Ware Schoonheid (2020) poster
Uw beoordeling: 0/10
Beoordelingen: 8.3/10 van 98,849 gebruikers
# aantal kijkers: 165,112
beoordelingen: 452 gebruikers
Gerangschikt #1091
populariteit #16
Kijkers 98,849

True Beauty is een romantische komedie over een middelbare scholiere Lim Ju Gyeong, die zichzelf promoveert tot mooie meid, nadat ze de kunst van make-up van YouTube onder de knie heeft gekregen. Ze verandert in een godin door haar make-up vaardigheden, maar ze zou liever sterven dan haar blote gezicht aan iemand te onthullen. Het vertelt haar liefdesverhaal met de enige jongen die haar zonder make-up heeft gezien, Lee Su Ho. Lee is een aantrekkelijke en knappe jongen die koud lijkt door zijn duistere verleden maar eigenlijk heel zorgzaam is. Ze groeien als ze elkaar ontmoeten en delen hun geheimen en vinden liefde bij elkaar, maar kan Su Ho ervoor zorgen dat Ju Gyeong haar ware schoonheid vindt? (Bron: Wikipedia) ~~ Aangepast van de webtoon "Yeoshingangrim" door Yaongyi. Vertaling bewerken

  • Nederlands
  • 中文(简体)
  • 日本語
  • ภาษาไทย
  • Land: South Korea
  • Type: Drama
  • Afleveringen: 16
  • uitgezonden: dec 9, 2020 - feb 4, 2021
  • Uitgezonden op: Woensdag, Donderdag
  • Origineel netwerk: tvN
  • Duur: 1 hr. 15 min.
  • Score: 8.3 (scored by 98,849 gebruikers)
  • Gerangschikt: #1091
  • populariteit: #16
  • Inhoudsbeoordeling: 15+ - Teens 15 or older

Waar je Ware Schoonheid kunt bekijken

Gratis (sub)
Apple TV
Subscription (sub)


270 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 4, 2021
16 van 16
Voltooid 15
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 9.5


Well, not very well considering True Beauty ended today and I'm going to have to spend the whole of 2021 nursing my awful second lead syndrome.

True Beauty was a really fun ride. It had it's plot in place, the right amount of funny moments and lovable high schoolers (and their families). The female lead was likable and I rooted for her throughout. Cha Eun Woo did great and could hold his own (has he been working out though? He grew biceps overnight. Damn).

But there is one person who totally breathed life into this show and yes the entire planet knows him by now and there are exactly zero surprises in this name-reveal. SEOJUN was amazing. His puppy scenes made me soft. His intense scenes made me hot. His confession scenes set the bar too high. His ultimate fate made me cry buckets (with him). He simply took over all our lives. He is definitely on that list of my all-time favorite characters and I just want to maintain a list of all his iconic dialogues and go back and watch them scene by scene (maybe that's borderline creepy. Well, I'm sorry dae sekkiya).

But there are so many more characters I want to talk about. The supporting cast was a great strength of this show. Im Semi did such a good job and I loved her pairing with teacher Han. I loved seeing them smash gender roles so royally. Teacher Han was the kind of teacher teacher I not only wanted all my life, but the kind I want to be in the future (yep, I'm a future teacher lol). Su Ah and Taehoon were adorable. Su Ah was such a good friend too. Sujin was great too, minus the minor (or MAJOR) blip where she strayed for a while. But I liked her journey enough to forgive her. I wish the writer hadn't given her that cliche second female lead script, but I guess they were sticking to the script.

Seojun Squad and Suho squad were both awesome. But yes, if I have to pick one, I'll have to pick seojun squad (I'm sorry dae saekkiya). Kim Chorong and Taehoon are the kind of friends I want to manifest into my life (where do I sign up for them?). Joo Young was goalssss. He was so funny (oh shit, my eyes hahaha). I loved all the extraordinary you cast cameos (but what about haruuuu). Chani did well in extended cameo.

Looking back, I was super excited for True Beauty when I found out Hwang In Yeop was playing the second lead. I absolutely adored him in 18 again. And even though I knew he wouldn't be getting the girl here (again), I was just so excited to see him in a role with more screen time for him. And in that sense True Beauty didn't fail to deliver.

It is easily one of the best high school romance kdramas out there I would recommend to everyone and I am sure I will go back and watch it again sometime and bug a few friends to watch it too.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
L Nanon
307 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 8, 2021
16 van 16
Voltooid 19
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Muziek 5.0
Rewatch Waarde 1.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

It was ok

The setup with ML tormented over a friends death and FL appearance were basically pointless as soon enough this settles into standard fair.

1. Pedestrian/Car accident despite all the time in the world to avoid? check
2. Love triangle where center (FL in this one) is oblivious? check
3. Mean mom suddenly overcome with grief when learning of child's hardships years too late and suddenly all is forgiven? check
5. Character disappears overseas for an extended time and returns with no advance word. check
6. Pointless breakup? check
7. Hospital visit due to gastrointestinal issue? check
8. Third wheel heroically gives up and helps main leads get back together after being annoying the entire show? check
10. Best friend betrayal to return later to allow lead to forgive to show how wonderful lead is? check

It's like there's a list that must be checked off at all costs to the story and characters. Still as formulaic as it is, it's not offensively bad.

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  • Drama: Ware Schoonheid
  • Land: Zuid-Korea
  • Afleveringen: 16
  • uitgezonden: dec 9, 2020 - feb 4, 2021
  • uitgezonden On: Woensdag, Donderdag
  • Origineel netwerk: tvN
  • Duur: 1 hr. 15 min.
  • Inhoudsbeoordeling: 15+ - tieners van 15 of ouder


  • Score: 8.3 (gescoord door 98,849 gebruikers)
  • Gerangschikt: #1091
  • populariteit: #16
  • Kijkers: 165,112

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