Lopend 5/10
2 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 27, 2021
5 van 10
Lopend 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.5

Por enquanto, está perfeito.

Atualmente está tudo correndo super bem.
A atuação está incrível, o casal principal tem uma química que eu nunca vi no universo dos BLs, eles passam tudo somente com um olhar e isso é extraordinário.
A trilha sonora só ajuda a ficar melhor, ela não aparece de supetão quando há uma cena de interação do casal, ela vem suavemente te envolvendo naquele momento.
A história mesmo que tenha um enredo deveras comum, de alguém que não era feliz e encontra a felicidade em coisas e lugares simples e na pessoa amada, ainda é extremamente cativante e te prende mesmo. Além disso a história aborda também dois temas muito legais e atuais:
1- Obviamente, a normalização do romance gay, e faz isso de forma diferente, pois ainda existe preconceito no mundo atual, porém as pessoas próximas ( as únicas as quais as opiniões importam) não se incomodam com isso e sim estão interessadas no sentimento envolvido, aliás, há uma certa conversa de Tian com seu amigo que é simplesmente perfeita e mostra como as pessoas deveriam ser. Também temos o Phupha, que aparenta ser bissexual ou simplesmente não se importar com gênero.
2- Causas ambientais: fica claro que Phupha ama a natureza e aquele local mais que tudo, e que daria sua vida por ele, o que é incrível. Uma frase ou outra mostra preocupação com os animais e também temos pessoas poderosas que se dizem ajudadoras da natureza, porém só estão interessadas em aparência e dinheiro, não se importam com o meio ambiente de verdade, o que reflete muito o nosso mundo atual.
EMFIM, por enquanto está tudo ótimo e estou ansiosa para o desenrolar dessa história, se continuar assim, pode vir a ser o primeiro BL que darei nota 8,5 ou quem sabe acima disso.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
feb 20, 2022
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Muziek 6.5
Rewatch Waarde 2.0
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I Hate Tian with My Whole Heart<3

I liked that the romance was restrained. Not overly cringy. The extremely natural and inherent chemisty between the leads really saved the show.

I've witnessed many annoying BL boys but Tian takes the first place in my heart. I understand that the mc needs character development and what not but he's such a dumbass. The whole villagers NEEDING Tian's help was exhausting. They dumbed down a whole community to make Tian the hero. Like they don't a rich brat with a weak ass heart to save them from those people trying to exploit them. Just direspectful.
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
apr 12, 2023
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 1.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

Per me è no. E forse sta volta non è colpa mia.

Fa ridere perché in molte delle recensioni mi ritrovo ad auto darmi la colpa se una serie non mi è piaciuta (o se solo alcune parti non lo hanno fatto), mentre questa volta sono abbastanza sicura che la mia sia un’opinione condivisa, anche se credo pochi lo dicano in giro. Allora allora, la trama è un po’ basic, ma visto alcuni dei titoli a cui ho dato voti ben più alti di questo 6 non mi infastidisce, anzi sono sempre contenta di partire da premesse “basic” per svilupparle in maniera avvincente (per esempio, anche se ho altre riserve su Bad Buddy, la trama anche se un basic retelling di ReG non mi è dispiaciuta, anzi), ma in questo caso per me non è stato così: mi sono sentita poco attaccata ai personaggi, dei quali, onestamente mi interessava poco e niente (per non parlare del genio che dopo poco che gli hanno fatto un trapianto di cuore va in mezzo alla giungla e non impacchetta nemmeno una dose di farmaci anti rigetto abbastanza grande da coprire tutti i tre mesi) e l’unico personaggio di cui ho provato piacere a sentire la storia (e anzi, mi sarebbe piaciuto fosse stata anche approfondita) è Longtae (ma questo credo sia dovuto al fatto che sia interpretato da Khao, una dei miei bias delle “nuova generazione”). Il mio problema con questa storia è l’ipocrisia regalataci dai personaggi, sia (anche se in minore considerazione) degli abitanti del villaggio, che (soprattutto) dei quattro ranger, primo fra tutti il capo. Allora, ho un rapporto un po’ controverso con i personaggi interpretati da Earth, però questo è proprio di coccio: è una pessima persona (personaggio), un ipocrita e per un buon 95% del tempo non sa chiedere scusa. Bene, il personaggio di Mix, che ok, non è un santo nemmeno lui, merita di meglio, perché almeno lui ha una profondità di personaggio tale da sapere quando chiedere scusa. E poi, tutto dimenticato (come sempre in due degli ultimi tre BL che ho recensito) perché… “ma l’ultima scena è così carina…” ecco no. Quindi per me questo è stato un grande no (la sufficienza è regalata alle performance di Khao e di Mix, perché sono state, almeno quella di Mix, quella di Khao è più per una preferenza per l’attore anche se è stato capace di farmi affezionare al personaggio con poco, è tanta roba, se si conta il fatto che fosse la sua prima prova attoriale. Ecco la sua interpretazione merita)

