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Intense begining and ending!

Going in to episode 10 I was very fearful. I thought things where gonna hit the fan in a big way, and that we had hit a turning point after the forced kiss. Personally I hate forced kisses. However, I give the writer and director props. That moment when So realized he had done something wrong. Then when he says he doesn't think like others and he wouldn't be sorry for it. Well played. Even later when talking to the 13th brother he mentions that he doesn't think the same as everyone else. When you're a friend or potentially something more, his emotions for you are intense. So doesn't have an in-between. Again. Well played.

I do like seeing how Soo is handling her romantic love triangle--well technically there are two other princes who dig her, but they don't really count and they are being handled well.

Oh, that moment with Wook! It was beautiful and I'm so happy about it. It makes me so sad that we're up to episode 10 and So side of the triangle really hasn't been developed. So much time and emotions have been setup for Wook and Soo. Sure we can argue for So, but it's true.

In the end I did find this episode a bit duller and the plot to be . . . not that great. I see where things are turning. Right now I think someone needs to knock off the Queen and Princess. End the scheming right there! After all everyone else is just a pawn. The previews for the next episode are scary! However, it's a silly ploy as we know that So and Soo can't be killed off. That's why the plot is dull, though from mean people kind of leaking spoilers I think I know where it may be going and I do like that. Soo shouldn't be so sure that So is going to be the killer. A lot of people are going to be wronged and ticked soon. Who knows how many people will end up seeking vengeance?

I bet the role of second wife will be looking really good soon.

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sep 17, 2016

A bit slower, but . . .

This episode was a bit slower, but moving things along for the characters nicely.

I take back what I said for Er Xi to maybe couple up with Shao Xiang. Boy is not worthy. At least Er Xi is starting to see that her friendship is more important! Let us hope it's dragged out passed the next episode.

Cao Guang stepped up to the plate once he realized he was wrong, so at least I feel better about my long standing positions that he and Er Xi should be a couple.

Overall the gaming politics are really taking over. I hope that the "spy" has already confided in Xiao Nai about what is happening. That way he's a double agent. Though maybe now Xiao Nai will have an idea.

It's a bit sad about Shao Xiang finally getting fired up about the bid for New Ghost Story, but he's still a jerk.

I loved the guys in the office playing around! I've missed all the friendships/bromances! KO is so cool I want him to have more time. With the timeline now being bumped I'm worried about the story a bit.

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sep 17, 2016

I get both sides.

The writer has done an excellent job of showing Er Xi's reasons for being made. She doesn't want to be jealous of Wei Wei or blame her. However, you can see why unconsciously she does. You can also see how it's wrong and that Wei Wei is not at fault.

The reality is that they both need to realize that you don't like conniving men break up a friendship.

I thought it was sweet that Xiao Nai says he's Wei Wei's "everything" now. However, I think it's cold to say Er Xi is just a small part of Wei Wei's life. They're best friends and have lived together how long. Friendships are a big part of life, just like a boyfriend/husband you choose those relationships and important they are to you. While it's never confirmed whether Er Xi and Wei Wei are simply college friends or life long, they clearly are very important to one another.

I don't like seeing the two fight! Make up soon girls.

Shao Xiang is already scheming and so is my mind. I could see him turning out to be a good match for Er Xi.

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sep 16, 2016

Ahhhhhh! OMG! What a scene.

Okay, Xiao Nai's facial expressions after Wei Wei bit him were . . . well my ovaries have not been the same for a while now. >_< Not to mention the rest of that scene. Don't worry Wei Wei we're all questioning his experience! Dang.

I will congratulate Wei Wei in actually kissing back. Baby steps. It's coming I know it is . . . a really passionate drama kiss. I need Wei Wei and Xiao Nai to have one. Some bad. *_*

Oooooooo, it's happening. My dear sweet Er Xi's charm is growing on Cao Guang. Soon he will not be able to resist her allure! Ha-ha. The whole cat thing was pretty funny. Is rabies a really big issue in China? We don't worry too much unless it's a nocturnal mammal in the day, or it's foaming at the mouth. Especially if it's vaccinated. (Or maybe as a country bumpkin I'm jaded.)

Overall I really like the character development of this episode. Things are really building up well on the romantic fronts, work, politics, and so on. Really great.

Now what will Wei Wei do while "watching" the house. Ha-ha.

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sep 15, 2016

Well the kissing isn't as awkward, but dang Xiao Nai!

