In both Rurouni Kenshin and Ryomaden Sato Takeru plays the role of an assasin from Bakumatsu period. Watsuki Nobuhiro (autor of Rurouni Kenshin manga) mentioned that Jin-e was inspired by Okada Izo (Sato Takeru's character in Ryomaden).
There is more of Ruroni Kenshin's cast in this drama: Aoi Yu, Kagawa Teruyuki and Aoki Munetaka. Film director Otomo Keishi was one of Ryomaden's directors and also Sato Naoki wrote music for both shows.
There is more of Ruroni Kenshin's cast in this drama: Aoi Yu, Kagawa Teruyuki and Aoki Munetaka. Film director Otomo Keishi was one of Ryomaden's directors and also Sato Naoki wrote music for both shows.