De l'autre côté du miroir
Aborder le visionnage de ce drama me pousse à la frontière de ce que je peux supporter en matière de blockbuster. Si j'apprécie tellement les séries japonaises c'est pour des raisons bien particulières et qui les font souvent détester par beaucoup de mes con-génères. Jeu d'acteur, réalisme ou originalité des situations de la vie quotidienne, sentiments à fleur de peau, humour, twist, mystère, etc, etc ... Mis à part pour les derniers thèmes, rien ne laissait présager que j'allais apprécier cette énième réinterprétation du mythe d'Alice au pays des merveilles. D'autant plus que les productions japonaises Netflix (Violet Evergarden mise à part) m'ont souvent rebutées. Je me souviens encore avec effroi du premier épisode de Followers. BreuuuhDestiné à un public international, rempli de violence gratuite et d'effets spéciaux, la série va à l'opposé total d'un plongeon dans le "vrai"Japon, tant l'histoire aurait pu se passer dans n'importe qu'elle jungle urbaine, voir jungle tout court. Mais c'est bien par la porte d'entrée de la ville de Tokyo, à l'architecture moderne, magnifiées par des plans chiadés sortis des meilleurs catalogues de voyage que je me suis laissé happer. La photo est un atout majeur de la série, mais amateurs de l'époque Edo, passez donc votre chemin. Shinjuku et Kabukicho sont présentés comme le top de la coolitude. Histoire évidement de rameuter un max de touristes consuméristes étrangers. La ville de Tokyo a sûrement financé une partie du tournage pour cela et c'était clairement nécessaire d'avoir sa coopération, vu le scénario.
D'abord, désolé de ne pas comparer la série au manga, ne l'ayant pas lu, mais je pense qu'elle s'apprécie surement mieux ainsi étant déjà très courte. L'histoire ce passe donc dans un Tokyo, complètement déserté de la plupart des êtres humains. Il fallait donc mettre la main au porte-monnaie pour fermer des quartiers entiers en plein jour. Et le jeu en valait la chandelle car les images sont rares et même maintenant, avec la pandémie, les passages piétons emblématiques ne sont pas vides.
Ensuite, le scénario prend certainement quelques libertés avec le manga publié de 2010 à 2016... 2010, oui vous avez bien lu ! Battle Royal, 2000 - Death Note, 2003 - - Doubt 2007 - Btooom!, 2009 etc, etc, ... et on est en 2020 !!! 10 ans après le point d'orgue du phénomène. Y a-t-il vraiment encore quelque chose de nouveau à raconter dans le le pays des battles royals en 2021.
Rappelons les règles immuables du genre :
- bande de copains plongée dans un autre univers ou/et huis clos, check
- mise à l'épreuve de leur amitié, check
- vamp prête à tout pour ne pas mourir (donc sexe), check
- mort violente d'un personnage principal sympathique, mais pas le héro quand même faut pas pousser, check
- énigme, traitre, esprit d'équipe qui triomphe, check, check, check, ...
Des codes vus des dizaines de fois, donc. Si on rajoute à cela la construction dite moderne du Cliffhanger, mais surtout la mise en scène cinématographique qui me fait depuis des années m'endormir devant les blockbusters de 2h30, pas gagné pour que je trouve du positif dans cette série (à part Tokyo, vous l'avez compris). Il y a un bon nombre d'épisodes rallongés artificiellement par des flashbacks assez poussifs, en plus de scènes statiques où l'on contemple des visages larmoyants pendant des plombes. Bref cela manque de vie et pas seulement par manque d'habitant. Tout n'est pas bon à prendre dans le cinéma moderne (américain ?) et surtout pas cette manière de rallonger la sauce. Faire des flashbacks permet de donner de la profondeur à certains personnages et leur disparition n'en aurait été que plus forte, mais pour cela il aurait fallu s'en donner les moyens sur des épisodes quasi-entiers.
