In Gokusen, Yankumi grand-daughter of Yakuza Family and her greatest dream is become a teacher. In GTO, Onizuka is a reformed biker gang leader who has his sights set on an honorable new ambition: to become the world's greatest teacher...

Both shows follows same formula, similiar genre, comedy, same kind of humor.
Aanbevolen door Menpower
these two are legends. When you watch them, you think about "Why on earth did I not have a teacher like him/her?"
Aanbevolen door nielyngrace
They both involve, bringing in tough teachers to take care of problem children. Although for Gokusen she hides her family status in the yakuza and G.T.O. he doesn't hide anything or tell anyone unnecessarily about his life in the yakuza
Aanbevolen door CudleySteph
this one is random. You may want to watch Tumbling casts are good-looking.. but also, the coach in Tumbling and Onizuka in GTO 2012 are one person. Funny how this guy can act as a teacher on both dramas but with totally different personalities. haha.
Aanbevolen door nielyngrace
Same vibes. Teacher saving the student with their troubles. Bullying, teen pregnancy, mental health, abuse.
Aanbevolen door Mooncrestt
both has a teacher , who play the main character , and In charge of
the worst class in school ,and their relationship with their students more than just a teacher...
Aanbevolen door Zura
they're both about new teachers who use unique ways to help students have fun at school and learn how to strive for their dreams but not without tough rebellion from the kids! :D
Aanbevolen door ayeaye2011
these two teachers may be very different. But their approach about how to teach is really way too far from the traditional teaching. If you are a student, this is a must watch. For those who're not studying -- working already -- well.. everyday is a learning process.
Aanbevolen door nielyngrace
All version of GTO are really good and go into depth on issues faced by high schoolers. The teacher helps the students over come this issues and overall the dramas just give off similar vibes as there are so many small storylines
Aanbevolen door Mooncrestt
Both dramas are school/dedicated-teacher themed, both with students who have lost faith in adults, and both are a great watch!
Aanbevolen door LittleButterfly
Both dramas are school themed, both have dedicated teachers who are previous gang members. It's a great drama, highly enjoyable!
Aanbevolen door LittleButterfly
Both are about school life,ragging,family problem and other school problem of student. difference is in GTO a male lead a teacher try to solve and in 35 sai no Koukousei a female lead a student try to solve
Aanbevolen door Ryu
Its GTO back in action but this is season 2 of the 2012 one . It has the same atmosphere but I think is a bit darker .
Aanbevolen door Fiona
both has an unconventional teacher playing the main character , and In charge of
the worst class in school , and their relationship with their students more than just a teacher. student..
Aanbevolen door Periwinkle
Both about the teacher changes their students' lives.
Aanbevolen door chatchalita
GTO: Remake Season 1 (2012) poster



  • Score: 8.0 (gescoord door 3,196 gebruikers)
  • Gerangschikt: #2340
  • populariteit: #2430
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