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Bai_yu Cakrawala
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mei 31, 2021
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 6.5
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten


Sebelumnya Terima Kasih buat akun yang aku lupa namanya yang udah buat ulasan tentang serial ini pakai bahasa Indonesia. Aing jadi tertarik buat ulasan pakai bhs indonesia as there are not many indonesians can speak english. Anyway, gausa formal-formal lah ya ulasan ku ni? ^-^

Dimulai dari yang aing GAK SUKA. Bener bener Gak Suka deh pokoknya. Yakni setiap adegan jatuh pingsan a.k.a jantung seken nya tian tu yang menurut dakoeh ini,, TERLALU LEBAY! Sumpah deh lebay banget sampe2 aing ga sanggup nontonnya, kudu di skip or play it 2x. Menurut aing itu gak ada bedanya sama apa yang sering terjadi di Sinetron negara tertjintah kita ini (Tj=C, ejaan lama ihiyy), bedanya, yg ini Lebay tapi dgn kualitas acting yg hmm okelah lebih baik daripada rata rata sinetron indo. Dan mungkin juga ini karena aing sendiri yg terlalu mudah *CRINGE* dalam hal apapun. Tiap kali tian pingsan, langsung deh namanya dipanggil berkaki kali "tian! Tian!" Yg bikin kupingku iritasi. Belom lagi kalo pingsan nya di deket anak anak murid ajarannya Tian, beuhh rasanya pengen nge busekk adegan nya (Busek= hapus, bahasa jawa, 'mayan biar kelen nambah kosakata :'P, oh ya Kuping juga bahasa jawa yg artinya telinga).
Hal lain yang akikah gak soeka=
- scene yg pedagang apasi namanya uhm bubuk teh(?) yg pengen nge"trik" alias curangin penduduk desa. Kek gimana ya, itu tuh GAK REALISTIS banget. Tahu kenapa? Karena desa almarhum kakek ku yg mana 11-12 sama pha pun dao susananya, itu aja warga nya pinter2, dalam artian bisa hitung2an dasar kayak yg terjadi di scene itu. Gak tau ya, kalo di Thailand ternyata beda sama yg di desa alm.kakek, tapi ya tetep aja itu Gak Realistis anjir. Biar apa coba adegan itu di buat? Buat nunjukin kemampuan nya si Tian? Heloooow?*mode suara prilly di GGS*-_- . Gak abes pekeerr euy. Eh tapi ada satu fakta yg sedikit mengejutkan ttg negara tetangga Thailand ini, ternyata tingkat Literasi mereka tu disekitaran 93%, yg mana kalah 2% sama negri +62 yg udah 95%. Tapi gak usah overproud dulu kelen, krn Filipina ngalahin kita dgn skor 97%. Adakah ini kaitannya dengan scene diatas? Adakah hubungannya sama ketidak-mampuan nya warga Pha pun dao ttg hitung2an dasar? Well, series series kek gini tuh moga moga cuma real 100% FIKSI, gak seperti apa yg sbnrnya disana.
Dah lah ya apa yg gak suka, ntar makin petjah ni kepala nginget-nginget lagi seriesnya soalnya dah lama gak nonton lagi. Lagian kalo aing nge-rewatch pun keknya gak sanggup dikarenakan ya itu.. yah tau sendiri.

