0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mrt 1, 2021
16 van 16
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 9.0
i'm writing this review after rewatching the drama (since i forgot everything), and i was reminded all the reasons why this is one of my top kdramas. the best thing about the drama is the storyline. it was never draggy and pace was amazing, action packed, very cute romance both lead and 2nd lead, and my favourite part, their career. i love how they show the career of doctors and soldiers, making me want to be one of them and kinda feel thankful? to these people in real life. the romance is super cute for me, their chemistry is top notch, could be little bit cheesy sometimes but i enjoyed it. the 2nd lead couple, of course, loveeee them lottts!! rather than looking forward plot development, i was just looking forward for the next episode since i want to watch them and want to know what kind of event could happen next. the only con would be i kinda lose interest in the last episode, but it wasn't a big deal since it was only episode. of course, amazing cinematography and osts!!

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Park Min-Jae
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 15, 2022
16 van 16
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 9.5
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

A Soldier And A Doctor Never Off Duty

Descendants of the Sun Kdrama is one of the best dramas about the life of a Doctor and A Soldier. How a Soldier is always ready to sacrifice his life for his country and a Doctor saves the lives of everyone without thinking about his own life. I like this drama because after separating from each other, how destiny met him again and how they fell in love with each other after so many obstacles. Their profession comes in between their love. Can their love become successful with working in different professions...
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 9, 2021
16 van 16
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.5
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.5

Quick review

Descendants of the Sun was a good series. I liked it but not excessively.

The production was good to very good. The editing was ok to good. The action scenes were very good to excellent. In my opinion the song didnt fit the scene on more than one occasion particularly with the main leads' scenes. The music was ok otherwise. The acting was very good to excellent.

The story was interesting enough and I wasn't bored. I didn't really like the lead characters' relationship throughout most of the series. Was their relationship an anti-romance? Like an anti-hero. That goes for the second leads as well.

Overall it's not a bad series to watch. It definitely has some entertaining scenes and good moments. I doubt I will personally rewatch this series but could understand if other people would want to rewatch it.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Linda Murua
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 26, 2019
16 van 16
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 9.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten
Es de agradecer que la serie no nos muestre el idílico romance entre un soldado y una civil con una seca perfección del deber y esa lealtad a su país de por medio, sino que se atreva a ir más allá y presentarnos a dos polos opuestos cuyas profesiones hacen disparar la flecha del mutuo entendimiento en distintas direcciones.

Esa ambigua travesía entre la vida y la muerte, entre salvar a un ser humano o acabar con él, es lo que define a estos dos frente a sus propias posturas.

Shin Jin podrá tener el código militar muy arraigado en las venas, vistiendo el uniforme con un patriotismo tosco y contundente, pero también tiene un sentido del deber que se aleja de sus superiores para rendirle cuentas a la sociedad que ha jurado defender. En un principio, a Mo Yeon le cuesta un poco ver esto porque gran parte de su carácter está sumergido en este estoicismo marcial que tanto se esfuerza en vestir, y no se le puede culpar en lo absoluto: como militar ha aprendido a callar su trabajo para conservarlo en un hermetismo sepulcral; y eso es lo primero que choca con ella.

También era bastante palpable desde un principio que la doctora no entendería la encrucijada de saberse defensor de la paz desde la comodidad que se respiraba en Corea del Sur y ahí es donde entra la ficticia nación de Uruk, un país ubicado en algún punto de la península balcánica —de tintes de medio oriente con arquitectura griega— donde ambos se reencuentran después de estar casi un año separados. El jeque árabe sería el primero de varios casos que se presentarían en ese lugar durante un puñado de semanas y que le darían a Mo Yeon la oportunidad de presenciar en primera persona lo que Shi Jin no le puede decir con palabras. Y de paso le serviría para entender por fin que la vida no puede ser definida en blanco y negro; que no vivimos en un mundo de dimorfismo donde sólo existe la maldad y la bondad; donde tendría que tomar decisiones poco agradables que afectarían a algunos para asegurar la supervivencia de otros, y el corazón se le quedaría en un puño cuando existieran situaciones donde un diagnóstico en medio de una catástrofe significaría la sentencia de muerte para una persona.