OK, j'ai démoli toutes vos envies de regarder la série. Mais malgré les situations téléphonées (c'est le cas de le dire) des jeux de la mort proposés, j'ai regardé jusqu'au bout et j'en suis même à me demander si je ne regarderais pas la saison 2. Il y a du positif, donc...
Tout d'abord le thème des jeux de cartes est intéressant. Il mêle du coup, jeux de hasard, maths et traitrise. Les maths étant mon domaine j'espérais voir plus d'énigmes de logique. Mais elles sont assez rares et souvent connues, les pièces en carré et l'ampoule, j'attendais plus. Les jeux de cœurs sont basés souvent sur le sacrifice et on devine assez vite l'issue. Le problème c'est qu'on se doute aussi de l'issue du dernier jeu qui tourne quand même sur 3 épisodes. Donc les amateurs d'énigmes n'en auront pas pour leur argent, mais auront surement envie de lire le manga, pour les autres, c'est une bonne initiation.
L'histoire entre nos deux héros est classique et platonique. Du coup elle risque de décevoir les grands fans de séries à l'occidental, bien plus tactiles. Mais elle colle au fait qu'on est au Japon et que la production est japonaise. Malgré cela les codes des films/séries d'actions américaines sont bien présents. En termes de musique, mise en scène, cascades et effets spéciaux. Certains crieront au génie, en disant :"Enfin une adaptation japonaise réussie". Pour les adeptes de séries et films asiatiques, nous savons ce qu'est un bon film venant de l'est. Il n'a pas besoin d'inclure un mec tatoué façon kabuki, katana à la main ou une amazone adepte du karaté (si, si, ils ont osé). Si on passe donc ses personnages "plus cliché de l'Asie, tu meurs", il reste un excellent jeu d'acteur et quelques moments qui donnent envie de voir la suite.
Mais c'est surtout par Yamazaki Kento, NEET extrêmement cool et petit génie des maths qui s'ignore, que l'on appréciera le plus la série. Je me souviens avec plaisir de You Lie in April ou l'excellent Death Note de 2015 dans son rôle inoubliable de L et à 26 ans il est à deux doigts d'une carrière internationale avec son rôle d'Arisu. Ce qui pourrait me faire dire que tout n'est pas à jeter avec Netflix. Notre mignon petit lapin, Tsuchiya Tao ne lui vole pas vraiment la vedette, même si elle impressionne par ses bons et son mimétisme avec Faith l'héroïne de Mirror's Edge (le premier évidemment).
Finalement je ne crierai ni au génie, ni à a la bouse. Seulement à, ça dépend qui on est et qu'est-ce qu'on veut. Pour moi c'est un produit destiné à exporter du rêve (Tokyo+arts martiaux+bikini) mais qui fait aussi marcher sa tête. Dans cette optique il est réussi et mérite 10/10. Mais si on compare à des productions typiquement japonaises et destinées qu'au marché japonais, comme Anata no ban desu, il ne tient pas la comparaison en termes de mystère et de suspense, même si la production est léchée. De la violence et du voyeurisme ça il y en a, mais attendons-nous vraiment cela d'un drama ? Quoi qu'il en soit, Je m'interroge sur QUI répartie les cartes des productions mondiales. Une reine de cœur qui joue avec les sentiments humains certainement.
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Wild ride full of adrenaline
I have not read the manga which was this show based on, but I watched this because of good ratings and I really was not disappointed.Kento Yamazaki is my favorite actor and he proves he can act really well, all the emotions he was able to show was really amazing to see. The other cast was great as well, I liked especially the cold character of Chishiya played by Nijiro Murakami.
Overall it was a really wild ride, I was on the edge of my seat all the time and there were definitely some moments I really did not expect to happen.
I am looking forward to the second season, really good job and I am curious how the story will continue.