Yok move on yokk, sama mantan aja bisa move on masa kek gini engga? *Ehem* ᕙ (° ~͜ʖ~ °) ᕗ

singkat ae wes yoh rek, berikut ini hal hal sing kulo senengi/Sukai =
- ide cerita nya yang TUMBEN unik gak ngangkat tema pertjintaan di universitas. Meskipun tetep sih, Mahasiswa Engineering alias Teknik masih jadi yg ber-jasa disini>.<
- OST. Yupppiee OST nya mantep puol. Tapi masih di bawah OST nya Theory of Love sih, hehe. Chill chill elah.
- Scenery/Pemandangan dan Sinematografi nya. Kebetulan aing hobi nya fotografi bonus videografi, dan aing perhatiin di setiap jengkal sudut serial ini, uhh sungguh memanjakan mata. Surgawi banget buat orang kyk aqyu.
- Kulit pemerannya engga terlalu di putihkan, gak kayak di 2gether. Ini menunjukkan natural beauty dan itu sesuatu yg sangat precious. Jangan dianggap remeh, kawan!

'Pa lagi ya? Udah sih keknya. Segini aja dulu, mohon maaf yang sebesar besarnya meniko ada kesalahan kata yang dapat membuat mu sakit hati *plays cita citata's song*. Dah kemaleman juga nih, waktu nya bobo. Met malam semua ??

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 8, 2023
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

Overall perfect

First, I want to thank all the crew and actors who took part in the production of this series, you are all really great. I really like the way they shoot and the atmosphere they present in this series.

Second, I'm sorry for Torfun's passing, but also grateful because she has given Tian a new life.

Third, I was really impressed with the acting skills that Earth and Mix had when playing the characters Phupha and Tian. The two of them are very compatible, a teacher and a chief.

Lastly, I really like how P'Aof chose the village as their filming location, it's really a very beautiful and peaceful place, I really want to go there someday. Then, I like their official soundtrack with a flute as a heartwarmer when listening to it.

I like it all, love the whole thing. They are all perfect, I never get bored of watching this series over and over again.

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amina binti hafiz
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 9, 2021
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.5
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

beautiful, minus a few things, a few episodes perhaps

the fact that i loved phupha absolutely incredibly so much and then he didn't apologize to tian.. it really hurt. and the fact that i still love him way too much that i can't get over the disappointment of that one part of the plot.... it felt so unlike how phupha would handle such a situation... that i think it's the writer's mistake, as if the writer didn't understand their own character. or that it was such an unnecessary trouble in the story that i find very difficult to make sense of. i was in such a bad mood after the diary confronting scene that i didn't enjoy anything since then so i stopped watching after episode 9 and took a break. (what was all that misunderstandings, followed by even more misunderstandings as if they didn't know each other the least bit. both of them seemed so out of character & out of chemistry all of a sudden. also, what if it really was tian who, accidentally, hit torfun? just cause it wasn't tian behind the wheels changed so much for him?? why, how? i couldn't quite relate to this sentiment :c)

the ending was really beautiful tho. made me feel love for it again. so.. i don't know, maybe i should rewatch it from the start to accept it. :(
beautiful drama btw.
earth's acting was beyond expectation, so very good portrayal of his character. to the point that i loved every time he appeared on screen. i'd like to watch him again in some other work though i think it'll depend more on the character whether i'll like him there or not.
also, incredible how he could show affection so beautifully, just by looking at a person.
the storyline is nice and fresh for the most part.
khama & longtae are the mvps. <3
overall, refreshing, but also, unexpectedly overdramatic at times.
(might change my rating after i get over the disappointments)

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0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 19, 2024
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

Kicking my legs and giggling all the way!

Awe man I just finished this and I'm just so happy I invested my time in this. I usually hate shows that have hour long episodes but I looooooove shows that can make that hour go by fast and this show man god damn. Perfect. Everything just fell into place all the time. I was worried about some aspects like would they do the dumbass liar reveal trope thing? Which they did but they handled it well by having everyone react realistically: grieving the loss of Torfun.

I was also worried about the slow burn aspect but hehehe it was so good!!! It was so worth the wait when they finally got together and smooched and the romance build up flowed organically.

Even the more out there aspects of the show fit in. The whole smuggling thing? Foreshadowed throughout the show and that's just an example. Some people might get annoyed at the product placement but I didn't mind them.

The soundtrack btw GOD DAMN WAS IT LOVELY. It was soothing and beautiful and damn it I just really liked this show. I cried, I laughed, I kicked my legs and giggled even though I'm a fully grown man. I'm kissing this show on the forehead happily.