Y es que Kang Mo Yeon es transparente como el celofán, terca como una mula y con un carácter muy definido por su posición. Conocemos sus ambiciones, su lealtad desmedida al juramento hipocrático, sus planes a futuro y su reticencia de caer enamorada de Shi Jin sabiendo que cualquier misión secreta le puede costar la vida. Le vemos estallar en furia frente a su superior cuando le demuestra que el status quo de una familia es más importante que la experiencia aprendida dentro del quirófano y observar con suspicacia a la chica que le robó al novio jamás correspondido en su etapa universitaria. Para cuando llega a Uruk ya no hay cosa que nos sorprenda de ella pues le hemos leído la cartilla en su tierra natal y nos gusta.

Sin embargo, hay un punto en el que Yoo Shi Jin cuestiona por primera vez todo aquello por lo que ha luchado, y esto sucede cuando se topa con David Agus, un antiguo camarada estadounidense que desertó del ejército para convertirse en el líder de un grupo delictivo que merodea por la zona. Quizá el golpe no sería tan fuerte si en el pasado Shi Jin no hubiera arriesgado su seguridad para rescatar al soldado Ryan en aquella misión suicida donde su superior terminó acribillado por el fuego cruzado del enemigo. Esa ingenuidad innata en un alma tan pura es lo que le impide comprender que la vida a veces depara golpes difíciles; que hay personas que no nacieron para ser soldado; que el patriotismos no se puede comprar ni aparentar y que un acto de bondad en un mundo de bayonetas y misiles jamás se pagará con una firme fidelidad a tu bandera, seas de la nación que seas. Y él lo tuvo que aprender de la manera más cruel posible. La desilusión de saberse traicionado tarda lo suyo en salir a flote, pero cuando lo hace se exhibe como una ira contenida que lo domina por dentro, detonado también por el secuestro de Mo Yeon a manos del bastardo de Agus. Shi Jin sabe que no hay persona más peligrosa que un soldado sin patria y, si bien, disparar el gatillo le corroe la conciencia, también le sirve de catarsis para expulsar sus propios demonios; para volver a ser una persona de honor en esas dos horas de incertidumbre que le fueron concedidas.

Y también está la pareja secundaria: Seo Dae Young y Yoon Myung Joo. La peculiaridad de este par de tórtolos es que son una especie de Romeo y Julieta que los hace más irresistible conforme su historia se nos va revelando. Ambos son militares, pero ella es de un rango mayor que él, además de ser cirujana e hija de un importante general que no ve con buenos ojos que su retoño termine liada con un soldado que no hace tiempo andaba por las calles de la ciudad metido en una pandilla. De hecho, el papá no duda en conseguirle un pretendiente que esté a la altura de sus expectativas milicianas (que son muchas y son grandes) y así, muy a la vieja usanza, le pone de frente con el capitán Shi Jin para que terminen “juntos” en una relación que no se la creen ni ellos. Aquello termina siendo un triángulo amoroso bizarro que raya la ridiculez y la ternura porque Shi Jin es el mejor amigo del sargento mayor y tiene una relación muy fraternal con la teniente primera desde tiempo atrás. Además, él también los quiere juntos, por lo que su función como intermediario es, más o menos, neutralizar el campo de batalla para que estos dos confiesen su amor a rajatabla en lugar de darse golpes de pecho cada vez que se tienen en frente.

Ya su reencuentro en el hospital nos deja sudando en frío por la tensión tan sofocante que se respira, pero también por la dureza de ella y la rigidez de él. Tanto la doctora como el sargento poseen una coraza de hormigón propia de cualquier soldado, pero es tan diáfana que es posible asomarse entre esas capas de entereza que intentan mantener a pesar de la disconformidad que los consume por dentro. Seo Dae Young es el de la actitud sumisa, perceptiva y obediente hasta el tuétano y por eso Myung Joo no duda en usar su rango para llamar su atención, para hacerle espabilar un poco y para que abandone esa apariencia robótica y castrense que le empequeñece más de lo que debería. Pero ella es todo lo opuesto a él; tan vivaz como testaruda e inteligente. Sabe lo que quiere y conoce los medios para conseguirlo, a pesar de que siempre tiene a su padre —con sus tres estrellas sobre el hombro— pisándole los talones. Tampoco podemos despotricar contra el señor y la idea de bienestar que tiene para su hija; ya sabemos que en el ejército los rangos cuentan (y mucho) para establecer firmemente tu expediente y de paso tu reputación. Que una doctora cirujana se enrolle sentimentalmente con un simple sargento le parece una chapuza grotesca tanto para él como para su familia. A Myung Joo ese juicio sobreprotector le da unos altibajos tremendos a lo largo de todo el drama que alcanzan un punto crítico cuando ella agoniza en Uruk y rematan en el momento que cree muerto a Dae Young.