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There Better Be A Season 2
I loved the brain games they had to play. I don't mind gore or sex or any of that which they showed in this. It reminded me a little bit of Battle Royal (2000). Good acting, great FX, interesting story, decent music and great production. I liked Murakami Nijiro's character: Chishiya Shuntaro and hope he's got more screen time in Season 2.The reason I'm not giving it a 10/10 is because there better be a Season 2 or else the ending makes me mad. There were some scenes that were irrelevant or not really needed. IF Arisu and Usagi are to become more than friends or partners of the game, then the writers need to make that clearer in Season 2.
Overall I binge watched this show. I've rewatched it a few times too!
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Hit and Miss
Jumping into this show, I had no idea how it would turn out to be. I only started watching it after getting many suggestions to do so. I first thought that it was some fantasy series where the protagonist gets teleported to another realm to fight monsters and stuff, but to my surprise, it was quite the opposite. Here, you don't get to see a lighthearted magical story but a dark and twisted one. One that doesn't shy away from showing the true colours of human nature. one that is so gruesome and unforgiving of the fact that a person would go to any lengths in order to survive. While that doesn't apply to everyone, of course, some may not be interested in throwing others down for their own survival, but a large number of people surely won't be eager to sacrifice their own lives in order to save others. And that is exactly what is depicted in this series. How almost all the people want to survive because they have dreams, ambitions, loved ones waiting for them, unfulfilled promises, or just because they value their lives.Throughout the show, it stays true to its initial concept. I really liked some of the game levels because I got to learn from them, especially "four of diamonds." Once you get comfortable with the characters, you realize how unpredictable the show actually is. Arisu's character development was impressive. His wit and analysis were extraordinary and would amaze me. I also liked Ann's and Kuina's characters. Kuina's background story was touching and excellently put together.
But these are about the only good things I can say about the series. I did not find the show exceptionally good or extraordinary. It was kind of frustrating at a few places for me. People's obsession with surviving at any cost was kind of stupid for me because of my beliefs. And it gets overwhelming at times. There is no benefit to living longer if it's going to be full of regrets or traumas from killing innocent people, as is also potrayed in the series.
So, I couldn't really get attached to this series because the whole concept strikes against my principles. Regardless of that, the show just couldn't get my attention as well as some others have. There weren't any moments where I was thrilled or kept wondering what was going to happen next. It is a highly rated show, and I do not question its ratings. It's nice that people got to enjoy it, but I guess it just wasn't my cup of tea.
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At the time when I really wanted to watch Alice in Borderland, something happened before
Episode 1-2 spoilers (Read carefully):The times when I saw it on my Netflix feed on Netflix, I wondered if I was going to watch it or not because I wasn't interested in watching Alice in Borderland, because I was thinking that I might see a bad ending but the 2 years ago has passed, presents days. I didn't hesitate to watch him to see what would actually happen in his story. After I watched episode 1-2, I wanted to give a spoiler but just a taste so as not to tell others too much. A player (villain) chases him or calls him like a pig or buffalo, because I don't know. When I saw Chishiya doing nothing but staring at the players who ran and hid. Then they also asked Usagi, who is really good at parkour, to climb the (I don't know what it's called). Then they meet Arisu (Kento Yamazaki) and Chishiya (Nijirō Murakami) who correctly guessed the real exit door. When the enemy (villain) shot, Arisu shouted that the real exit door was on the 2nd floor and sent the others to escape. Until then, Arisu, Usagi and Chishiya survive the game.
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the production was good, I can't complain .I also say that the performance was incredible, it would be a sin if I complained.
I love the actors, I loved the characters.
Of course, not everything is perfect, I can't lie, but what a drama that doesn't have a single flaw.
So in conclusion, I recommend...
I say it's worth watching, maybe it's bad for some, but for me it was good.
This is just my opinion, you better watch it and have your own opinion.
I don't know what to say, because I think everyone has their own opinion.
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The most game drama ever!!
Love the games in Alice in Borderland. This is way better than the "mickey mouse" games shown in Squid Games.Each episodes the games are quite unique. The cast is incredible young and it a superb job in their role.