Well Wei Wei wasn't quite as awkward this time. It's just that Xiao Nai is really working it! Phew, hot dang. It just seems so odd she's so cold fish yet. Though I am impressed that there was a hickey! Skinship is good. Maybe this means Wei Wei will warm up.

All the wrong identity around Er Xi is really building up! I wonder if Shao Xiang is gonna make some kind of move? Oh, and things are building up between her and Guang! Even if they're not getting there in real life.

I'm a little disappointed about one of the employees being a spy, but curious to see how it plays out. A fun episode and things are moving along nicely. I like seeing Wei Wei handle herself.

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sep 10, 2016

This whole episode felt a little off.

Wei Wei felt a little off. I especially found it odd that Wei Wei was so proud before that she could eat and eat and not gain weight. But she was so unwilling to eat too much in front of Xiao Nai.

This whole episode felt a little off.

Not to mention that Wei Wei was thinking that now they're entering a relationship. When I thought they were already courting each other. I'm thinking some of the translation is off. Maybe that by eating with each other's friends that act alone made it truly official and real. When before it seemed like a dream?

Overall I was a little disappointed by some of the characters actions/reactions. This episode dragged a bit in some places. My dear Er Xi was still as awesome as ever, it's Okay to be a glutton!

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sep 10, 2016


This episode was definitely a builder. It helped to show how Wei Wie and Xiao Nai's online and offline relationships are merging. Not to mention that some of that ice that kind of froze them up when they first met is melting a bit.

Oh, and are they making Hao Mei gay? I think that's totally cool, so I'm thinking this isn't such a taboo thing for Chinese dramas? Huh, I'm very curious about this whole plot with the chef/cook. ^_-

Er Xi! I'm so nervous for what Cao Guang is going to do for his "revenge"! I love Er Xi so much. I know it will help get Cao Guang and her to a romantic place, but I don't want to see her suffer! >_<

I fun episode.

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sep 9, 2016

Poor Cao Guang, you're just a fleeting love obstacle for Wei Wei and Xiao Nai!

Poor Cao Guang, you're just a fleeting love obstacle for Wei Wei and Xiao Nai! But soon I hope that Er Xi and Cao Guang will be an item. Though I hope they don't drag out the mix-up too long.

I really loved seeing how Wei Wei, Si Si, and Xiao Ling all took care of Er Xi when she was ill. So cute when Si Si and Xiao Ling shared the bed!!

Not only womance, but also the fabulous bromance that is the brotherhood.

Overall a great episode. It's so cute how shy Wei Wei is and Xiao Nai is just as determined. Love how he shot down those internet polls! The chemistry is really great.

(Though I truly wonder do they do polls like that in schools and discriminate and condemn so much? Not to mention have star students that they stalk and gossip about? I've always wondered how real that whole concept is in dramas?)

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sep 8, 2016

Okay, so a trope was there. . . but it was still gret and fit the story.

Car accident trope, I can live with that. It fit the dramatic filler they needed for him to miss the battle.

Though I wonder how him being in a comma will go? How long was he out? In the time jump scenes it felt like weeks! If so how will it affect his business plans?

Anywho, still really fun and good writing.
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aug 29, 2016

I may be harsh on this rating . . .

The rating may be harsh, but the whole time I was watching it I just wanted this series to be over.

In the end it's happy.

However, it utilized that annoying time jump crap and everything is magically pulled together and fixed.

I don't really have much to say other then it was nice seeing Bo Ra out and about.

It ended up being a cute ending to a cute romance. Sadly it just turned to tropes to make it that way. Sure the quirky elements of Lucky Romance gave it flavor, but the show was so original I needed more.
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Ahn Jae Hyeon compels me!!

I don't know when or what drama it happened, but apparently I've become obsessed with Ahn Jae Hyeon. I've seen every drama he's been in and I'm excited when he's cast and I started Cinderella and the Four Knights solely because he would be in it. Now despite my better judgment I am compelled to continue on!

Ahn Jae Hyeon compels me! He has somehow become my drama bias obsession! He's my Min Ho.

Despite the fact that I still don't really care for Hyun Min, and the snail paced character development hasn't really "transformed" him into a likeable guy.

Nor does it help that the writers and director are sloppy. This episode emphasizes it all the more. Because there are multiple flashbacks that happened not just from previous episodes already. BUT from just a few moments ago within the episode. This has actually happened in all of the episodes, but it was more present here. They just did a flashback, that then did a flashback for a recent scene, that just did another flashback to the first flashback. Seconds. Seconds to flashback a flashback we just watched.

Sloppy. Lazy. And stupid.