La suya fue una historia de amor que se sobrepuso a las decenas de obstáculos que se encontraron en el camino. Su evolución es palpable desde el comienzo y aunque tuvieron sus retrocesos éstos jamás se aglutinaron más de lo necesario. Fue una pareja que tuvo que aprender a respetarse por su condición de humanos más que por ser soldados, y lucharon (cada quien a su manera) para entenderse mutuamente en medio de esa fragosidad que les obstruía los sentimientos. Aun siendo polos opuestos se las arreglaron para inventarse cada quien su lugar en esa relación tan peculiar como radiante. Disfruté mucho viendo su constante evolución, y la química entre los actores servía para que esos diálogos francos que se escupian en la cara cada vez que se veían fueran tan irresistibles para ellos como para los que los escuchábamos.

El resto de los personajes tampoco tienen desperdicio. Era bastante evidente que algunos sólo estaban ahí para llenar huecos en el guión pero también que hubo otros cuyo papel era más importante. El cirujano Song Sang Hyun y la jefa de enfermeras Ha Ja Ae fungieron como una tercera pareja protagónica que también tuvo sus momentos de lucidez, sobre todo por la obstinación de ella para no sucumbir a la carismática personalidad del doctor, que igual le hubiera besado los pies con una palabra suya. La crisis existencial de Lee Chin Hoon durante su voluntariado también tuvo su epopeya. Empecé a creer que su desequilibrio mental lo iba a dejar en una eterna depresión que le haría abandonar la medicina, pero por suerte logró superarlo y regresar a Corea para estar al lado de su prometida durante el nacimiento de su bebé, y portar la bata blanca con orgullo por mucho tiempo más.

La dirección ha sido una preciosidad y ciertos episodios tienen unos planos tan hermosos que me he quedado embobada en más de una ocasión mientras retrocedía el streaming para ver la escena mucho mejor. Grabar en el extranjero fue un plus total porque permitió mostrar escenarios con unos paisajes naturales de ensueños (esos muy característicos de las islas griegas) además de enseñarnos ciertos aires distintos a los que este tipo de series nos tiene acostumbrados. Una mención especial a la playa Navagio con ese imponente esqueleto barquero que sirve como telón de fondo para la historia de los protagonistas por su gran valor sentimental.

Shi Jin y Dae Young son soldados hechos y derechos, su lugar está ahí, entre las barracas, los helicópteros y los cuarteles; entre las calles de su país y las zonas de guerra. Abandonar la lealtad a su patria sólo para quedar bien con sus novias me habría resultado ridículo porque también ellas están comprometidas a sus vocaciones. Por suerte, ese año de ausencia les enseñó a ambas parejas a sobrevivir por iniciativa propia, aun en las peores circunstancias, y para entender que su sacrificio personal siempre será gratificado por el bienestar de la gente, “en cualquier lugar de la Tierra. Y siempre bajo el mismo sol”.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 5, 2020
16 van 16
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 9.0

True hardships of a soldier

This is a really really very good drama which will show you the true hardships faced by a soldier. It beautifully shows wether there could be a romance between a soldier, Yoo Shi Jin (Song Joong Ki) who can kill anyone to save his motherland and a doctor, Kang Mo Yeon (Song Hye Kyo) who can die to save anyone no matter what caste, religion or nationality.
There are not very much steam kissings and not very less romance.
Therefore, I would say that you should once watch this drama. I hope you'll like it...


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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mei 17, 2019
16 van 16
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 8.5
This drama was so great.
First of all-OST;
It was such a good collection of songs. Till this day I still listen to most of them especially *everything by gummy, and everytime by punch, Chen*
The acting-
It was great! The main actress did a great job, she wasn't over reacting nor under reacting! It was perfect and the characters emotions where portrayed greatly. The main actor did a good job as well, having a smug and cocky attitude but still humble is difficult and he did great! Other actors did great as well, especially Onew, as he had to portray very hitting emotions and he did so good.
The plot-
I won't dive into the summery, but it was well written. It showed that romance isn't long lasting, but can be rekindled! If she stayed with him even when he never told her why he had to leave in the midst of their date, I would've slapped writers. Altho the ending wasn't that much, since it's like *where does this ever happen*, it still gave me butterflies. Props to writers for doing something with the side romance, and giving it thought. I found myself more invested into side romance than main, but that could be just me.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 6, 2018
16 van 16
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
First of all, the storyline is very different from the norms. Before I started watching, this drama was a 'everyday can be seen' post in Facebook. Even my friend who seldom watch drama also told me to watch it.