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0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mrt 7, 2024
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 10

My comfort show.

I really love soft bl so this series are 100% my type?.If you want something warm,this series is definitely for you.
At first, I thought that I wouldn't like this series but they end up being my favourite series of all time.I love the slowburn chemistry between them and how the realistic the story line was.?
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 4, 2024
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

Forever My Favorite

I want to start off by saying I've watched this show some time ago, just as I read the novel around the same time.

This series is SO MUCH MORE than a bl. It has a solid plot and awesome acting.
It teaches the importance of life and how you can live to be a better person, as it's never too late to become the better version of yourself.

I find Tian's character to be one of the best BL characters ever written, and I was able to prove my point not only thanks to Mix's acting ( who perfectly captured Tian's existence and brought it to life), but also thanks to the novel — which was amazingly adapted by GMMTV and P'Aof.
The show can be understood as a lone piece, managing to pass down such a strong message through the portrayal of love.

Clearly, this isn't your series if all you're looking for is hot actors playing gay for the camera.
Though, the romantic scenes are still present and so heartwarming.
Earth and Mix are a fantastic match, and it shows. Their bond is so sweet, they're comfortable around each other and truly care for one another.

Nonetheless this show is truly amazing and perfect in every way.
Many people would disagree, but I find this to be EarthMix's best project.

For months, I've kept on watching other shows. Not only thai bls, but in general.
Yet, this always held a special place in my heart, to the point I'd say I'm part of its own fandom.

A tale of a thousand stars is a true gem that everyone should watch at lest once in their life ?

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 20, 2021
10 van 10
Voltooid 4
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 6.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

A bit disappointed.. and it doesn't go well with my logic-

I knew that people think differently, so I will respect the writer's POV in this matter, but I still don't like it.

But this series is really well made and the story are nice and its fun searching for possible scenario with the minimal clues. It was fluffy yet still a drama that gets my heart racing whenever Tian gets in trouble. This is a story with a nice plot and I can fell the character's development within the story and how the cast moves and act.

!!!!! SPOILER !!!!!
First! I don't get why the story keep stating that Tian still responsible for Torfun's death. That, even though he wasn't the one who drove the car, he still "give the weapon".

Its like, if I lend my friend my knives so they can help me cut some vegetables but they accidentally use it to stab people instead, but its still my fault that he holds the weapon. Which didn't go well with my logic. I lend it for them to help me, without any ill intention and ill-goal. For its a person who control the knives. I know that Tian give his friend a prize if he win the match which can become an act of encouragement, but it is still not to encourage to kill people.
And I understand if Tian blame himself for "giving the weapon" which is nice so that the Chief could console him, BUT! NO, the chief didn't deny the thought that Tian did "gives the weapon". Which bring me to my next disappointment,

The 9th episode where Chief tries to console Tian, I kept on waiting for Chief to apologize to Tian for making such rushed decision, jumping into conclusion, or even apologize for involving Tian in his unsolved matter with Sakda (the antagonist). Which is a bit different from his stern character, but it could show how he treasure Tian you could even sugar coat it with how when he almost died, apologizing to Tian is what he want to do.
Dam, I'm so mad that I curse at the the Chief.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 10, 2024
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten


La historia que cuenta esta serie es algo totalmente distinto a lo que estamos acostumbrados a ver en otras series del Bl. Muestran una trama más madura donde se muestran los problemas más a fondo, pero a la vez la historia es hermosa, como se va desarrollando el enamoramiento de Phupa y Tian es algo que me encanta ver. Algo que incluyó es la cinematografía de esta serie, es algo tan satisfactorio para ver porque todos los paisajes, las escenas, te muestran que realmente saben utilizar todo a su favor y es algo tan bueno de ver. Las actuaciones ni se digan, todos los actores se la rifan en esta serie, es algo que miraría una y mil veces!

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 16, 2023
10 van 10
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 3.5

I won't say it was worth it

Over all i liked the story line! was something new but just like most of other gmmtv shows there was a need for improvement. in some scenes over all the series was good but at some scenes it went dull like there where major ups and downs in the acting and the storyline. it was not consistent with the acting and story. earth and mix are great actors they just need a better script to showcase their talent because this series didn't attract my attention enough to watch other earthmix series..
But it depends on person to person you might like it..
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A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) poster



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