What happened to Ha Won's fighting skills? She took out the guys and was dancing with Ji Woon. Yes, they make her clumsy now and then. However, there is know way she couldn't have taken out those girls. Especially when they told her they were gonna cut of her close so they could inspect her purity. She should have embraced the inner fighter within and pummeled them. Sure she could have been shocked, but I don't by that she'd stay passive for long.

The show has felt like a list of check box for things that need to happen to follow it's predecessors. That why they can grab the cash and run. However, the very fact that the writer and director aren't even trying make me believe that this show won't be able to successfully feed off of the fan base it's counting on.

Yes. The time has come. I am giving up on this drama. Oh, the compulsion of Ahn Jae Hyeon is strong. (And to some degree actress Park So Dam. She's so cute! I've kind of fallen for her.) The plot holes, lack of the writers trying, slow motion scenes, horrible use of flashback, the shiny man lips (no really someone needs to tell the makeup team to back off the lip gloss), boring second female lead/love interest, the male leads all still being just basic stereotypes, and blatant product placement has killed any speck of interest I've had. Which leaves me in awe that I'm actually thinking about watching the next episode.

There's been some fun scenes. Scenes with Kang Hyun Min that I have loved. So unless the allure of Kang Hyun Min is so powerful that I can't resist him when the next episode hits my Inbox this is the end of the line for me. (Crap, if I watch more I know my obsession has entered unhealthy place.) ;_; I need to quit this drama, but I can't quit Ahn Jae Hyeon.

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I do know I should quit. Alas there's one more episode uploaded.

Really I should quit. Alas, there's one more episode left and apparently I do like Ahn Jae Hyeon enough to just do it.

Personally the whole idea that because Ji Woon likes Hye Ji enough to "protect" her from Hyun Min. By romancing Ha Won away. And of course his rudeness is whooing her as is disguised by the occasional nice guy thing.

I could ramble on and on, but I won't.

Seo Woo's mom is so cute! I loved her and it would be so awesome if she would be in more of the show.

I am wondering does this mean she'll have to leave the house since she set the next mission up? Here's to episode 6 my last, probably, episode.

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Talk about taking a crap on Cinderella!

They literally dumped crap on the Cinderella story. Though I don't blame them since Cinderella's message is to endure, but a good worker, and you'll eventually be rewarded. So points there!

Holy drama boys. When they were all jamming out in their expensive cars. No. Just no. (Well I guess it did provide a bountiful amount of laughs.

Ah, so basically they're all kind of jerks. Even the nice guy Ji Woon. (Don't care what anyone says.) Overall they're the stereotypes I expected.

I know Ahn Jae Hyeon--my beloved--is really good at playing this jerk @$$ roles, but this feels way over the top. At least he's rocking that lip gloss to all kinds of stunning camera shots.

Cinderella and the Four Knights is the predictable drama comfort food I expected. I do like Ha Won so far. I like that she knows when to stand up for herself or do the right thing, and when to be humble. I already feel for her, so that's a plus. Especially since there's already an over whelming abundance of jerky male leads and rudeness, an evil step mom plot (multiple levels), heir issues, corporate take over issues, product placement, and so on.

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aug 22, 2016

You don't need a ton of episodes, just solid writing.

I am so happy that I finally get to rewatch and finish this first episode!! Kim Seul Gi is amazing in this. Both gloriously funny, sweet, clever, and cute.

Even better is that that this proves that with great writing characters, world building, and story can all be achieved in a short time. There's no excuse for those other dramas.

Not only is this a time travel drama, but a gender bender. It's wonderful and I love the writing and cast. My emotions are totally in this story and characters. Better yet the lead isn't jerk just because he's king, instead he's learning. I have faith that I'll get what I need out of the next episode.

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aug 22, 2016

Very moving.

When I came back to this drama I needed something fun! Not to mention refreshing. Which this episode delivered! Especially with the riot team, AKA In Rang and Cheon Sang. Despite their bumbling ways Cheon Sang really pulled it off getting Seo Yeong to join the club.

I love the balance Bring it On Ghost strikes with the scariness of the ghost story and the humor of it's living characters. This story of domestic abuse definitely hit home. Especially with the parallels of how it connected to Bong Pal's past.

I loved that we got even more sneak peeks and hints of what happened. Yeah, I've got my theories, but the slow reveal is really great.

Overall the story may be simple, but the writing is excellent! The characters are very well realized. Bong Pal and Hyun Ji have wonderful chemistry. I think the actors are well suited to the roles.

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