Before I started watching, I already knew some parts of the story as frankly speaking, almost everyone was talking about it at that time, it was impossible to ignore and avoid lol.....

I started the drama with high expectation. I still remembered that I purposely planned to go back home after work, bath and started watching it while having dinner alone at home. Still..... DOTS is higher than what I've initially expected. The story is really very new. Script is very well written. Song Joong Ki really acted the role of Yoo Shi Yin very very well. The body language he had in the drama as Yoo Shi Yin is just nice, not too much or little. I tried to find fault but I couldn't. Not forgetting the 2nd leads, their love is also very touching. These 2 couples are just to cute and well fitted into their role in DOTS.

DOTS definitely has it's rewatch value because of Song Joong Ki & Song Hye Kyo.. lol. I watched DOTS before and after their relationship and also after their marriage lol.. Due to their announcement of their relationship, the feeling of watching DOTS is different. It does spiced up the 'feel' while rewatching it.

DOTS is one of the perfect Comedy-Romance type of drama that you should not miss.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
apr 25, 2022
16 van 16
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 9.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

K-Drama in its true form

Yes, I am very late to this fest. Yes, I loved it. Descendants of the Sun served pretty much everything that made me watch K-Dramas in the first place: An emotional OST, cheesy slow-mo scenes, swoon-worthy characters and an over-dramatic plot.

I am aware that the plot was over-dramatic - one or two fewer disasters would’ve been fine. But then again I think the drama is very self-aware, which was made obvious with the last scene, where they wanted to enjoy a nice wedding dinner and then ANOTHER huge catastrophe happened. The ending was super fun and tongue-in-cheek, I loved it.

Yoo Si Jin made my knees weak. While a uniform makes every man immediately more handsome and desirable, it was his easy confidence and bluntness that made his character so incredibly attractive. He was not playing games or beating around the bush. But I found Seo Dae Yong just as attractive and lovable. If I was a character in the drama, I would’ve probably gone for him, not gonna lie.

Onew’s role was super annoying, I hated him and his plot line and it was one of the reasons I didn’t give this a 10/10. It was such unnecessary drama. If he didn’t have a pregnant wife back home, I would’ve thought there was gonna be a romantic side-plot with him and the patient he abandoned - why else would they be so dramatic about each other? Plus, they had insane chemistry. But since that wasn’t gonna happen, the plot line was super pointless and overly dramatic. Props to Onew though, he’s a good actor and managed to make me hate his character.

I wish there were subtitles for the English parts because I basically couldn’t understand anyone except David McInnis. And I’m not just talking about the Korean actors - most of the white actors were just as bad. And even if someone’s pronunciation was ok, by the time my brain realized it had to switch to English, I'd already missed what they were saying.

Serious props to David McInnis, though. I think he is the only good non-Korean actor I’ve ever seen in K-Dramas. (I realize he has Korean heritage but he grew up in the US.)

Most actors who play non-Korean characters in K-Dramas are white dudes (and dudettes) who emigrated to Korea because their acting was too bad to land a role in the West. It’s honestly my biggest pet peeve about K-Dramas and it is still happening today (cough Squid Game cough). Even if it’s just a guest role, please hire actual actors with some talent and not just the next best white dude you can find in Korea - thanks.
Anyway, David McInnis actually is a talented actor and contributed to the drama. The same can’t be said about the other non-Korean actors in this.

(Shoutout to Anupan Tripathi though, I loved seeing him for a moment as „man who gives the shoe to Dr. Kang“ lol.)

Anyway, Descendants of the Sun has some flaws, such as bad actors in guest roles, an annoying side-plot and hard-to-understand English, but it gave me all the feels and made me both squeal and cry. K-Drama cheesiness at its best.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 21, 2021
16 van 16
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 4.0

The Teen me would have enjoyed it best.

