Boys Over Flowers (2009) poster
Uw beoordeling: 0/10
Beoordelingen: 7.5/10 van 95,056 gebruikers
# aantal kijkers: 171,237
beoordelingen: 363 gebruikers
Gerangschikt #5924
populariteit #13
Kijkers 95,056

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  • Nederlands
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  • Русский
  • Land: South Korea
  • Type: Drama
  • Afleveringen: 25
  • uitgezonden: jan 5, 2009 - mrt 31, 2009
  • Uitgezonden op: Maandag, Dinsdag
  • Origineel netwerk: KBS2
  • Duur: 1 hr. 5 min.
  • Score: 7.5 (scored by 95,056 gebruikers)
  • Gerangschikt: #5924
  • populariteit: #13
  • Inhoudsbeoordeling: 15+ - Teens 15 or older

Waar je Boys Over Flowers kunt bekijken

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247 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mrt 26, 2014
25 van 25
Voltooid 6
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0
Boys over flowers is like the "must see" in k drama world. This is probably the most famous k drama ever, and the first k drama for a lot of people, and that's why we -somehow- love this drama although it isn't actually a good one.

The story is just a big WTF! to me, really... and it doesn't always make sense. But incredibly it is still a catchy story lol, this is what BOF is, it somehow hooks you up, but deep inside of you, you know that what you're watching is not good at all.

The acting is just BLEH! although I love Lee Min Ho and now is one of my favorite actors, in BOF he wasn't as good as he is now... it wasn't a terrible acting but it wasn't a good one either... Same for Koo Hye Sun, she's good at dramatic scenes and crying and suffering but she lacks emotion in other scenes like kisses or funny moments and etc...

F4: oh boy! the eyecandy in this story has a 10/10 these four Asian boys doing whatever they want with your feelings and looking hot while they're destroying your heart haha it's just asdfghjk...

And probably what makes this drama a "must see" and a famous one is Yoon Ji Hoo (Kim Hyun Joong) BOF probably has the worst and saddest second lead syndrome ever! REALLY... even if you don't ship JanDi with JiHoo the drama still makes you feel terribly sad about JiHoo's life (a terrible and lonely one) omg! my heart still aches when I remember...

Despite of all that BOF is a very rewatchable story... if you want to cheer up, or cry like crazy or just remember or see hot Asian boys gathered in one drama, just go to BOF. :)

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
96 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 14, 2014
25 van 25
Voltooid 7
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
This is undoubtedly the most popular Korean drama of all time and I really don't know how many are going to agree with me, but this one's a classic. Boys Over Flowers was my fourth Asian drama (after I'm sorry I love You, 1 litre of Tears and Secret Garden) and although I have watched lots of dramas afterwards I keep going back to watch BOF (at least)once a year. The plot is really cute. It's full of those chaebol cliches but Jun Pyo does it so well, I cannot help enjoying it like hell.

So I've always wondered what makes Jun Pyo click so much. I mean, there are tons of other arrogant chaebols in various dramas that are tamed by Plain Janes. But with Jun Pyo, it's like a whole new level of excitement. I have concluded that it's the childish sincerity. Jun Pyo is a bully but when he's sincere, he just moves you, you know. He has his childish and bully ways but his heart is at the right place. And yes, Lee Min Ho is freaking hot and works those curls charmingly ;)

Coming to other characters. Geum Jandi is disliked by a lot of people. You just have to turn-on the viki comments and (BAM!) you're showered with all the abusive words in the world, directed towards Geum Jandi. But I love her! Yes she's not the typical K-drama lead girl with her long hair and honey voice. She's a total tom boy who takes no bullshit from anyone, yet she's a sweet and simple girl and pretty likeable.

Coming to Jihoo. I know lots of people got their hearts broken Ji Hoo didn't get the girl (and maybe that made people hate Geum Jandi more when she refused his confession). I felt sorry for Ji Hoo too. He had the sweetest smile that could make anyone melt and I shipped him with Geum Jan Di faintly. I think I would've shipped him harder with her if Jun Pyo wasn't so awesome. But Ji Hoo's character was great.

The rest of the characters were great too. The acting is BIG 10 for me, especially because of the lead pair. I know majority of people prefer Lee Min Ho in City Hunter over this drama, but if you ask me, I love his acting more in Boys Over Flowers.

The music is sooo good. This was the drama that introduced me to the world of kpop through Shinee's song "Stand By Me". "Lucky", "Yearning of the Heart", "Paradise" and "Because I'm stupid" are really great songs too and overall this drama has a brilliant OST. Definitely on my top 10.

My rewatch value for this show is a solid 10 because I don't even remember the number of times I have rewtached it (lol). Love it. One of my favorites.

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  • Drama: Boys Over Flowers
  • Land: Zuid-Korea
  • Afleveringen: 25
  • uitgezonden: jan 5, 2009 - mrt 31, 2009
  • uitgezonden On: Maandag, Dinsdag
  • Origineel netwerk: KBS2
  • Duur: 1 hr. 5 min.
  • Inhoudsbeoordeling: 15+ - tieners van 15 of ouder


  • Score: 7.5 (gescoord door 95,056 gebruikers)
  • Gerangschikt: #5924
  • populariteit: #13
  • Kijkers: 171,237

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