Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 1

8.5/10 from 10 users
May 25, 2009
The Great King Jin Heung reaches the top of Mt. Bukhansen, overlooking the entire Silla. But as he spits up blood and realized that he is dying, he leaves instructions to Lady Mi Shil… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 2

8.1/10 from 8 users
May 26, 2009
King Jinp Peong is proclaimed as King after Mi Shil's coup d'état, but Mi Shil's followers fail to assassinate Mun No and Lady Ma Ya. So Hwa is entrusted with one of the twins immediately… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 3

7.7/10 from 5 users
Jun 01, 2009
Young Seon Deok meets Chil Sook in an inn in China's desert. On the other hand, in Silla, three infant princes have successively died as predicted, fulfilling the prophesy of the extinction… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 4

7.5/10 from 5 users
Jun 02, 2009
So Hwa and Seon Deok flee into the desert where Chil Sook gets injured by the attack of So Hwa. She then sinks into the quicksand to save Seon Doek and Chil Sook is swept away by the… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 5

7.4/10 from 5 users
Jun 08, 2009
King Jin Pyeong is planning to appoint Kim Yong Su, the husband of Princess Cheon Myeong as the Crown Prince. Cheon Myeong is beset by anxiety having learned that Yong Su is going… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 6

7.9/10 from 5 users
Jun 09, 2009
Seon Deok arrives at Silla in search of Mun No, but she is being targetted by two con artists, Jook Bang and Go Do. Mi Shil and Seol Won arrange soldiers to get rid of Mun No. Cheo… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 7

7.9/10 from 5 users
Jun 15, 2009
Cheon Myeong falls off the cliff together with Seon Deok while trying to save her. Kim Yu Shin saves Cheon Myeong who was being chased by Bo Jong. Seon Deok brings Bo Jong who was… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 8

7.9/10 from 5 users
Jun 16, 2009
Cheon Myeong puts Yong Hwa Hyangdo (Dragon Flower Aspirants) as part of Hwarang but the rest of Hwarangs does not approve of them. Silla has had a surprise raid and war is about to… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 9

7.7/10 from 5 users
Jun 22, 2009
After a violent battle with Baekje's army, Yong Hwa Hyangdo returns to Seorabeol andunder the leadership of Kim Yu Shin keeps practising their skills despite being looked down upon… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 10

8.5/10 from 4 users
Jun 23, 2009
The war breaks out between Baekje and Silla. Seol Won ordered the army to attack Sok Ham fortress, while Kim Seo Hyun and Yong Hwa Hyang Do to attack Ah Mak fortress. Thanks to his… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 11

7.5/10 from 4 users
Jun 29, 2009
Kim Yu Shin rushes to the battlefield by himself in order to inform his father Kim Seo Hyun and his army to retreat immediately. After a thorough and tireless search, Kim Yu Shin finally… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 12

8.0/10 from 4 users
Jun 30, 2009
Seon Deok, having disobeyed Alcheon's order, will be beheaded as a warning to all. Kim Yu Shin proposes that Yong Hwa Hyang Do fight with Baekje army in the battle, in order to open… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 13

7.3/10 from 4 users
Jul 06, 2009
Seon Deok was wrongly accused of assassinating Kim Seo Hyun but thanks to the wisdom of Cheon Myeong and Yu Shin, the truth is revealed. Cheon Myeong confesses to Seon Deok about her… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 14

7.4/10 from 4 users
Jul 07, 2009
So Hwa and Chil Sook slip into the the group of envoys and merchants from Xiu. Seon Deok secretly keeps watch on one of the envoys, Sir Jang, and in an effort to find out what are… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 15

7.5/10 from 4 users
Jul 13, 2009
Eul Je finds that Seondeok has extraordinary qualities and orders his servant to secretly observe her. Seokpum passes Mi Shil's handwritten letter to Seon Deok. Chil Sook wanted to… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 16

7.6/10 from 4 users
Jul 14, 2009
Chil Sook is hidden in the shrine with the aid of Mi Shil. Seon Deok asks Cheon Myeong for the favor of finding out the background of the man, Chil Sook, in the shrine. Mi Shil reports… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 17

8.0/10 from 4 users
Jul 20, 2009
Mi Shil sends a message to Cheon Myeong through Seon Deok: calamity will befall if she doesn't run away. Cheon Myeong, Yu Shin, and Seon Deok are determined to fight with Mi Shil till… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 18

9.3/10 from 3 users
Jul 21, 2009
Cheon Myeong is skeptical of the whereabouts and the past of Seon Deok who has asked about the origin of the seoyeopdo. On the contrary, Seon Deok sticks the secret edict in the Janggye(appeal… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 19

9.0/10 from 3 users
Jul 27, 2009
Kim Yu Shin and Princess Cheon Myeong have verified that Seon Deok is a female and that she is indeed her twin sister. However in order to protect Seon Deok they keep it a secret from… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 20

7.8/10 from 3 users
Jul 28, 2009
Lady Maya meets up with Seon Deok late at night and is revealed the truth about Seon Deok's origin by Cheon Myeong. On the other hand, Mi Shil has ordered Seol Won to seize Juk Bang… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 21