I really thought this would be a bit dark, so I put it off for years... but now that I am watching it, I see that it's not, AT ALL. it has few deep messages here and there, and the main idea at the end but overall it's a very light series.

There are few languages in this show (speaking, writing ..etc.), Arabic was there also, and If you understand or read Arabic, you will find it lighter and will see humor in more places XD (phrases chosen in the sign boards/ when speaking), also the language they are using is confusing, I'm guessing that they didn't want anyone to take it personally.

Honestly, watching this is like reading a shoujo manga ... and a very cheesy one at it, nonetheless it was enjoyable. :)

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 21, 2022
16 van 16
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 9.0

Everything you want in an action-romance

Action/rom-com: A pretty doctor and a dreamy Special Forces dude meet through a series of misunderstandings. They quickly fall for each other, but then break up just as quickly when they realize their worldviews are incompatible. They end up in a fictional foreign country (filmed in gorgeous Greece), where they survive a series of attacks, kidnappings, building collapses, and plague, among other disasters. In the middle of all this, they somehow work out their issues and fall head-over-heels for each other. The humor and banter make every interaction between the main leads and secondary characters a sheer delight to watch. There are gratuitous “absolutely built men running without shirts” scenes, with female characters appreciating them appropriately. Some fun, intense action scenes. Defining doctor quote: “All life has dignity, and no value nor ideology is more important.”

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Eve Kaze
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 4, 2021
16 van 16
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.5
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 7.5

Song joong ki is one of the best and coolest actors you'll see in Korea.

Very amazing series and great acting.
Song joong ki is seriously so cool. I've become a fan of him.
But overall good story, a bit over exaggerated with the army things but not too much.
The ost is also very good.
If you want something where the protagonist is just cool af with a mix of action, this series is for you.
The romance of the side characters is a bit annoying though.
But the main pairing covers it up with their chemistry.
I wish the antagonist was a bit more "powerful" though if you what I mean.
He's not bad in character but he's not been given enough characterization and plot for us to hate him that much. It's very stereotypical.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 26, 2021
16 van 16
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 8.5
Rewatch Waarde 9.0

That was a real roller coaster!

I just want to say to those hesitating to watch... please don't. Those planning to drop because they found the first episode boring... just wait till you hit the end of the third. I know this because I personally took a break after the second episode for about three months until I saw some memes on Instagram about this and some clips so I started again. AND THANK GOD THAT I DID! I will break DOTS down into three parts:

Story: I have to say the story was quite original and really really well portrayed the struggles of balancing love and career very very well. Just a reminder there are two main lead couples! The story was unlike what I have ever seen and I have watched over 80 dramas. Many would complain about it being cheesy for what it is but it was very much needed as the action twists was a lot! I loved the entire M3 virus plot and the earthquake because these occur in real life all the time! I loved the message sent from this drama; Don't normalize feeling guilty or sad because it is very hard to move past some experiences, so a breakdown is completely acceptable. I cried so much during the death twist (dw it is a happy ending! I just won't spoil it) at the end because gosh I knew it was gonna happen but they really made it emotional! For the couples, both were endearing and sweet. All of the main leads were strong, capable but also kind and funny (I laughed a lot in this drama)! I am tired of typing about the story so I will move on but really to see if it is worth your time, just watch till episode 4/5 to decide.

Acting: The main leads were really well done! I have to say I enjoyed the supporting characters so much like so is no real villain (other than criminals), just people who the Main leads disliked. You must have heard or now you know that the main lead were in reality married (divorced now, unfortunately), but their chemistry in this drama was beautiful. I did find the FL annoying for being so confused about the guy like she proposed to break up when the guy literally killed his ex-best friend to save her like wth. But then that resolve in like the next five mins so I didn't really care. The second leads chemistry I liked particularly because most times it is the ML chasing the FL but in their relationship, it was FL convincing ML to start a relationship, but due to her father, the ML could really do nothing. The twist later where he chooses her despite the family issues was so good! Every character, in short, acted wonderfully and it really makes you feel like it's all real.

OST: So this will be short! The ost was great but I did think they could have chosen a more active pitched music for all the action scenes but ehh the rest of the two categories completely make up for this downfall so dw!

Anyway sorry for making it long but yeah those were my thoughts. I really hope you enjoy this series if you are watching it and if you are planning to, just wait till they separate and reunite at the volunteering post 8 months later!

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Descendants of the Sun (2016) poster



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