Haar Privéleven (2019) poster
Uw beoordeling: 0/10
Beoordelingen: 8.3/10 van 71,498 gebruikers
# aantal kijkers: 138,652
beoordelingen: 217 gebruikers
Gerangschikt #1020
populariteit #27
Kijkers 71,498

Sung Deok Mi, een toegewijde professional, leeft voor haar werk als curator van een kunstgalerie. Ze wijdt zich aan haar werk en is in elk opzicht uitzonderlijk, behalve één. Onder die coole, professionele façade draagt Deok Mi een duister geheim. Een geheim dat ze wanhopig voor de wereld wil bewaren. Een geheim dat geliefdes heeft verdreven. Een geheim dat elk moment van haar persoonlijke leven domineerd. Sung Deok Mi is de ultieme Cha Shi An fangirl. Ze is de toegewijde manager van een Shi An fan-site. Deok Mi, eet, ademt en slaapt voor Shi An. Hij is haar zon, haar maan. Haar hele universum draait om hem. Dit is het geheim dat Deok Mi voor de wereld moet verbergen. En het verstoppen doet ze zeker. Tenminste totdat Ryan Gold, de nieuwe directeur van de kunstgalerie, haar leven binnen slentert. Ooit een beroemde schilder, de voormalige kunstenaar die directeur werd, beschouwt zichzelf als een onverschillig wezen dat zich geen zorgen maakt over het leven van anderen. Maar wanneer hij het geheim van Deok Mi ontdekt, verandert alles. ~~ Een adaptatie van een webtoon, “Noona Fan Dot Com” door Kim Sung Yeon. Vertaling bewerken

  • Nederlands
  • 日本語
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  • Русский
  • Land: South Korea
  • Type: Drama
  • Afleveringen: 16
  • uitgezonden: apr 10, 2019 - mei 30, 2019
  • Uitgezonden op: Woensdag, Donderdag
  • Origineel netwerk: tvN
  • Duur: 1 hr. 15 min.
  • Score: 8.3 (scored by 71,498 gebruikers)
  • Gerangschikt: #1020
  • populariteit: #27
  • Inhoudsbeoordeling: 15+ - Teens 15 or older

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minarii Flower Award1
182 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mei 30, 2019
16 van 16
Voltooid 8
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 8.0
Her Private Life would have become my favourite rom-com drama... if it ended on episode 14. Although I truly enjoyed (almost) every moment of it, it kind of lost its spark at the end and it became boring.

There are so many things that I loved here, but what made the drama that enjoying were definitely our main leads Sung Deok Mi and Ryan Gold. Not only their characters were perfect for each other, but Park Min Young and Kim Jae Wook's chemistry was the best. It was so natural that somewhere towards the end, it felt as if they weren't even acting anymore. I love how mature their relationship was which can't be seen very often in other rom-coms... unfortunately. The thing I loved the most about their relationship was how honest they were with each other - they cleared all misunderstanding just by talking, no pointless drama here. I loved the fact that Deok Mi was so considerate of Ryan and that was since the very beginning. And of course, Ryan was the same. Everything about their relationship was perfect and kudos to the writer for writing such a beautiful love story!

I was happy to see that fangirling was shown as a completely normal thing here. Deok Mi and Seon Joo are both in their 30s, but they are fangirls. Why not? There is nothing strange about it and I'm glad that the writer chose to show a different side of fangirling. As I fangirl myself, I'm very thankful for this. Seon Joo and Deok Mi were friendship goals honestly. Seon Joo is my favourite character here and I loved their relationship with her husband. And their child was sooo cute!

I think Eun Gi and Cindy were pretty pointless here, especially Cindy. At first, she seemed to be the antagonist, but then she became just a random character who had some funny scenes here and there. As for Eun Gi, he was sometimes annoying and his presence didn't really affect the story. I guess the writer just needed a second lead, because what is a rom-com without a second lead? And Ryan's friend was also annoying. I don't even remember her name, I couldn't get the point of her existence in the drama.

I didn't like the last two episodes. They were very boring, although there were some sweet moments with the main leads. I couldn't believe and I still can't that we had to see the same trope again..., why? Everything was good enough, so why would you ruin it? Eh, anyway, I was satisfied with the ending nevertheless.

So overall, despite being slightly disappointed by the last two episodes, I do recommed Her Private Life to all of you. It is not your usual rom-com and I believe you'll enjoy it. Oh, and while you are watching or after you finish it, don't forget to check out the bts videos that tvN uploaded, they will make you love the drama even more!

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
102 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mei 31, 2019
16 van 16
Voltooid 1
Geheel 10
Verhaal 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
when the pre promotions of this drama started, they used keywords like "mature", and in romcom world that just means more skinship and a few "Steamy kisses" here and there, so I was skeptical, but no this went beyond that~
both main characters were so smart, levelheaded, understanding, sweet, vulnerable, and yet they were so confident and they never put the other's needs before themselves.. love is great, but self love is important? love doesn't mean "devote your whole existence to the other party"?

I'm worried I'll never watch another "similar" romcom again ;) this is not "original", but it's literally the only acceptable way to deal with cliches... a character driven story...

I'll just describe the characters a little more.... ryan... he's confident, maybe even arrogant and cold, but I love that he shows duk mi his "vulnerable" side.. and he doesn't "push her around".. he asks, he doesn't demand.. he apologizes when he's wrong, and he's not "above making a mistake"... and you can tell that he still wonders "am I asking too much", but she doesn't say no because he isn't asking for something grand, and she's just so precious and I LOVE a confident female lead... strong doesn't equal to mean or a bully, and sweet doesn't equal to a pushover who cries while apologizing for nothing...
also, his goofy playful side... I LOVE that side~ unlike dominic, he only wants "duk mi" to see that side ;)

ps, my rewatch value is just a 1 or a 10, so for this, I'll definitely rewatch it one day. just not the last 2 eps ;)

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  • Drama: Haar Privéleven
  • Land: Zuid-Korea
  • Afleveringen: 16
  • uitgezonden: apr 10, 2019 - mei 30, 2019
  • uitgezonden On: Woensdag, Donderdag
  • Origineel netwerk: tvN
  • Duur: 1 hr. 15 min.
  • Inhoudsbeoordeling: 15+ - tieners van 15 of ouder


  • Score: 8.3 (gescoord door 71,498 gebruikers)
  • Gerangschikt: #1020
  • populariteit: #27
  • Kijkers: 138,652

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