In the carefree, pre-pandemic Before Times, escape rooms were all the rage as fun group activities, where people had to solve a puzzle or mystery, or complete a series of tasks, in order to escape. Alice in Borderland, a hugely entertaining new Netflix series from Japan, takes that concept to a whole new level, transforming Tokyo into an alternate dimension called "Borderland."
The Netflix adaptation follows the same basic premise, with a few minor tweaks—most notably, the central characters are young adults rather than high schoolers.
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what the fuck is with the characters here?
sex scenes are there even though they're not needed? some characters that make me confused and wonder why they were made like that 1. Shuntaro Chisiya: WTF is wrong with him? Every game is always relaxed while people are busy finishing the game. In the end, he always survives? And I hate him the most when he betrays Arisu. 2. Aguni: he slaughtered the players. how come none of the cowardly players wanted to kill him?. fuck the people who tolerate him just because he lost his friend. ep 1-4 was good i started to get annoyed in ep 5-8. For me, there were a lot of gaps and a lot of questions when the story started to focus on the beach organization.Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Give me more!!!
Story: Great and Brilliant, got me hook on the 1st episode. The games and plot are what really suck me in, I cannot stop being amaze how the author create the concept of 'borderland' and using cards to show the level of difficulty and the types of game they will be playing...Arisu is the main character, it is obvious we didn't expect him to die in the games but the execution of how he survive the games is AWESOME!! Though some people may say it does not make sense how smart he is as well as the plot is inconsistent but not for me since I like clever MC and the plot, at least for me it was consistent enough
However, it kinda gets draggy when they gets to the beach but it was fine after the game begin...we also get to know more the world and the game master. The mystery just keeps me wanting moreee...
Characters: Loved Arisu and Usagi, their dynamic and chemistry is the best. Even though others characters doesn't really do/show much until the last few episodes, we get to see others characters doing their part and know what they are capable of...
Hoping to see more of them in the upcoming season!!!
Music: Perfect for every scenes, add to the eerieness of the situation they're in.
The bad: Half nude scenes, attempted rape, some anime-like acting, (extra: only 8 episodes)
Overall: The bad part was practically cancelled out for me because after finishing the show, all I remember is the games. Also, since it is an adaptation, the anime-like acting was fine, I'll say this is by far the best adaptation I've seen...
The director really know how to end the season... Really reallyyy EXCITED for Season 2 and can't wait to watch it.
If you're okay with it and have similar preferences like me, I HIGHLY RECOMMENDED it, GO WATCH NOW!!!
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this series is not for a weak hearted person like me ;-;
as someone who doesn't read the manga, this series is very enjoyable, the plot, the acting, and the scoring is great!! too bad daikichi had to die in the early episode, even so, the pace is neat and very easy to enjoy!! there are no unnecessary scenes and wasted characters as ling as i remembered. as for me, the task is really hard especially the seven-heart task (the wolf and sheep) i can't imagine how to survive. the ending for season 1 is very bumpy, luckily we will get season 2 so i hope our questions will be answered there!!Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
gorgeous hell
i dont rate rewatch value - neutral 5first jp drama!
first non korean one actually!
that i completed, word to the gf for picking.
if you've at all been alive and into media for the past like decade or two you should be able to pick out all kinds of influences here clear as day. from genre movies, to other shows, video games, what have you. it's pretty much what id do if i got to make a tight blockbuster show with a decent budget. its straight candy when it registers.
now.. while connecting all those influences is where the show stumbles on occasion, dragging down the entire writing with it to unnecessarily dumb down what would otherwise remain up to par to previous eps, it rebounds strong enough for the close to make up for it. disbelief has to be suspended a lil bit, it turns anime at times or whatever. (wouldnt know)
ill have to wait to season 2 to flesh out my deeper reading of the social commentary, but by the end it basically goes full anti japanese imperialism. not even lowkey. what was that in-passing line about an unnecessary massacre?
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