9.0/10 from 3 users
Aug 03, 2009
Chil Sook Removes the bandages, he is surprised to see Deok Man and Kim Yu Shin running away on a horse from Alcheon and Imjong. He then reports to Mi Shil who finally learns the truth… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 22

8.7/10 from 3 users
Aug 04, 2009
Bi Dam rescues Deok Man using glamourous swordsmanship. The fact that even Kim Seo Hyun is after her life is a great blow to her. The Council of Nobles is held at Seorabeol to discuss… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 23

8.6/10 from 4 users
Aug 10, 2009
Kim Yu Shin and Bi Dam rescue Deok Man who is captured and taken to Seorabeol by Seol Won. Bi Dam arranges for Yu Shin and Deok Man to escape in a boat. Seo Ri has a foreboding and… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 24

8.5/10 from 3 users
Aug 11, 2009
Cheon Myeong can no longer wait and goes to Iseo district with Alcheon in order to see Deok Man. She then orders Kim Yu Shin to bring Deok Man away and flee far, far away. Dae Nam… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 25

8.7/10 from 3 users
Aug 17, 2009
Deok Man is devastated after Cheon Myeong's death and becomes determined to take Silla. Both Bi Dam and Mun No have made it clear to want to help her. Al Cheon has the Hwarang's "ready-to-die"… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 26

8.3/10 from 3 users
Aug 18, 2009
Deok Man has made up her mind to return to Silla and claim her identity as a princess. She gets some hints from the last word of Seo Ri to Mi Shil and wants to capture Master Wol Cheon… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 27

8.0/10 from 3 users
Aug 24, 2009
Deok Man and Kim Yu Shin set the strategic points in the mountain, laying down specific plans against Mi Shil. (Source: Viu)

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 28

9.0/10 from 4 users
Aug 25, 2009
Deok Man sends out Bi Dam to disrupt the observance of Mi Shil. Mi Shil presumes that she has mastered Deok Man's strategy and gathers that solar eclipse will not occur. All the ministers… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 29

8.3/10 from 3 users
Aug 31, 2009
As the solar eclipse disappears, Deok Man shows up at the observatory. Seeing that Al Cheon and Yu Shin appear along with her, Mi Shil gnashes her teeth in anger. Lady Manho and Laya… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 30

8.3/10 from 3 users
Sep 01, 2009
Finally Deok Man is now the princess in the palace, and Mi Shil gnashes her teeth in extreme anger. Deok Man prepares to make the divine authority public to the people; Mi Shil and… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 31

8.2/10 from 3 users
Sep 07, 2009
Princess Deok Man recognizes So Hwa who finally is able to speak and brings her back to the palace. She however mentions not a word about the infighting around herself. Mi Shil promotes… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 32

8.3/10 from 3 users
Sep 08, 2009
Mun No makes a request to Mi Shil and King Jin Pyeung to be in charge of Pungwolju competition(bijae). Mun No evaluates the candidates through observation in the first bijae. In the… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 33

8.0/10 from 3 users
Sep 14, 2009
The bijae has begun. Deok Man and Yu Shin have got the right answer for the second question. On the other hand, Bi Dam has found out more and more about his origins… (Source: Viu) read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 34

8.3/10 from 3 users
Sep 15, 2009
Bo Jong, Kim Yu Shin, Bi Dam, Al Cheon, etc. are quite nervous before the third bijae, but are all determined to put their best foot forward. Bi Dam tells Deok Man that he will participate… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 35

8.0/10 from 3 users
Sep 21, 2009
Bi Dam loses on purpose in the final duet to Yu Shin, which makes Chil Sook furious, saying that this is not a fair competition and requesting that Mun No make a fair judgment. Mun… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 36

8.2/10 from 3 users
Sep 22, 2009
Yu Shin and Deok Man agonize over the issues of Gaya movement. Deok Man insists that the leader be beheaded but Yu Shin strong opposes it. They stop talking and avoid each other. (Source:… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 37

8.0/10 from 3 users
Sep 28, 2009
Kim Yu Shin decides to defect to Mi Shil, who in testing his sincerity, asks if he would join in conjugal ties with Yeong Mo of her own. Yushin explains to Deok Man his aspiration… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 38

8.2/10 from 3 users
Sep 29, 2009
Grain price skyrockets, resulting in killing incidents in the market. Deok Man starts to look into the movements of the traders and finds out that it was the nobles who purchased the… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 39

8.7/10 from 3 users
Oct 05, 2009
Deok Man promises to allocate grains of the army and resourcefully wins over the nobles who hoarded the grains. She decides to use the profits to produce agricultural tools. Nobles… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 40

8.3/10 from 3 users
Oct 06, 2009
The people who fled and have been caught are terrified seeing the leader being killed by Deok Man in front of the crowd and they start to work on the field as they should. Deok Man's… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 41

8.7/10 from 3 users
Oct 12, 2009
Chun Chu kipnapped Boryang to his own place. Mi Shil's initial plan was to engage Chun Chu and Se Jong in conjugal ties but the disappearance of Boryang raises Seol Won's suspicion… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 42

