was sincere for her under her nose. Why Shuyu had to appear at that corner???? Distracting my baby. Go away. Oh my I feel so bad for my precious Haodu. Someone need to punch She'er for me. Myb close combat was not his specialty unlike swordsmanship. HAODU MY BABY YES YES YES YES! Hmm... now she realised her feeling. Okay whatever Next! Naahh my stupid baby haodu! That was the right moment for you to confess my god ughh these two people. After Leyan pushed and expressed her thoughts, feelings about him, only then haodu let his feeling known. I guess he needed her reassurance bcs he felt unworthy of her. YES YES OUR HAOYAN COUPLE EVERYONE!!! YAYAYAYAYAYA. THEY WERE SO CUTE AHHHHH. HAODU SMILED MY EYES WAS BLESSED! That Iron Tribe obviously bootlick Asher Tribe or might be one of Yicheng ppl that she put to make other tribes doubt Tang.

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apr 1, 2024

You know, it just comes to my mind. It just…

You know, it just comes to my mind. It just clicked. I focus on HaoYan couple that I actually forgot Leyan had a betrothal with Asher Tribe. Totally didn't remember about it bcs everything else happening. Shuyu, I don't want to see you! You came at the wrong time. So annoying. Hah! I blame Shuyu! He should make it clear from the day she confessed to him but nooooo. When will Leyan see Haodu's feeling for her?? It will end in tragedy won't it?? Whatever. If I was mimi, if yicheng did something to my brother, I will kill her son especially if her son likes me. Well I admit it's easier said than done. The whole time shuyu and changge was conversing w/ each other, I said to the screen, "Haodu is there, pick Haodu". Didn't changge remember how haodu with leyan?. Leyan was so brave to appear in court and what she said just remarkable. Was that Minister Chen, Yicheng's ppl?. Pheww thankfully Changge managed to cut through the tension discussing about the marriage arrangement and turned the table to their side. For now it was fine.

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apr 1, 2024

Who was that group of men at the start? Leyan,…

Who was that group of men at the start? Leyan, you should know if a man likes you, he wld try to meet you everyday. You were a fool. I knew who still care about her mother, it was Li Shimin. Changge really likes A'Sun. I knew it!!! I guessed it at the earlier episode! Her mom knew what a good person Li Shimin was. Thank goodness for Mr Wei telling the whole story! I think changge didn't reach the same conclusion as me. Progress between GeSun! It was blurred seriously??!. Hao Du!! It's been a while since the last I sw you. HE SMILED!! Omg... I feel a little tiny bit bad for She'er. A'Sun thought he was involved in his mom's conspiracy. Yincheng was so devious, she purposely brought up about that bcs now how the alliance btwn the tribes and Tang wld work?

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apr 1, 2024

She'er loves A'Sun in his own way.…

She'er loves A'Sun in his own way. Now Changge showed how much she cares for A'Sun. So.. Mu Jin figured out a bit of it. Mr. Qin really help when he mentioned about someone who formerly related to Sui. I hope Mu Jin can keep it in mind. How can Changge slept on the place he was being injured???. She'er started to piece it together. A'Sun too! Wow.. Changge was impressive as always but why Mimi followed along? Oh as her personal maid. Changge reunion with Leyan and Li Shimin again! Hmm.. So Yincheng wanted to incite She'er against A'Sun... Bcs she'er will hate and suspicious of him coz he lied about being dead. A'Sun and Changge conversation at the end, so happy for them. At the same time, I want to punch and pinch Shuyu! Hmm... Myb shuyu will do something to protect changge if anything happens in the upcoming episodes but that is it.

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apr 1, 2024

Not the Mobei King knew of A'Sun's…

Not the Mobei King knew of A'Sun's adoration words to Changge. Did he know Changge was a woman? What pretentious about it??. THEIR PROGRESS OUR GESUN COUPLE PROGRESS! Changge smile of happiness. But still, I don't think it was much of a progress when she didn't really affectionate with him. Myb she was new to this so... it was a slowww progress btwn two of them. But let's get down to business, I thought changge can figure something out when she mentioned about dinxiang before but my it slipped her mind. Did Mimi finally decide to spill? But she didn't tell the whole truth of who the mastermind behind all this... If She'er was smart, he would be suspicious of all of this and take his own action to investigate and try to meet Yanli Khan. Really curious if this really happen in the war, pretending to be destroyed. How that will work?. Sksksks when Mu Jin was in shock to know that it was Changge's strategy that Mobei and Monan was using and said how scary she was sksksks. She was perfect for A'Sun and vice versa. At last, Changge figure it out! Wait.... When A'Sun gave his head gear to Mu Jin, I don't hv a good feeling about this. Oh A'Sun confessed what he wished from Changge. Omg that man of sacrifice... So those villains will know A'Sun faked Eagle Division being destroyed?. OK She'er was being sad or he didn't believe A'Sun was gone?

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apr 1, 2024

Thank goodness that Changge was intelligent…

Thank goodness that Changge was intelligent and decisive. Remember when I said, Yanli Khan overbearing and Tyrant behaviour would invite rebellion. Well here it is. I feel really bad for Mimi, literally stuck between rock and hard places but I'm glad she loves Mu Jin. SCRIPTWRITERS NO WHY YOU DID THIS ME??? MU JIN NOOOOO!! WHY WHY?? I KNOW FROM THE START I CAN'T HOPE FOR HAPPY ENDING T^T how could you?? Oh... I had the same reaction as Mimi when she got to the tent. It was false alarm. Thank goodness oh my god oh my god. Ohhh the must hv in most drama, mouth to mouth fed medicine scene instead of spoon-fed. Not that I am objecting. Just find it irritating if the recipient mouth wasn't slightly open which what happened in this case. Yeay a progress between Shiba and xufeng!. What Mu Jin said was right, A'Sun should've thought the way out long ago. A'Sun was smart though there was no way he didn't think of this. What good it did to him to be loyal to someone like Yanli Khan?. It just I wonder why someone like A'Sun didn't send anyone to keep an eye on the Yanli Khan's camp? at least he cld know Yincheng scheme. I really hope it all works out.

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apr 1, 2024

The performance was quite unique. Why do I…

The performance was quite unique. Why do I think it was related to Covid??? Dammn Princess Yincheng was ruthless. Please let everyone be fine, I'm sorry worried for Mu Jin.
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apr 1, 2024

No!! No!! YAROOOOO! How will A'Sun know…

No!! No!! YAROOOOO! How will A'Sun know about this?? What She'er had been doing? What about the promwell? How can they get it?. Omg progress for Leyan and Haodu. Well... Umm looks like I was a bit off about them. There was a progress of our GenSu couple too. Oh no Haodu :( ughh I feel the urge to pinch shuyu arm aghhh. Thank goodness I'm not the only one who think shuyu didn't hv courage to say directly to Leyan that he had no feelings for her. Making it clear with her. This is why Changge and Haodu had been saying that he was a coward.
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apr 1, 2024

That damn kid spy also followed CP... Uhh…

That damn kid spy also followed CP... Uhh it wld be bad. Li Jing was so amazing! I want to punch Shuyu tbh. Idk if he was pro or against HaoYan. I don't think he had any feelings for Leyan. OK the punch thing, I take that back. So nice of him to mend the relationship btwn haodu n leyan. I always forgot Yaro name. His face memorable but his name among others....
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