8.3/10 from 3 users
Oct 13, 2009
Mi Shil is away from Silla with her followers for a change of air. Se Jong and Seol Won begin to scheme against each other politically and gather troops secretly. Both parties eventually… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 43

7.7/10 from 3 users
Oct 19, 2009
In order to weaken the power of the nobles, Deok Man declares a taxation reform. Everyone is striving to rope in the nobles. Chun Chu is confident that his strategy will succeed but… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 44

8.3/10 from 3 users
Oct 20, 2009
Deok Man wants to push for taxation reform in the court but Mi Shil in turn retaliates by getting unanimous veto votes. Mi Shil has decided to the most despicable way to suppress the… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 45

8.0/10 from 3 users
Oct 26, 2009
Sangdaedeung has been stabbed at Yeolseon Hall from an attempted assassination, Mi Shil frames up those who put the princess in danger to be traitors. Everything is to Deok Man's disadvantage.… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 46

8.3/10 from 3 users
Oct 27, 2009
Yu Shin has been arrested for protecting princess Deok Man. She and her followers in turn are trying their best to save him. However Mi Shil's scheme proves to be more powerful. No… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 47

8.7/10 from 3 users
Nov 02, 2009
Chil Sook and Seok Pum finally find where the Princess has been hiding. Those being surrounded by Chil Sook, Deok Man, Yu Shin, and the rest are looking for a way out desperately.… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 48

9.0/10 from 3 users
Nov 03, 2009
Deok Man goes to Mi Shil and agrees to a public trial that involves King Jin Pyeong and other royal officials. Mi Shil in private divides the nobles into those following her and those… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 49

8.3/10 from 3 users
Nov 09, 2009
Mi Shil manages to break through the siege while Deok Man presses forward in a hot pursuit. After fleeing to Daeya Fortress, she makes plan to stage a comeback. The talents, the influence…… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 50

9.2/10 from 5 users
Nov 10, 2009
Mi Shil's resources are increasingly abundant. Deok Man however uses a clever trick and spreas rumour about Daeya Fortress, which eventually causes panic and fear across the Fortress.… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 51

9.6/10 from 4 users
Nov 16, 2009
Mi Shil drowns herself at the sight of Deok Man. Seeing that Bi Dam becomes teary, Deok Man questions him closely. He finally reveals that Mi Shil was his mother. Among the remnants… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 52

8.5/10 from 4 users
Nov 17, 2009
Deok Man becomes the first Female Ruler in Silla. She is determined to forget about the past and build a brand new Kingdom. She tells Bi Dam and he is very important to her and will… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 53

9.2/10 from 3 users
Nov 23, 2009
Bi Dam tells Queen Seon Deok that Yu Shin is involved in the restoration movement. She believes in him and approves the investigation of Yu Shin. Yu Shin tries to persuade Wol Ya to… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 54

8.0/10 from 3 users
Nov 24, 2009
Yu Shin is wanted but he pleads the Queen to trust his loyalty, explaining that he cannot abandon Gaya. Bi Dam suppresses Yu Shin in order to build his prestige. Yu Shin is condemned… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 55

8.3/10 from 3 users
Nov 30, 2009
Yu Shin is found by Bo Jong within Baekje's territory. Bi Dam orders that Yu Shin be captured. While the officials are discussing whether Yu Shin is a spy, Seon Deok confirms that… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 56

7.3/10 from 3 users
Dec 01, 2009
Seol Won makes a deal with Seon Deok: if he wins the war, the military power shall be given to him and he will help her accomplish the aspiration of uniting three Kingdom, so she could… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 57

8.0/10 from 3 users
Dec 07, 2009
Yu Shin gains the trust of Seon Deok again thanks to the submission of Wolya. The troops of Silla is beset by fear due to the two mobile units of Baekje's troops. Yu Shin uses a trick… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 58

8.0/10 from 3 users
Dec 08, 2009
Yu Shin victoriously defeats the Baekje's troops and is awarded at his return. Seon Deok orders that all the private troops of Bi Dam to included in the army, so to increase the military… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 59

7.8/10 from 3 users
Dec 14, 2009
Bi Dam is furious after learning that Yeom Jong and his gang used his name to frame Seon Deok. He confesses to Seon Deok the truth. Chun Chu distrusts Bi Dam but Seon Deok chooses… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 60

8.0/10 from 3 users
Dec 15, 2009
The content of the letter favors Bi Dam in everyway and indicates that Bi Dam will become the King. Rumours start spreading saying that the kingdom is frequently attacked because of… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 61

9.0/10 from 4 users
Dec 21, 2009
Yeom Jong sets up a scene making Bi Dam believe that Seon Deok is after his life. In his anger, he leads the insurgent troops to take Myeonghwalsan Fortress, confronting with the power… read more

Queen Seon Duk Aflevering 62

9.3/10 from 6 users
Dec 22, 2009
Seon Deok's health is deteriorating and is sustained by medicines. She however hides the truth about her health. Chief Marshal Yu Shin is shocked after learning about her health. Yu… read more

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Queen Seon Duk (2009) poster



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